Who can say clearly what will happen in the future? Honghuang was defeated, and everyone is trying to survive at any cost. Who knows what Tongtian will become in the future?

After hearing Hongjun's words, Cui Yu felt his scalp numb. He looked at the clone in his soul's ancestral orifice with his eyes, and a bad premonition was born in his heart.

You don't have to worry. As long as your strength continues to improve, this so-called 'god inside the body, body outside the body' will not be able to escape your control, but will be used by you.

Hongjun looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, showing curiosity: Although 'God within the God, God outside the God' is a dangerous situation for you, it is also a huge opportunity. If you can refine everyone Transformed into a clone, the future may not be able to accommodate thousands of Taoist fruits in the world, and step into a realm that has never been seen before or will never come after.

Ancestor, can you help me control this magical power? Cui Yu asked quickly.

It's too late. If I had ten thousand years, I could naturally deduce a way to crack this 'God outside, God within', but now it's too late. There's no time left for me. The only thing I can do for you is to help. You refine Gonggong's true spirit. Use Gonggong's true spirit to help you refine it into a 'god within the spirit, a spirit outside the spirit', and refine it into your incarnation to help you save your life and not be invaded by Gonggong in the future. Hongjun looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Please give me a helping hand, ancestor. Cui Yu said quickly and respectfully.

Hongjun nodded when he heard this: Revolution Skill.

The mantra of God within the God, God outside the God was used. Patriarch Hongjun pointed it out, and then the Buddha seal that sealed the Gonggong True Spirit was broken. The next moment, the Gonggong True Spirit looked up to the sky and roared, shouting: Ha Haha! Hahaha! You can’t contain me! You can’t contain me!”

However, before Gonggong finished laughing wildly, Ancestor Hongjun dropped his finger, and the fragments of Gonggong's true spirit instantly shattered and turned into countless crystal-like fragments.

At this time, as Cui Yu displayed his magical power and Cui Yu ran the formula, the fragments of Gonggong's true spirit were absorbed and incorporated into Cui Yu's body.

Even the Gonggong organ born in Cui Yu's body turned into nothingness at this time with the operation of the mantra. Only a hazy shadow of black mist was born in Cui Yu's mind, and a terrifying figure was conceived in it. .

The incarnation of Gonggong is done!

However, when Gonggong's true form was completed, he began to compete with Cui Yu for control of his body, trying to suppress Cui Yu's sense of self.

Don't think about it! Cui Yu's face was gloomy, and he quickly used his magical power, and the Buddha's light shone towards the incarnation of Gonggong's true spirit and suppressed it. But how much power does the Mahayana Buddha Seal still have at this time? Unable to suppress the incarnation of Gonggong, Cui Yu lost control of one of his arms in an instant.


At this moment, Saint Tongtian's destiny incarnation took action, instantly drawing tens of thousands of drops of divine blood from Cui Yu's body. The divine blood actually activated a trace of the destiny power of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, suppressing Gonggong's real body. Go down.

Can it still be like this? Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

The incarnation of Saint Tongtian has only one source of essence and does not have Gonggong's demon blood like Gonggong, so he cannot mobilize the power of the divine blood in Cui Yu's body.

However, with the personal authority of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and the divine power provided by Cui Yu, Gonggong's destiny incarnation was actually sealed.

The last bit of consciousness of the true spirit fragment of Gonggong's incarnation was shattered by the internal and external attacks of Patriarch Hongjun and Master Tongtian.

Cui Yu was stunned, could he still operate like this?

Cui Yu seemed to have found the slightest possibility of balance.

Thank you, ancestor. Cui Yu quickly saluted Hongjun.

Hongjun glanced at Cui Yu meaningfully: We are all dead, but the future will all depend on you.

Ancestor... Hearing Hongjun's words, Cui Yu couldn't help being shocked, his eyes full of horror: Even you are going to die?

Hongjun shook his head and smiled bitterly: The stronger your cultivation level, the faster you will die. People with low cultivation level may still have a chance to escape, but those with high cultivation level can only wait to die.

Having said this, Hongjun took out a bamboo slip from his sleeve: I have twelve gods and evil formations here, which may be the key to restraining the 'gods within and gods outside' in the future. You can do it yourself. In the future, You must win!”

After speaking, Hongjun's body twisted and shattered in front of Cui Yu like a mirror, disintegrating into a purple gas.

The purple gas slowly dissipated in the void. Cui Yu held the jade slip in his hand, his eyes full of disbelief.

The majestic Taoist ancestor Hongjun actually fell like this?

The legendary big man fell in front of him. How could this be possible?

The great formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods? The key to checking and balancing the gods? Thousands of thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart. Looking at the source of Hongjun dissipating in front of him, his heart suddenly trembled:

I have refined all the heavens to become the incarnation of destiny. What if I can refine Taoist Hongjun into the God within the God???

A crazy idea flashed in Cui Yu's mind. The origin of Daozu Hongjun had collapsed in front of him. Everything seemed possible?

Tongtian can practice it, why can't Taoist Hongjun practice it?

He has already refined a Tongtian, is he still afraid of refining a Hongjun?

When the time comes, I will refine all the characters from the ancient times and see who among them will compete with me for the body!

The shocking creation was right in front of him. At this time, countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind. He looked at the dissipating source of Hongjun. The next moment, without saying a word, he directly activated his magical power to practice God within the God, God outside the God.

With the completion of Cui Yu's practice and the completion of his movement, a trace of Hongjun's remaining origin in the void was absorbed by Cui Yu, and then the god within, god outside skills circulated in Cui Yu's body, and Hongjun's origin and Cui Yu's origins merged into one, and then along with the operation of 'god within the soul, god outside the soul', a destiny was slowly formed in the void.

This 'spirit within the spirit, spirit outside the spirit' technique is indeed mysterious. Although it has drawbacks, it may not be without a way to restrain it. Cui Yu felt the operating formula, and countless insights came to his heart.

The incarnations and fates cultivated through the practice of God within, God outside are all rootless duckweeds.

Just like Hongjun's destiny incarnation and Tongtian Cult Master's destiny incarnation, they have no self-awareness at all, they are just empty frames, and they don't even have magical powers, let alone any realm of cultivation.

The two are different from Gonggong. The Gonggong clan has its own demonic blood and the real Gonggong true spirit fragments are integrated into it. It is no longer empty.

There are two ways to make the other two fates stronger. The first is to mobilize Cui Yu's divine blood. Cui Yu can control the incarnations of the two fates, which may be able to exert some functions. The second is like working together, guiding the true spirit fragments in time and space, and connecting the two people's true spirit fragments.

As long as there are fragments of the true spirit integrated into it, the lives of the two of them will be enriched, and then they will gradually take the opportunity to be resurrected.

However, these 'destinies' are no longer allowed by heaven. If you want to be truly resurrected and free, you can only compete with Cui Yu for a chance of survival.

Usurping Cui Yu’s fate!

Only by replacing Cui Yu's destiny can everyone live a carefree life and completely get rid of all kinds of shackles and resurrect between heaven and earth.

Cui Yu is the first personality, and the others are the second and third personalities... As long as Cui Yu's first personality dominates, the other major personalities have no chance to come forward.

Only by competing with Cui Yu for control of the body can he truly live in the sun.

Of course, it is not without benefits for Cui Yu.

As long as he is strong enough and is not afraid of being backlashed by the rest of his destiny, everyone's magical methods can be used by him.

I don't know if I made a profit or lost a loss, but I know I have no choice now. Since the variables cannot be controlled, the more chaotic the situation, the better. The more uncontrollable factors, the better. Cui Yu had countless thoughts in his mind. Flashing.

Just as thousands of thoughts were flashing in Cui Yu's heart, the space and time around him was distorted, and the space rippled like layers of water waves. The next moment, time and space disappeared, and Cui Yu felt that the world was spinning, and when he reappeared, countless coffins came into view. .

What are you doing standing here stupidly? I've been calling you for a long time, but you didn't answer? Chi You said worriedly while lying at Cui Yu's feet.

Cui Yu glanced at Chi You at his feet: Did you see me standing here without moving?

Cui Yu's eyes were full of surprise. He had clearly returned to the prehistoric era in body.

Are you stupid? Your body is right here, how can I not see it? Chi You seemed to be looking at an idiot.

However, before Cui Yu could ask any more questions, the golden finger page suddenly popped up in front of Cui Yu. The golden finger that had been silent for a long time actually made movement again today:

[I discovered that a strange power has invaded. Do you want to usurp it? 】

Invasion of strange power? Cui Yu was stunned and quickly checked his body. Where was the invasion of strange power?

Before Cui Yu could figure it out, the text in front of him started to flash again:

[After the usurpation is successful, you will obtain the true form of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal Realm. 】

[Note 1: This strange power comes from Tongtian Cult Master, who has penetrated into the origin of the host, and is very likely to take over the host and replace it. After successfully usurping, you will obtain the true form of the Hunyuan Realm - the Tongtian Cult Leader. 】

[Note 2: After the usurpation is successful, as long as you have enough divine blood in your body, you will be able to mobilize the power of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal level]

[Note 3: Price: Lord Tongtian is the legendary supreme giant and one of the saints of the ancient world. He fell during the calamity and hid in the ancient land. Although the leader died, his true spirit is immortal and will always exist in chaos, time and space, the past and the future. Once the true form of Tongtian Cult Master is mobilized, it is very likely that fragments of the saint's true spirit will invade and take the host's place. 】

[Note 4: The price is not exempt. 】

Cui Yu looked at the page in front of him with shock in his eyes. Doesn't this look like Gonggong's real body?

The most important thing is, what is the origin of our golden finger? Even the fate and origin of a saint can be tampered with into the model of his 'true body'?

However, before Cui Yu could figure it out, the Golden Finger began to refresh rapidly again. This time, the Golden Finger page continued to twist, and the text on it continued to collapse and then reorganize. It seemed that it had been affected by an inexplicable force. After a long period of interference and confrontation, the power of Golden Finger gained the upper hand, and the page in front of me finally started to refresh again:

[I discovered that a strange power has invaded. Do you want to usurp it? 】

[After successful usurpation, you will obtain the ultimate magical power ‘Hongjun’s True Body’. 】

[Note 1: This strange power comes from Daozu Hongjun. It has penetrated into the origin of the host and is very likely to replace the host. After successfully usurping it, you will obtain the true body of Hunyuan realm - Hongjun's true body. 】

[Note 2: After the usurpation is successful, as long as you have enough divine blood in your body, you will be able to mobilize power beyond the Hunyuan Golden Immortal level]

[Note 3: Price: Daozu Hongjun was the legendary supreme giant, the leader of the ancient way of heaven. He fell in a calamity and was buried in the ancient land. Although the Taoist ancestor died, his true spirit is immortal and will always exist in chaos, time and space, the past and the future. Once Saint Hongjun's true body is mobilized, it is very likely that fragments of the Saint's true spirit will invade and take the host's place. 】

[Note 4: The price is not exempt. 】

[Note 5: Serious warning: The probability of being replaced is extremely high, so the host please act within your ability. 】

Looking at the page in front of him, especially the fifth warning on the page, Cui Yu couldn't help but feel cold.

The probability of being replaced is extremely high?

Cui Yu looked at the two incarnations in the ancestral cavity between his eyebrows, and thousands of thoughts flashed in his mind: Where did my golden finger come from? Even two such awesome people were usurped by my golden finger?

Hongjun Daozu is awesome, so wouldn’t his own Golden Finger be even more awesome?

After taking a look at the page in front of him, Cui Yu had countless thoughts flashing in his mind. His own golden finger seemed to be able to make up for some of the shortcomings of God within, God outside.

After Golden Finger's transformation, all the origins have completely become his own, except for the true spirit fragment.

At this time, the Dharmakaya of Master Tongtian and Saint Hongjun had not yet received the true spirit fragments. Of course, they could not resist Cui Yu's consciousness and had no idea of ​​independence.

Countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind. Does he still have a choice now?

Of course it's usurpation!

All usurped!

With the twisting of the golden finger, Cui Yu only felt that the origin of his energy and spirit seemed to be purified by an inexplicable force. Hongjun's dharma body and Tongtian's dharma body were shattered, and after inexplicable transformation, they were completely transformed into Cui Yu. the power of.

Then two brand new real bodies appeared in Cui Yu's mind.

Feeling the state of the two avatars, Cui Yu's eyes changed and became a little subtle:

It seems to have changed now. The 'god within the gods, the gods outside the gods' is developing in an inexplicable direction. They are no longer my fate, but my true incarnation. What they are fighting for is no longer my body, but my body. It’s a fight for control of their own true form.”

The expression on Cui Yu's face became subtle.

If Master Tongtian knew what was going on at this time, he would probably jump out of time and space and kill himself with a sword.

What is the origin of my golden finger? Incredible! Incredible! This is the power of a saint, the law of heaven at the saint level, but the other party tampered with it whenever he said it was tampered with. How incredible is this? How subtle is this?

They wanted to place a chess piece on me, but I'm afraid they made the wrong decision. They would never have thought that I actually had a golden finger. Cui Yu smiled.

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