Cui Yu looked at Chi You in surprise when he heard this. He didn't expect that Chi You would call him cowardly and stubborn.

Cui Yu said that he wanted to continue to explain in detail, but Chi You refused to speak at all.

Cui Yu glanced at the grave in front of him with his eyes, and in the end he was a little disappointed.

There is no imagination of the tomb of Emperor Taiyi in the Middle East.

There is not even the tomb of the Twelve Golden Immortals.

There are most unknown people, and the only one who can be called a person is Yin Jiao, who is known as the God of Tai Sui. There is also a real person with long eyebrows in Mount Emei.

Cui Yu glanced at the tombs in front of him. They were all masters of the post-Dharma era.

There is the blood demon god Ding Yin.

and various characters.

Cui Yu finally stopped in front of the old man's grave.

Old Man Shishan was also one of the famous monks in later generations. In the same era as Master Changmei, he is one of the top beings among the descendants of the Jie Sect.

I advise you not to open the coffins in a hurry. I always feel something is wrong. I am just an arm now and have no complete memory of the past. But when I saw these coffins, I felt an inexplicable uneasiness in my heart, as if I had forgotten something. . Chi You walked among the coffins, with a strong uneasiness in his eyes.

Cui Yu frowned when he heard this: Uneasy? Where is the uneasiness?

He didn't know where there would be any uneasiness.

Look here! At this moment Chi You shouted from the corner.

Cui Yu was startled when he heard this and ran over quickly. He saw a stone platform placed in the corner of the palace. On the stone platform, two candles burned faintly and would last forever. Two candles were enshrined on the stone platform. Golden meatballs the size of eggs with dull luster.

The most important thing is that behind the meatball, in the darkness of the candlelight, there is a branch.

The branches are dry, with magical red lines flowing on them, like a blazing flame.

What is that? Cui Yu couldn't help but be moved when he saw the branch. There were wonderful lines flickering on the branches. The lines were like balls of fire, shining with an indescribable luster.

Although it is dry, it is still as eye-catching as jade.

what is that?

Cui Yu's eyes were full of curiosity.

A dead branch where the innate energy circulates? He had only seen a willow branch.

Wonderful innate willow branches.

But this was the first time he saw the branches as red as blood in front of him.

Especially the entwining innate energy is like a flame, burning slowly around the branches.

Those branches are like torches! No, to be precise, it is more beautiful than a torch, as if it is a lit cloud in the sky.

It's the innate hibiscus tree! It's the innate hibiscus tree you're looking for! Chi You's voice sounded in Cui Yu's ears.

Innate hibiscus wood? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this. It can be said that he had gone through all kinds of iron shoes and couldn't find it. It took no effort at all to get it.

Such a coincidence?

You can get whatever you want?

Cui Yu couldn't help but feel a burst of ecstasy in his heart, and without saying a word, he stretched out his palm and took it to the innate hibiscus tree on the high platform.

Don't be reckless! This is a sacrificial altar in ancient times... Chi You was so shocked when he saw Cui Yu's actions that he shouted loudly. At the same time, the dog's head bit Cui Yu's ankle, trying to drag Cui Yu away. Pulled over, but who knew it would be too late after all.

Just when Cui Yu's palm passed through the candlelight and passed over the two golden balls, Cui Yu's whole body suddenly rippled like water waves. Cui Yu only felt that the time and space in front of him changed, and a mighty and wild wave appeared again. The ancient aura rushed towards the face in time and space.

That smell was so familiar to Cui Yu.

The most important thing is that Cui Yu also saw a familiar figure - the leader of Tongtian.

At this time, the leader of Tongtian Cult was standing in the main hall, with his hands behind his back, his eyes looking towards the top of the main hall, his eyes flickering and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, the space in front of him fluctuated, and Cui Yu appeared in the hall.

It's you! Leader Tongtian was stunned and looked at Cui Yu in surprise, his eyes full of astonishment.

He couldn't imagine why Cui Yu would appear here.

Last time, it was at the right time and space, at the right place, and with the help of the power of the Queen Mother of the West's Kunlun Mirror, Cui Yu saw a corner of the past, traveling through the time and space corridor to the ancient era, but who knew that he would see Cui Yu here again? fish?

Leader!!! Why are you here? Could it be that you are not dead but alive again? Cui Yu looked at Tongtian in horror.

It's not that I'm alive again, but you don't know what mechanism was triggered to come here again. This is the ancient era, not the time and space you are in. Tongtian looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, full of surprise.

Have I come to the ancient time and space again? Cui Yu was stunned, his eyes full of disbelief.

Why did I come to ancient time and space again?

Maybe it's just a fragment of ancient time and space. Ancient time and space has collapsed, and what you entered is just a node in ancient time and space. Tongtian looked at Cui Yu, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Only then did Cui Yu realize that the leader of Tongtian Cult in front of him was very different from the last time he met.

The last time we met, the Master of Tongtian Cult had a majestic appearance, a feather fan and a turban, and an upright demeanor, as if he didn't care about all living beings in the world. But at this time, the Tongtian Cult Master's clothes were scattered, and sword marks scratched his clothes. The whole clothes looked like a beggar's clothes, which looked very weird.

Moreover, the bun on the head of the Tongtian Cult Leader also showed signs of being struck by lightning and burned, and it completely lost the fairy aura it had in the past.

The most important thing is that of the Four Zhuxian Swords that Master Tongtian hung behind his back, there is now only one lonely one hanging behind his back.

Eh~ Gonggong's aura, you are actually contaminated with Gonggong's cause and effect? Leader Tongtian is indeed the leader of Tongtian. He saw the suppressed fragments of Gonggong's true spirit in Cui Yu's body at a glance.

The breath of the Mahayana Buddha's seal? You actually became the Mahayana Buddha in the future?

Tongtian looked at Cui Yu with disbelief in his eyes: did you use the Mahayana Buddha seal to seal Gonggong's power?

Cui Yu saw that Master Tongtian had seen through the secrets in his body. Instead of being disappointed, he was overjoyed: Master, save me! Master, please save me!

I don't know when I got Gonggong's bloodline. The Gonggong bloodline grew stronger day by day, and suddenly one day it attracted fragments of Gonggong's true spirit, trying to devour my soul. Thanks to my Mahayana Buddha Seal, I was able to Escaped.

Cui Yu quickly asked Tongtian Cult Leader for help.

There is no other way, what can he do? He is also very helpless! Can he tell the leader of Tongtian about the golden finger?

Can he tell the leader of Tongtian that because Golden Finger gave him Gonggong's demonic blood, Gonggong's real body helped him a lot, so he provoked the backlash of Gonggong's true spirit?

Lord Tongtian is a strong man at the saint level. Gonggong is not a difficult enemy for Lord Tongtian, so Cui Yu feels that no matter what the reason is, meeting Lord Tongtian after traveling through time and space is a good thing for him. A rare creation that can resolve the influence of the Gonggong True Spirit.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, the Tongtian Cult Master looked gloomy and stared at Cui Yu's body with his eyes. After a moment, he said: Have you started?

What? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this. He was simply confused. He didn't know what the leader of Tongtian said. What did he say to start?

Do you know? Honghuang was defeated! Leader Tongtian did not answer Cui Yu's words, but said in a depressed voice.

??? Cui Yu's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. Looking at the leader of Tongtian Cult with his bridle hair loose, Cui Yu couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. His eyes were full of solemnity: What happened?

The prehistoric invasion of this world was successful, but it also failed. Tongtian sighed: The winner will get a big victory, sweeping all the chips, and the loser will lose everything, and there will be no chance to make a comeback. Everything is in vain. , it’s just a big dream.”

Although Honghuang was defeated, some strong men still refused to admit defeat and wanted to reverse the situation again. Tongtian looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu didn't understand. He didn't know what all this had to do with his Gonggong True Spirit.

The atmosphere was serious.

Tongtian narrowed his eyes and put his hands in his sleeves: Tell me how you will enter this place.

Cui Yudao did not hide anything, but told all the information, including the tombkeepers, the so-called thirty-third heaven, and the countless coffins.

Listening to Cui Yu's words, Tongtian looked surprised and said: Zizu?

Zombie Ancestor??? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this. He had been allergic to Corpse Ancestor recently and couldn't hear the word Corpse Ancestor.

Those so-called coffins are probably the tricks of the Corpse Ancestor. The leader of Tongtian Cult said.

What are the methods of the Corpse Ancestor? Does the ancestor know the Corpse Ancestor? Cui Yu looked surprised when he heard this.

Have you never heard of Corpse Ancestor? This time it was Tongtian Cult Leader's turn to be surprised.

Then he suddenly said: The defeat is doomed, and the Corpse Ancestor must also be buried in the depths of time and space.

The Corpse Ancestor is the most mysterious power throughout the ages. The Corpse Ancestor is a disciple of Saint Hongjun, but from the ancient times to the present day, we have only heard of the name of the Corpse Ancestor, but have never seen it. This person is the Corpse Ancestor. I heard people say that the Corpse Ancestor once discussed Taoism with Saint Hongjun in the chaos and created the method of Qi Practitioners. It is not accurate to say that Saint Hongjun is the ancestor of Qi Practitioners. He is the best in the world. This qi training formula was actually created by Corpse Ancestor.

Saint Tongtian explained to Cui Yu.

What!!! Cui Yu was shocked when he heard this.

He thought that the Corpse Ancestor was just a minion under Chi You, but he did not expect that the Corpse Ancestor had such a method.

And he has a karmic relationship with the Corpse Ancestor?

Cui Yu's scalp felt numb just thinking about it.

I actually got involved with such a terrifying person, how should I deal with it in the future?

Doesn't it mean that once the Corpse Ancestor is resurrected, he will only be enslaved by the Corpse Ancestor?

Moreover, how could such a terrifying existence like the Corpse Ancestor still participate in the battle of the deer in this world and be beheaded?

It's unreasonable!

Zhi Zu is such an awesome person, and it is reasonable to say that he can easily control the Zhulu battlefield, but he is reduced to Chi You's little follower in the Zhulu battlefield, which is obviously abnormal.

Seeing that Cui Yu's expression didn't seem right, Master Tongtian asked, What's wrong?

Nothing. Cui Yu forced a smile, and an inexplicable fear suddenly arose in his heart. Could the so-called thirty-third heaven be the layout of the Corpse Ancestor?

If it were the Corpse Ancestor's plan, it would be a real disaster.

However, if it was the Corpse Ancestor's layout, then why did he come here?

Cui Yu looked at the Tongtian Cult Master with too much confusion in his heart.

Master, is there any way to help me suppress the true spirit in my body? Cui Yu looked at Master Tongtian and humbly asked for advice.

The leader of Tongtian was silent after hearing this, and after a long time he said: There is a glimmer of opportunity.

What opportunity? Cui Yu quickly asked.

My Taoist sect has a method called: the Three Corpse Killing Technique. If you practice Mahayana, you can kill Gonggong as one of the three corpses. You can even harvest a peak Gonggong true body as your external incarnation. Tongtian Cult Leader said unhurriedly.

Young man, I am far away from the path of immortality now. By the time I kill three corpses, I am afraid that the true spirit of Gonggong will have already devoured me. Cui Yu said helplessly.

If you want to become a saint, isn't the saint's cultivation time calculated in terms of calamities?

Corpse Ancestor would never give him that much time.

After coming to this world, we survived in adversity, hoping to find a glimmer of hope in a desperate situation. I wanted to use the origin of this world to kill a clone. I deduced and modified the method of killing three corpses, and achieved it. A supreme supernatural power, called: 'God outside the body, God within the body'. It is also called 'God outside the body, body within the body'. It can also be called 'body within the body, body outside the body'.

Unfortunately, I failed. I can teach you this magical power. You can melt the Gonggong True Spirit in your body and turn it into your God. The Gonggong True Spirit can be transformed into your inner body. The body outside the body is mysterious and ever-changing. The only drawback is that once your state of mind is too poor and your cultivation levels are too different, your physical body will lose its dominance and you will become Gonggong's 'body within the body, body outside the body' 'God outside the body, God within the body.'

Cui Yu was confused and couldn't understand what it meant.

Although there are flaws, it can save you from disaster. You can't kill Gonggong True Spirit, and Gonggong True Spirit can't kill you. When the time comes, you will be him, and he will be you. It is just a matter of dominance. Tongtian The leader looked at Cui Yu with his eyes full of divine light: Are you willing to learn this method?

I'm willing to learn! I'm willing to learn!

Cui Yu has reached a critical juncture at this time, how can there be any room for disdain?

If you can't find a way to restrain the true spirit of Gonggong, at least you can't ask the true spirit of Gonggong to kill yourself, right?

Moreover, the magical power of Master Tongtian is the unique skill of a saint, surpassing all the laws of later generations. How can Cui Yu give up?

If he was not sure, Master Tongtian would not speak for himself and teach him the formula.

Leader Tongtian smiled when he heard this, with a hint of emotion in his eyes: The times have changed! The era that belongs to us has ended, and the future belongs to your era. The hope of the prehistoric era will be pinned on you!

My formula is infinitely wonderful, but it also has endless drawbacks. You still need to practice it carefully and prudently to avoid uncontrollable factors. Then it will become someone else's wedding dress. Saint Tongtian sighed: It's too late! Everything is over. It’s too late! Otherwise, I may not be able to perfect this formula and find a glimmer of hope to escape the disaster.”

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