In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 906 Devouring Nanming Lihuo

After hearing Xuan Ye's words, Cui Yu instantly grasped the key point: One hundred thousand miles!

The distance between the real body of the Chaotic Soul Demon King and the puppet cannot exceed one hundred thousand miles. Once it exceeds one hundred thousand miles, it will become ineffective.

That means that the true body of the Chaotic Soul Demon King must be hidden within a hundred thousand miles.

With a radius of one hundred thousand miles, wouldn’t that mean a diameter of two hundred thousand miles?

Is it two hundred thousand miles big?

Of course it’s big!

Sun Wukong's only one fight is a thousand miles away.

The diameter of the earth is only more than 12,000 kilometers, which is only more than ten earths.

Can it be smaller?

Extremely big!

But as long as you know the foundation of the Chaotic Soul Demon King, many things will naturally be solved.

For example, if Shi Wanli was completely destroyed, the traces of the Soul Demon King would definitely not be covered up.

But Cui Yu gave up after thinking about it. What a huge karma it would be to destroy an enemy within a hundred thousand miles.

He doesn't want to die yet!

As for the demon mirror mentioned by Xuan Ye, Cui Yu also heard about it. The demon mirror is the most important treasure of the ancient heaven. It has incredible power and power and is the nemesis of all spirits in the world.

But the Demon Mirror has disappeared a long time ago. Where can Cui Yu go to find traces of the Demon Mirror?

At this time, Xuan Ye looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, thinking about Cui Yu's way to solve the crisis. After thinking about it, there were only these two. The most reliable way is to start with the real body of the Chaos Soul Demon King. Once the Chaos Soul Demon King's true body is found, the Chaos Soul Demon King will be dead by then.

Although the territory of One Hundred Thousand Miles is vast, there is always some chance of luck.

Facing Xuan Ye's gaze, Cui Yu's eyes showed an unfathomable look: No need to worry, I naturally have the means to suppress the soul-challenging demon king.

The two of them walked all the way through the sea of ​​thunder, following the direction pointed by Chi You, and kept running along the way. After an unknown amount of time, they suddenly came to the border where thunder and fire intertwined.

Nan Ming Li Huo!

Cui Yu looked at the junction of the two, with a cautious look in his eyes.

Nanming Lihuo is actually a kind of true fire of the great sun, but it is only the true fire on the surface of the great sun. However, do not think that the true fire on the surface of the great sun is not terrifying. For the creatures below the saint, the great sun at any level Real fire is a devastating blow.

The True Fire of the Great Sun will never be worse than any innate flame that created the world.

Just like for humans, no matter which layer of candle flame it is, the human body cannot resist it, unless it is made of inherently special materials such as steel and ceramics.

What a terrifying flame. Can monks like us really be able to withstand such a flame? Xuan Ye followed Cui Yu, his eyes full of shock and horror.

Of course Cui Yu understands Xuan Ye's fear. This is Nanming Lihuo. Not to mention that Xuan Ye is only comparable to the Golden Immortal realm in the ancient times. Even if the Daluo Golden Immortal falls into it, he will only be refined to death.

Unless Daluo Jinxian can break through the formation quickly, he will be refined to death by the flames in less than a year and a half.

It's the terrifying Nanming Lihuo. Cui Yu replied calmly.

That damn Styx is simply harboring evil intentions and wants us to die in vain. Xuan Ye looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes: We can't resist this flame at all. We can't go in, so we might as well take the opportunity to slip away, and then Look for opportunities to come back for revenge.”

Cui Yu ignored Xuan Ye's words, but slowly put away his clothes. The next moment, his skin turned golden yellow, like the most delicate gold in the world, and an innate energy flowed through his body, protecting it firmly.

Cui Yu's face didn't change as he stepped directly into Nanming Lihuo.

As Cui Yu stepped forward into the sea of ​​fire, the next moment the overwhelming Nanmingli fire swept towards Cui Yu, and then Cui Yu's inner body was burned brightly at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if being burned in a furnace. Red-hot gold has a crystal clear beauty.

My innate golden body suffered heavy damage, but it has no problem resisting Nanming Lihuo. After all, no matter how severe the trauma to the innate golden body is, it cannot change the innate nature. Cui Yu's eyes showed a trace of thought.

If you want to destroy the innate golden body, you must break the limit of the innate golden body, and Nanming Lihuo is not among them.

No matter how the sand changes, it cannot destroy steel.

Cui Yu's innate golden body is essentially a power superior to that of a saint.

Even a saint can only severely damage or seal the innate golden body when facing it, but cannot destroy the innate golden body.

You... Xuan Ye stood in the sea of ​​thunder, staring at Cui Yu, who was burned brightly in the sea of ​​​​fire, like a golden man like a soldering iron, with a look of shock in his eyes.

Cui Yu stopped in Nanming Lihuo and glanced at Xuan Ye. The next moment, he used the Seal Secret in his hand and the Tibetan Dharma Realm, sealing Xuan Ye directly and turning it into a mark, which was imprinted on Cui Yu's palm. .

Nanming Lihuo is indeed terrifying. My innate golden body is inside Nanminglihuo. Every breath consumes hundreds of drops of divine blood to resist it. Cui Yu stood in Nanminglihuo, feeling the consumption of innate divine blood, with a look in his eyes. Revealing a touch of solemnity.

Is one hundred drops of divine blood too little?

You know, one drop of divine blood is equivalent to one year's worth of mana, and a hundred drops of divine blood is equivalent to a hundred years of mana.

One breath consumes a hundred years of mana, which is definitely a terrifying astronomical figure.

Even if one breath is calculated as three seconds, one minute is twenty breaths, two thousand drops of divine blood, and two thousand mana.

Even if he has cultivated a peerless power for ten thousand years, how long can he persist in the Nanming Lihuo?

Of course, the old monsters in the prehistoric era are all calculated based on Yuanhui. One Yuanhui lasts for 129,600 years, and some of those old guys lived for hundreds of Yuanhui.

The Corpse Ancestor is a good man. Cui Yu stood in the sea of ​​​​fire, feeling the rapidly dissipating divine blood, which was constantly being compensated by the corpse spots on the corpse of Donghuang Taiyi in the Donghuang Bell. Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of joy.

If it weren't for an 'ally' like Corpse Ancestor, how would Cui Yu dare to be so arrogant and join in the fights of various powerful men? Does he dare to mess around?

Corpse Ancestor is the great good man!

Where are the Eight Scenery Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty hidden? Cui Yu looked around and saw that the sky was covered with Nanming Lihuo. He could not see the end of the world at a glance.

This self-derived space, once you fall into it, you can't get out at all, unless you use great magical power to break it. Cui Yu glanced at Nanming Lihuo Void with a cautious look in his eyes.

The entire space was filled with deathly silence. As far as the eye could see, there was an endless sea of ​​fire, and the end of the world could not be found at all.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Chi You's voice rang in Cui Yu's heart: The Eight Scenery Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty are innate spiritual treasures. They are born with spirituality and can already imitate all things. Maybe they will turn into a small flame at this time and hide in your heart. Three feet around me.

Hurry up and tell me how to find the Eight Scenery Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty. Cui Yu was burned by the fire and felt irritable.

Although the golden body is not afraid of fire, the pain of being tempered by fire still lingers in Cui Yu's heart.

It hurts!

That really hurts!

It is no different than if the flames burn directly on the body.

The innate inner golden body can guarantee that Cui Yu will not be refined to death by Nanming Lihuo, but it cannot guarantee that Cui Yu will not be hurt.

How can it not hurt when being burned by fire?

It's just that as Cui Yu's cultivation level improved, his state of mind became stronger, and he used the dream world to cover up and transfer some of his painful perceptions.

Although Cui Yu has not mastered the orthodox magical methods of enlightenment in dreams or the true use of enlightenment in dreams, he has gradually mastered some minor magical methods as he penetrates the dream world.

For example, Cui Yu can transfer this feeling of pain directly to the dream world. Although his golden body has been tempered for thousands of times, it is still as motionless as a mountain.

Countless thoughts were racing in Cui Yu's mind. He looked towards the sea of ​​fire with his eyes, only to see Nanming Lihuo everywhere. Although his eyes were protected by his innate golden body, they were still somewhat unable to open their eyes due to the scorching heat.

There is not only the Nanmingli Fire here, but also the smoke caused by the Nanmingli Fire.

Although his eyes could guard against Nanming Lihuo, they could not guard against the overwhelming smoke.

Cui Yu's shadow disappeared in the Nanming Lihuo, and Chi You could no longer exist in Cui Yu's shadow. Instead, he appeared in Cui Yu's dream world, scanning the entire void world through the fluctuations of Cui Yu's golden body. Looking at the blazing Nanming Lihuo, there was a hint of caution in his eyes: Boy, don't you have the Dinghai Divine Pearl? You can use the power of the Dinghai Divine Pearl to temporarily suppress Nanming Lihuo's power. As long as you can suppress Nanming With the power of Li Huo, he will definitely be able to use the Dinghai Divine Pearl to find the Eight Scenery Lanterns of the Supreme Purity.

Hearing this, Cui Yu frowned, raised his eyes and looked at the blazing Nanming Lihuo, with a serious look in his eyes. The next moment he raised his hand to the void, and saw thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls appear. around Cui Yu.

Thousands of drops of divine blood were poured into the Dinghai Divine Pearl, and the Dinghai Divine Pearl burst out with bright blue light, like the boundless sea. Waves of water vapor descended, repelling all the Nanming Lihuo within three feet of Cui Yu's body.


The appearance of Cui Yu's Dinghai Divine Pearl was like adding fuel to the fire, causing the even more hazy Nanming Lihuo to rush towards him. The mighty force that covered the sky and the sun seemed to engulf Cui Yu's figure. However, Cui Yu stood on the Dinghai Divine Pearl. In front of the pearl, facing the waves of waves coming at him, Nanming Lihuo remained motionless as a mountain. He just kept converting the corpse spots into divine power and pouring it into the Dinghai Divine Pearl. The divine power of the Dinghai Divine Pearl continued like a candle in the wind. Fire, even Nanming Lihuo cannot extinguish the candle flame in the wind.

It's just that although there is the Dinghai Divine Pearl to protect his home, Cui Yu's eyes can only see a few feet of land around him. Everything beyond that is raging Nanmingli fire. Cui Yu's sight is blocked by Nanmingli. The fire is lit.

Nanming Lihuo is so cruel. Cui Yu was secretly shocked.

His own Dinghai Divine Pearl is the top innate spiritual treasure, especially the thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls gathered together. In terms of power, it will never be worse than any innate treasure. However, facing the Nanming Lihuo, Cui Yu couldn't suppress it and annihilate it. I was also surprised.

Even if his magic power is a little short and he can only burst out ten thousand years of magic power, the flames that cannot be extinguished by the innate treasure show his ferocity.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of determination: It's just Nanming Lihuo, what can you do to me?

He thought about his golden finger. He wondered if his golden finger could transform the power of Nan Ming Li Huo. If he could absorb the power of Nan Ming Li Huo and let himself master the power of Nan Ming Li Huo, wouldn't he be able to deal with Ruyi? ?

Cui Yu stretched out his palm, passed through the barrier laid by the Dinghai Divine Pearl, and absorbed a wisp of Nanming Lihuo's power into his body. The next moment, the Golden Crow Flame in Cui Yu's body shook slightly, and all the Nanming Lihuo Qi was like a thousand streams returning. Like Zong, he was completely absorbed by the flames of the Golden Crow.

Cui Yu was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, and then he suddenly realized: Although the true sun fire in my body is just a flame, it is the purest true sun fire in the world. Nanming Lihuo was born out of the true sun fire, and my Of course the flames can absorb the power of Nanming Lihuo...

Cui Yu's eyes flashed slightly: So, of course I can also absorb the power of Nanming Lihuo? This is an opportunity to strengthen the Golden Crow True Fire in my body. If I can strengthen my Sun True Fire to a certain extent, right? Can it in turn affect Nanming Lihuo?

But when your own fire is devouring Nan Mingli's fire, you still need to be careful and control it at a certain level. If you lose control, it will be a big trouble.

Big trouble!

Cui Yu's flame is like a small puddle, and the Sun Real Fire outside is like a raging sea. If you want to use a small puddle to swallow up the sea, you can imagine the dangers faced.

The most important thing is the backlash! You must not allow the flames from the outside world to backfire and turn your own fire into nothingness.

There was a hint of contemplation in Cui Yu's eyes. Not only his true sun fire wanted to devour the Nanming Lihuo from the outside world, but those Nanminglihuo would also choose to devour them if they sensed the power of his true sunfire.

This is the evolutionary nature of innate divine fire!

In order to evolve, the innate divine fires will devour each other. Especially Nanming Lihuo, who escaped from the true fire of the sun. Once he swallows the true fire of the sun, he will complete his own information and foundation and complete his evolution.

And once Cui Yu's true sun fire swallows up the Nanmingli fire that fills the sky, it can also grow stronger.

The Lihuo of Nanming swallows the true fire of the sun, which is like a python swallowing a dragon.

The true fire of the sun swallowed up Nanming Lihuo in order to strengthen itself.

Cui Yu stood in the world of Dinghai Divine Pearls. After some calculation in his mind, he turned his golden body at the next moment and swallowed thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls into his belly. He saw that the thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls were like thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls. A world completely composed of infinite seas, shrouding the flames of the sun's true fire.

I use thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls to suppress the progress of Nanming Lihuo from the outside, and I can control the speed of the sun's true fire. Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of pride.

This is his chance! It is also his creation! An opportunity to turn the true fire of the sun into regular power!

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