All of this is simply a God-given opportunity for Cui Yu.

Cui Yu's innate golden body can resist the calcining of Nanming Lihuo. The dream world can shield the body from the pain of being calcined and hammered. His own Dinghai Pearl can also suppress the backlash of Nanminglihuo. For Cui Yu, What is it but a God-given opportunity?

The incarnation of the Golden Crow is stronger if it is strong, but it is too short-lived. It only lasts for one breath, and it also takes one breath for the corpse spots in Cui Yu's body to provide divine blood. If the divine blood in Cui Yu's body can be enhanced to 20,000 Well, there may be hope for continued outbreaks by then.

He replenished his divine blood while bursting out. Once he reached 20,000 drops of divine blood, Cui Yu would not be invincible, but he would be close to it.

The time has come. The time, place and people are all right. I have no choice! How can I wait until I don't strengthen my magical power now?

The next moment Cui Yu directly activated his magical power, he saw overwhelming and mighty true sun fire descending from the sky and pouring into Cui Yu's body. Cui Yu circulated the true sun fire in his body, constantly absorbing the Nanming Lihuo from the outside world.

However, Cui Yu's true sun fire appeared, and Nanming Lihuo in the world seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly rolled up thousands of mighty waves, and sharks seemed to smell the fishy smell and surged in from all directions. He poured it into Cui Yu's body like crazy, as if he wanted to swallow up the true fire of the sun in Cui Yu's body.

Cui Yu's body was surrounded by Nanmingli fire, which seemed to have formed a mist-like flame. In an instant, the temperature of the flames increased infinitely, and Cui Yu's golden body was roasted until it became a little soft.

This is?

Cui Yu felt the changes in his golden body, with a look of contemplation in his eyes. He raised his head and looked at the flames that had completely turned into mist. His eyes were full of horror: Incredible! Nanming Lihuo can actually be compressed. ?Then can my True Sun Fire also be compressed?

Cui Yu felt that his innate golden body was threatened. It was not that his innate golden body was not strong enough, but that the damage to his innate golden body had not been repaired for a long time. It was destroyed from the 'perfect' state and became a non-perfect state. . Since it is not in the state of Dzogchen, it will of course be invaded by various forces in the world.

Fortunately, he had endless means. The next moment, the Dinghai Divine Pearl burst out from his body, and an immeasurable power of the sea descended, lowering the temperature of Cui Yu's body and suppressing the overwhelming power of Nanming Lihuo.

But Cui Yu discovered that between the 'coldness' of the Dinghai Divine Pearl and the 'heat' of Nanming Lihuo, the 'injury' of his innate golden body seemed to be getting more serious.

Come to think of it, heat and cold are the most destructive to those belonging to steel.

Cui Yu must now face the decision of whether to have the powerful True Fire of the Sun or his own innate golden body.

Cui Yu stood in the flames, suppressing the power of Nanming Lihuo and controlling the real fire of the sun to devour Nanming Lihuo. At the same time, he also worked hard to suppress the injuries in his body.

However, the fire of the True Sun Fire was indeed beyond Cui Yu's expectation. As the endless Nanming Li Fire devoured it, Cui Yu felt a joy coming from his True Sun Fire.

Yes, it is joy!

Indescribable joy!

Although innate spiritual beings have no intelligence, they naturally have spirituality in the dark. Otherwise, how could they give birth to supreme beings such as the Golden Crow?

Flames are naturally spiritual, otherwise how could Nanming Lihuo instinctively want to devour the true fire of the sun?

If it were replaced by ordinary flames, without the charm of the divine fire that created the world, would Nanming Lihuo devour the evolution?


Not at all!

This is the difference between divine fire and ordinary flames.

The flames of the sun's true fire seemed to know that it was a rare great opportunity and good fortune. At this time, the crazy whale was swallowing all the raging flames between heaven and earth, showing extra efforts and diligence.

Nanming Lihuo and Sun True Fire originally came from the same source. It was effortless to swallow them at this time, and the power brought by Nanming Lihuo was easily digested.

Looking at the growing true sun fire and innate golden body, Cui Yu chose to continue to grow the true sun fire.

Now, strengthening the true sun fire not only strengthens the true sun fire itself, but also helps Cui Yu master the true sun fire, making it easier to find the whereabouts of the Eight Scenery Lanterns and the key to the Eight Scenery Formation.

Although the innate golden body is good, it is defensive power after all. Cui Yu prefers offensive power.

And even if the innate golden body is damaged, there will be time to repair it in the future, but the opportunity to strengthen the true sun fire is very rare.

Once he has mastered the true sun fire, there will be too much space that Cui Yu can control. As long as he traps the Da Luo Immortal, even the Da Luo Immortal will be beaten to death by him.

Moreover, it is difficult for Nanming Lihuo to harm the foundation of his innate golden body, because Cui Yu has the Dinghai Divine Pearl to protect his body, and he can eventually bear part of Nanming Lihuo's power.

It's a pity that I gave up the magical power of sitting on fire that I cultivated. Otherwise, I can try to see if the magical power of sitting on fire can resist the power of Nanming Lihuo. Cui Yu secretly muttered in his heart.

However, Cui Yu had an intuition in his heart. He felt that his magical power, Sihuo, could not withstand the power of Nanming Lihuo.

Now that he had a choice, Cui Yu felt relieved and began to control the true fire of the sun with peace of mind, constantly using the true fire of the sun to absorb the power of the Nanmingli fire between heaven and earth.

As time went by, the true sun fire, which was originally like a candle, actually expanded to the size of an egg, then from the size of an egg to the size of a teapot, and then from the size of a teapot to the size of a washbasin.

When it reached the size of a washbasin, it seemed to have reached its limit, and then it continued to swallow up the power of Nanming Lihuo. When it reached a limit, the washbasin-sized True Sun Fire shrank quickly and sharply, and turned into a candle in an instant. The size of the flame.

Then the flames quickly absorbed the energy of Nanminglihuo between heaven and earth. After an expansion and contraction, the flames began to grow again, but at this time, the speed of the flames swallowing up Nanminglihuo between heaven and earth was twice as fast.

Then it went through a process like reincarnation, and the flame expanded to the size of an egg, then to the size of a teacup, and then a basin.

After it expanded to the size of a water basin, it seemed to have reached its limit, and then it continued to swallow the Nanming Lihuo between heaven and earth. After it reached its limit, the True Sun Fire began to collapse rapidly again, shrinking to the size of a flame at an extremely rapid rate.

After experiencing two contractions and expansions, Cui Yu looked inside his true sun fire, and suddenly his heart moved. He always felt that his true sun fire seemed to have undergone some subtle changes, and it seemed to be moving toward an unknown unknown. Change of direction.

However, before Cui Yu could figure it out, the third mutation started again.

At this time, the speed at which the flames devoured the sun's true fire doubled again, four times as fast as when it first devoured the sun's true fire.

To be precise, it was four times the speed when he swallowed Nanming Lihuo for the first time.

The third time he swallowed the Sun True Fire, the speed of swallowing was extremely fast, but the time it took to swallow the Nanming Li Fire also became longer.

I don’t know how long I waited, but the third change that swallowed Nan Mingli’s fire began. It still expanded from the size of a candle flame to the size of a tea cup, and then quickly expanded to the size of a washbasin.

Then it continued to swallow Nanming Lihuo, and then the third mutation began. The third Nanminglihuo began to collapse, and it changed from the size of a washbasin to the size of a candle again.

After the third mutation, the devouring speed doubled again, now eight times the speed when it first devoured Nanming Lihuo.

The fourth mutation was still the same process. At this time, the speed of devouring Nanming Lihuo became sixteen times.

The fifth mutation was still the same, and the speed of devouring Nanming Lihuo became thirty-two times.

The sixth mutation devoured Nanming Lihuo sixty-four times faster.

In the seventh mutation, the speed of devouring Nanming Lihuo was one hundred and twenty-eight times that of the initial speed.

In the eighth mutation, the speed of devouring Nanming Lihuo was 256 times that of the initial speed.

In the ninth mutation, the devouring speed was 512 times that of the beginning.

The tenth mutation was one thousand and twenty-four times.

With such constant changes, the speed of devouring Nanming Lihuo became faster and faster, and Cui Yu's pressure also dropped sharply.

The eleventh mutation, two thousand and forty-eight times.

The twelfth mutation, four thousand and ninety-six times.

The thirteenth mutation, eight thousand one hundred and ninety-two times.

The fourteenth mutation, 16,384 times.

The fifteenth mutation, 32,768 times.

The sixteenth mutation, sixty-five thousand five hundred and thirty-six times.

The seventeenth mutation, one hundred and thirty-one thousand and seventy-two times.

The twentieth mutation, one hundred and forty-eight thousand five hundred and seventy-six times.

The twenty-third mutation, 8,388,608 times.

The twenty-fourth mutation, one thousand six hundred and seventy-seven thousand two hundred and sixteen times.

During the twenty-fourth mutation, Nanming Lihuo's devouring speed finally exceeded ten million times.

But at this time, Nanming Lihuo's transformation had not stopped. Cui Yu looked at the true sun fire in his spiritual world with his eyes. Although it seemed that his sun's true fire had not changed at all, the size still looked the same. But Cui Yu, as the master of fire, knew clearly in his heart that the true sun fire contained a power that could be called terrifying, and an earth-shattering transformation was gestating in it.

Is it going to transform to ninety-nine and eighty-one times? Cui Yu looked at the transformation that still continued, with a look of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes, and his eyes were full of caution.

Now the speed of devouring Nanming Lihuo has exceeded the ten million mark, the loss of Cui Yu's innate golden body has also begun to weaken, and even the power of the Dinghai Divine Pearl has begun to converge.

The transformation continued, and when it reached the twenty-seventh transformation, the devouring speed finally exceeded 100 million, reaching a speed of 134,217,728 times.

By this time, Cui Yu could no longer feel the damage to the innate gold body, and the damage to the innate gold body had begun to stop.

Even Cui Yu's Dinghai Divine Pearl was sent back into the Dharma Realm and fell into his own world, becoming a treasure that suppressed the energy of the world.

Cui Yu was as motionless as a mountain at this time, standing in the Nanming Lihuo, and even had the energy to repair his golden body.

The transformation is still continuing, and by the time of the twenty-seventh transformation, its speed of devouring Nanming Lihuo has exceeded 100 million, reaching the 'e' level.

The twenty-eighth time, the swallowing speed is 2'e'.

The twenty-ninth time, the swallowing speed is 4'e'.

This cycle goes on and on, and even with Cui Yu's calculation power at this time and the activity level of his soul, it is difficult to calculate the astronomical figures.

At this time, Cui Yu no longer had any burden, and the true sun fire in his body even began to actively pull the Nanming Lihuo from the outside. The true sun fire emitted a huge suction force, constantly devouring the entire formation. strength.

But he saw that the endless Nanmingli sea of ​​fire began to turmoil.

Cui Yu carefully sensed the Nanmingli Fire Seed in his body, and suddenly felt a little uncertain in his heart: Tell me, is it normal for a Sun True Fire Seed to undergo such a transformation?

Cui Yu was asking Chi You.

Of course it's not normal! It's normal! How can you still be the true sun fire? I feel like your true sun fire seems to contain a terrifying world. Chi You was also stunned, his eyes full of shock.

Countless thoughts circulated in Cui Yu's mind: Weird! Weird! Why did my ray of true sun fire undergo such strange changes? It's simply abnormal.

I think the root of all these changes is still in you. You have to find the reason from yourself. Chi You looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Who can understand the secrets in your body?

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at the Nanming Lihuo world in the distance. At this time, he seemed to have turned into a big whirlpool, and the endless Nanming Lihuo was sucked in. His eyes were full of seriousness: It is indeed It shouldn’t be! He is just a ray of my true sun fire. He should never have such a terrifying vision. The power contained in this true sun fire has exceeded my imagination, and the power contained in it is beyond my ability. It’s manageable.”

Cui Yu murmured while checking his own soul, but found that there was nothing abnormal about his soul.

Suddenly at a certain moment, Cui Yu noticed something was wrong. He noticed something was wrong: Something is wrong! Something is wrong! Damn it, how could this happen? Where is my Donghuang Taiyi mark? That represents the mark of Donghuang Taiyi Woolen cloth?

Cui Yu was stunned. He finally knew what was missing. His Donghuang Taiyi mark disappeared.

Without the Golden Crow Dharma Elephant, how could I erupt that terrifying true sun fire in the future? How to use it to scare the enemy?

The most important thing is that Cui Yu is a little worried. Could it be that the fragments of Donghuang Taiyi's true spirit have been resurrected from the depths of time and space? If Donghuang Taiyi takes advantage of the opportunity, re-gestates and resurrects him, and then runs out one day and slaps himself to death, then he will have a lot of fun.

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