Cui Yu felt that if the leader of Tongtian Cult had a spirit in heaven, he should never target him.

The previous incarnation was a monster mixed with the origin of Tongtian Cult Leader and Cui Yu's energy and spirit. At this time, after the transformation and usurpation by Golden Finger, the true body of Tongtian Saint was completely formed, which was born from Cui Yu's energy and spirit.

In the past, the 'personality' was fighting for control of Cui Yu's body, but now Cui Yu has absolute control over his real body. The true spirit buried deep in time and space by Master Tongtian and others wanted to regain control of the true body from Cui Yu's hands.

It's like a fragment of Gonggong's true spirit.

Before the fragments of Gonggong's true spirit came, Cui Yu had absolute control over Gonggong's true body, and the purpose of the fragments of Gonggong's true spirit coming was to take back the true form of Gonggong from Cui Yu's hands.

Of course, it would be great if Cui Yu's body could be taken away by the way.

What exactly is this so-called true body? Cui Yu looked at the true body in his mind, with thousands of thoughts flashing in his mind.

One thing he was sure of was that his true body was definitely not a physical body.

What is that true form?

The most important thing is that now there are three true bodies in his body.

On the contrary, Gonggong's true body has been transformed by Cui Yu's Shen on the outside, god on the inside technique, and has been refined by him into a clone similar to his external incarnation.

If the true form of the 'God outside God, God within God' that I practiced before being usurped still bears the mark of the original owner during his lifetime, it is full of too many variables and cannot be completely controlled by me, then after the usurpation, all My true body originally belonged to me and became my true body. Those true spirit fragments were outsiders and intruders who wanted to take me away. But the usurped true body once experienced the 'God of God Outside God'. Through the practice of God within the God, the form has changed again, and it seems to have changed into my external incarnation. Even if those true spirits really take away the real body one day in the future, it will not affect my true self. Even if I am strong enough, I can master them all. Thousands of thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart.

But this does not mean that Cui Yu can sit back and relax. How can those true bodies be willingly controlled by Cui Yu with the integration of true spirit fragments?

When the time comes, there will be no fight between dragons and tigers.

Just like the true body of Gonggong, although it has been transformed by God outside, God within, the consciousness of Gonggong still remains. He covets Cui Yu's physical body and wants to take away Cui Yu's life at all times. , replaced Cui Yu and was completely resurrected, summoning more Gonggong True Spirit fragments.

But now the fragments of the Gonggong True Spirit, after a period of repairs by Daozu Hongjun, have been completely stabilized and are under the control of Cui Yu.

Yes, this piece of true spirit fragment is controlled by Cui Yu.

As long as the true spirit fragments that come across time and space in the future are not as powerful as this true spirit fragment, they will be helpless to Cui Yu. In fact, they will be suppressed and refined by Cui Yu to strengthen the true spirit fragments in Cui Yu's hands.

But if the true spirit fragments resurrected across time and space are larger than the true spirit fragments in Cui Yu's hands, Cui Yu's Gonggong real body will inevitably rebel again.

In fact, Cui Yu also had some ideas, using the real body he controlled to suppress more real bodies and more fragments of the true spirit.

For example, he has mastered the fragments of Gonggong's true spirit. If one day the fragments of the true spirit of the leader Tongtian are resurrected and come down, Cui Yu can use Gonggong's true body to suppress it.

Of course, Gonggong and Master Tongtian were not on the same level, so Cui Yu could only think about it secretly.

But what if he could gather the twelve ancestral witches? Have you comprehended the formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods?

Will it be possible to suppress the true spirit of the saint then?

Cui Yu didn't know, he could only keep guessing and strive for more favorable opportunities for his future.

It's a pity that there is no treasure to restrain the soul. If I can obtain the treasure to restrain the soul, I will make a lot of money in the future. Cui Yu sighed in his heart.

His eyes fell on Hongjun's real body and Tongzhen's body, and he saw the writing behind the two real bodies was dim, writing Not enough divine power, cannot be mobilized.

As expected of the saints, all are ants. Cui Yu looked at the two gray avatars, with thousands of thoughts flashing in his mind.

If you can't use it, you really can't use it. The power of a saint is not so easy to mobilize.

Even if it is so laborious to mobilize the real body of Gonggong, it all depends on the continuous supply of Cui Yu's divine blood and the help of a good man like Corpse Ancestor, let alone mobilizing the power of a saint?

What are you thinking about? At this time, Chi You kept pulling Cui Yu's thigh, waking Cui Yu up from the state of the page. He felt that something was wrong with Cui Yu's state at this time.

What can I think about? Cui Yu glanced at the coffin in front of him, and finally landed on the altar.

Gonggong's real body can be redeployed, giving him the greatest confidence.

Although Gonggong's demonic blood was now only used up by two or three strikes, for Cui Yu, it still gave him an infinite sense of security.

The candlelight was flowing on the high platform, and Cui Yu's eyes fell on the branches of the congenital hibiscus tree and the two golden balls.

Who built this altar? Cui Yu's eyes showed a trace of curiosity, and he directly stretched out his hand to take the branches of the congenital fusang tree.

Without any obstruction, Cui Yu took the branches of the innate hibiscus tree in his hands.

With this branch, I can use the complete Seven Arrows Book of Nail Heads, and I will kill anyone I don't like. Cui Yu smiled coldly: I don't know if the branches of this innate hibiscus tree can be used with the innate Resurrection soaked in manna.”

Cui Yu stroked the branches and carefully sensed the laws within them. Although the innate hibiscus tree was dry, there still seemed to be an indescribable force gathering within it. In the final struggle, there was still a glimmer of life remaining.

Resurrection is the most sensitive thing about life. After Cui Yu felt the vitality in it, he couldn't help but feel ecstatic: There is hope!

A little nectar dripped down, and the dead branches of the hibiscus tree were like dry sponges, and the nectar penetrated directly into it.

It's fun! I'm not afraid that you will absorb it, but I'm afraid that you won't absorb it. Cui Yu was not stingy. The divine power in his body was continuously transformed into sweet rain, dripping towards the innate hibiscus wood, constantly nurturing a faint trace of vitality.

With the feeding of the innate nectar, Cui Yu noticed that the weak vitality was gradually stabilized by the power of the nectar, and he just showed a hint of joy in his heart: If the innate hibiscus wood can be resurrected, I have collected four innate sacred trees.

Cui Yu put the hibiscus wood into Qiankun's sleeve and waited until he got out to find a way to cultivate it carefully. At this time, what he was most concerned about in the cave was whether the group of old guys behind him would come in.

Look at the red candle on the high platform and the two golden balls.

Cui Yu stretched out his hand and took the meatball in his hand. He looked at it carefully for a while, but he couldn't identify what kind of treasure it was. He couldn't tell at all.

Do you know what kind of treasure this is? Cui Yu looked at Chi You.

Chi You looked up and down after hearing the words, and after a long time shook his head: I can't tell. You can ask Miao Shan, the woman who is well-informed, and must know the fate. But it is definitely not possible to be placed in an ancient tomb. An ordinary treasure.

Cui Yu stuffed the two golden meatballs into his sleeves, then looked at the tall candlelight, always feeling that the candlelight in front of him was a little weird.

But he didn't pay much attention to it, but turned his head and looked into the distance:

We don't know what's going on outside, and those experts don't know when they're going to break in. We don't have much time left.

The tombkeeper is too strong, and there is no way those people can resist. I'm afraid that it's not the outside monks who will chase after him later, but the old guy of the tombkeeper who doesn't know the details.

Compared with the tombkeepers, Chi You wanted people from outside to break in.

I don't know where this Crystal Palace came from. I forgot to ask Saint Tongtian and Ancestor Hongjun. Cui Yu scratched his head.

But he was sure that this Crystal Palace was by no means simple, and it was most likely born before Ancestor Hongjun.

I wonder if there are any burial objects of those ancient gods and demons in these coffins. Cui Yu was curious and turned his eyes to the coffin of the old man.

I always feel like there's something wrong with these coffins. You guys should quickly find the entrance to the next level. These coffins are too evil and must involve some big secret from ancient times. It's better that we don't get into trouble. Chi You was a little worried.

How can it be an ordinary place to erect monuments for countless ancient monks here?

Cui Yu looked at the coffin, and strange runes flashed on the coffin. Then Cui Yu was in a trance, stretched out his palm, and landed on the coffin of the old man. The next moment, he suddenly used force to hold the coffin.


The coffin was unexpectedly heavy by Cui Yu, and with a loud bang, the coffin was opened.

Looking at the opened lid of the coffin, Cui Yu could not help but shrink his pupils, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Oops, we've caused big trouble! Cui Yu exclaimed, his voice full of horror.

outside world

At this time, a great battle broke out. The Great Ape Demon had obtained the Dinghai Divine Needle. He was really powerful, and the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand turned the river upside down, causing the tombkeeper to retreat steadily. Facing the Great Ape Demon, he also Can only parry.

After three hundred rounds of fighting, the two sides stood apart. The tombkeeper held a measuring ruler in his hand, his body was trembling slightly, and his eyes looked at the great ape demon in front of him, his eyes full of despair.

He could feel that Pantao's power disappeared.

What a waste of natural resources! Flat peaches are not for eating! You monkey deserve to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts! The voice of the tombkeeper was full of despair.

Without Pantao, he would definitely die.


Endless despair!

Ji Qiong'er. The so-called ancient demon god is nothing more than this. The monkey demon great sage was carrying the Dinghai Divine Needle, his eyes were full of pride, it was really a joyful battle.

Do you think you've won? The gravekeeper looked at the Great Sage of the Ape Demon, a hint of determination gradually appeared in his eyes, and his entire facial expression gradually returned to calm.

What? The Great Ape Demon was stunned.

The people watching the battle in the distance suddenly felt uneasy in their hearts.

What does gravekeeper mean?

You foreigners who trespass on the tomb of our lord Taiyi deserve to be cut into pieces. Since I cannot protect the tomb of the god, I should die with you. Let the thirty-third heaven perish forever, and bury you forever in the third level. Within the Thirteenth Heaven. The tombkeeper's voice was full of determination:

You outsiders, since you won't give me a way to survive, you can't even hope to get out alive.

What other abilities do you have? Even if you show them, am I afraid that you will fail? The Ape Demon Great Sage smiled coldly: You are already at the end of your strength, I don't believe you still have any abilities.

Haha, are you in a desperate situation? Do you really think I can't help you? Who told you that I am only in the realm of Taiyi? The tombkeeper looked at the Ape Demon Monkey King with his eyes.

What do you mean? The Great Ape Demon suddenly tightened his buttocks, and a bad premonition came into his heart.

Not good!

This old guy obviously has a trump card.

I am Bai Ze, one of the top ten demon commanders of the Ancient Demon Court. You, the younger generation, are lucky enough to see me today. I want you to experience the power of the real peak of heaven and earth in the ancient times. Bai Ze said in a leisurely voice:

Da Luo! Ever since the long river of time was broken, there has been no Da Luo in the world, right? He has been living for a hundred and eighty thousand years, so today I should follow all my fellow Taoists.

White Pond?

What the hell?

And what is the realm of Daluo that the other party mentioned?

I don't know why, but after hearing the other party's words, the Monkey Demon Great Sage had an unpleasant premonition in his heart.

Not only the Ape Demon Great Sage, but everyone in the palace was panicked at this time.

The current tombkeepers have surpassed Jin Chi and reached a peak that no one can imagine. If the tombkeeper's cultivation continues to climb at this peak, will everyone still have a way to survive? How desperate must that be?

You are pretending to be a ghost, I don't believe you can burst out with more powerful power. If you can still burst out with more powerful power, why don't you just take action? Are you still fighting with us here? Although the Great Sage of the Ape Demon felt hairy in his heart, his mouth But he refused to give in.

Over there, Tang Zhou felt like the hair on his body was exploding: We are in big trouble! We are in big trouble!

The Ape Demon Great Sage doesn't know what the Great Luo Realm is, how can he not know it?

That is definitely not a force that everyone can resist.

Even if the Ape Demon Great Sage holds the Dinghai Divine Needle in his hand, he still cannot win.

How is that possible! Tang Zhou looked like a beeping dog. How could there be a strong man in the Da Luo realm in this world?

If there were Da Luo gods, what else would I do?

Haha, what do you, an ant, know? The shackles of Heaven have been lowered. Once the power beyond the Taiyi realm is revealed, it will alarm Heaven's punishment and awaken the consciousness of Heaven. Since I can't live today, I might as well ignite the origin and fight in the desperate situation. After sublimation, it is natural for you to stay here to be buried with our Lord! The void around the tombkeeper began to twist, and a bright light slowly ignited in his body, and the aura representing immortality spread in the void. .


An unimaginably powerful force, an indescribable power spread within that thin body: My name is Bai Ze, and you shall die!

Bai Ze roared with anger, and the divine power in his body boiled. His whole body sublimated again and stepped into the realm of Da Luo.

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