His Pangu Chalcedony transformed, and it transformed in a good direction.

It seems that somehow, his Pangu Chalcedony has gained a vitality that will last forever. Although his Pangu Chalcedony has shrunk, it has grown after absorbing the immortal matter of the world.

Pangu Chalcedony's restraint on the Twelve Heavenly Gods' Formation is becoming more and more powerful, and its restraint on the residual thoughts of the twelve demon gods is also becoming more and more powerful.

Especially with the formation of that drop of Pangu's blood, Pangu's blood was absorbed into it, and the chaotic aura of Pangu's chalcedony seemed to contain an inexplicable power.

Cui Yu thought in his heart that the Twelve Capital Gods were taken back and fell into their spiritual world again, and then entered their own ten-foot-long chaos, absorbing the energy of chaos to nourish themselves. At the same time, the energy of chaos was transformed and poured into Pangu Chalcedony, causing Pangu Chalcedony to begin its accelerated evolution.

After collecting all the benefits now, the next step is to collect the heavenly boat on the other side. Cui Yu walked out of the magma and looked at the sky in the distance with a look of contemplation: The formation of the Twelve Capital Gods cannot continue. If you continue to absorb the power of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, once you continue to absorb the power of the Eight Scenery Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, it will definitely shake the origin of the other side Tianzhou and damage the spirituality of the other side Tianzhou. This section is the key to energy conversion. , there must be no mistakes at all.”

For Cui Yu, the biggest gain for him is to embed this Heavenly Boat on the Other Side into the barrier of the Small Thousand World and continuously transform the energy of chaos into innate energy to nourish the Small Thousand World.

It's interesting. Cui Yu muttered.

Then Cui Yu came to the other side of the Tianzhou, took out the core components that controlled the other side of the Tianzhou, and began to use the divine power in his body to pour into the core components of the other side of the Tianzhou.


There was a thunderous sound, the innate formation swayed, and the Eight Scenery Formation of the Supreme Purity shone with divine light. Then the Eight Scenery Formation of the Supreme Purity began to shrink rapidly, and then turned into nothingness in an instant.

There was only an earth-shaking sound, a hole opened in the earth, and a silver-white ball the size of Mount Tai rose up from the depths of the earth.

I saw mysterious and unpredictable innate lines flashing on the silver-white ball. If I looked closely, it was the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty.

The parts of the sky boat on the other side shrank in an instant, turning into the size of a fist. Cui Yu's figure appeared in the void, holding the ball in his hand.

Is this the component of the Sky Boat on the Other Side? Cui Yu looked at the silver-white ball in his hand with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

There is a powerful qi flowing on the sky boat on the other side. That qi is much more powerful than Cui Yu's thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls. It is an innate treasure.

It's a pity that the energy components of Tianzhou on the other side are only one Shangqing Eight Scenery Formation and an unknown suppression formation. Other than that, there are no means of attack.

The Tiandao arm was suppressed before, because the inexplicable suppression formation had an effect.

But thinking about it, the energy components of the Bi'an Tianzhou are the core of the core. With Dao Ancestor Hongjun personally in charge, what can happen?

Daozu Hongjun is the most powerful protective force.

Cui Yu casually put away the core components of the Tianzhou on the other side, and then scanned the world with his eyes. The true fire of the sun was still burning blazingly, and everything he looked at was a sea of ​​fire.

However, at this time, eight obscure auras came from the void and locked Cui Yu firmly.

Being targeted? Cui Yu said in surprise, calmly transforming the corpse spots to replenish the divine power in his body.

Human ant, did you take away the Innate Formation? Did you take away the treasures in the Innate Formation?

A stream of light passed through the void, and a scorpion the size of a truck appeared in front of Cui Yu. A pair of eyes stared at Cui Yu, and nine scorpion tails behind him were ready to attack.

The alien species of heaven and earth. Cui Yu looked at the scorpion with a solemn look in his eyes.

This is a demon king in the realm of the Golden Emperor. His whole body is as black as ink, and his body is as bright as jade, shining with a mysterious luster. The runes seem to be illusory smoke, looming and invisible, making it hard to see them clearly. .

Who are you, the demon king, and you dare to block my way? If you know what you are doing, quickly retreat and get out of the way, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind. Cui Yu's voice was full of coldness.

Human ants, even if they set foot in our wilderness, they dare to speak nonsense in the wilderness. They simply don't know the heights of the world. But the demon king laughed strangely: Today is the opportunity for my Scorpio ancestor. If I can get this The innate spiritual treasure will definitely be of great use in the future, and capturing a cave is just a piece of cake.

Since you dare to disobey me, I will order you to bury your bones here today. I, the monster beast and the human race, will never give up. After speaking, a fork with flashing cold light appeared in King Scorpio's hands. The pair of forks distorted the void and went straight towards Cui Yu stabbed him.

What a powerful method!

Cui Yu looked at the stabbed fork, and his pupils shrank slightly, his eyes full of seriousness.

There was an inexplicable black smoke lingering on the fork. The black smoke was highly poisonous, and it actually caused Cui Yu's soul to become confused, as if he was confused by the poisonous gas. Fortunately, Cui Yu had the power of destruction to protect his body. In an instant, he suppressed the poisonous mist that invaded his body. Then he saw the fork flashing with cold light. It had already come three feet in front of Cui Yu and was about to kill Cui Yu's throat. pierce.

Now Cui Yu didn't have inner gold to protect his body, so he didn't dare to try the power of the fork. The next moment, six pure bamboos appeared in Cui Yu's hand and he parried towards the fork.


The two sides collided with each other, and Cui Yu took three steps back, while the Scorpion King took three steps back in succession.

Such a great power. The Scorpion King looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes full of horror.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this: You're not bad either.

I am a strange species from heaven and earth. After cultivating to become the Great Demon King, I can weigh a million pounds in strength. How can you, a mere human being, compare with me? The Scorpion King's eyes were full of seriousness: Unless you prove the Tao with your strength.

Cui Yu is not an ordinary person who proves the Tao with force, but has been tempered by Pangu's bloodline, and his strength has stepped onto the threshold of the avenue of power. As long as the divine blood is activated and the divine blood in the body is enough, no matter how powerful he is, Cui Yu can also evolve strength.

You have something from the devil in your body, which is a great supplement to our demon clan. I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected harvest today. The Scorpion King stared at Cui Yu with burning eyes. Without saying a word, he held both hands in his hands. He opened his arms left and right and attacked Cui Yu's acupoints all over his body.

So what if Cui Yu's power is superior to his? He is not an ordinary race, and being strong is not the only factor for victory.

The poison on his fork is the venom he has carefully tempered. Monk Jin Chi will feel dizzy when he smells it, his body will become limp, his limbs will be weak and rolling around as if torn apart. His ability to travel across the wilderness depends entirely on the poison in his body. .

The six pure bamboos in Cui Yu's hands were parried back and forth, and they kept attacking the Scorpion King. However, they were cleverly dodged by the Scorpion King every time, which made Cui Yu look surprised: This scorpion is good at martial arts.

It's just that Cui Yu's attacks were powerful and heavy, and with the collision of weapons again and again, Cui Yu continued to increase his strength, and waves of concussive force were passed over, making the Scorpion King's hands numb, and the carapace on his body kept vibrating and buzzing. , as if it could be shaken to pieces by that powerful force at any time, and the energy and blood in his body was shaken by that powerful force, surging like the sea, constantly impacting his internal organs, causing hidden wounds, blockage, and condensation, as if his body could be torn apart at any time. Like cracking.

What a powerful force! My body is about to be shattered! Why hasn't my poisonous gas taken effect yet? Logically speaking, that kid should have been stunned long ago? Could it be that this kid's god-demonic martial arts foundation-building thing and Is it related to poison? So you are resistant to my poisonous gas? After a hundred moves, the Scorpion King's body began to tremble, and he began to struggle to block back and forth. An inadvertent left fork was picked up by six pure bamboos, and the six pure bamboos were understated. On the Scorpion King's shoulder, the Scorpion King felt a huge force coming from him and flew backwards. The shell on his body broke and black blood flowed out.

Damn it, even if it's a god-demonic martial arts foundation, it shouldn't be so outrageous? The power of this blow is probably two million kilograms. The Scorpion King's eyes showed a hint of horror.

The bones in his shoulder were shattered, and his left hand drooped limply. It was obvious that he could no longer lift the weapon.

Impossible! How is it possible! Why weren't you stunned by my poisonous gas? The Scorpion King glared at Cui Yu with his eyes. As soon as he spoke, the Scorpion King noticed something was wrong: Why was there no sound? Why isn't there any sound?

There was no sound at all, but he had obviously spoken.

The Scorpion King suddenly panicked, because not only could he not hear himself speaking, he could not even hear the sound of the wind and the chirping of birds around him.

This is the domineering power of the six pure bamboos. Being struck by Cui Yu's six pure bamboos, King Scorpion's hearing was sealed in the six pure bamboos by Cui Yu.

The Scorpion King was in a panic. Losing his hearing was a fatal thing for him. There were countless crises in the wilderness, and he often had to rely on his hearing to distinguish signs of trouble.

What kind of evil magic are you doing? What kind of evil magic are you using? King Scorpion looked at Cui Yu in horror.

He only saw Cui Yu open his mouth, but couldn't hear any sound. Then he saw Cui Yu lift six pure bamboos and kill the Scorpion King again.

At this time, the Scorpion King was already afraid of Cui Yu. If he fought hand to hand again, his life would be decided here. How could he dare to fight Cui Yu in close combat?

The next moment, the Scorpion King trembled and threw away the fork in his hand. The nine tails on his back came out of the body, turned into nine black mist, and rushed towards Cui Yu.

Have you finally used your natal magical power? Cui Yu looked at the nine black mist coming towards him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he did not put the mist in his eyes.

I saw the nine mist turned into nine illusory black scorpions. The scorpions roared and shook the sky. Wherever the sound wave passed, I saw the grass on the ground withered. Their vitality was taken away by the nine black scorpions. They were peeping secretly within a hundred miles. The monsters and beasts all turned black, spitting out white foam from their mouths, and turned into withered bones.

Someone secretly exclaimed: That is King Scorpio's natal magical power. Even a strong man at Qingchi level will lose all his strength once he is stung by that natal magical power, or he will die on the spot within three days.

Qingchi's strong men are already comparable to the Taiyi realm.

Although the strong Taiyi people are not allowed to appear now due to the shackles of heaven, there have been countless green and red emperors in the past. The demon clan has inherited the bloodline memory, and it is not a big deal to know the secrets.

Facing the nine black illusory scorpions that rushed towards him, Cui Yu was the first to notice their tyranny. The sound waves roared by the nine black scorpions actually manifested into billowing black mist, attacking Cui Yu. Coming over, the sound wave was so fast that Cui Yu had no time to dodge, and was directly hit by the sound wave. The next moment, he felt his body was soft, and the divine power in his body was dyed black by the station. Fortunately, at the critical moment, the western Yanfu flame lamp flashed with divine light, After driving out the black poisonous gas in the body and burning it up, Cui Yu did not dare to be careless and quickly used the western Yanfu flame lamp to protect his whole body. He looked at the scorpion spirit that rushed towards him with a pair of eyes: Since I know your innate magical power, You are dead.

The universe in Cui Yu's sleeves opened up, and the universe in the sleeves of the demigod realm was definitely not something that Jin Chi of the same realm could withstand. The nine black scorpions were directly torn apart by the pulling force of the Qiankun in the sleeves, and turned into nine mists that were stored in the sleeves. When the Scorpion King saw that the opportunity was not good, he was about to escape.

That magical power is his way of keeping things under control. Once someone restrains him, there is nothing he can do.

This is also the difference between humans and demons. Humans can practice a variety of magical powers, while demons only have their natal magical powers. Once their natal magical powers don't work, they will only die.

The Scorpion King jumped up and burrowed directly into the depths of the earth, but how could Cui Yu allow the Scorpion King to escape? The next moment, the world in Cui Yu's sleeves opened again, and the Scorpion King flew up upside down and was swept down by a force of air. It entered Cui Yu's sleeve.

The Scorpion King was killed?

Some people secretly couldn't believe it.

You must know that although the Scorpion King is not a strong man in the Thirty-six Cave Heavens and Seventy-two Blessed Lands, he is still very famous in the wilderness. He is a strong man in the Peacock Court. I don’t know how many kings of the Cave Heaven Blessed Lands have suffered from it, and its poisonous He is so domineering that even the Lord of the Peacock Kingdom would not dare to get involved.

Ever since the Scorpion King was defeated by the Lord of the Peacock Kingdom eight hundred years ago and was conquered by the Lord of the Peacock Kingdom, he has never suffered a defeat.

But now that it is being suppressed, isn't it shocking?

Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of contemplation, and he raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance: The Peacock Kingdom? The nominal master of the wilderness.

Unexpectedly, the scorpion spirit has such an origin. If he hadn't bumped into him, he would have done a lot in the future.

Before Cui Yu finished converting his thoughts, the seven obscure energy hidden in the void finally couldn't help but come out.

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