In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 556 Three Thousand Coffins and Tombs of the Gods

The great ape demon cannot die!

Everyone has seen the strength of the Monkey Demon Great Sage, and it really shocked everyone. It is really shocking. In just a few years, this monkey has such incredible strength?

With everyone's combined efforts, they could only fight to a draw with the tomb keeper, but the monkey actually fought dozens of moves with the tomb keeper. Although it was hit by the tomb keeper many times, it was still alive and kicking and showed no signs of injury.

The strength of the great ape demon shocked everyone.

If the great ape demon possesses such power, how can the human race survive?

No one knew that before the Great Sage Ape Demon entered the Dragon Palace, he could only compete with the powerful Jin Chi. However, after being burned by the true fire of the sun, the fusion of the body of the spiritual stone monkey in his body with his own body accelerated countless times. The Ape Demon The Great Sage's strength unexpectedly increased by leaps and bounds, and his physical body also developed a mysterious physique similar to that of an indestructible King Kong.

Facing the tombkeeper in the Taiyi realm and the mysterious sky-measuring ruler, the Great Sage Demon managed to hold on.

Although he only has the power to fight back and has no ability to parry, it is still frightening.

The iron rod in the hands of the Ape Demon Great Sage shattered, Tai Su Qi circulated in his body, and the plain cloud flag protected his heart.

The Ape Demon Great Sage has no intention of mobilizing the plain cloud flag to fight with the opponent. The plain cloud flag is his trump card, and if the opponent's iron ruler falls, it will help his true body to fuse, so there is no harm to him.

As long as he uses a plain cloud flag to protect his internal organs, he doesn't mind being touched by the opponent a few more times.

Cultivation is difficult!

Now that we finally have the opportunity to improve our cultivation, how could the Great Sage of the Ape Demon miss it?

As for the bent iron rod?

It is not a flagpole with a plain cloud flag, but a simple weapon made by the great ape demon who took the stars from the sky and refined them to obtain iron ore.

The Great Sage of the Ape Demon is not stupid either. He has the Lord of the Peacock Kingdom watching over him, so he cannot expose all his trump cards.

At this time, the Great Sage of the Ape Demon continued to use his magical powers and used the plain cloud flag to protect his internal organs. Although he was beaten by the opponent and was retreating, his strength was really improving.

Common man! You bullied me because I don't have a magic weapon. If I have a magic weapon, how can I ask you to show off your power? The ape demon sage ran away while cursing, his voice full of obscenities.

Give me back the flat peach! Spit out the flat peach. The gravekeeper looked at the hair growing around the body of the Ape Demon Monkey King, and his eyes suddenly became anxious. It was obviously a strange phenomenon after digesting the flat peach and feeding back the huge vitality of the flat peach.

The tomb guard's attack became even more urgent. He suddenly swayed and turned into eight figures in an instant. He held eight sky measuring rulers in his hands and suppressed them overwhelmingly.

He hoped to kill the great ape demon as quickly as possible and then disembowel him to see if he could find the undigested peaches.

If you can, old guy, just beat me to death. If you can't beat me to death, it will only make me stronger. The Great Ape Demon jumped up and down.

The Ape Demon Great Sage cannot die!

Seeing the Monkey King's defeat, Tang Zhou shouted.

The Ape Demon Great Sage is missing a weapon. If he can have a magical weapon in his hand, he can hold off the tombkeeper and buy us time to enter the next level. After we get the good fortune in it, we can kill this Monster monkey. Ying Zheng turned his eyes and looked at the ancestor of the Dragon Clan.

What do you think I'm doing? The old Dragon King was furious.

The Dragon Clan's Sea-Dinging Needle is mysterious and unparalleled. How about you lend the Monkey the Sea-Dinging Needle? Wang Yanchun said: The monkey is missing a magic weapon. If we have the Sea-Dinging Needle, we can buy enough time for us. , then we can calmly enter the legendary place of immortality. Do you think that if only a tombkeeper has the legendary ancient flat peach that can make people live forever, what treasures will be hidden in it?

The old Dragon King looked hesitant.

Old Dragon King, if you don't lend me the treasure, then when the great ape demon dies, who among us can compete with that old guy? someone on the side said something to persuade him.

The old Dragon King's face flashed.

Liu Bang from the Han Dynasty over there also spoke: The Dinghai Divine Needle is the treasure of your Dragon Clan. You just borrowed it from him. Could it be that he could take it away?

At this time, everyone started to offer advice. The old Dragon King scratched his head when he heard this, and a thought flashed through his mind: That's the truth. The Sea Ding Needle is his own treasure, can it be taken away by the other party?

Old Dragon King, look, that monkey is going to be smashed to death. If you don't borrow the treasure, it will be too late to regret it. Zhu Wuneng was also urging from the side.

The ancestor of the Dragon Clan hesitated for a moment after hearing the words, and finally threw it away, and the Dinghaishen Needle flew out of the formation: Great Sage Demon Ape, I have treasures that can help you fight against this tombkeeper.

The Dinghai Divine Needle turned into a stream of light and flew towards the Ape Demon Monkey King.

The tombkeeper's expression changed when he heard this. This monkey is already so difficult to deal with. What if he obtained an innate spiritual treasure? Especially if you get this sea-fixing needle and rely on its brute strength, won't you be in big trouble by then?

A clone threw out the sky-measuring ruler in his hand, as if to intercept the sea-fixing needle, but who would have expected that the Ape Demon Great Sage actually rolled nimbly, and like a spiritual light, followed the gap between the eight people and arrived in front of the clone in advance. , grasping the Poseidon Needle in his hand.

Then, as if possessing spirituality, the Dinghai Divine Needle automatically sized itself up as desired, turning into the mouth of a bowl that was just enough to be grasped by the Ape Demon Great Sage.

The spiritual light emerged from the Dinghai Divine Needle, and a ray of green light actually followed the Ape Demon Monkey King's body, shrouding the Ape Demon Monkey King. The countless spiritual lights actively spread and penetrated into the Ape Demon Monkey King's body.

The artifact belongs to its owner!!! Tang Zhou in the formation was shocked and lost his voice.

The eyes of the old Dragon King on the side were also full of disbelief: Impossible! That is the sea-fixing needle of my sea clan. Even my dragon clan cannot ask him to recognize his master. Why should he recognize his master as he is just a monkey?

The old Dragon King was anxious. The Dinghai Divine Needle was related to the safety of the world. The world no longer had the Dinghai Divine Pearl. How could the Dinghai Divine Needle be lost again?

Monkey! Give me back my treasure! The old Dragon King rushed out of the Sansan Formation and rushed towards the Ape Demon Monkey King, intending to take back his treasure.

The treasure of the sea tribe has recognized a monkey as its master? Why is it so weird? Bai Qi scratched his head, not sure what happened.

I'm afraid that the power of the Dragon Clan is about to decline. With the loss of the Dinghai Divine Pearl, and now the Dinghai Divine Needle, the Dragon Clan's position as the overlord of the Sea Clan will definitely be challenged in the future. Liu Bang's mind flickered: Should I take advantage of the Dragon Clan's weakness? Catch a dragon as a pet?”

The old Dragon King wanted to take back the Dinghai Divine Needle, but Bai Yuliang grabbed him in time: Old Ancestor, you can't snatch it away. That monkey is dealing with the tombkeeper now. If you go to cause trouble and cause the monkey to fall, won't we also have to face the tombkeeper? Killing? The Dragon Palace is more important. Besides, the sea-fixing needle fell into the hands of the Ape Demon Great Sage. We can just ask for it back after we go out, so why do we take action now?

Ancestor, the overall situation is our top priority, don't take action without permission.

Yes, old Dragon King, please don't cause trouble. We have finally found the main force to fight against the tombkeeper. You can't let us down.


A group of people rushed forward and stopped the old Dragon King. The old Dragon King rolled his eyes in anger: Isn't love your magic needle?

You are standing here making sarcastic remarks, of course you are standing and talking without pain in your back.

The Great Ape Demon over there would never have thought that the Dinghai Divine Needle would unexpectedly recognize its owner. At this time, messages poured into his mind from the Dinghai Divine Needle. The Ape Demon Great Sage couldn't help but be stunned: So that's it.

Then the next moment, the Great Ape Demon swung the Dinghai Divine Needle and collided with the measuring ruler. As the two sides went back and forth, the Great Ape Demon did not fall behind.

I am at the Taiyi realm, and you are just an ape, but at the Jinzhi realm, you can actually defeat Taiyi? The tombkeeper's expression changed. During the fight with the ape demon great sage, although the measuring ruler can rely on the strange The characteristics fell on the Great Sage of the Ape Demon, but they could not harm the Great Sage of the Ape Demon at all.

Old guy, what skills do you have now? The great sage of the ape demon chuckled, the sea-fixing needle in his hand flashed with green light, and he lifted it lightly and heavy, and the shadows of countless sticks filled the void.

Under the Dinghai Divine Needle, no matter what divine passage technique, they can't withstand the power of that stick!

Within the three-three formation

Wang Yanchun directly collected the three or three formations, and then looked at the entrance with a pair of eyes:

Quick, everyone open the trap and take the opportunity to enter the third floor.

Seeing the great ape demon resisting the tomb guard, everyone was in disbelief, but they also showed ecstasy on their faces and rushed towards the entrance.

The gravekeeper in the distance seemed to have noticed everyone's movements, and his brows couldn't help but wrinkled: Seeking death!

The next moment, the tombkeeper took one step forward and got rid of the great ape demon. When he reappeared, he reached the entrance.

The measuring ruler in his hand swept out, still forcing everyone to retreat and unable to get close at all.

Get out of my way! The Ape Demon Great Sage also swung the stick in his hand. The power of the stick in his hand was overwhelming, and it enveloped all the strong men, forcing everyone to retreat from the entrance.

Only by facing the Dinghai Shenzhen directly can we know how terrifying the power the Ape Demon Monkey King possesses.

That kind of power is almost incredible!

No wonder he collided with the tombkeeper.

Pure power!

The pure law of force.

The aftermath of the fight between the two forced everyone to retreat.

Seeing the aftermath of the fight between the two enveloping the battlefield, everyone in the field couldn't help but frown.

A thought arose in everyone's mind: It's intentional! It's definitely intentional! The Great Ape Demon is definitely intentional.

If you don't help me subdue this old Bangcai, you just want to take the opportunity to sneak in, and think I'm a fool? The Ape Demon Monkey King still had time to turn around and look at everyone sarcastically.

Looking at the cunning monkey, everyone couldn't help but jump their feet and cursed in their hearts: This bastard monkey.

Just as everyone was fighting and fighting with the tombkeeper, Cui Yu had already entered the next level of space.

Contrary to Cui Yu's expectation, the space on the third floor was not empty.

Compared with the previous two levels of space, the third level of space is not only not empty, but is instead densely packed with vermilion coffins.

Yes, it is a vermilion coffin.

I'm afraid there are hundreds or even thousands of coffins lying quietly in the Crystal Palace.

Why are there so many coffins? Cui Yu asked, expressing his doubts.

Evil door! What a evil door! This is Taiyi's tomb, how come there are so many coffins? Chi You was also stunned, his eyes full of disbelief.

Looking at the coffins one after another, Cui Yu felt a tingling feeling for some reason.

The Tomb of Chang Mei Zhenren in Shushan Mountain!

Cui Yu's eyes fell on the coffin closest to him, and he saw that there were words printed on the coffin.

The coffin of Shushan Changmei Zhenren?

Cui Yu was stunned?

What the hell?

Could it be that these coffins are all filled with legendary monks?

Cui Yu's heart was beating wildly.

Let’s look at the coffin next to it: the Tomb of Bai Ye in Shushan Mountain.

East China Sea: Tomb of Ao Chun.

Kongdong Mountain: Zhu Mei’s Tomb.

Explanation: Tomb of Yinjiao.

Vermilion coffins flashed past Cui Yu's eyes. Cui Yu suddenly stopped and landed in front of Yin Jiao's coffin.

If Cui Yu didn't dare to confirm when he first saw the coffin of Changmei, now when he saw the coffin in Yinjiao, he was finally sure that these were the legendary figures he knew in the ancient times.

All dead!

Only the coffin stood in front of me.

However, at this moment, Cui Yu suddenly had a thought in his mind: These characters are all dead. There should be various treasures from before the ancient times buried in the coffin, right? After opening the coffin, can I get the treasures inside?

Cui Yu was a little excited for a moment.

There are so many graves, and I don’t know how many people are buried there. If I open the coffin by myself, I’m afraid it will be a disaster, right?


Why are these people buried in the legendary tomb of Taiyi?

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart.

No matter how you calculate it, you shouldn’t be buried with Taiyi, right?

Cui Yu kept walking and walked past the coffins one after another: I wonder if the Twelve Golden Immortals, the legendary saints, will leave their coffins here too.

All dead, all dead! Chi You also emerged from Cui Yu's shadow and looked at the coffin in front of him. There was no sadness on his face, but a touch of caution.

Do you think the saint will be buried here? Cui Yu asked.

Chi You was silent when he heard this.

Why don't you say anything? Could it be that the saint is not dead? Cui Yu's footsteps suddenly stopped and he couldn't help but feel horrified.

If the saint hadn't died, wouldn't he be in danger?

Chi You is still alive, so the saint is countless times stronger than Chi You. There is no reason why the saint should also be dead, right?

Cui Yu turned to look at Chi You, his eyes full of horror.

Don't think blindly. All the saints must have died. Not a single one of them survived. Chi You said to Cui Yu with certainty: The higher the cultivation level, the more complete the death. Those low-level monks may still have their whole bodies left. , and those extremely powerful people cannot even preserve their souls, they will all be destroyed in time and space.

I can survive because I choose to be content, surrender, and give in! Chi You said angrily.

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