The Dao of Heaven will not die in its own world, because the Dao of Heaven is the laws and rules between heaven and earth.

If the way of heaven dies, it will be equivalent to the collapse of heaven and earth, and all things will be annihilated and return to chaos.

If you want to kill Heavenly Dao, you must completely destroy a world.

Cui Yu's eyes looked at the withered Tiandao arm. He had no good way to deal with the Tiandao arm, because the immortality of the Tiandao arm meant that there was no way to destroy it.

Maybe I have a way. Huang Tian on the side said: If I swallow this arm, maybe there is a way to digest and absorb it. I have absorbed the original essence of Heaven's Dao and broken the shackles of Heaven's Dao left in my body. Theoretically, It is said to be on the same level as Heavenly Dao, so this thing should be a great tonic to me.

Huang Tian looked at Tiandao's arm with a hint of greed in his eyes.

Cui Yu didn't speak, but Buddha and Miaoshan looked at each other, and their thoughts were exchanged in an instant.

Miaoshan: 'This arm cannot be given to Huang Tian. After finally killing a Tiandao, and then cultivating another Tiandao, aren't we trapping ourselves in a cocoon? ’

Buddha: ‘This is a great virtue.

Immediately, the Buddha looked at Huang Tian: I'm afraid you won't be able to swallow this arm. Although you have swallowed the origin of Heaven's Dao and have the opportunity to break the shackles of Heaven's Dao, you are still a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from Heaven's Dao. What if you swallow Heaven's Dao? Arm, the Heavenly Arm will take the opportunity to control you and seize your body, and then escape from here, we will all be in big trouble.

What Mr. Fo said was impeccable, even Huang Tian couldn't find a flaw, because he didn't know if he could digest Tiandao's arm at this time.

Moreover, Huang Tian finally broke through the shackles of Heaven, and he was also worried that if he was really taken advantage of by Heaven, once he was controlled by Heaven, he would be in trouble.

So when Huang Tian heard this, he didn't say much more. Cui Yu on the side said, Maybe I can annihilate this heavenly arm.

You? Miao Shan and others looked at Cui Yu, their eyes full of surprise.

Cui Yu raised his eyebrows, and the Eye of Destruction appeared. The terrifying power of destruction burst out into the light of destruction and landed on Tiandao's arm.

The next moment, Tiandao's arm began to disappear little by little. Although it disappeared slowly, it still disappeared at a firm speed.

The power of destruction! Mr. Fo was not an inexperienced person, but when he saw the light of destruction bursting out of Cui Yumei's heart, there was still a hint of shock in his eyes.

You actually mastered the power of destruction? Miaoshan's eyes were filled with shock.

Huang Tian's pupils over there also shrank, his eyes full of fear, the power of destruction was the enemy of all positive energy.

Cui Yu smiled: So, can you rest assured that you will hand over your Tiandao arm to me?

This is an immortal body composed of the power of heaven. It's a pity to leave it to you, but we don't have a way to deal with it. It's better to destroy it like this. Miaoshan's eyes showed a hint of seriousness.

Since everyone has no objections, the remaining materials from Tiandao will be left to Cui Yu to take care of.

Huang Tian's Qi retreated and he transformed into Zhang Jiao. At this moment, Zhang Jiao's face was glowing red, and he had obviously gained great benefits: Fellow Taoists, since the incident here has been settled, I'll take my leave.

After Zhang Jiao finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the void, leaving without any intention of dragging his feet.

Tang Zhou and the Ape Demon Great Sage did not hesitate. They bowed to Cui Yu and disappeared into the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty. To be honest, Cui Yu asked the two of them to help him, but not only did they not help, but they actually benefited, which made him feel ashamed.

In a blink of an eye, only Miao Shan, Elder Buddha and Cui Yu were left in the field. Elder Buddha looked at Cui Yu at this time, his eyes full of light: Boy, it's time for us to settle the accounts. You stole the account of my ancestor's treasure back then, and now you can't do it anymore. It’s time to forget it. I really can’t figure out how you, who is only twenty years old, stole my innate golden body five thousand years ago.”

Ancestor has wronged me. How could I steal your innate golden body? I picked up this innate golden body from the ruins when I pacified Dalin Temple a few days ago. Cui Yu will never admit that he stole the Buddha's body five thousand years ago. The innate golden body.

Moreover, Cui Yu also has evidence that he did not steal it, because he only lived in his early twenties, how could he have a life span of 5,000 years? The Buddha's golden body was lost five thousand years ago. What does it have to do with him? Among them, the dimension spanning five thousand years, no matter how it is calculated, should never be counted on Cui Yu's head.

Cui Yu was silent and raised his head to look at the Buddha: I found that golden body in Dalin Temple. How could I have stolen the ancestor's innate golden body?

The Buddha gritted his teeth and said: It must be Qi Lingchan who did it. It seems that I did not wrong him five thousand years ago.

Now that Mr. Buddha has recovered his memory, he certainly knows the mystery of the Holy Land of Lingshan. When he heard that Cui Yu destroyed the Holy Land of Lingshan, he calmly said: What did you gain by destroying the Holy Land of Lingshan?

The Holy Land of Lingshan is a means to attract the saints to stay. It is very likely to be related to the layout of the saints. How can the Buddha not be worried?

Cui Yu didn't hide anything. He told the story about Dalin Temple, and even talked about the enlightenment of Dafa in his dream.

Cui Yu had previously seen the Buddha's light swirling around him when he took action, and it seemed to have the appearance of the Seven Treasures. It looked like the legendary Seven Treasures Tree. In addition, the opponent burst out with the strength of a saint, so he had some guesses about the identity of the Buddha.

Now that he has stepped into the realm of demigods, he can mobilize the mark of the saint who reaches the sky. At this time, he still has the innate formation to rely on. He has nothing to fear from the Buddha and Taoism. It is better to tell the truth directly here. If the Buddha wants to guide the saint in his place, Revenge, he can still deal with it by relying on the core of the innate formation and the sky boat on the other side. If this reaches the outside world, it will actually be troublesome.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Cui Yu's words, the Buddha fell into silence. After a long time, he said: Shi Ye is also a man of fate. My Taoist brother's fate is miserable. This is his fate. In fact, he fell into the hands of life and death. It's no wonder you. The future will come. I'll just go further in my cultivation and bring him back.

It's just that you have obtained the origin of the holy way of my Taoist brother, but the future is not easy to handle. There is always cause and effect, but this is your blessing. Even if he is resurrected, he has nothing to say. The Holy Land of Lingshan will not be If you take it away, won't it still be taken away by that life-and-death thing? Saint Zhunti said.

Miao Shan also took up the topic: What the ancestor said makes sense. If fellow Taoists don't get to the Holy Land of Lingshan, it will also be taken away by life and death. Then our troubles will be even greater. The ancestor often discusses with the saints. Tao, do you know the wonderful method of attracting saints? Since this kid has the opportunity to be blessed with the ability to lead saints, why doesn't ancestor make it possible for him?

The Buddha shook his head when he heard this: It's not that I'm hiding something, but I don't know the specific formula for enlightening the Dafa in the dream. Although the two of us often discuss and deduce the Dao, it's just a debate and exchange on the Dao. I don’t know the Dharma.”

Miao Shan believed what the Buddha said, because after reaching their level of cultivation, other people's cultivation methods were indeed useless to them, and they were just referring to each other's methods.

It's a pity, you still have to go to Zhenwu Mountain for a trip. Miaoshan looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: The old guy in Zhenwu Mountain seems to be very special. I know that you have magical powers, but you still can't be careless. After all, that The old guy has been able to dominate the world for thousands of years and suppress his peers. Even the Buddha and the Elder were suppressed. I am afraid he is also a man with a great background.

Cui Yu nodded when he heard this. He had no habit of bullying. Moreover, when the outside world could not display power beyond Jin Chi, he was afraid that he would have nothing to do with the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain.

Miaoshan and Buddha said goodbye, leaving Cui Yu looking at Tiandao's lifeless arm. Cui Yu looked at the backs of the two of them, with a hint of emotion in his eyes: I'm afraid it wasn't for Venerable Guanshiyin and Saint Jieyin, I was really He was so bold that he even dared to touch the head of Venerable Guanshiyin and even gave him barbecued meat.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of horror and shock. He put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at Tiandao's arm: It's a pity to use the Eye of Destruction to offset them all. This is Tiandao's arm. , although the essence of heaven has been taken away, leaving only the immortal mark, it should not be underestimated. For me, if I can absorb these immortal substances, I am afraid that it can be transformed into a complete innate sanctity in an instant.

But Cui Yu knew that even Pangu Chalcedony could not absorb the immortal substance of heaven, so how could he absorb it?

I just don't know if the Twelve Capitals' Heavenly God's Evil Formation can absorb this immortal substance. Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of expectation. If this immortal material can be refined into the Twelve Capitals' Heavenly God's Evil Formation, the Twelve Capitals' Heavenly God's Evil Formation will be able to absorb this immortal substance. The materials of the formation will inevitably undergo qualitative changes.

outside world

Miaoshan and Buddha had just emerged from the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, and their expressions immediately changed. They suddenly raised their heads and looked above their heads. Purple divine thunders were beating continuously in the void, converging towards somewhere in the dark.

The old Buddha suddenly changed his color: The way of heaven has revived! Hurry up and control your aura!

Under the boat on the other shore

Cui Yu looked at the Eight Scenery Array of the Shangqing Dynasty with his eyes, and saw that the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern had decayed and become rusty, and all its essence had been absorbed by the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Array.

Cui Yu stretched out his palm and saw that the twelve ancestral witches twisted their bodies and turned into twelve flags, falling into his palm from the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty.

When I looked at the twelve flags, I saw that the twelve flagpoles were in twelve different colors. There was terrifying energy flowing inside the flagpoles. The flags were all pitch black, as black as ink without any light. , there is the energy of chaos rolling and flowing, and in the looming energy of chaos, there seem to be twelve phantoms of demons, sleeping quietly in the flags.

I hope you can give me some help in the formation of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods. If it can swallow the immortal matter of Heavenly Dao, even if the sect ancestor Hongjun is resurrected in the future, he will never be able to wipe you out. Cui Yu threw his palm and saw the ten The formation of the gods of the two capitals was reorganized, surrounding the arms of heaven. The next moment, the twelve flags twisted and changed and came to life, turning into the twelve ancestral witches standing proudly in the void. In an instant, the energy of chaos rolled up outside the formation. , the turbid evil energy in the formation was boiling, and the twelve demon gods stretched out their palms towards the arm of the heaven, and then a strange energy came, but the obsession of the ancestral witch also revived at this time, and they were separated Standing behind the twelve demon gods, as the twelve ancestral witches stretched out their palms, the resentment of the twelve ancestral witches also stretched out their palms, and then they saw that under a strange force, the arms of the Heavenly Dao actually floated like quicksand. The void floated towards the body of the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

Facts have proved that although the essence of Pangu's chalcedony is superior to the bloodline of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the things Pangu cannot do does not mean that the Twelve Ancestral Witches cannot do it.

When people absorb the essence of heaven, they regard the essence of heaven as a spiritual thing, a great tonic.

The Twelve Capital Heavenly Divine Evil Formation absorbs the immortal matter of Heavenly Dao and uses the immortal material of Heavenly Dao as weapon refining materials.

Humans cannot eat steel, but they can refine it into tools.

Along with the decomposition of heavenly matter, countless heavenly essences were decomposed and absorbed. The next moment, the bodies of the twelve ancestral witches became more solid, and an inexplicable change occurred. One after another, the sound of 'pengpeng' spread and kept beating between the heaven and the earth. , bursts of heartbeats came from the body of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, as if they were coming to life at this time.

Cui Yu stood outside the Twelve Capitals' Heavenly Gods Formation, looking at the changes in the Twelve Capitals' Heavenly Gods Formation. Only when nothing unexpected happened did Cui Yu's tense heartstrings gradually relax: I am shattered. Even if something unpredictable does happen, I can directly suppress it with my own power.

Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of joy: The Twelve Ancestral Witches seem to have spirituality. Will they come back to life one day?

Time passed little by little. Cui Yu didn't know how long it had passed in the underground space. Suddenly, at a certain moment, the formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods shook gently, and the twelve ancestral witches were knocked back to their original shape and transformed into twelve poles again. The flag appeared in Cui Yu's hand.

Looking at the twelve flags again, Cui Yu clearly discovered the differences between the twelve flags. He saw that the twelve flags exuded an ancient, vicissitudes, and eternal aura. The aura seemed to vibrate. The sky seems to be able to sweep across the nine heavens and ten earths, and the entire formation of the Twelve Capital Gods and Gods has an inexplicable momentum.

Cui Yu looked at the twelve flags and saw golden lines imprinted on the flagpoles. The lines were runes that Cui Yu had never seen before. They seemed to represent the morality of heaven and earth, and the fusion of Tao and reason.

Moreover, Cui Yu could feel that there seemed to be a mysterious force in the flag that was poured into Pangu Chalcedony by some mysterious induction. After the Pangu Chalcedony behind his head absorbed the mysterious substance, it actually Another mysterious and unpredictable change occurred. Instead of becoming larger, the Pangu Chalcedony became extremely small, so small that it was difficult for Cui Yu's mental will to detect it.

Time and space are collapsing around Pangu Chalcedony, and waves of chaotic energy are derived, gradually emerging around Pangu Chalcedony in the void.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of surprise, and his eyes were full of confusion: Weird! How could it be like this?

Cui Yu's eyes were full of disbelief. It's just that his Pangu Chalcedony didn't get bigger, so why did it get smaller?

But Cui Yu had an inexplicable intuition in his heart that his Pangu Chalcedony seemed to be developing in a good direction.

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