In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 550: How about dismembering the body?

As He Bo's words fell, Jiang Xiaobai was like a piece of amber, frozen in mid-air. He Bo and others are not fools, so why would they ask Jiang Xiaobai to take advantage?

At this time, an ancient corpse was suddenly seen, and there was most likely some kind of treasure hidden in the corpse, and the atmosphere in the place suddenly became tense.

Everyone is a competitor. Cui Yu consciously stepped aside. There were so many masters at the moment, and he couldn't interfere.

Donghuang Taiyi's tomb is definitely not that simple, and there will be such a huge bargain for everyone to pick up. Not to mention picking up treasures in Donghuang Taiyi's tomb, Cui Yu would feel like Amitabha even if he could get out alive.

horrible! Cui Yu's mind has already changed since he learned that this place is not the Ancient Dragon Palace, but the tomb of the legendary Donghuang Taiyi, the Lord of Heaven.

He wants to escape from here! It would be best if these old antiques could be trapped here.

That's a master of the Taiyi realm! He's still alive, not dead! You retreat quickly! Run far away! This person is definitely not something you can deal with. However, before Cui Yu could make up his mind, Chi You's The sound rang in my ears.

What!! A master in the Taiyi realm??? Alive??? Cui Yu heard Chi You's words, his eyes were full of horror, and the hairs on his body stood up.

Tombkeeper! He is Taiyi's tombkeeper! Chi You's voice was full of surprise: You have to be careful, this person is the tombkeeper. Because of the great catastrophe a hundred and eight thousand years ago, the cultivation level is getting worse. The higher the cultivator, the cleaner his death will be. The lower the cultivator, the more likely he will survive. Taiyi's realm is neither high nor low, just right.

Hiss~~~Something's wrong~~~Something's wrong~~~ At this moment, Chi You seemed to have discovered something and took a breath: This person is not the peak Taiyi, but is in his own Taiyi Dao Fruit. I cut myself off with a knife, sealed myself and fell into a deep sleep, and the unique laws of the small world did not communicate with the outside world, so I escaped the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Behead yourself on your own Taiyi Dao Fruit? You're cruel! Cui Yu's voice was full of horror.

Although he cut himself off on his own Taiyi Dao Fruit, Cui Yu still felt that it was not comparable to Jin Chi's level.

Taiyi and Jinxian are already two completely different worlds. He Bo waved his sleeve lightly, and Jiang Xiaobai flew backwards, rolling on the ground in a miserable state, but he did not dare to complain at all.

He saw the Sanjiang Water God's aura surging, and his sleeves vibrating. In an instant, the auras connected together, trying to seal a void, blocking everyone from enjoying the good fortune in the corpse.

The Sanjiang Water God is indeed powerful, and when the three top experts join forces, their strength increases dramatically, but the powerful humans are not easy to mess with.

The creations in the Dragon Palace can be obtained by those who are destined. The three gods are right. I deserve the creation of this Dragon Palace. Bai Qi chuckled and took a step forward. The power of light circulated around him, and the power of the light beast Lu Wu Being borrowed, he rushed towards the ancient corpse without fear, and charged towards the three gods with the momentum of the waves around him, showing no fear of the Sanjiang Water God.

Seeing the vast and bright power in Bai Qi's body, the Sanjiang Water God couldn't help but shrink back, his eyes full of seriousness.

Lu Wu is an ancient god, and his cultivation level is not considered weak even in the ancient times. After all, if he could be chosen by the Queen Mother of the West to guard Kunlun Mountain, could he be an ordinary monk?

Seeing this, the Yellow River Water God took a step forward and blocked Bai Qi's path: Bai Qi, this ancient corpse has no fate with you, so please retreat quickly.

No chance of me? Bai Qi smiled coldly, turned his fist towards the Yellow River Water God and smashed it with the glowing light.

Bang~ The two divine powers collided together, causing terrifying fluctuations in an instant. The Yangtze River Water God and He Bo ignored the Yellow River Water God and continued to move forward.

At this time, Tang Zhou took a step forward and rushed towards the ancient corpse: This ancient corpse is very wonderful. It is worth taking back and studying. Could it be that the two gods would not even let go of an ancient corpse? Tang Zhou His voice was full of joking, and his aura was flowing around his body, showing no fear of the two gods.

Tang Zhou had obtained the inheritance of the Ancient Demon God, and was indeed qualified to not be afraid of the two gods. Seeing Tang Zhou approaching, He Bo turned around and stood in front of Tang Zhou: Zhenren Tang Zhou is a world-famous monk. Could it be that he is also interested in an ancient corpse?

Although I've come here, I have to pick up something and go back. I think this Crystal Palace is empty, but this ancient corpse is interesting. Tang Zhou's hand flashed with thunder, and he slapped He Bo with a palm: If it's in your territory , you have the blessings of the rivers and rivers in the world, so I will naturally stay away. Unfortunately, this is a human land, and you have lost the blessing of the divine power of the rivers and waters. Zun Shen is definitely no match for me.

Why do I need to be your opponent? I only need to block three or five moves from you, and everything will be settled. He Bo smiled calmly.

Everyone is at the Jinzhi realm, no matter how big the gap is, there is still no problem in fighting for dozens of moves. As He Bo finished speaking, a long aqua blue dragon rolled up around He Bo and stepped forward towards Tang Zhou's thunder light.

On the other side, he saw the figure of the Yangtze River Water God flickering, already in front of the ancient corpse, extending his palm towards the ancient corpse demon, but who knew the next moment a chuckle resounded through the temple: The Yangtze River Water God, stay here, this corpse It's my ancestor of the Liu family, and my Liu family has to collect the corpse of our ancestor. Please don't desecrate the body of my ancestor. A monk next to Liu Bang who was in the realm of supernatural powers took a step forward, and his whole body started to burn. A layer of blazing flames turned into a rocket and suppressed it towards the Yangtze River Water God.

Cui Yu could see clearly that although this person had only reached the realm of magical powers, he was a top-notch bloodline person, and the flames he controlled would never be inferior to the magical powers of those who were strong in the Golden Imperial Realm.

The Great Han Kingdom dared to take action against the Sanjiang Water God, which is beyond my expectation. Cui Yu was surprised.

He is worthy of being the top vassal state of the human race and the top strong man of the human race. This insight and courage are beyond Cui Yu's expectations.

How dare you, a human ant, go against me? The Yangtze River Water God had to stop in his tracks, because the power of the Han Dynasty's bloodline was indeed powerful, and even he couldn't take it lightly.

Moreover, the flame was not restrained by the water flow. It was seen that the flame was not extinguished when exposed to water, but instead burned blazingly.

It's a pity that it's not in my territory. Otherwise, no matter how many powerful people there are, I will never be afraid, let alone stop my actions. There was a hint of regret in the Yangtze River Water God's eyes.

It's a pity that this is not his own territory.

Bang~ The two of them fought, the power of water and fire collided, and a fierce explosion occurred in an instant. At this time, all the Bai Chi-level experts in the crowd had their eyes flickering, and then they rushed over without hesitation the next moment.

Seeking death! Several Jin Chi-level powers were fighting each other. Of course, they were always paying attention to the surrounding situation. When they saw someone trying to take advantage, a terrifying wave of energy surged around them and swept towards the Bai Chi-level powerhouse.

Countless Bai Chi strong men were forced to retreat. At this time, Bai Qi restrained the Yellow River Water God, and the people from the Qin Empire behind him quickly approached the ancient corpse.

Tang Zhou, who was fighting with He Bo, also had a flash of light all over his body. The next moment, a figure split out and flew towards the ancient corpse in the distance.

The same is true on the side of the Han Dynasty. The masters of the Han Dynasty restrained the Yangtze River Water God, and the masters of the Han Dynasty rushed towards the ancient corpse.

Stop fighting! If you keep fighting, they will take advantage of you. The Yangtze River Water God shouted, and instantly got rid of the masters of the Han Dynasty, turned around and rushed towards the ancient corpse.

The masters of the Han Dynasty did not bother and rushed over immediately. The Yellow River Water God and He Bo over there immediately gave up the idea of ​​taking it all for themselves, and rushed towards the ancient corpse with terrifying oppression.

Tang Zhou's clone was the fastest. After all, Tang Zhou knew at least 365 magical powers, and he was the first to arrive in front of the ancient corpse in a snap.

A pair of eyes fell on the peach in the arms of the ancient corpse. Suddenly, a fragment of memory flashed in Tang Zhou's mind: Peach! Then a pair of eyes swept over the peach and fell on the wrist of the corpse. He saw a chain flickering at the wrist. Baoguang.

I have lived forever, and a mere flat peach is of no use to me. Tang Tuesday said nothing and went straight to pick the chain.

For some reason, he always felt that the chain was unusual. Ying Zheng was the second to arrive, his eyes fell on Wu Gou, and he pulled Wu Gou from behind the man without saying a word.

At this time, the Yangtze River Water God had also arrived. When there was no time to spare, he picked the flat peach directly and held it in his hand without thinking too much.

The moment he got the flat peach, the Yangtze River Water God's eyes turned red: What a powerful vitality. That flat peach contained an indescribable vitality.

If there is an elixir of immortality in this world, it must be this. The three people put away the treasures in an instant. The Yangtze River Water God looked at Ying Zheng, and Ying Zheng backed away without saying a word.

Although he mastered the innate beast Black Water Black Snake, he never wanted to try the experience of fighting the three water gods.

Fortunately, Bai Qi got up at this time and blocked the sight of the Yangtze River Water God, so Ying Zheng calmly evacuated.

Pa~ Tang Zhou stretched out his palm and landed on the ancient corpse's head, about to use his magical power to move the ancient corpse away.

Seeing this, the Yangtze River Water God didn't care about anything else, and directly grabbed one of the ancient corpse's arms. With quick eyes and quick hands, Bai Qi grabbed the other arm. In an instant, the three of them started tearing apart, grabbing the ancient corpse's body and refusing to let go.

Everyone knows that there must be other secrets in this ancient corpse, and it is very likely that it is the owner of the ancient tomb.

Let go, what do you want with a useless ancient corpse? The Yellow River Water God came from behind and slashed at Tang Zhou with a sword: The Sword of the River comes from the sky. Tang Zhou's figure was as motionless as a mountain, with a sword growing out of his back. With three heads and six arms, we will never be at a disadvantage.

At this time, everyone was fighting in a ball and fighting around the ancient corpse. The terrifying energy wave forced the onlookers to retreat continuously.

Damn, these guys really don't know how to live or die. Cui Yu shook his head, but he didn't care about the corpse. Instead, his eyes kept flickering, trying to find the passage to the secret room on the next level.

Stop looking for it. The mechanism of the next secret room is under the butt of that terrifying monster. This monster was probably a strong man in the ancient heaven, so the Eastern Emperor Taiyi gave him the task of guarding the ancient tomb. . Chi You's voice was full of seriousness: Damn it, is that birdman Taiyi still going to be resurrected? Since he bumped into me today, he must destroy the creation of his resurrection, just in time to avenge our witch clan and get rid of the big trouble. . Chi You cursed, showing his deep hatred for Taiyi.

While Cui Yu and Tang Zhou were talking, ordinary monks were wandering around the palace in the distance, some were looking for the entrance to the next level, some were looking for the hidden creator in the palace, and everyone dispersed suddenly.

Fortunately, the palace was dozens of miles away, so everyone could be dispersed. There were several warriors of the Golden Imperial Realm over there, dragging the corpse of the ancient corpse, fighting for it and refusing to let go.

What do you three water gods do with this corpse? This corpse can also increase your strength and make you immortal? Tang Zhou cursed.

This corpse most likely contains the secret of breaking through the realm, how can I let it be given to you? the Yangtze River Water God said angrily.

Bai Qi was tugging hard on the other side, and the three parties were like a tug-of-war. No one noticed that along with the fluctuation of everyone's divine power, the clothes on the ancient corpse trembled slightly, and it actually absorbed the energy spread by everyone.

How about you cut the body into pieces? The old Dragon King stood aside and interrupted, saying a bad idea. He did not join the fighting camp. To be honest, he was only interested in the legendary Dragon Palace and had no interest in this Taiyi realm corpse.

The few people who were competing were stunned: Dismembered? The men and horses from the three forces looked at the ancient corpse with their eyes, and suddenly a thought flashed in their hearts: How many people kept pulling, but they didn't even pull the ancient corpse away?

? ? The ancient corpse didn't fall apart?

Dismembering the body is a good idea, why don't we dismember the body? None of us can do anything about the other, and continuing this stalemate is not an option. The Sanjiang Water God looked at Tang Zhou: And the people in the Great Zhou court are still watching with cold eyes and have not taken any action. . What if we lose both sides and are taken advantage of by the Great Zhou court, then it will be great fun. Everyone looked at the Great Zhou camp with pairs of eyes, only to see that the masters of the Great Zhou camp remained motionless, just silent. Watching the fight between several forces quietly, it was like a snipe and a clam fighting for the fisherman's gain.

In fact, the eldest prince Ji Wushuang was feeling miserable at this time! The Great Zhou court simply did not have experts to explore the so-called secret realm of Dongting Lake. Instead, it focused all its energy on the ancient tomb that the Great Zhou court had been developing.

Because Ji Wushuang did not dare to meet her ancestors in the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, she took it upon herself to run to the Kingdom of Dayu, thinking about whether she could obtain some fortune, make up for her physical defects, and rebuild her physical body.

As for the masters? How could those beings who could compete with Jin Chi's masters obey his orders? There is only one Mr. Yu. Since he returned from Kunlun Mountain last time, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, and dozens of strange eyes have been born in his body. This is his biggest support for this trip.

Nowadays, Ji Wushuang can be as low-key as possible. He has no intention of taking action until he encounters a treasure that can reshape his body.

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