In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 551 The ancient corpse awakens

There was chaos in the field, and the terrifying power of the powerful Jin Chi was stirring in the void. Cui Yu huddled in the corner, staring at the living dead in the Taiyi realm with caution in his eyes.

He is waiting for the opportunity!

The entrance to the next level of space is right under the butt of the ancient corpse. As long as the ancient corpse is resurrected, Cui Yu will have the opportunity to get in.

It's a pity that I can't use the power of Gonggong now. Otherwise, I could directly mobilize the True Water without Form to penetrate the wall of the Crystal Palace. How could it be so troublesome? Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of emotion.

It was true that the house was leaking, but it rained all night, and the boat was late and encountered a strong wind.

Moreover, Cui Yu discovered that as long as there were powerful people from the Jin Dynasty, the monks under the Jin Dynasty had no chance of interfering in seizing the treasure.

After I finish using these tool people, I must trap these tool people here.

The combat power of the Jin Chi level was too terrifying, and the terrifying energy waves were undulating. Cui Yu dragged Zhang Guanxi and Song Fuyun, who was watching the excitement, back quickly.

What are you retreating for? Maybe the powerful Jin Chi will fight and both sides will be hurt. Then we will have a chance. Song Fuyun was staggered by Cui Yu, and he was a little unhappy:

And what if it's a Jinchi-level combat power? We don't have no chance at all, right?

The ancient corpse is not dead! The vitality in the ancient corpse is resurrecting. This person's power has surpassed Jin Chi. If you don't want to live and feel that your life is too long, there is no harm in leaving you here. Cui. Yu's voice was full of joking.

What? The ancient corpse is not dead? Is it still alive? Song Fuyun shivered with fright, her eyes full of horror.

Song Fuyun had no doubt about Cui Yu's words.

A mysterious ancient corpse has surpassed the ultimate power of this world. I ask you if you are afraid?

Hearing that the power of the ancient corpse surpassed that of Jin Chi, Song Fuyun was dumbfounded and took the initiative to drag Cui Yu back without saying a word.

The strong men of the Jin Dynasty are so terrifying, but what about the strong men who surpass the realm of the Jin Dynasty?

Even if he had the secret technique of surrogate death, he would never want to face such a terrifying existence.

However, before a few people could retreat to the corner, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted in the Crystal Palace.

An unspeakable aura of great terror echoed in the Crystal Palace.

Several golden emperors who were holding the limbs of the ancient corpse finally woke up the sleeping Taiyi realm master.

The ancient breath is reviving, and the mighty divine power is boiling.


All the powerful men of the Golden Order were ejected in an instant. After somersaulting awkwardly in the air, they stood still and looked at the ancient corpse in surprise.

His breath is reviving, he is not dead! Tang Zhou shrank, his eyes full of horror.

Taikoo Underground Palace

An antique that has lived for who knows how many years

Not dead but still alive?

Why do you think it feels so scary?

Especially the opponent's body-protecting magical power that he inadvertently shot out, actually sending everyone flying away. How terrifying is this?

He is not dead! His vitality is reviving! How is this possible! Is this a figure from 18,000 years ago? Ying Zheng's eyes were full of horror.

It's impossible. All the powerful people perished one hundred and eight thousand years ago. How can there be any monks from one hundred and eight thousand years ago? All the monks from one hundred and eight thousand years ago have perished. There can be no accident. He Bo's voice was full of fear.

One hundred and eight thousand years ago, it was the ancient era, which could also be called the era of gods and demons. The terror of the powerful in that era and the chaos of the laws of heaven and earth were definitely beyond the imagination of monks in this era.

While he has not yet recovered, we must not let him live. This man has just regained his breath, and he is already so terrifying. If he is really resurrected by him, all of us, one by one, will not end well. This time For a person to be so terrifying, his cultivation level must have surpassed that of Jin Chi, and is very likely to reach an incredible realm. Tang Zhou's voice was full of seriousness.

Tang Zhou's words were recognized by everyone present. At this time, all the powerful men in the Jinzhi realm gathered together.

He moved towards the ancient corpse to suppress it.

Then, as everyone's magical powers were about to suppress it, they suddenly saw golden light flashing around the ancient corpse, and three wonderful flowers bloomed on the top of its head, turning into a golden shield, covering it firmly.

Three flowers gathered together! Cui Yutong shrank, his eyes full of shock.

The three flowers in it gather at the top. On top of the gathering of three flowers, the Five Qi Chao Yuan is the Great Luo Jinxian.

He saw the golden flowers sprouting rapidly, thousands of them sprouting in a snap of his fingers, covering a three-foot space around him.

That's right

It's three feet of space.

The three-foot space was distorted, and it was obvious that there was a universe within it, turning it into a sea of ​​golden flowers. No matter how everyone's magical powers fell into it, the golden flowers continued to collide with everyone's magical powers and were destroyed, but more golden flowers were derived from it. And out.

The speed at which everyone annihilated the golden flower could not match the speed at which the golden flower was born.

I saw a little innate divine water flying out of He Bo's hand. The divine water actually evolved into a blue light and suppressed the overwhelming golden flowers. Hundreds of golden flowers were destroyed in an instant. But who would have expected that hundreds of golden flowers would be destroyed along with them? A golden flower turned into nothingness, and more golden flowers emerged.

Looking at the golden flowers that were derived, He Bo couldn't help but be stunned.

Tang Zhou's face was expressionless, and one of his palms turned purple. A strange wind swirled in his palm and fell towards the sea of ​​golden flowers.

[In view of the general environment,

Tang Zhou's cultivation on land was indeed much higher than that of the Sanjiang Water God. He Bo could only destroy a hundred golden flowers, but Tang Zhou was able to destroy more than 500 golden flowers, nearly half of which were destroyed.

The strange black wind fell, and the golden flowers withered and died.

But that's all. That's all.

The golden flower had just perished and was reborn in an instant without any damage.

When Tang Zhou saw this scene, he couldn't help being shocked. His eyes were full of horror, and a thought flashed in his mind: Should I run away?

This golden flower is too difficult to deal with. The opponent hasn't woken up yet. I can't even break through the opponent's defensive mask. If the opponent wakes up, how can I still survive?

The old Dragon King over there did not believe in evil. He rolled up the sea-fixing needle in his hand and waved it in the air, turning into countless stick shadows. This was an innate spiritual treasure, and its power can be imagined.

I saw the Dinghai Divine Needle falling, and the stick came into contact with the golden flower. In an instant, the golden flower collapsed, unable to stop the power of the Dinghai Divine Needle.

Thinking about it, it’s only normal if you can’t stop it.

This is an innate spiritual treasure.

Even the four seas can be suppressed, let alone magical powers?

Seeing the Sea-Dinging Needle breaking the shackles, annihilating the golden flower, and countless petals flying, the Sea-Dinging Needle was about to hit the ancient corpse's head. At this moment, a white light flashed from the top of the ancient corpse's head, and a silver-white ruler flew out. Blocked the Old Dragon King's Sea Ding Needle.


The ruler collided with the old Dragon King's sea-fixing needle. The old Dragon King staggered and flew backwards for dozens of steps. He looked at the ruler with horror in his eyes: What kind of treasure is that?

Not only did the old Dragon King ask, Cui Yu was also curious: What kind of treasure is that?

You must know that the Dinghai Divine Needle in the old Dragon King's hand is an innate spiritual treasure. Isn't it amazing that the ruler actually shook the Dinghai Divine Needle away?

The most important thing is that Cui Yu did not feel the innate energy on the ruler, and there was no innate law imprinted on it. It was obvious that this was not an innate spiritual treasure raised by nature.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Chi You said in a low voice: That's a magic weapon. A magic weapon with restrictions on it, and it's also a saint-level sacrificial treasure.

Saint-level sacrificial treasure? Cui Yu was stunned.

Before talking about treasures, I need to explain here that although innate treasures are nurtured by heaven and earth, they may not be more powerful than acquired treasures.

For example, there are few treasures in the world that can match the Heaven-turning Seal. Although it is an acquired treasure, most innate treasures cannot compare.

The reason why innate treasures are precious is that

People are sought after, partly because innate treasures contain innate Tao charm. Secondly, there are many magical features that cannot be matched by acquired treasures, such as beheading three corpses.

In terms of power, many acquired treasures are much more powerful than innate treasures, but in terms of the magic within them, acquired treasures are far inferior.

Having treasures sacrificed by a saint, isn't that a saint's disciple? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, his eyes full of surprise.

I don't know. Chi You shook his head: There are thousands of disciples of the three religions, and the saints have also sacrificed many treasures. Maybe they were accidentally obtained. I think that ruler is modeled after the innate spiritual treasure Qiankun Ruler. Although It’s not as mysterious as the original, but its power is quite amazing.”

Just as Chi You was explaining, a terrifying aura suddenly revived in the ancient corpse, filling the entire body of the ancient corpse with a snap of his fingers. The ancient corpse sitting cross-legged actually opened its eyes at this time.

The ancient corpse opened its eyes.

Looking at his empty hands, Pantao was nowhere to be found, the chain on his wrist was also missing, and Wu Gou behind his back also fell into the opponent's hand. The ancient corpse's eyes began to glow with anger.

Feeling the momentum that surpassed Jin Chi, the scalps of all the Jin Chi ancestors in the field were numb, and their eyes were staring at the ancient corpse, their eyes full of fear.

Senior, we don't mean to disturb you, can you please return this treasure to you? The Yangtze River Water God's heart was frightened, his body holding the flat peach was trembling, and his own divine origin was trembling.

Too strong!

Extremely powerful!

Ying Zheng held a pair of Wu hooks in his hand and looked at the ancient corpse opposite. He couldn't help but smile bitterly: Senior, no offense is intended. I will return these Wu hooks to you. Can you let me go?

Tang Zhou looked at the chain in his hand, then looked at the ancient corpse opposite, and scanned the heroes in the field. It was obvious that all the heroes in the field were cowed.

Give me back the flat peach, and I will spare your life. The ancient corpse stood up slowly, and its majestic momentum spread, making everyone seem breathless.

The Yangtze River Water God looked at the flat peach in his hand. Although he was reluctant to part with it, he still carried it carefully. The person in front of him was really terrifyingly strong. He had surpassed the realm of Jin Chi and was definitely not something he could deal with.

With a flick of his hand, he was about to throw the flat peach out, but at this moment Tang Zhou suddenly said: I can't give him the flat peach!

After saying this, the Yangtze River Water God paused and turned to look at Tang Zhou.

The ancient corpse also turned its gaze and landed on Tang Zhou.

After all, Tang Zhou also inherited the ancient demon god's inheritance. Even if he didn't know many secret techniques, he could know them at a glance.

This man depends on the flat peach to survive, and he is hanging on to his last breath. If you give him the flat peach, he will gain the life of the flat peach, and all of us will die. Since the great change of the world a hundred and eight thousand years ago, to today It has exceeded one hundred and eighty thousand years, which is a full 120,000 years. It would have taken at least tens of thousands of years for this person to become enlightened before the ancient times. Adding in the time of one hundred and eighty thousand years ago, he has lived for at least 140,000 years. . Even if he surpasses Jin Chi, he can't even imagine immortality. How much life does he still have in his body? Tang Zhou's voice was full of seriousness.

I'm talking about Old Tang. This ancestor has obviously surpassed the realm of the Jinchi. Who knows what it is like beyond the realm of the Jinchi? Maybe someone above the Jinchi can extend his life for a million years? Or he can really live forever. ?” The Yangtze River Water God was furious. He couldn’t part with the flat peach, and he was afraid that Tang Zhou’s misjudgment might lead to his own death.

Haha, look at this chain. The magical function of this chain is to lock the vitality in the body. If he breaks the life span barrier, why does he need this treasure? Why does he need the flat peach to extend his life? Now he does not have the chain that locks his life span. He has lost He is afraid that he will die soon if he wants to keep the flat peach alive. Tang Zhou vowed.

He is the inheritor of the Taisu Demon God, so of course he understands what the Taiyi realm is like. The Taiyi realm cannot extend lifespan at all. Only by reaching Daluo Jinxian can one initially get rid of the shackles of lifespan.

But he knew it wouldn't work. He had to find a reasonable reason to convince everyone in the field to fight against this old antique together.

I doubt that his lifespan can last even three days. As long as we can delay him for three days, this guy will definitely die. If you give him the flat peach and he gains lifespan, we will be the most troublesome. Tang Zhou said swornly.

After hearing Tang Zhou's words, everyone in the venue looked hesitant.

Do you think he will let us go? Even if you hand over the flat peach, what will happen? He will never let us go. Tang Zhou said in a serious voice: Handing over the treasure is death, and not handing over the treasure is also death. . How to choose, you should have an idea in your mind, right? Give it a try and delay him until he dies. We may still have a chance to reverse the odds. If we are really defeated, I am sure that none of us can make it out alive.

Tang Zhou's words made everyone's hearts sway.

The ancient corpse looked at Tang Zhou with his eyes, his brows furrowed slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes: Interesting! Interesting! You seem to know me very well. I feel a familiar aura on your body.

Facing the gazes of everyone, the ancient corpse did not panic, but smiled calmly: You are right, there is nothing wrong at all. I really need the flat peach to continue my life, and I need the chain to lock my life. Even you You said that I still have three days to live, but you said too much, I only have one day to live.

The ancient corpse's eyes swept across the whole place, and his voice was hoarse and a little dry: But...

Let alone one day's lifespan, even if I only have one hour's lifespan, I can still kill you all and take back the flat peaches. The ancient corpse said in a cold voice.

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