Who said I can't find the exit? Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile on his face, but refused to lose his momentum. Tang Zhou frowned and ignored Jiang Xiaobai, but looked at Cui Yu: Sure enough, there is no exit?

We're afraid we're going to be in bad luck! Not only is this place not the Ancient Dragon Palace, but it's also the tomb of a terrifying being. Now that we've broken into someone else's tomb, we're like tomb robbers, trapped here by the owner. Cui Yu explained.

Tang Zhou looked ugly: Isn't it the Ancient Dragon Palace? He still believed what Cui Yu said, because since he met Cui Yu, the other party had never failed.

Are we going to be trapped here? Tang Zhou's voice turned gloomy. Cui Yu was also thinking about how to crack the mechanism.

Although there seems to be no mechanism here, there must be a mechanism, but no one has found it.

Ancestor, do you know how to crack the mechanism? Cui Yu asked Chi You. Chi You was deep in thought in Cui Yu's shadow: This place looks a bit familiar, like the burial method of the gods in ancient times, but it is also a bit different. Give me three to five days, and I will I will definitely find a way to crack it for you. Cui Yu stopped urging after hearing this, knowing that Chi You could crack it, and he also had the details in his heart.

Sir, the words on the stone tablet have been deciphered. At this moment, Gu Mosheng walked over and said.

Huh? Have you cracked the text? Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed when he heard this.

This place is the legendary vestibule of the Ancient Dragon Palace. If you want to crack it, you must have the most exquisite dragon blood to open the mechanism, otherwise we will all be trapped to death. Now that I think about it, only the blood of the Third Prince Long can open the mechanism! Gu Mosheng said.

He bullied the Third Prince Long and disappeared without a trace. He bit the Third Prince Long hard and threw all the blame to the Third Prince Long.

The Third Prince Long has been lost a long time ago. Where can I find the Third Prince Long? He Bo frowned.

There is another way, and that is to smash open the wall! I have calculated that in this Crystal Palace, the wall on the ceiling is the shallowest. Let's smash it together and we can get out. Since we can't crack the mechanism, let's just go through violently. It doesn't matter if you go. With so many masters gathered together, can't they break down a wall? Jiang Xiaobai said.

It is impossible to be trapped to death here! We are all top heroes, how can we be trapped here? It is simply a big joke. Tang Zhou's voice was full of disdain: What can it do even if it is the Ancient Dragon Palace? ?What can we do if we are trapped here? If we can't find the exit, why don't we just smash the Dragon Palace to pieces? Tang Zhou's voice was a bit domineering.

The next moment, Tang Zhou suddenly stamped his feet: The earth shook and the mountains shook. However, Tang Zhou's power was absorbed in the Crystal Palace.

Huh? Tang Zhou was stunned.

You can't smash it! You can't smash it! Chi You's voice rang in Cui Yu's heart, and he quickly stopped them: This Crystal Palace has been wrapped in the true fire of the sun. Once the crystal palace is smashed, all of us will be refined to death by the true fire of the sun. Cui Yu was shocked when he heard this and shouted loudly: Stop! Don't smash it! If you smash it, you will be in big trouble. Tang Zhou stopped and looked at Cui Yu with his eyes. He was waiting for Cui Yu to explain.

Give me three days, I will definitely be able to crack the mechanism. Jiang Xiaobai and the others are talking nonsense. They must not break open the Crystal Palace, otherwise something big will happen. Cui Yu stopped him.

Tang Zhou stopped moving, but the Dragon King of the East China Sea sneered: It's just a palace, what can go wrong? Who knows whether you, a mere mortal, can do what you say!

I'll do it! The old Dragon King held the sea-fixing needle in his hand and suddenly smashed it against the wall of the Crystal Palace.

Not only did the old Dragon King take action, everyone also couldn't wait! The Dinghai Shenzhen was indeed a powerful innate spiritual treasure. At this time, it suddenly hit the Crystal Palace, and the crystal palace shook for a while. The crystal bricks on the ground began to vibrate and cracked cracks.

Hahaha, this Crystal Palace looks extremely solid, but it turns out it's not indestructible. Ying Zheng laughed next to him when he saw the cracks on the ground.

I want to see if this so-called Crystal Palace can withstand a few attacks from me. The Old Dragon King's Dinghai Divine Needle roared as it continuously hit the walls and ceiling of the Crystal Palace.

Feeling the shock of the Crystal Palace, Cui Yu frowned: The old Dragon King's physical body is too strong. If the Dinghai Divine Needle falls, it may not have a million kilograms of power. It is normal that my law of force cannot withstand it. Although he practices the law of force. , but the old Dragon King was born with the strength of a dragon of 129,600 kilograms.

Although everyone in the field has great magical powers, in terms of strength, they are really far behind the old Dragon King. The old Dragon King's stick fell, which was better than thousands of magical powers.

Seeing that everyone was disapproving, Cui Yu knew that he could not stop everyone's actions. These guys usually pride themselves on being superior. They have kowtowed 3,300 times before. Who doesn't feel angry?

Now I'm afraid I just took the opportunity to vent it out.

Is it really dangerous? Tang Zhou stopped and came to Cui Yu's side.

There is big trouble. Cui Yu looked gloomy. At this time, Song Fuyun also came to Cui Yu's side: Brother Cui Dao, long time no see? Song Fuyun also sensed something was wrong and ran over to get close to him.

Compared to the noble son of the Great Chu Kingdom, everyone believed in Cui Yu more. Everyone who has suffered at the hands of Cui Yu should know what Cui Yu is capable of.

You seem to be doing well recently. Cui Yu looked at Song Fuyun with a pair of eyes, a little surprised. Song Fuyun's cultivation level still had not improved, but for some reason, he actually noticed a terrifying aura in Song Fuyun's body, which made him feel A sense of fear arose.

Why are you here too? Cui Yu glanced at Song Fuyun.

I always feel that there is a kind of call in the dark, constantly calling me to come, so I came. Song Fuyun lowered his voice and said: Really can't be smashed? Looking at the top powerhouses from all walks of life who kept taking action, Cui Yu shook his head: There will be big trouble.

We are all alone, why don't we join hands so we can take care of us? Zhang Guanxi also walked over.

Cui Yu nodded: Okay! Let's step aside and don't get affected by everyone. Over there, Zhihu saw Cui Yu and others retreating far away, standing in the corner, thinking for a while and then said to Ji Wushuang : Your Highness, let's find a place to hide, so that if we really cause any trouble, we can get back to him in time. Ji Wushuang looked at Cui Yu in the corner, and after thinking for a while, he chose to believe Cui Yu.

Over there, Mi Zhu and Yan Qu gathered together, then led his masters to retreat aside, deciding to sit back and watch.

It must be smashed! Everyone is trapped here and has no patience to wait any longer. Who knows if there will be any changes outside?

Are there other creations in this cave? And not everyone will listen to Cui Yu's words.

You said before that this is not the legendary East China Sea Dragon Palace, then what is this place? Aren't the outside world crazy rumors that this is the Ancient Dragon Palace? The Dragon Clan has been planning for this for thousands of years, how could there be a mistake? Yan Qu didn't know when to leave. Come here, break away from the lineage of Li Shengren, and come to Cui Yu to inquire about the news.

Compared with Young Master Xiaobai, Yan Qu certainly believed in Cui Yu, and he believed unconditionally. Moreover, Yan Qu represents the interests of the young master Chong'er, and has a big conflict with the young master Xiaobai. The two sides are now inseparable and almost fighting to the death.

Cui Yu glanced at Yan Qu. He had a good sense about Yan Qu, and he didn't hide it at this time: This is not the legendary Ancient Dragon Palace at all. The ten elders of Haoran's lineage are talking nonsense. They are simply talking nonsense. I don’t recognize the ancient characters on the stone tablet. This is the tomb of a certain terrifying existence in the ancient times. We are now trapped in the tomb and are regarded as tomb robbers. We will definitely be surrounded and killed by the owner of the tomb.

Are you telling the truth? Yan Qu stared at Cui Yu with his eyes.

If you don't believe it, you don't have to ask me. Cui Yu said. Yan Qu's face turned ugly.

Everyone knows the dangers grave robbers face after entering the tomb. At this time, the atmosphere in the venue was solemn. Looking at the people frantically attacking the wall, Yan Qu could not stop them and could only stand aside and watch.

Are you forming an alliance? The kind that helps each other? Yan Qu looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Mizhu has a Shennong cauldron. No matter what happens, we can still protect ourselves. Coupled with your knowledge, it will greatly increase This will increase our chance of survival. Yan Qu wanted to form an alliance with Cui Yu.

Okay! Cui Yu glanced at Mi Zhu in the distance and hesitated slightly: He won't take the opportunity to kill me, right? After all, he destroyed the branch of the Mi family.

What time is it? I'll take care of Mi Zhu's side! Yan Chuangchang said. As he was talking, a crisp crackling sound suddenly sounded.

It's broken! It's broken! The old Dragon King lowered his Dinghai needle and looked at the cracks on the ground. His eyes were full of ecstasy and he couldn't help shouting.

What a bullshit prison. How can it stop our power? Open them all! Open them all! The Yangtze River Water God was overjoyed when he saw this scene and took action even harder.

When a group of people saw the hope of breaking through the Crystal Palace, they all rolled up their sleeves, their eyes filled with ecstasy.

Since it can be broken open, what kind of mechanical skills are needed?

Hahaha, Cui Yu! What else do you have to say now? Seeing that the wall of the Crystal Palace was really smashed open, Jiang Xiaobai finally regained his dignity, turned around and looked at Cui Yu and said sarcastically: You also said that you were not a liar, and now that you have been exposed, what else can you say?

Idiot, there will be times when you regret it! Cui Yu smiled coldly upon hearing this. At this moment, Cui Yu suddenly moved his eyes and looked at the cracks between the floor tiles on the ground. A little light slowly lit up in the cracks.

That little bit of light was so pure, so pure and bright, as warm as the sun. Looking at the light, Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned.


This light??? The Crystal Palace was shaken, and a gap opened in the floor tiles. Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned when he looked at the gap, and a faint light slowly poked out from the cracks in the underground blue bricks.

Where is the light? It is clearly a flame. How could there be fire under the floor tiles?

The sun is really hot! Chi You couldn't help but exclaimed with fear when he saw the flames.

Do you think this flame is the real fire of the sun? Cui Yu was shocked when he saw the flame appear and heard Chi You's words.

Are you kidding? If the sun is really hot, who can bear it? Just ask the Twelve Ancestral Witches at their peak if they could handle it.

Stop smashing it! Stop smashing it! Something big has happened! Cui Yu looked at the flames that were beginning to poke out from the ground and jumped out of the way like a monkey.

Ah!! There was someone standing on the crack, completely defenseless. After screaming, he couldn't even struggle, and he turned into ashes and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

There were screams in the field, and the handfuls of flying ashes shocked all the strong men present. Looking at the flames that slowly emerged from the gap, everyone was frightened, and a fatal threat surged into their hearts.

From the cracks in the floor tiles, the light that emerges is the true fire of the sun. Even if it was just a small flame, no one could resist it. They could only hear screams, and some unlucky ones stood directly in the cracks and turned into ashes.

Don't smash it! The Sanjiang Water God was also panicked at this time, and quickly mobilized the source of water to protect his whole body.

The real sun fire suddenly appeared from the cracks in the floor tiles, causing everyone to panic. Those who have not reached the realm of the Golden Emperor cannot resist at all. They cannot even resist, and are burned to the point of being turned into nothingness.

When one's cultivation has reached the level of the Golden Emperor and he has mastered the 'property of a ray of gold', he will not be burned to death in one encounter with the true fire of the sun, but he will definitely not be able to hold on for three breaths.

Only the Sanjiang Water God and other innate beings born in heaven and earth, who were born to hold the power of heaven and earth, could barely suppress the true fire of the sun around them.

The quality of the Crystal Palace is very good. Although some parts have cracks, most of them are still well preserved, and no real fire from the sun is coming out.

At this time, everyone fled to that safe place in panic. They were all horrified when they saw the flames coming out of the crystal bricks.

In just a few breaths, dozens of people died.

What kind of flame is this? The survivors all stared at the flames in front of them, their eyes filled with fear.

This is the legendary true fire of the sun, the most powerful and sunny flame between heaven and earth. Cui Yu continued next to him.

Is the sun really hot? All the powerful men were stunned, what kind of flame was that? There has never been a real sun fire in this world.

What kind of flame is that? Bai Yuliang asked, looking at the flames in front of him with horror in his eyes.

The true fire of the sun is the flame on the sun. Cui Yu explained. After saying this, everyone was horrified.

Fire on the sun? How terrifying is that? Even if he is a powerful person in the Jin Dynasty, he is afraid that he will turn into ashes if he comes face to face with him, right?

What is the sun? The sun is the true embodiment of the laws of heaven and earth. Seeing the small flames emerging from the gaps in the floor tiles, everyone was too frightened to move. Even the masters at the Jinzhi level were horrified.

You listened to this idiot and insisted on smashing the Crystal Palace. Now we are afraid that we will be in trouble. At this time, Cui Yu directly pointed the finger at Young Master Xiaobai.

ps: Have a safe Dragon Boat Festival, everyone.

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