In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 558: Tongtian, can you refine me?

Cui Yu's eyes were full of expectation, and he saw Tongtian's finger gently tapping out and landing on the center of his eyebrows. Then the next moment, countless memories poured into Cui Yu's heart.

This formula is too complicated and contains infinite avenues and principles. Cui Yu simply cannot understand it.

Cui Yu's soul even began to run sluggishly, and his thinking began to gradually stop, as if it was an old computer that was stuck.

At this time, Cui Yu's Pangu Chalcedony flashed a little divine light, and Cui Yu felt his soul refreshed, and then countless information poured into Cui Yu's mind like running water.

Although he got the formula, he couldn't understand it.

He knew every word, but when the words were put together, he didn't know any of them.

Too obscure!

Don't you understand? Tongtian seemed to have expected this situation.

Cui Yu nodded repeatedly: Please ask the saint to clarify my doubts.

Tongtian smiled and unhurriedly opened the door to Cui Yu and explained the entire formula.

As Cui Yu gradually understood the formula, his heart suddenly jumped and a thought popped into his mind: Second personality?

If the second personality becomes stronger, the first personality will not perish, but will only hide, and then the second personality will dominate the body.

If he practices according to the teachings of Master Tongtian and refines the true body of Gonggong into his second personality, no matter how bad the situation is in the future, he can still save his life, and Gonggong can only become a part of himself.

As one's own cultivation level increases, the chance of suppressing Gonggong's true spirit becomes greater. By then, Gonggong will only become his own thug and his own incarnation.

Cui Yu sounded very interested in the words of Master Tongtian. After an unknown amount of time, Master Tongtian stopped preaching, and then he looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Have you understood?

Thank you, Master. Cui Yu quickly bowed respectfully.

The leader smiled happily when he heard this: It's good if you can understand. But I still have something to tell you.

Please give me some advice from the leader. Cui Yu looked respectful.

No matter what, this formula can be regarded as a way out for him.

In the coming age of Dharma Ending, you must remember that you must never believe in any formula or hastily practice any magical powers. The voice of the leader of Tongtian Cult showed a rare hint of seriousness.

Cui Yu was puzzled and didn't understand what the Tongtian leader saw.

All these causes and effects were caused by you. Do you remember the scene when you met Master Zhunti? What you said? Saint Tongtian asked.

Of course I remember. Cui Yu said.

All disasters started from Zhunti. The old monk was indeed capable and had extraordinary means. He seemed to have found a way to return, and the old monk spread the formula to all living beings in the world, and countless sentient beings began to Follow suit. Those formulas passed down by later generations have all been tampered with, so you must be careful! said Master Tongtian.

What tricks did you do? Cui Yu was confused.

Leader Tongtian shook his head, his eyes full of emotion: You can't say it! If you say it, it will change the course of history. Such a big movement will definitely wake up the heaven in the dark, and then completely cut off the last glimmer of life for the people in the world.

Tongtian's eyes were full of seriousness and elusiveness.

Cui Yu was shocked when he heard this. Was he manipulated by a great master from ancient times?

You can imagine what kind of chaos the future will be like.

He knew that the root formulas of the qi practitioners of later generations all came from the ancient times.

This is especially true for martial arts magical powers.

This book 'God Outside, God Within' was specially created by me last time I saw you come to the ancient prehistoric era, as a back-up for myself. Tongtian looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes: You are me backhand.

Cui Yu was puzzled when he heard this.

I'm going to die. Saint Tongtian suddenly spoke, his words were shocking.

What? Cui Yu's heart trembled when he heard this. The leader of Tongtian is a saint. Can a saint also die?

I am no longer a saint, but Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If I am not a saint, I naturally lose the qualifications for immortality. The face of the Tongtian leader was calm: I only have a residual soul left now. My true soul is He was killed a long time ago. If you don’t come, I’m afraid it won’t be long before this remnant soul will disappear into the world.”

Can I be your first 'god within the god'? Leader Tongtian looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, his eyes full of calm: To be honest, as early as when you came to the prehistoric era, I was preparing for today. Prepare. But in the long river of history, I have never met you again. To this day, when the last ray of my soul is about to dissipate, I have begun to despair. Even if I disappear in the long river of history, you actually Appeared.

Leader Tongtian looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: I just want to rely on your destiny to survive. I will never compete with you for control of my body.

Cui Yu was surprised at first when he heard this, but then calmed down. Saint Tongtian is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Even if he is just a ray of remnant soul, if he wants to compete with him for control of his body, he has no power to resist.

But Cui Yu didn't panic. He had Pangu Chalcedony, which could give him time to react. He also has a golden finger to usurp all things.

If Saint Tongtian really wants to replace his fate and return to the new world with his own identity, as he said, that would be fine. If Saint Tongtian wants to seize his own body, or plots to seize some of his own good fortune, then he can also make the other party drink a pot.

He couldn't [usurp] Gonggong's true spirit because Gonggong's demonic blood had been recognized by Golden Finger as his own body, so Gonggong's true spirit was naturally a part of him and was not on the list of usurpers.

There is no soul of Lord Tongtian in his body, and Lord Tongtian is definitely the best candidate to usurp him.

Cui Yu couldn't even imagine what earth-shattering fortunes would come from usurping the remnant soul of a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Since the saint has preached to me, how can I ignore death and not save him? Cui Yu bowed respectfully to the saint Tongtian.

Do your work. Saint Tongtian looked at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu was not polite, he sat cross-legged on the ground and silently started to chant.

There is countless divine blood in his body, and the source is endless and mighty. At this time, it is not very strenuous for him to use his magical powers and practice the 'God within the God'. In just a cup of tea, he has already circulated around the world, 'God outside the God, God within the God' 'Has entered the country.

Cui Yu looked at Saint Tongtian with anticipation in his eyes.

Saint Tongtian also took a deep breath at this time and seemed a little nervous: Are you ready?

Cui Yu nodded.

The next moment, the figure of Saint Tongtian disappeared and turned into a stream of pure air, as thin as a needle thread, pouring into Cui Yu's mouth and nose.

At this time, Cui Yu's formula was running, and the pure Qi of the Tongtian Saint was refined in an instant. Cui Yu was shocked in his heart.

Saint Tongtian was much weaker than he had expected. He was so weak that he was almost as weak as the lamp. He even had less than one ten thousandth of the essence of Saint Tongtian who had not yet condensed into a soul.

If it weren't for the unique fate and laws of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, I'm afraid that the Tongtian Saint would have died long ago.

To be precise, the Saint Tongtian in front of him is like the aroma coming out of that piece of cake. Saint Tongtian himself is the piece of cake, and this fresh air is the aroma on the cake. The gap between food and aroma is too great.

Saint Tongtian is dead, and the figure in front of him is just a bit of Saint Tongtian's destiny and the source of his Qi.

Weak and pitiful!

Cui Yu even suspected that if he hadn't arrived just in time, if he had delayed for another quarter of an hour, Saint Tongtian would have died.

With the movement of the formula, Cui Yu's energy and spirit merged with the pure energy, and the two completely merged into one. Then the technique changed, and the pure Qi mixed with Cui Yu's spirit became independent and turned into a hazy blue figure, standing in the space between Cui Yu's eyebrows and the ancestral aperture.

Cui Yu suddenly realized, isn't this his incarnation?

But this external incarnation only has its own consciousness.

But Cui Yu knew that this incarnation was him, but it was not completely him.

He can completely control the incarnation in front of him, and even the slightest thought of the other party is reflected in Cui Yu's heart.

The memories belonging to Saint Tongtian have disappeared, or were abandoned by Saint Tongtian, because Saint Tongtian knows that with Cui Yu's energy and spirit, he will never be able to carry his huge memory.

The future incarnation of Saint Tongtian can only strengthen himself and retrieve his memory in the long years.

This is my second personality. This is the second me, but it has the temperament and temperament of the Tongtian Saint! The most important thing is that it has the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian fate of the Tongtian Saint!

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart.

For people with advanced cultivation, fate and the realm of cultivation are the most important.

I've met fellow Taoist. The fate of Saint Tongtian bowed to Cui Yu, and then existed quietly in Cui Yu's ancestral orifice like a wood sculpture, constantly absorbing the breath from the underworld to strengthen himself.

Cui Yu looked at the Qing Qi incarnation of Saint Tongtian with his eyes, and finally changed his target. His eyes fell on his lower abdomen, where Gonggong's true spirit was sealed.

Should we take the opportunity to refine Gonggong directly? Thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

Cui Yu did not take action, but chose to wait and see. What if there was still a turning point?

Who knows what other treasures there are in the palace?

What I'm curious about now is how should I go back. Cui Yu stood in the empty palace. The entire Crystal Palace was deserted. Except for the lack of the coffins he saw in later generations, there were no other changes at all.

Weird! Weird! Cui Yu was puzzled, his eyes full of strangeness.

There was no way back when he came, and there was no way out when he left. He was now trapped in the palace in future time and space, and he didn't even know what to do for a while.

Just as thousands of thoughts were flashing in Cui Yu's heart, suddenly the third floor of the Crystal Palace opened the door, and a figure walked in from the door.

Cui Yu couldn't help but be startled when he saw the person coming: Ancestor.

Who is coming?

It turned out to be Saint Hongjun whom Cui Yu had met.

He didn't know Hongjun and couldn't see Hongjun's face clearly, but he knew the aura of Hongjun very clearly.

At this time, Hongjun still had a mighty divine light, and seemed to be the master of thousands of worlds, commanding the countless avenues of heaven and earth.

Seeing Cui Yu here, Saint Hongjun couldn't help but be stunned: Is it you? Are you still alive?

Saint Hongjun was a little excited.

Cui Yu was stunned, wondering why Saint Hongjun was so excited, and asked himself why he was still alive?

Of course I'm still alive. Cui Yu replied.

Hongjun's emotions fluctuated when he heard this, and then he looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, his eyes full of complex colors: Failed! You were right at the beginning, we failed!

We failed? Cui Yu was puzzled.

You will understand later. Hongjun looked at Cui Yu with his eyes. Although he was separated by the mighty divine light, Cui Yu could still feel that Hongjun was smiling happily, the kind of happiness that came from the heart.

It's so good to see you in the last journey of my life. There are old friends to see you off, and I am not lonely when I am walking away. Saint Hongjun looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, and then couldn't help being stunned: What have you practiced? What a crooked thing? You actually refined the pure Qi of Saint Tongtian?

Cui Yu didn't hide anything, and directly told Gonggong's true spirit fragments and the secret formula taught to him by Saint Tongtian.

Hongjun was silent after hearing this.

Is the ancestor going to die too? Cui Yu asked cautiously.

At the same time, a crazy idea came into my mind. If I refined Hongjun into an incarnation outside my body, I'm afraid it would be able to soar into the sky. Who would I be afraid of then?

You want to refine my Juntian origin? Hongjun seemed to see Cui Yu's little thoughts with his eyes.

Perhaps there is still a glimmer of fire left, Cui Yu said.

Hongjun was silent when he heard this. After being silent for a long time, he whispered: You were used by Tongtian.

Cui Yu was puzzled. Of course he knew that he was being used by Saint Tongtian, but what did Saint Hongjun mean by saying it again?

In the future, no matter how many clones you cultivate, there can only be one true 'identity' of Cui Yu. Either Tongtian will replace you, or you will completely replace Tongtian. There will be no second option. The one who has the say in the body , there is only one. Hongjun said meaningfully.

Cui Yu's face turned pale when he heard this. Why should he compete with Saint Tongtian?

Moreover, Tongtian is just using your destiny. In the near future, Saint Tongtian will truly appear in later generations. Saint Hongjun looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: With the help of your destiny, in another way , appearing in a new world.

What do you mean? Cui Yu was confused.

Hearing this, Hongjun smiled bitterly and said, It's Tongtian, but it's not Tongtian. You'll know when you meet him in the future.

Cui Yu looked at Hongjun with his eyes and felt a little scared in his heart. He always felt as if he had fallen into some bad whirlpool.

You don't have to worry too much. You were just tricked by Tongtian and became a pawn of Tongtian. Based on my understanding of Tongtian, he only treats you as a pawn. He will not harm you. Life. Hongjun sighed, his voice full of bitterness, and his words were all sighs.

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