In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 905: Abandoned Son - - Wu Zhao

Who is Cui Yu?

He is not a fool! How could he not know what the other party was planning?

But now that Xuan Ye is in his own hands, where is the chance to escape? When he captured the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, he turned it into ashes.

Cui Yu patted Xuan Ye on the shoulder, and the fetus eggs of the three corpse insects and the innate mosquitoes were patted into Xuan Ye's body without leaving a trace: You don't have to be cautious about prying. If you want to know my whereabouts, just ask me directly. I won’t hide it from you. I’m not very famous in the outside world, I don’t have a name, but I have indeed done a few earth-shaking things, but no one knows that I did it.”

Cui Yu was a little proud at this time, and his voice was full of embarrassment: If I were you, I would restrain all my thoughts that I shouldn't have, and then take the treasure away with me, and let you go free after I achieve my goal. .”

Xuan Ye looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, feeling that this guy would not be so kind as to let him go, so he lowered his voice and said: Ancestor is joking, I am already a prisoner, how can I dare to take advantage of my ancestor? It's just that I'm a prisoner now. I'm just curious. How did the ancestor sneak into my Xuan family? Our Xuan family is protected by the innate formation and isolated from the outside world. Logically speaking, people shouldn't be sneaked in like this. But in recent days, I have discovered that there are many people in the Xuan family. There are many foreigners who are about to be infiltrated into a sieve, so I am curious.

Although the Xuan family's formation is extraordinary, but... Cui Yu shook his head: It is not invincible. If you want to sneak in, you will always find an opportunity.

Cui Yu's voice was full of weirdness: But it is a great blessing for your Xuan family to have an innate formation.

It is a great blessing, but it is also a great disaster for the outstanding people of our Xuan family. In order to sacrifice to Qingtian, the outstanding people of our Xuan family in the past generations must follow the ancestral order to sacrifice to Qingtian as long as their blood concentration reaches a certain level. , even at the expense of their own lives, they must complete the development of Qingtian's embryo. They are all outstanding people. If they were born in the outside world, they would definitely be able to lead an era and influence them. But now they have to die in this unknown place, unknown to anyone. Do you think it's sad? The innate formation is a protection for them, but it's also a prison. Xuan Ye's eyes were full of sadness, and he seemed to be aroused, thinking about himself: I should have been The one who was sacrificed, but I was unwilling to do so, so I took the opportunity to escape from the Xuan family's innate formation and went to the mysterious depths of the unknown land. I merged with a mysterious object, which transformed my bloodline and broke the shackles of my ancestors. , gained the power to control the night sky. Then I stopped sacrificing for the blood of the descendants of the Xuan family, so I returned to the Xuan family and took the opportunity to plot a rebellion, seize my father's military power, and break the rules of my ancestors.

Disciples of the younger generation, why are they not as good as our ancestors? Give me time, and I will definitely be able to compare with the supreme gods and demons of ancient times. What a shame these people don't give me time! The ancestors in their eyes are unique, and the ancestors in their eyes cannot be surpassed. Xuan Ye's voice Full of resentment.

Cui Yu walked in the thunder and fire and turned to look at Xuan Ye. If Xuan Ye could obtain the Zhoutian Star Formation, his future achievements would never be worse than those of any innate saint.

If one person controls a piece of the night sky and an entire array of stars in the sky, he can challenge even the resurrection of a saint, right?

Cui Yu felt a little emotional in his heart. Xuan Ye was an extraordinary person, but it was a pity that he was cheated by his teammates.

Being cheated by his own father and his own son, he did not have time to fully develop.

Xuan Ye was able to break the law of cause and effect, which shows how extraordinary the mysterious things he integrated into his body were. Cui Yu couldn't help but feel a little greed in his heart when he thought of this.

But it doesn't matter. When he gets the treasure later, he can refine it to death. By then, any secrets in Xuan Ye's body will not be hidden from his eyes.

Numerous thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart, and Xuan Ye suddenly asked from the side: Why did the ancestor sneak into my Xuan family? Is it because he has a grudge against my Xuan family? Or did he come here for the blue sky?

Xuanchi and I have a grudge. Cui Yu said without looking back: The Xuan family in Haojing City destroyed all my Shen family. Such deep hatred and hatred are irreconcilable. Especially Xuanchi, he bullied me too much. Yu Ji is She was my childhood sweetheart. That Xuanchi took away my childhood sweetheart, so I wanted to come to the Xuan family to eradicate the roots. The reason why I was able to find the Xuan family was to secretly follow Xuan Chi's traces. As for Qingtian's birth, but It’s just fate.”

Xuan Ye's mouth twitched when he heard this. He didn't expect that such a trivial matter would lead to such a powerful enemy. He cursed fiercely: Damn Xuan Chi, he really deserves death! I sent him out in the first place just because I wanted to We just want to depose the prince he supports, but who would have thought that this bastard would actually bring on such a terrifying enemy for our Xuan family. That means he is dead now, otherwise the lonely king will have to rip off his skin.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this. On the contrary, he felt that everything was just right. If Xuan Chi hadn't taken action, how would he have found the Xuan family's headquarters and had the opportunity to take his Twelve Capital Gods Formation one step further?

By the way, what happened to Wu Zhao? Cui Yu thought of Wu Zhao who died in Xiuli Qiankun.

He's just an abandoned son of the Wu family. In the past, Wu Yueyue of the Wu family had a good relationship with the lineage of Saint Li, and also had a good relationship with the lineage of Saint Haoran. I heard that some ancient gods and demons were born in the Two Realms Mountains, which could make people's wishes come true. Any wish, so the Haoran family borrowed a large amount of supplies from the Wu family. Then who knew that the wish-making gods and demons in the Two Realms Mountains were simply a scam. The Haoran family was deceived and bankrupted, unable to repay the debts of the Wu family. This led to conflicts within the Wu family. Later, the Haoran lineage fell apart, which even led to turmoil within the Wu family, and Wu Yiyue was ousted. When Xuan Ye said this, he looked at Cui Yu with his eyes:

All of this has something to do with the ancestor.

Oh? What does it have to do with me? Cui Yu asked in surprise.

If I guessed correctly, then Yu Ji was rescued by the ancestor. Xuan Ye asked.

Cui Yu did not refute.

Xuan Ye said: That's it. Because Yu Ji was lost, the key bloodline that inspired Qingtian's birth was lost, so I thought of Wu Zhao, the young lady of the Wu family. I heard people say that Wu Zhao's blood is extremely pure and can be compared to the ancestors of the Wu family. So I sent people to propose marriage, and used a large amount of supplies to exchange the military photos.

Now that the matter has come to this point, the context is clear, and Cui Yucai suddenly realizes that all of this is really his fault.

Then he turned to look at Xuan Ye, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes: It seems that it really has something to do with me.

Xuan Ye looked at Cui Yu's back carefully with his eyes: Ancestor, do you know Wu Zhao?

I am the warrior of Wu Zhao. Cui Yu replied.

Xuan Ye was shocked when he heard this, his scalp was numb, and a sense of panic rose in his heart. This really stirred up a hornet's nest. From Yu Ji to Wu Zhao, they all stabbed Cui Yu directly at the door of his life.

Ancestor, person never knew that Wu Zhao and Yu Ji were close to you, ancestor. Otherwise, even if you gave me ten courages, I would never dare to hurt the two girls. It's a hair on my head. Xuan Ye felt his scalp numb. Is there such a coincidence in the world? He captured two people, both of whom were close relatives of the person in front of him.

Cui Yu shook his head when he heard this: It doesn't matter, everything is over.

Xuan Ye looked at Cui Yu's back, but didn't believe it in his heart. He only felt that Cui Yu must be holding some hatred in his heart and would kill himself at the critical moment.

But Xuan Ye looked at Cui Yu's side face carefully with his eyes: Has the ancestor made up his mind and refused to let me go back? Once he masters the innate formation, he will keep me here forever.

Cui Yu paused when he heard this and turned to look at Xuan Ye: Xuan Chi and I have a bloody feud. We have killed countless members of the Xuan family, and I have even uprooted the branches of the Xuan family outside.

Hearing this, Xuan Ye quickly said: What the ancestor said is wrong. You have also seen that there are many branches of the Xuan family, and everyone has reached the stage of life and death. Where is the family affection? If you kill me, you will kill me. What does it have to do with me? ?”

You really don't care? Cui Yu glanced at Xuan Ye.

Xuan Ye shook his head when he heard this: They are all relatives from the fifth generation, so there is no relationship.

Hearing this, Cui Yu nodded, believing Xuan Ye's words. Both sides want to kill each other directly for the throne. Where can there be any family ties?

It would be too ridiculous to talk about family ties with people like Xuan Ye.

Xuan Ye carefully looked at Cui Yu's profile: Can you let me live? I will go far away from home in the future and will never go against you.

Cui Yu stopped and glanced at Xuan Ye. He and Xuan Ye really didn't have any deep hatred, except for Wu Zhao.

It's not impossible to let you live, but I'm afraid of trouble if you develop magical powers to deal with me in the future. Cui Yu looked at Xuan Ye with his eyes.

If the ancestor does not dislike it, I am willing to submit to the ancestor's command and let the ancestor plant the forbidden mark. I will never dare to deviate from it for the rest of my life. Xuan Ye was overjoyed when he heard this.

Cui Yu is willing to plant a restraint on him, so that he can feel at ease and be sure that Cui Yu really wants to keep his life.

How long has it been? Survival is the most important thing. What kind of bicycle do you need?

Cui Yu glanced at Xuan Ye, with countless thoughts flashing in his mind, and finally said: I can give you a chance, but you must not regret it in the future.

I have no reason to regret it. Xuan Ye said quickly.

After hearing Xuan Ye's words, Cui Yu nodded: Relax your mind.

Xuan Ye quickly relaxed his mind and looked at Cui Yu eagerly.

For Xuan Ye, being able to survive now is already the greatest luck. How can he dare to hope for a bicycle?

Cui Yu was not ambiguous. He planted the mark of the Eye of Destruction, wrapped up a ray of his soul, and fell into Xuan Ye's three souls and seven souls. With the help of the power of the Three Corpse Insects, he completely integrated with Xuan Ye. .

Cui Yu gently raised his hand, slapped Xuan Ye on the head, and then retracted his hand: Okay.

Xuan Ye was stunned when he heard this, with a look of surprise in his eyes. He had not noticed the changes in his body, let alone Cui Yu's methods.

Continue on your way. Cui Yu replied.

Xuan Ye was a little confused and didn't know what method Cui Yu used, but he knew that it was not Cui Yu's bluff, but that the other party had indeed planted a method for him.

Now that he had become a comrade in the same camp, Xuan Ye felt much more relaxed and at ease immediately. He followed Cui Yu and asked: Ancestor, that Ancestor of the Styx took Qingtian's body, and the Chaotic Soul Demon King wants to No matter how we calculate it, we have no chance of winning. Do you have any countermeasures? Otherwise, we can take advantage of this God-given opportunity and run away.

There was a hint of expectation in Xuan Ye's eyes: As long as we find a place and concentrate on practicing for tens of thousands of years, we will eventually be able to make a difference.

Although the world is big, where can we go? The speed of our cultivation is definitely not as fast as Qingtian's strength. That Qingtian is a quasi-sage now. If it doesn't take a hundred years, he can cross the threshold and become a quasi-sage's 'quasi' Throw away the word. For a saint, the world is too small, just like a small puddle. Even if we turn into loaches and hide, how long can we hide? Cui Yu vetoed Xuan Ye's words.

But Qingtian is too powerful, and we can't handle it at all. Although Patriarch Styx and the Chaotic Soul Demon King are in a stalemate right now, everyone with a discerning eye knows that it is only a matter of time before Patriarch Styx is defeated. Then Sooner or later, the body will return to the Chaos Soul Demon King. When the Chaos Soul Demon King returns and sweeps the entire world, how can we continue to live? It would be better to open the innate formation and ask the blue sky to join the Cangtian Huo! Xuan Ye's eyes There is a light of wisdom in it: Only when the blue sky and the blue sky merge, we have a chance.

Then have you ever thought about what we will face if the sky swallows the blue sky, or if the blue sky swallows the sky? Cui Yu shook his head.

Xuan Ye was stunned when he heard this.

Cui Yu took a breath: You may be talking about a way, but it is not a perfect way to solve this matter. I have another way here, which may be able to solve this big trouble. When the time comes, we will divide the blue sky and repair it. Because we will definitely be able to make rapid progress.”

Ancestor, is there a way to turn defeat into victory and defeat Qingtian? Xuan Ye was stunned when he heard this, then glanced at Cui Yu, and suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly slapped his thigh: I know the ancestor's plan.

Do you know my plan? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this: Do you know what my plan is?

Cui Yu was surprised and looked at Xuan Ye in confusion, with countless thoughts flashing in his mind: It can't be possible? How did Xuan Ye know about it? It is impossible for his plan to be leaked except to those who are personally involved.

The ancestor's plan is nothing more than to start with the body of the Chaos Soul Demon King. The distance between the Chaos Soul Demon King's body and the puppet cannot exceed one hundred thousand miles, otherwise the power of control will be lost. If you want to be within one hundred thousand miles Although it is difficult to find the true form of the Chaotic Soul Demon King in Li Nei, it is not without hope. Xuan Ye said firmly: I heard someone said that there is a treasured demon mirror in ancient times, which can see through illusions. Could it be that our ancestors had a demon mirror?

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