In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 545 Jiang Xiaobai is looking for trouble

General Liu spurted out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Tang Zhou with a pair of horrified eyes, full of horror.


It's really terrible!

Brother Cui Yu, don't worry, Tang Zhou will protect your safety today. Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu with a smile.

Facing Tang Zhou's gaze, Cui Yu took a deep breath and forced an embarrassing smile on his face. At this moment, he wanted to ask Tang Zhou: Are we familiar?

Tang Zhou was one of the leaders of Taiping Road. If he got involved with Tang Zhou in front of all the heroes in the world, the future life would be difficult.

If everyone thinks of themselves as Taiping Dao rebels, I'm afraid they will still be in trouble.

It's just that now that Tang Zhou is standing up for him, he can't reach out and hit the smiling man, can he?

Cui Yu is not an ignorant person.

Seeing that Tang Zhou actually stood up for Cui Yu, Liu Bang and others in the distance all shrank their pupils and temporarily suppressed all the small thoughts in their hearts.

Everyone didn't think much about it, thinking that Tang Zhou was deliberately causing trouble for Da Zhou and embarrassing the people in Da Zhou's court.

Cui Yu had a bitter smile on his face and looked at Tang Zhou without thanking him.

I know you are making enemies everywhere, so you don't need to thank me. Tang Zhou said with a smile.

I really won't thank you. Cui Yula said with a face: When did our relationship get so good that I asked you to stand up for me?

Once it's new, it's the second time it's familiar. Tang Zhou said with a smile.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this, and looked at the crowd in the distance with his eyes: Why don't you go in?

It's been blocked. I know that you kid has many evil ideas and is capable of things that no one else can do. I'm about to ask you to take action to see if you can find a way into the Crystal Palace. Decipher the words on this stone tablet for us. Tang Zhou looked towards Cui Yu.

To be honest, Tang Zhou didn't believe in Young Master Xiaobai or the ten elders of Haoran's lineage.

Or do you feel safe using it yourself? Who knows if the other party has resorted to any tricks?

Or just deceive yourself and others to leave, and then Sanjiang Water God and others sneak in again?

To be honest, although Tang Zhou inherited the memory of Demon God Tai Sui, he really did not inherit the writing of the prehistoric world. Because Demon God Tai Sui died too early and died in the chaos at the beginning of the world. When Demon God Tai Sui was resurrected, the prehistoric world had been destroyed. He followed the road to heaven alone and came to this world, where he was tricked to death.

After Tang Zhou finished speaking, before Cui Yu could speak, a sneer came from the crowd: He? What can he do? He is just an insignificant disciple of the Haoran lineage, what can he come up with? And that stone tablet I When it has been deciphered, don't you believe that I can't wait? Master Tang Zhou, you are so sick that you seek medical treatment. If you ask him to break the situation and find a way to enter the Dragon Palace, why not ask the elders of the Haoran lineage behind me to take action and cooperate with me? Let's look for a mechanism to enter the Dragon Palace together. I am now the number one person in the Mo family's mechanism technique, and the elders of the Haoran lineage behind me can't figure out a way to enter the Crystal Palace. How can he find a new way to find a new way? It's simply fantastic.

Cui Yuwenyan looked around and saw that the person speaking was actually Jiang Xiaobai, who had taken over the position of Cui Yuhaoran's lineage leader.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai came to Tang Zhou, his eyes full of flattery.

The Tang and Zhou Dynasties were among the top masters in the world, and in recent years, Taipingdao had successfully established a country, and its reputation spread throughout the world, causing uproar among the 365 vassal states.

If Tang Zhou could support him, his chances of seizing the throne would increase countless times.

If he could win over Tang Zhou, he would be sure of victory.

At this time, when he saw that Tang Zhou actually asked Cui Yu to decipher the words on the stone tablet and find a way to enter the Dragon Palace, he thought that Taiping Dao had been established for hundreds of years. Compared with the great forces that had been passed down for thousands of years, after all, its foundation was shallow. , isn't this the best opportunity for me to make friends with Tang Zhou?

When Cui Yu heard this, he glanced at Young Master Xiaobai. He originally disliked this grandson, but now he wanted to step on him to get the position, which made Cui Yu even more angry.

If you want to make friends with Tang Zhou or discuss a relationship with Tang Zhou, you can just go and make friends with him. But if you step on me and get to the top, that is absolutely impossible.

In this small world, it's best to find an opportunity to kill him directly. Thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu, who smiled and ignored Jiang Xiaobai.

Paying attention to Jiang Xiaobai at this time gave the other party a chance to step on him. Over there, Tang Zhou also didn't look at Jiang Xiaobai, but looked at Cui Yu expectantly.

Jiang Xiaobai's expression darkened when he saw Cui Yu and Tang Zhou ignoring him.

Even if the other party yelled at him directly, he felt better because he could take the opportunity to step on Cui Yu and pull himself up.

But the other party ignored him, treating him as nothing and nothing, and made Jiang Xiaobai unable to stand in front of the crowd.

When you are talking to someone and the other person ignores you, are you embarrassed?

And in front of many people.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai was also a prince and a noble, not an ordinary playboy. When he saw the two ignoring him, although he became angry with shame, he did not continue to argue.

It was already embarrassing enough, but if he continued to pester him, he would only be embarrassed.

Junior Brother Cui Yu, Young Master Bai is the king of Da Qi. How can I allow you to be so presumptuous? Why don't you apologize to the Young Master quickly? Liu Lin, the great elder of the Haoran lineage, saw Jiang Xiaobai deflated at this time and quickly stood up and reprimanded Cui Yu. .

Cui Yu glanced at the man, smiled contemptuously, and remained silent.

Liu Lin wanted to argue, but was stopped by Jiang Xiaobai.

You are just a person who deceives the world and steals your reputation. Why bother arguing with the other party? If you can't crack the mechanism to enter the gate later and deceive Master Tang Zhou, let's see how you step down. Jiang Xiaobai cursed in a low voice.

Cui Yu glanced at Jiang Xiaobai when he heard this. He was probably not aware of his relationship with Tang Zhou at all.

Too lazy to pay attention to Jiang Xiaobai, Cui Yu looked at the stone monument, then walked to the stone monument and stood still in front of it.

The stone tablet is very large, three feet high, and the words imprinted on it are familiar to Cui Yu. They are words from the ancient prehistoric period.

Cui Yu looked at the words on the stone tablet with his eyes. The first five characters caught Cui Yu's eyes: Thirty-third heaven?

The five characters imprinted on the beginning of the stone tablet turned out to be the Thirty-Third Heaven.

The general meaning of the above is that the White Jade Tower is the ancient legendary heavenly palace, with thirty-three levels in total. There are countless opportunities and creations inside, and incredible treasures can be obtained by entering it.

Ancestor? Cui Yu asked Xin Yuan and asked Xin Yuan to communicate with Chi You.

Fake! It's completely fake! This is not the Thirty-Third Heaven at all! How could the Thirty-third Heaven be so crude? It's simply impossible! Chi You's voice was full of sneer and cold ridicule: I don't know. Who is it, pretending to be a ghost here, trying to deceive the natives of this world?

The stone tablet not only records the origin of the thirty-third heaven, but also records the method of opening the thirty-third heaven.

Who is planning this? Isn't this the ancient Dragon Palace of Dongting Lake? Isn't it the dragon clan's layout? It's not the dragon clan's layout. Why use the Dinghai Divine Pearl to open the entrance to the cave? Is this the legendary ancient dragon palace or the thirty-third level? God? Countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

In the distance, Liu Lin and other ten elders of the Haoran lineage watched Cui Yu study carefully. They all couldn't help but feel a sudden thought in their minds: This grandson can't really understand the words on the stone tablet. Bar?

He is just pretending to be a fool. He has only been a disciple of the old Confucian scholar for a year and has not studied with the old Confucian scholar. How can he understand the words above? We have studied hard in Haoran Academy for hundreds of years and don't recognize it. Why does he know it? Gu Mo Sheng smiled coldly: It's just pretentious. When he can't get off the stage for a while, you will know that the sky is high and the sky is high.

On the side, Tang Zhou saw Cui Yu observing carefully and carefully. At this time, he came over and said, Can you really understand the words above?

Of course. Cui Yu nodded.

Haha! You must not talk nonsense. The elders in your sect have deciphered the words on the stone tablet. If you dare to lie and deceive the real person Tang Zhou, I will definitely not spare you. Jiang Xiaobai stood up and said, He snorted coldly from the side.

Have the ten elders deciphered the words on the stone tablet? Cui Yu was stunned, his eyes full of disbelief, his expression full of astonishment and sluggishness.

He couldn't believe it!

I really can’t believe it!

Is there anyone in this world besides myself who knows the writing of the prehistoric world?

Or is it that the ten elders have also obtained the inheritance of the ancient times?

Cui Yu was secretly shocked.

If the ten elders obtained the ancient heritage, how could they be so miserable?

Although the prehistoric magical laws can no longer be used in this world, the state of being in a commanding position is still there, and it is still a guiding light, right?

Seeing the shock on Cui Yu's face, Jiang Xiaobai concluded that Cui Yu had been exposed by him, and his eyes were full of ridicule: Since you know the document on the stone tablet, you can translate the content of the document for everyone to listen to.

Cui Yu ignored Jiang Xiaobai, but looked at Tang Zhou with his eyes: Did the ten elders really decipher the words on the stone tablet?

Tang Zhou nodded: It's true.

Now that you have deciphered the words on the stone tablet, why are you all staying here? Why don't you hurry in? Cui Yu looked confused, his eyes full of confusion.

Failed to enter! The old Dragon King's bloodline is not pure enough to open the door of the Ancient Dragon Palace. Tang Zhou said.

What? Cui Yu looked confused. He turned to look at the stone tablet behind him, and then looked at the ten elders watching the show in the distance: What does it have to do with the purity of blood?

After Cui Yu finished speaking, there was a sudden silence in the venue. The expressions of the ten elders over there who were watching the show suddenly trembled, and there was an inexplicable surge in their hearts. Cui Yu actually directly questioned, could he understand the words on the stone tablet?

Cui Yu, all the powerful people in the world are here, you must not talk nonsense. Once you cause trouble and deceive all the powerful people, I'm afraid you can't afford to suffer. Even the real Tang Zhou will not be able to protect you. You. Liu Lin spoke, his voice cold.

Cui Yu ignored Liu Lin, but looked at the stone tablet with his eyes. After confirming it carefully, he looked at Tang Zhou: What does entering this palace have to do with the purity of blood?

Cui Yu, don't pretend. It says that as long as you use the blood of the dragon clan to practice it, you can open this ancient dragon palace. Don't you know the words on it? Are you deliberately lying here to deceive people? Young Master Xiaobai was beside him. sneer.

He finally figured out that what Cui Yu saw was different from the top ten elders, and one of them must have lied.

Which side is lying?

Do you still need to ask?

The ten elders are famous all over the world, but Cui Yu is just a little bumpkin in the countryside. It is obvious who is real and who is fake.

Not only Young Master Xiaobai could see it clearly, but all the smart old antiques in the audience could see it clearly at this time.

At this time, Zhihu's heart moved. He looked at the top ten elders and then at Cui Yu. A thought popped into his mind: What Cui Yu said is true. The top ten elders lied. The top ten elders simply didn't I don’t understand the words on the stone tablet!”

He believed in Cui Yu unconditionally.

Did you see the way to enter? Zhihu asked.

Of course! Cui Yu said.

He didn't mind telling the way to open the palace and asking everyone to go in and explore the way.

Since the four heavenly kings ran away, Cui Yu felt that there was something evil in this small world, not an ordinary evil. There was Nantianmen in front of him, and now there was a thirty-third heaven. His little heart couldn't bear it.

If he could run away, he was afraid that he would have already started running away at this time.

After Cui Yu said this, everyone looked over with a glint in their eyes.

How to open the door? Tang Zhou asked.

Kowtow three thousand three hundred and three, and you can open the palace gate. Cui Yu said with a smile.

Hahaha, nonsense! It's just nonsense! The words engraved on the door are not kowtow three thousand at all, but the blood sacrifice of the dragon, combined with the dragon's spell. Boy, do you dare to talk nonsense in front of a real person? I simply don’t know how to live or die! Young Master Xiaobai laughed so hard when he heard this:

Boy, are you fucking kidding? Where is the way to open the mechanism? Master Tang Zhou, don't let him fool you. He is just an ordinary disciple of the Haoran lineage. Although he has become a member of the Haoran lineage, However, he has not learned culture from the old Confucian scholars. He is just wearing the skin of Haoran's lineage. How can he, a mere junior who has never learned knowledge, know the content on the stone tablet? Real person, don't be fooled. He was coaxed! This person has nothing but appearances. The people behind me are all the elites of Haoran. Isn’t the text they deciphered more true than this kid? More convincing? Kowtow three thousand times? It’s simply a big joke. , Where can there be such boring gods in the world, and how can there be such a vicious supreme being. Even they can't decipher the words on the stone tablet, Jiang Xiaobai took the opportunity to stand up at this time, his voice full of cold scolding.

Believe it or not, I didn't tell you. Cui Yu responded without hesitation.

The feud between him and Jiang Xiaobai had long been forged, and both sides had already broken up. What kind of kindness was left?

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's arrogant look and nagging expression, Cui Yu had already had enough!

I have to kill him in this weird place!

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