In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 449 Mysterious Ancient Corpse

After hearing Cui Yu's words, everyone looked at Young Master Xiaobai. Young Master Xiaobai's face turned dark immediately: Cui Yu, don't talk nonsense. I just translated the words on the tombstone. Everyone If a master acts according to the words on the tombstone, what does it have to do with me?

If you hadn't been talking nonsense, I would have found an exit in three days. How could everyone be in such danger? Cui Yu stared at Jiang Xiaobai coldly.

Stop arguing. Is there any point in finding out who is right and who is wrong now?

The three gods are the water gods who control the rivers in the world. The Dragon King has the power of the four seas. Can we work together to extinguish this flame? Ying Zheng looked at the water gods of the three rivers with his eyes. At this time, Ying Zheng was surrounded by black mist. The power of the Water Mysterious Snake protected it and isolated it from the powerful heat of the Sun's True Fire.

But Ying Zheng knew that if the true sun fire was not extinguished, he would not be able to hold on for long. Although the true fire of the sun did not burn directly on everyone's bodies, the terrifying scorching energy continued to accumulate in this small and dense space.

The entire sealed space is like a pressure cooker, and sooner or later everyone will be burned to death by the heat.

Even if he had the blood of the Black Water Black Snake, he would not be able to resist at all. Steel is indeed not afraid of flames burning in a short period of time, but if it burns for a long time, it will be melted sooner or later.

I, the Sanjiang Water God, have the authority to control the water flow in the world. There is no flame that we cannot extinguish. Although this flame is terrifying, it cannot stop us from joining forces. The three river water gods took action together, and a cold air descended, towards the true fire of the sun. Fall.

Seeing the actions of the Sanjiang Water God, Cui Yu secretly shook his head: You are not overestimating your own abilities! You are really overestimating your abilities! How can the power of Donghuang Taiyi be suppressed by you three innate beings who are only in the Golden Immortal realm?

Don't you think highly of the Sanjiang Water God? At this moment, a voice sounded in Cui Yu's ears, and Wang Yanchun from Zhenwu Mountain came to Cui Yu's side at some point.

Only the place where Cui Yu was located was the safest, with no cracks appearing. At this time, Wang Yanchun led the disciples of Zhenwu Mountain and arrived not far from Cui Yu.

Cui Yu glanced at Wang Yanchun without saying anything, but continued to look at the flames and cold air, which were poured down with a large amount of water vapor. As soon as the water vapor and cold air got close to the flames, they were instantly evaporated and turned into terrifying steam.

The temperature in the palace rose rapidly. Although everyone had practiced cultivation and reborn, they were not invulnerable to water and fire. The steam was at least several hundred degrees. Once it touched, the physical body would be steamed in just a few breaths.

One concept is emphasized here: divine blood cannot resist cold and heat, nor does it have any special powers. The function of divine blood is only to drive magical powers.

Even a strong person in the Jinzhi realm has a physical body that is exactly the same as that of an ordinary person, and will be cooked if it is touched by high-temperature steam.

Even Cui Yu is the same. Divine blood does not have magical powers. Only magical powers can have all kinds of incredible effects.

Although the flame of the true sun fire is small, it essentially surpasses the power of the Sanjiang Water God. The power of the Sanjiang Water God was already evaporated by the flames as soon as he approached.

Even the divine power of the Sanjiang Water God was ignited by the true fire of the sun. The flames ignited the water vapor, burned along the cracks in the ground, and spread towards the palace.

Oops!! The Sanjiang Water God turned pale in horror, quickly restrained his magical powers, and looked at the flames with horrifying eyes.

The Sanjiang Water God was very sure that if he hadn't collected his magical power in time, the flames would have followed the magical power and burned the three of them to ashes.

Who are these three? The spirit born in the river was born with the power of true water, but now it was restrained by a flame. It was simply unbelievable and impacted the three people's outlook on life.

The three gods quickly collected their magical powers. The water vapor is too hot, and I can't bear it anymore. Suddenly, a monk in the disaster situation screamed, and was steamed by the water vapor in the air, and fell to the ground. The aroma of steamed big bones comes out.

At this moment, the temperature in the entire space soared rapidly. In the direction of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang's body was flashing with red light, which actually absorbed all the approaching heat waves and protected the subordinates of the Han Dynasty.

At this time, Liu Bang's body was shrouded in red light, and fire seemed to be erupting from his pores. Black mist circulated around Ying Zheng, and the power of the Black Water Black Snake was activated to protect the people of the Qin Empire.

Tang Zhou was the most relaxed, with a shield emitting from his body. The cold air circulated in the blue shield, resisting the scorching temperature in the air.

Seeing this, the Sanjiang Water God changed his color and quickly used his magical power to protect all the masters of the Sanjiang Gang.

The temperature in the air is constantly soaring. We must get out quickly, otherwise this small space will turn into a furnace sooner or later, and the terrifying high temperature will kill us all. Ying Zheng's eyes were full of calmness, a pair of His eyes looked at Cui Yu.

Not only Ying Zheng, but everyone looked at Cui Yu at this time, regretting that they had not listened to Cui Yu's words.

Boy, can you find a way to escape? He Bo looked at Cui Yu. To be honest, he had never seen Cui Yu before. Cui Yu had always hidden himself very well.

And what if he recognizes Cui Yu? Now that Tang Zhou is protecting Cui Yu, it is impossible for him to form a relationship with Tang Zhou because of Cui Yu.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this. He was not in a hurry. Not to mention that he was now standing within Tang Zhou's protective shield. Even without Tang Zhou, he still had skin and a steady stream of sweet rain. He would definitely be the one who could survive to the end.

What do you think? Cui Yu looked at Jiang Xiaobai: I want to point out a path for the ancestors, but some people always say that I am a liar. If I am a liar, can you believe me? Jiang Xiaobai's face turned red. , the body trembled with anger.

Apologise to him. The Yellow River Water God stared at Jiang Xiaobai with cold eyes. Facing the intimidating gaze of the Sanjiang Water God, Jiang Xiaobai's face turned livid, he bit his lip so hard that it bled, and he stood there motionless.

Ask him to apologize to Cui Yu, a pariah? He, a noble son of King Qi's royal family, wants to apologize to a pariah?

Apologise, or die. The Yellow River Water God's voice was cold. It stands to reason that Jiang Xiaobai is the noble son of Qi State and the son of the princes. Before the great change of heaven and earth, his status was still higher than that of the Three Rivers Water God. But now that the gods have broken away from the covenant of ghosts and gods, the three rivers surround Qi State, and the Three Rivers Water God has already He vaguely inserted his wrist into the royal family of Qi.

The royal family of Qi State has been vaguely controlled by the Sanjiang Water God. After hearing what the Sanjiang Water God said, Jiang Xiaobai was so angry that his body trembled and his lungs were about to explode.

But there's nothing he can do? He was just a passing prince of Qi State, otherwise he would not have been squeezed out by Prince Chong'er and fled Qi State.

The Sanjiang Water God crushed him to death, and the royal family of Da Qi would never pursue him: I'm sorry, I was so offended before. Please forgive me once, Your Excellency.

Oh? Are you apologizing like this? Cui Yu looked at Jiang Xiaobai, his eyes full of teasing. Jiang Xiaobai stared at Cui Yu with his eyes, and then bowed deeply: Please forgive me, please.

I can't see your sincerity. Cui Yu still looked at Jiang Xiaobai without changing his expression.

Cui Yu, don't go too far! Jiang Xiaobai clenched his fists with an excited expression: Do you still want me to kneel down?

Excessive? Am I going too far? What you did back then was even more excessive than this. Cui Yu looked at him coldly.

Aren't you afraid that I will leak the Dinghai Divine Pearl to the Sanjiang Water God? Jiang Xiaobai looked at Cui Yu and made a gesture with his back to everyone.

Cui Yu sneered. There were many people who knew that he had the Dinghai Divine Pearl, but why didn't anyone jump out at this time?

Not all of them were hiding the idea of ​​​​saping sap in private. Jiang Xiaobai was also like this, otherwise he would have told the Sanjiang Water God long ago.

For example, Liu Bang! As for the fact that Jiang Xiaobai knew that he had the Dinghai Divine Pearl, it was not magical, it was just what the masters of the ten major channels said.

Jiang Xiaobai would not tell the news about the Dinghai Divine Pearl, because in his heart, the Dinghai Divine Pearl on Cui Yu had long been designated as his.

As long as he masters the Dinghai Divine Pearl, he has great hope of suppressing the Sanjiang Water God. If he could suppress the Sanjiang Water God, who in the entire Qi Kingdom would be able to threaten his position?

Cui Yu, Xiaobai is the direct prince of the Lord of Da Qi. Don't go too far. Liu Lin became a little anxious and angrily scolded Cui Yu.

Oh? Cui Yu said indifferently after hearing this: Jiang Xiaobai, everyone is waiting for you now. Time is precious, and maybe someone will be roasted to death by the temperature of the sun's real fire. Can you Don't waste everyone's time. After hearing Cui Yu's words, Jiang Xiaobai was so angry that his eyes were splitting with murderous intent.

Bang~ Jiang Xiaobai is a smart man after all, and he is extremely able to bear humiliation and bear heavy burdens, otherwise he would not have been driven out of Qi by Chong'er. After that, he recruited the masters of Haoran's lineage to fight back again.

Cui Yu glanced at Jiang Xiaobai indifferently, then ignored him and turned to look at the palace in front of him.

He could clearly remember Jiang Xiaobai's humiliation to him.

How's it going? Have you found the exit? Cui Yu asked.

Found it! Chi You's voice rang in Cui Yu's ears: The entrance to the next level is on the stone tablet. If the stone tablet is broken, the entrance to the second level will appear.

But I advise you not to be optimistic. What kind of person is Donghuang Taiyi? How could he allow the thieves who came to rob the tomb to leave alive? Chi You's voice rang in Cui Yu's heart.

Cui Yu turned around and came to the stone tablet, staring at the epitaph on the stone tablet.

The entire stone tablet and the Crystal Palace are smelted into one, how can we break it open? Cui Yu asked the doubt in his heart.

If it weren't for the integration of the stone tablet and the Crystal Palace, everyone would have noticed the flaw long ago.

There is a lot of mystery in the word 'tomb'. You only need to press your palm down to see the mechanism. Chi You replied.

Hearing this, Cui Yu came to the tombstone and looked at the words on the tombstone. A thought flashed in his mind: Should I take the opportunity to sneak in?

Refine these guys to death in the palace?

Don't think blindly! There must be great terror inside the palace, and it is definitely not something you can handle. We have to use their power to defeat the terror in the ancient tomb, and then rush out! Chi You stood in Cui Yu's shadow, A pair of eyes looked at Cui Yu with an expression that said you were thinking shit.

This is the tomb of Donghuang Taiyi. Although I don’t know why Donghuang Taiyi is buried here, it is definitely not something that a young boy from Cui Yu can shake.

Cui Yu looked embarrassed when he heard this, and temporarily extinguished Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, then looked at the tomb inscription on the stone tablet with his eyes, feeling the increasingly hotter temperature in the air, and still had a doubt in his heart: I don't understand, since Donghuang Taiyi It’s a designed tomb, so why does Donghuang Taiyi leave a way? Can’t we just seal it up?”

Are you stupid? Donghuang Taiyi doesn't think more than you? I suspect that Donghuang Taiyi is planning a resurrection. After his resurrection, he will leave through this door. Chi You replied.

Cui Yu no longer thought about it, but turned to look at everyone: The passage has been found. Everyone looked at him with anticipation in their eyes.

I saw Cui Yu stretching out his hand, and his palm gently landed on the tombstone. The next moment he suffocated with divine power, he heard a rumble, and the tombstone sank automatically, revealing a dark passage.

It's open! The passage is open! Everyone looked at the passage with joy on their faces, and then rushed over without saying a word.

The first level of space is too hot. The terrifying real fire of the sun and the water vapor seem to be able to steam everyone at any time.

However, just after entering the second level of space, everyone couldn't help but be stunned. The second layer of space is exactly the same as the first layer of space. The only difference is that there is a figure sitting in the second layer of space.

The figure sits quietly, wearing a robe and not stained by dust. His appearance is young, probably in his thirties, with a strange and handsome face.

There is a mysterious aura hovering above its head, and the whole body is shrouded in colorful rays of light, making it look very extraordinary.

Who is he? Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that there was only one figure in the second dimension.

Kacha~ At this moment, there was a sound, and the mechanism behind him shook. The passage was blocked again and turned into a crystal wall, trapping everyone in the underground palace.

Could he be Donghuang Taiyi? Cui Yu looked at the figure, his eyes full of seriousness.

No. Chi You shook his head: Although I have never seen Taiyi, Taiyi will never look like this. He saw the ancient corpse holding a human-sized, pink peach, with a strange Wu hook hanging on his back. , it looks so strange.

Who is this person? Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu. Cui Yu shook his head, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai with his eyes: Isn't the young master proficient in institutions? Aren't you studying dragon culture? Now you can express your opinion. Jiang Xiaobai's face was gloomy, and he looked at the figure with his eyes. He secretly said: This person must be a figure from the Dragon Palace era, and he might have a rare treasure on him. Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai rushed towards the ancient corpse without saying a word: There might be something in this corpse that can enter the next level. Mechanism, let me take a look. Before everyone could react, Jiang Xiaobai had already arrived in front of the ancient corpse, stretched out his hand and reached towards the ancient corpse.

Boy, you dare to play tricks in front of us, I'm afraid you have lived enough! He Bo looked gloomy: Can you get your hands on the treasures on this ancient corpse?

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