In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 908 My name is Taiqing Laozi

Cui Yu looked at the disappearing Golden Crow mark with horror in his eyes. What the hell would he do if Donghuang Taiyi was resurrected with the help of the mark?

Although it is a mark given by the system, Zhonghe's body still has unknown causes and effects, and from time to time it will attract fragments of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's true spirit in time and space.

Cui Yu was no longer calm, and carefully sensed the mark of Donghuang Taiyi given by the system. Fortunately, Donghuang Taiyi's Golden Crow mark had long been integrated with Cui Yu's spirit. Not long after, Cui Yu had already sensed the Golden Crow. Looking at the location of the mark, it turns out that the Golden Crow mark somehow fell into the fetus.

It's over! The trouble is big! I said that the true sun fire is constantly compressing and expanding, changing and shrinking back and forth. It turns out that all the doorways are in it. Cui Yu was shocked at this time.

Could it be that the fragments of Donghuang Taiyi’s true spirit were resurrected across time and space? And then manipulated the Golden Crow mark given by the system?

If the true spirit of Donghuang Taiyi was resurrected, wouldn't he be in big trouble then?

There was a hint of horror in Cui Yu's eyes, and he tried hard to sense the true sun fire, but at this time, the energy inside the true sun fire was hazy, and it seemed that there was an incredible creation gestating in it. Cui Yu was unable to find out for a while. There is an inexplicable creation gestating in the true sun fire, the source of Qi, and Cui Yu's perception is also blocked.

Oops! It's over this time. If Donghuang Taiyi's true spirit is completely conceived, I will be dead. Cui Yu was terrified.

It would be fine if it were just a fragment of the true spirit of Donghuang Taiyi in the time and space, but this is very likely to contain the complete imprint of the fragment of the true spirit of Donghuang Taiyi!

There was a hint of horror in Cui Yu's eyes, which were full of seriousness. He raised his head and looked at the true sun fire in his body. Countless thoughts were flowing in his mind: Should we mobilize the power of destruction? Directly use the power of destruction to kill The true fire of the sun was destroyed?

Cui Yu was caught in the battle between heaven and man, but Cui Yu soon discovered that things were beyond his control, because as the flames collapsed and compressed again and again, a powerful force gathered in the dark. At that time, the true sun fire in Cui Yu's body seemed to have turned into a small sun, actively swallowing the Nanming Lihuo in the whole world, and even the supply was in short supply later.

Cui Yu could feel that the flames of his True Sun Fire were pregnant with unknown changes, and there was an unimaginable force gathering in them.

Later, Cui Yu's body lost control, and the huge power of the true sun fire solidified Cui Yu's essence, slowly flew out of his body, rose from the Baihui point on his head, and suspended above his head.

Looking from a distance, he saw a small sun the size of a fist on Cui Yu's head. At this time, the crazy whale was swallowing the Nanming Lihuo between heaven and earth.

Along with the swallowing power, the Nanming Lihuo between heaven and earth began to thin out, and the void twisted invisibly. It seemed that some barrier was broken, and a light appeared from the damaged void.

It was a simple treasure lantern with eight layers, eight corners, and eight directions. It was like a simple lantern, with purple flames flowing inside, and purple mist constantly shining out from the light, turning into an overwhelming Nanmingli. The energy of fire was burning towards Cui Yu.

Eight Scenery Palace Lantern!

Cui Yu looked at the light. Cui Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart, and he naturally recognized the origin of the light.

The Eight Scenery Palace Lantern is indeed extraordinary. The innate Qi circulates on it, and along with the Yin and Yang Qi, it swims within the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern, giving the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern an inexplicable aura.

It is said that the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern is a treasure of the Sage of the Shangqing Dynasty. It looks really extraordinary. Cui Yu's heart moved slightly.

It's just that at this time, his soul was immobilized by the true sun fire, and Chi You couldn't manifest it and couldn't help Cui Yu.

Have the fragments of the truth spirit of Donghuang Taiyi been resurrected? Cui Yu was surprised and uncertain.

There was a trace of anxiety in Cui Yu's eyes, and he also fell into hesitation at this time, because no matter how carefully he sensed it, he never felt that there was a living being gestating in the true sun fire.

At this point, there was no choice but Cui Yu could only let it go.

Destroy your own little sun. If there is no help from the little sun, how can you destroy the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty?

If you can't break the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, how will you strengthen your own Twelve Capital Gods Formation?

It is more important to cultivate the Twelve Heavenly Divine Evil Formation. This matter is related to the evolution of Pangu's true body. As for the change in the little sun, I still have the resentment of the twelve ancestral witches. If the little sun does not give birth to the Eastern Emperor, I can acquire a great magical power from the true spirit of Taiyi. If the little sun contains the true spirit of Taiyi, the Eastern Emperor, I can suppress and destroy it with the resentment of my twelve ancestral witches. Cui Yu's thoughts circulated in his mind. I had an idea instantly.

But the Sun True Fire felt that the power of Nanming Lihuo in the space was not enough at this time, and it actually started to actively pull the power in the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern, causing Cui Yu to shrink his pupils.

That is an innate spiritual treasure. My true sun fire can actually take the initiative to plunder the power of the innate spiritual treasure. What is pregnant with my true sun fire? What terrible changes have taken place?

There was a hint of caution in Cui Yu's eyes: We can't let the true sun fire continue to transform. If the true sun fire destroys the origin of the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern, who should I talk to to reason with it?

For Cui Yu, the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation is the most important. Not to mention the growth of his true sun fire, he would not be surprised even if his own true sun fire breeds a little sun!

Cui Yu tried hard to get rid of the suppression of the little sun above his head, but the divine power in his body kept vibrating. He wanted to control the little sun above his head, but unfortunately he was unable to do so.

The only way is to use external force. Cui Yu looked at Xuan Ye, who was sealed in the Tibetan Dharma Realm, and thought in his heart that the Tibetan Dharma Realm collapsed, and Xuan Ye appeared on the scene.

At this time, the Nanming Lihuo between heaven and earth was almost completely absorbed by Cui Yu, so even if Xuan Ye suddenly appeared, there would be no hindrance.

Is this? Xuan Ye appeared in the scene, looking at Nan Ming Lihuo flowing towards Cui Yu like quicksand, and the purple mist, with a hint of shock in his pupils.

This is an innate formation, Nanming Lihuo that has been accumulated for countless thousands of years. At this time, it was swallowed up by Cui Yu. Is there any justice in this?

Especially when he looked at the fist-sized ball above Cui Yu's head, which emitted endless golden light. The light was so bright that it seemed like a real little sun, piercing Xuan Ye so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.

There was a hint of anxiety in Cui Yu's eyes: The one in front of you is the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern of the Shangqing Dynasty. Take action immediately to help me cut off the connection between the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern of the Shangqing Dynasty and my true sun fire.

Xuan Ye turned his head and looked at the simple lamp, with a burning look in his eyes, and then turned to look at Cui Yu: What are you doing?

He noticed something was wrong with Cui Yu's state.

I am practicing a magical power now, and I can't take action for the time being. Since my fellow Taoist is from the Xuan family, I think I should have the means to control this formation? Then the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty should also have mastered the method of control. Cui Yu's eyes There was a hint of seriousness in his words: Please help me, fellow Taoist, to cut off the Eight Scenery Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty from my magical power.

Xuan Ye did not speak and ignored Cui Yu. Instead, he looked at the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns not far away, and then slowly came to the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns. The next moment, the divine power in his body flowed and poured into the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns. past.

Seemingly sensing the fluctuation of divine power in Xuan Ye's body, an inexplicable force emerged from the Shangqing Bajing Palace lantern, knocking Xuan Ye away and falling at Cui Yu's feet.

How could this happen? Xuan Ye's eyes were full of disbelief.

The next moment Xuan Ye got up, the night sky enchantment around him descended from the void, and suddenly shrouded the lantern of the Eight Scenery Palace of the Shangqing Dynasty. Unexpectedly, a firework burst out from the lantern of the Eight Scenery Palace of the Shangqing Dynasty, illuminating the night sky in an instant. Hua, the entire dark world was illuminated, and the next moment Xuan Ye exploded together with the night sky, turning into countless black air currents floating in the void, trying to regroup and reorganize.

But who would have expected that at this moment, the void suddenly distorted, and a strong suction force was emitted from the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern. All the black night was directly sucked into the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern, and then the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern was sucked into it. There was a moment of swaying, and then a figure slowly walked out of the Shangqing Bajing Palace lantern.

Hongmeng breaks through the Xuanhuang scene and governs the five elements in the human world.

Xuanyuan rose to daylight, and the way to cast magic in Hanguan was always bright.

Riding an ox far away from Qiancun, the fairy sound of the piccolo can be heard across the long distance.

He created the earth and created the heaven as the leader, and refined the universe in the furnace.

The Dharma in the non-dual sect is more mysterious, mercury and lead meet and become immortals.

Before leaving the mother's belly, the head turns white first, and then the Qi of Shenxiao is fully developed.

Indoor alchemy mixed with Wuji, there is medicine in the furnace to win the innateness.

Born as a guest in the Eight Scenery Palace, he does not remember the tens of thousands of years in the human world.

I worship the Master outside the dark and yellow world, and let me do whatever I want in the time of chaos.

The five elements are in my control, and the great road can guide the crowd.

I built a golden pagoda for peace and quiet, and I went out to Kansai for leisurely travel.

The two hands encompass the outer world, and the five mountains and sumeru are contained in the belly.

He is born after he is born and grows old, so he got his name from Li Chengzheng.

I once worshiped Hongjun and cultivated morality, only then did I know that one Qi can transform the Three Pure Ones.

Cui Yu looked at the figure coming out of the Eight Views Palace Lantern, and his eyes couldn't help but straighten. Even if some people just appear, you should know that this is by no means an ordinary person.

This man is absolutely extraordinary!

The figure gradually condensed from illusion into reality, and then turned into the appearance of Xuan Ye. There was only a hazy shadow behind him, which seemed to be an old man, and there were thousands of things floating behind him.

Cui Yu's eyes were fixed on Xuan Ye at this time, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes, because although the Xuan Ye in front of him still looked like Xuan Ye, his bearing and temperament were definitely not that of Xuan Ye.

Has it been eight thousand years? Xuan Ye sighed softly: Has Pindao fallen for eighteen thousand years? Unexpectedly, he has finally returned after eight thousand years.

When Cui Yu heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. An antique from 18,000 years ago was definitely not someone to be trifled with.

Moreover, this person walked out of the Eight Views Palace Lantern of the Shangqing Dynasty, and his identity may be earth-shattering.

Sun? Xuan Ye looked at Cui Yu with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

To be precise, the other party's eyes fell on the bright light above Cui Yu's head: What a blessing! A sun star was born? The aura of Donghuang Taiyi? Could it be that you are Donghuang Taiyi who has returned against the will of heaven? It doesn’t look like it! Although there is the original imprint of Donghuang Taiyi in the sun star, there is no real spiritual fluctuation of Taiyi. It’s strange, it actually gave birth to a little sun, it’s so strange.”

Xuan Ye stood in front of the Bajing Palace lantern, staring at the little sun above Cui Yu's head with a pair of contemplative expressions, seeming to have ignored Cui Yu: If I can take away this little sun, ancestor, I can use the source of the sun to Recast the power of Tai Chi and re-evolve the innate treasure Tai Chi Diagram.

At this time, Cui Yu felt a little confused when he listened to the other party's words. He vaguely guessed the other party's identity, but he still couldn't believe it. After all, this was the legendary saint!

Who is your Excellency? Why are you here? Where has Xuan Ye gone? Cui Yu asked.

Xuan Ye frowned, as if he was dissatisfied with Cui Yu's interruption, and then his eyes fell on Cui Yu: You mean that junior? Since I am alive, of course he has returned to me. The Xuan family It is the family that I created, the race that evolved from flesh and blood when I fell in the past, and it is also a part of my body.

Cui Yu was even more shocked when he heard this. The Xuan family was actually the family that evolved after the death of the other party's body? What about Patriarch Styx? What role does the Styx Ancestor play in this?

Are you the founder of the Xuan family? I haven't asked you for your name yet, Cui Yu said.

Xuan Ye's eyes fell on the little sun above Cui Yu's head, and then he said unhurriedly: I am a poor Taoist, so you can call me Taiqing Saint. The Xuan family you are talking about is just my former family. It’s just a hope of return that I left behind in the years. It’s a pity that my descendants are unfilial and have ruined my life.”

outside world

Ancestor Styx and the Chaotic Soul Demon King were fighting. At this time, the two were inseparable. At the moment when Saint Taiqing was resurrected, Ancestor Styx suddenly raised his eyebrows, and there was a hint of complexity in his eyes.

The Chaotic Soul Demon King noticed the complexity in Ancestor Minghe's heart, and couldn't help but frown: What other trump cards does your Xuan family have? Don't bluff, I don't believe that your Xuan family still has any trump cards.

Hearing the words of the Chaos Soul Demon King, Ancestor Minghe frowned: I don't have a trump card, but I do have an enemy. In the past, the saint Taiqing fell and the Xuan family evolved. I was hunted down and severely injured, and I accidentally noticed Taiqing's The saint's resurrection plan was planned in secret, and he took the opportunity to invade the Xuan family and became the second generation ancestor of the Xuan family. He reversed the history of the Xuan family and used the Xuan family's bloodline to seal the last trace of the Taiqing saint. Consciousness, and then occupy the magpie's nest and seize the creation of Taiqing Saint.

Having said this, Ancestor Minghe sighed faintly: The true spirit of Saint Taiqing was sealed by me in the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern, and I suppressed it using the entire Eight Scenery Formation of Shangqing. I usurped history, and instead became Xuan The ancestor of our family. Unfortunately, our efforts fell short. In order to deal with you today, we have to release him.

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