In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 929: The Way of Heaven Resurrects

Cui Yu looked into the void with his eyes, only to see eight figures appearing in front of him.

Eight demon kings!

All turned into human form.

Note that it is just a human form. Like the Demon King in Journey to the West, he has a human form, but he still wears the head of a beast.

Boy, aren't you crazy? If you dare to spoil my big job, just stay in the wilderness today and don't go back. But the demon king with the snake head showed a cold look in his eyes.

Cui Yu frowned when he heard this, and looked at the demon king with his eyes full of astonishment: Who are you? I don't remember seeing you?

He did not remember that he and the other party were entangled.

The Demon King of Chaotic Souls. The demon king with the snake head and human body showed a cold smile in his eyes. The next moment, he turned into a prototype. Its body turned out to be a ten-mile-long snake, crawling on the ground like a continuous mountain range. The big snake Just when the prototype was revealed, wind, rain, thunder and lightning gathered around him, and then the big snake's tail was like a hill, smashing towards Cui Yu.

Looking at the opponent's magical power, Cui Yu chose to dodge: I have now reached the realm of demigods. These guys are not worthy of me to use the mark of the Tongtian Saint.

Facing the snake's tail that was smashed towards him, the western Yanfu flame lamp in Cui Yu's hand flickered, and the next moment the overwhelming flames rolled up and burned towards the big snake.

The big snake screamed and wanted to escape from the sea of ​​​​fire, but the Yanfu Flame Lantern in the west was an innate spiritual treasure. How could the suppressed power allow it to escape?

The dragon-binding rope flew out, and the big snake that fled in panic had no time to react and was directly tied up by the dragon-binding rope. After the dragon-binding rope shrank, the big snake turned into the size of a palm. Cui Yu took it in his hand and stuffed it into his sleeve. Within the universe.

You are such a good boy. You have so many innate spiritual treasures. I really looked down on you back then. A pangolin revealed its true form, but its tone was that of the demon king of chaotic souls. It suddenly lifted a mountain and smashed it at Cui Yu. .

The remaining seven demon kings also revealed their true colors at this time, namely deer, pig, dog, ox, dragon, and horse. At this time, they used their magical power to suppress Cui Yu.

You, the soul-challenging demon king, are really not simple. You can actually control demon kings in the Jinzhi realm, and there are eight demon kings at that. Your magical power is incredible. No matter how strong Cui Yu is, facing the attacks of the eight demon kings, I can only retreat.

The next moment Gonggong's real body was used. Since Cui Yu entered the demigod realm, although Gonggong's real body consumed a lot of divine blood, Cui Yu was producing more divine blood every minute and every second, and could almost cast it infinitely.

They're just a bunch of chickens and dogs.

Cui Yu transformed into the true form of Gonggong with a python head. The next moment he slapped his hand, a terrifying air of extreme cold rolled up. Before the eight demon kings had time to react, they had already turned into ice sculptures and were captured by Cui Yu. The fisherman was beaten into powder.

The terrifying majesty of the quasi-sage spreads across the entire world, and endless visions rise into the sky. It seems that the universe is repeating itself, and the laws of the world are surging crazily.

Gonggong belongs to water and represents the water element.

At this time, as soon as the true form of Gonggong appeared in the wild world, the terrifying water atmosphere turned into a black light pillar and soared into the sky. The mighty force seemed to sweep across the nine heavens and ten earths. The black light pillar represented the Qi of the Lord of Water. The water vapor in the world is boiling, as if it has found its backbone.

Feeling Cui Yu's terrifying Gonggong real body energy, all the demon kings in the wilderness trembled, and countless beasts ran away in panic. The masters of the wilderness who were hiding in the dark and planning to follow behind, all fell limply. On the ground, his eyes were filled with horror as he looked at the imposing figure.

What kind of monster is that? How can it have such terrifying power? I'm afraid it's just the legendary Zi Chi, right? Since the countless tribulations, how could there be such a terrifying existence in the world?

The wilderness goes deeper

In an inconspicuous mouse hole, a mouse opened its mouth wide. In its mouth was a soybean-sized spider that was as white as jade. The spider's body was flashing with innate textures. At this time, it looked at the sky in the distance with a horrified expression. The black energy arises.

The Chaotic Soul Demon King frowned, and looked at the black light pillars that connected the sky and the earth. The terrifying water energy was boiling, and the pressure made his soul tremble: Impossible! How can there be such a thing in the wilderness? A terrifying existence?

Tai Ping Road

Zhang Jiao, who had just returned, was standing in the yard. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the beam of light rising into the sky. He suddenly slapped his thigh: It's not good! I forgot to tell him!

Something big happened! Something big is going to happen this time! Tang Zhou's expression changed at the side.

Aren't Lao Fo and Miao Shan still preaching in the wilderness? I hope they can get there before it's too late! Zhang Jiao's eyes were full of solemnity.


As Cui Yu slapped the eight demon kings to death, scaring the strong men from all walks of life to flee, suddenly a thunder sounded in the dark, and in an instant the sunny sky turned into thousands of clouds, and a purple eye appeared. Among the clouds, Cui Yu was looking down at him without any fluctuation.

The Eye of Heaven! That's the Eye of Heaven! Take away your magical power! Miao Shan's shout came from the distance. Cui Yu turned around and saw Miao Shan standing ten miles away, shouting to him. .

Cui Yu was stunned: It shouldn't be? It's not like I haven't used Gonggong's True Body before. Why would the Eye of Heaven come when I use it again at this time? And the power of the Golden Crow that I burst out before is no better than this Gonggong. Really bad.

Although he was confused, Cui Yu heard Miao Shan's words and quickly put Gonggong's real body away without saying a word.


At this moment, a purple thunder and lightning slipped from the Eye of Heavenly Dao and struck Cui Yu. The purple thunder and lightning was not thick, only the thickness of chopsticks, but the void where the thunder and lightning passed was dispersed by the power of the law and turned into a In a state of chaos, the laws of heaven and earth were shattered by the purple lightning, and the energy of earth, water, wind and fire circulated around the purple lightning.

Quickly get out of the way, that's the Zixiao Divine Thunder. You can only use the innate spiritual treasure to resist it. Don't explode with power beyond the Taiyi realm. Miaoshan reminded anxiously from the side.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, turned to look at Miaoshan in the distance, and showed an expression like you are kidding me.

This is the Purple Sky Divine Thunder. Even if it is only as thick as chopsticks, it is not something that I can resist, right? Not even with the blessing of innate spiritual treasures!

If you don't use Gonggong's true form or the power of a saint, why should you resist?

Parts of the Heavenly Boat on the other side!!! Parts of the Heavenly Boat on the other side!!! Miao Shan quickly reminded.

However, there was a delay in talking at this time, and the Zixiao Divine Thunder had already arrived in front of Cui Yu, but Cui Yu was Cui Yu after all. The next moment, the core of the other side of the sky boat appeared in his hand, and was held up by Cui Yu to block his head, and then The purple sky thunder struck at the core of Tianzhou on the other side. Cui Yu only felt a numbness in his palms and his body shook for a moment, and then nothing happened again.

The Eye of Heaven in the sky dispersed, and the dark clouds in the sky disappeared without a trace.

What's going on? Cui Yu's hair exploded, as if it was charged with static electricity. He looked very funny.

Have you wiped out the arm of Heavenly Dao? Miaoshan walked forward worriedly.

Cui Yu nodded when he heard this: Of course.

Tiandao's will has revived! Tiandao is waking up from his slumber. Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu with his eyes and explained to Cui Yu: We seized the origin of Tiandao before, and you even destroyed Tiandao's body, making Tiandao's The will finally wakes up from its slumber. In the future, the will of heaven will be in control of the vast world, and all those who disobey the laws of heaven will be annihilated by heaven.

The limit of power in this world is the Golden Immortal. If someone exerts the power of the Taiyi realm, it can still be within the tolerance of Heavenly Dao, but if it exceeds the Taiyi realm, it will definitely provoke the will of Heavenly Dao to suppress it. It's like You have exerted the power of the quasi-sage realm, which is never allowed by the heaven. Right now, the heaven has just awakened, and the energy mechanism in the body has not yet been straightened out, so the purple sky divine thunder can still be resisted. If the will of the heaven completely straightens the world, I am afraid that it will Only when Hongjun, the teaching ancestor, is resurrected can we compete with the way of heaven. Miao Shan stared at Cui Yu with his eyes, and his voice was full of heaviness.

This is by no means good news for all monks.

If it was said that Heavenly Dao was locked in the past and just locked the door, now there is a security guard guarding the lock day and night, making it impossible for people to get close.

The shackles of heaven and earth have been completely revived. Once you exert a power beyond the golden edict, you will definitely provoke the thunderous wrath of Heaven, and even the mark of Heaven. It will not stop! Your true body of Gonggong contains the prehistoric energy, which can If you don't mobilize, don't mobilize easily. Once mobilized, unnecessary variables will inevitably arise. If you are marked by heaven in the future, you will really fight to the death. Miao Shanyu said seriously.

Then what if I am hunted down? Cui Yu was speechless.

He is a troublemaker. How should he deal with it if he is surrounded by a large number of masters?

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Miaoshan blinked: You can use formations! Use innate spiritual treasures! As long as you are not mobilizing the power of the Golden Imperial Realm, it is within the avoidance range of the shackles of heaven. The increase of the magic treasure does not count!

Of course, if you have the ability to deceive Heaven, or evade Heaven's mark, it doesn't matter if you reach a level beyond your own. Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

How can we avoid the mark of Heaven? Or deceive Heaven? I must have some tricks. Cui Yu asked.

Miao Shan smiled bitterly when he heard this: My method is not suitable for you. If you succeed in practicing Dafa in dreams and use the power of dreams to distort reality, you may be able to circumvent the blockade of Heaven. However, the stronger the power you exert, the more Heaven will revive. It will become faster, just like the power of a saint, if you can use it or not, you should not use it, I'm afraid that at that time, Heaven will be impatient and directly send down the will of Heaven to fight you to the death.

An arm was refined and the original essence was taken away. This time Heaven is really anxious. You know, every strand of original essence is the lifeblood of Heaven! Let's refine the original essence of Heaven , just to kill him. The original essence of one arm has been refined, and the evolution of the world has been set back at least a hundred thousand years. Now the way of heaven is like a tiger with fried hair, you must not provoke him anymore. Miao Shanzhi Shi's voice was a little timid: Especially when the immeasurable calamity comes five thousand years later, the way of heaven is probably in despair at this time, and may die with us at any time. If the way of heaven destroys the world, with our current cultivation base, we are simply unable to resist and can only Escape and mix, all will die in chaos.”

Cui Yu was thoughtful when he heard this. He still had the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation, so he was not in a hurry at the moment. His combat power was sufficient.

It seems I have to take a trip to Zhenwu Mountain. Cui Yu sighed quietly.

Let's go, the wilderness is not a place to stay for long, especially if you cause such a big noise, someone will definitely come to take advantage. If you get entangled again, it will be troublesome. Miaoshan urged anxiously.

After hearing Miaoshan's words, Cui Yu shook his head: I can't leave now. I still have one thing to do.

Miaoshan was stunned: Do you want me to help you?

Cui Yu shook his head. After Miao Shan heard the words, he said no more and quickly disappeared into the wilderness.

Invert the yin and yang!

Cui Yu used his magical power to cover up his secret, and then used his escape technique to escape from the ground.

Let’s talk about Cui Yu escaping into a cave and driving away the original owner of the cave, a bear. Cui Yu sat in the cave with a solemn expression and raised a bonfire: “Is there any trace of the Chaotic Soul Demon King?”

He was asking about the Heart Ape.

The realization of Dafa in the dream is of great importance, and that ray of uncertainty in his will is ultimately Cui Yu's problem.

Xin Yuan was a little helpless at this time: That guy can even control the inner demon. The demonic thoughts that I invaded his heart turned into a puppet by him. So although I successfully invaded, I couldn't do anything to him and couldn't penetrate him. Pass the message through that puppet and lock his location.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, his eyes full of disbelief: What a powerful method. The law of cause and effect is really unusual. Even the monkey can master it. Compared with him, the tightening curse is simply weak.

What should we do now? The Chaos Soul Demon King is so slippery that no one knows where the Chaos Soul Demon King's true identity is, and no one has seen the Chaos Soul Demon King's true form. How can we find it? Xin Yuan knew. The Chaotic Soul Demon King was of great importance, so he quickly asked.

Cui Yu pondered for a moment after hearing the words: At this point, we can only use the method of enlightenment in dreams. Maybe we can use the method of enlightenment in dreams to lock the position of the chaotic soul demon king.

Proving Dafa in a dream? Are you kidding me? The maximum distance between the Demon King of Distorted Souls and the puppet is one hundred thousand miles. Your dream can't even cover ten miles. How can you find the Demon King of Distant Souls? And you know that it is one hundred thousand miles away. How many creatures are there? Even if you can really cover a hundred thousand miles, it is almost impossible for you to find the dream of the Chaotic Soul Demon King within a hundred thousand miles. Xin Yuan rejected Cui Yu's suggestion. proposal.

On normal days, if the power of Dafa in my dream is not strong enough, of course it cannot cover a hundred thousand miles, but now... Cui Yu showed a trace of confusion in his eyes.

What now? Are you so awesome now? Can you cross the chasm? Xin Yuan said angrily: It's just a daydream.

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