In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 546: Deciphering the Stone Tablet

You... Jiang Xiaobai pointed at Cui Yu with a sinister look on his face and stamped his feet angrily. He never expected that Cui Yu would dare to talk to him like this. Who are you? The dignified young master of Qi Kingdom, why does he talk to me like this? However, he took Tang Zhou into consideration and did not dare to attack Cui Yu.

Junior Brother Cui Yu, are you kidding? Wherever you kowtow, you can open the palace's mechanism. The pulse master of one of Haoran's twelve veins stood up and rescued Jiang Xiaobai with a smile on his face. Now that Jiang Xiaobai is the financial owner of the Haoran lineage, how can the Haoran lineage cause Jiang Xiaobai to lose face here?

We have already deciphered the words, so why do you have to be brave? Even if you can't decipher the words above, Master Tang Zhou will no longer protect you. We can still protect you for the sake of our former classmates. You Don't make trouble, come over and apologize to Mr. Bai quickly, let's make peace between them, and let this matter be over! Gu Mosheng stood up.

I don't know why, after Cui Yu said the way to open the stone door, all the ten major vein masters were nervous. Especially when they saw the serious expression on Cui Yu's face, several people became even more panicked.

Although it is theoretically impossible for Cui Yu to understand the words above, Cui Yu has created so many miracles in Daliang City after all. If Cui Yu really finds a way to decipher the inscriptions at this time, it seems not impossible!

Cui Yu recognized him, his name was Gu Mosheng. He had a share of the credit for forcing the palace and leading the entire Haoran lineage to Qi. When the ten major vein masters gave up on him and were poached by Young Master Xiaobai, it was strange that he could smile when he saw the ten major vein masters greet each other with smiles.

So not only did he not have a smile on his face, but he didn't care about the friendship he had with the same family at the beginning, he opened his mouth to ridicule, exposed the other party's lies, and tore the other party's face.

Can you just kneel down and say no? Cui Yu said angrily: He is your master, not mine.

Besides, you old guys, if you don't know the words on the stone tablet, you don't know the words on the stone tablet. What the hell are you talking about here? What are you talking about about laboring the Son of God for a blood sacrifice instead of a blood sacrifice?

After hearing what Cui Yu said, Liu Lin's face turned red: Junior brother, are so kind as to treat me like a donkey.

But he couldn't go on. He was a gentle man, but he was so angry that he couldn't speak when Cui Yu contradicted him in front of such a powerful person. And for some reason, seeing Cui Yu's serious face, Gu Mosheng had a serious thought in his heart, what Cui Yu said was true!

Cui Yu actually deciphered the text.

Brother Cui Yu, are you not deceiving anyone? Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu with disbelief in his eyes.

He didn't believe it either. How could kowtow open the palace door?

Cui Yu smiled and said nothing, just put his hands in his sleeves.

Tang Zhenren, you don't believe his words, do you? Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tang Zhou: Do you believe in such a wicked trick? There is no one else! Kowtow three thousand three times? Which ancient supreme master would do this? Boring mechanism.

Cui Yu looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and he had already disliked this grandson: What? You can't read the words on the stone tablet yourself, are you still not convinced? If you are not convinced, just find someone to kowtow and identify it.

Haha, that's fine! I'll ask Master Tang Zhou to see your true face. Although I don't know what your ability is to win Master Tang Zhou's favor, I tell you, the truth is true, and the false is false. You If you tell lies, you will keep your life! Jiang Xiaobai said seriously: If you dare to question the ten major vein masters, you are questioning me, Jiang Xiaobai.

I will keep my life, but what if you lie? Cui Yu asked lightly.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Lin: Elder, have you really deciphered the words on the stone tablet?

Liu Lin's face was red and his neck was thick. He never expected to come out to disrupt the situation. He didn't know whether he was frightened or excited: My subordinate is willing to use his head as a guarantee.

Over there, Jiang Xiaobai turned his head when he heard this and looked at Cui Yu seriously: Did you hear that? I will bet you with Elder Liu Lin's life.

Liu Lin was confused when he heard this, what the hell?

You made a bet with Cui Yu, why should you use my life?

But he didn't refute, and he didn't dare to refute. If he did, wouldn't it directly prove that he was deceiving?

Cui Yu is just a poor boy from the countryside, how can he know those complicated mysterious runes?

Cui Yu also looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a confused look on his face, Why are you making a bet with me at the expense of someone else's life? Excuse me?

However, he did not argue. If Liu Lin died, Jiang Xiaobai and the ten major bloodline masters would secretly have a secret rift. The ten major vein masters must die, otherwise how could he completely hold the banner and orthodoxy of the Haoran branch in his hands? .

Jiang Xiaobai turned to a certain student of the Haoran lineage and ordered: Try as he said.

The student from the Haoran lineage suddenly turned red.

Those who can be brought here are all elites of Haoran's lineage. If he is asked to kowtow in front of all the ancestors in the world, won't all his face be lost?

Young Master, it must be that Cui Yu who is talking nonsense and asking people to go in wherever there is kowtow? So ridiculous... The disciple wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Young Master Xiao Bai with a wave of his hand:

Kowtow. As long as there is a way, we must not give up.

Having said this, Young Master Xiaobai looked at Cui Yu: In front of all the ancestors in the world, if you play tricks on everyone, you should know how serious the consequences will be.

Cui Yu raised the corner of his mouth and glanced at Jiang Xiaobai indifferently. Countless thoughts flashed in his mind, thinking about how to trick Jiang Xiaobai to death here.

The disciple did not dare to argue with Jiang Xiaobai's words, but glared at Cui Yu angrily: Cui Yu, you guys, don't pretend to be a fool here, admit your mistake quickly and apologize, so as not to make everyone look bad later.

Cui Yu glanced at the disciple, then turned his head away, turning a deaf ear to the disciple's words.

The highest form of contempt is turning a blind eye.

Kowtow. Liu Lin urged from the side, not wanting to continue to be embarrassed.

The disciple stared at Cui Yu with hatred in his eyes, full of anger, but in the end he did not dare to say anything. He could only swallow his head and kneel on the ground, and the sound of kowtows rang out in the hall.

The sound was very loud, especially in front of the Crystal Palace, where there was a constant banging.

For ordinary people, 3,300 heads would be knocked to death, but for monks who have mastered the art of Qi training, it is actually not a particularly difficult task.

Time passed little by little, and the disciple's forehead gradually became bloody. Finally, after kowtowing 3,300 times, the Crystal Palace under his feet suddenly flashed a white light. The white light enveloped the disciple and rushed into the gate, disappearing without a trace.

Really effective? Seeing that the disciple actually entered the Crystal Palace, everyone present was shocked.

Could it be that everything Cui Yu said was true?


Everyone present is a high-profile person. They are all overlords. Do they want to be like that disciple, lying on the ground and kowtowing to others?

It's unbecoming!

I am an ancestor, what does it mean to kowtow to others?

At this time, everyone in the field looked embarrassed.

At this time, the backs of the ten major pulse masters were wet with sweat, especially Liu Lin, whose soles of his feet softened and he almost fell to the ground.

You lose. Cui Yu looked at Jiang Xiaobai with his eyes.

You are quite capable. I never thought you could decipher this mysterious text. Young Master Xiaobai looked at Cui Yu with a pair of smiling eyes. He walked forward and came to Cui Yu's side. His face was not angry or panicked, but full of joy. Condescending calm.

Cui Yu looked at Young Master Xiaobai and the people in Haoran Academy behind Young Master Xiaobai. He did not speak, but waited for Young Master Xiaobai's reaction.

I didn't expect that you actually have some talents. If you are willing to join me and help me win the first place in the Dragon Palace, I can accept you and make you a noble of our Daqi Kingdom. Your prosperity and wealth will be indispensable in the future. Young Master Xiaobai A pair of eyes looked at Cui Yu, full of pride.

He is a noble, and Cui Yu is just a commoner. It is already a great honor for him to win over him.

As for keeping the promise?

In Jiang Xiaobai's view, it is a great honor for the other party to be a mere commoner if he is willing to recruit the other party. The other party also proposes a bet? Doesn’t that mean you don’t know how to commend yourself?

Oh? Cui Yu looked at Jiang Xiaobai with his eyes: I'm not interested. Besides, I don't think a despicable person like you who takes advantage of others has a chance to get out of this secret realm.

What did you say? Young Master Xiaobai's face suddenly darkened, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

You should know better than me what I mean. Cui Yu said with a cold face: Can't you afford to lose? Or are you not going to fulfill your agreement? I have never seen anyone as shameless as you. If you lose, you lose. , just admit defeat, why are you talking nonsense here! With your character, I don’t think you have a chance to win the throne of Da Qi.

Cui Yu, why are you talking to the young master? Why don't you quickly apologize to the young master? The elder of Haoran's lineage stood up and glared at Cui Yu, his voice full of sternness.

Cui Yu looked at Liu Lin with his eyes and said disdainfully: Lick the dog.

You are so presumptuous! Liu Lin's body trembled with anger.

Young Master Xiaobai raised his hand to stop Liu Lin's argument. He looked at Cui Yu and then at the smiling Tang Zhou beside Cui Yu: Are you really unwilling to surrender to me?

Can't you afford to lose?

Are you really so ignorant of appreciation? Jiang Xiaobai looked ugly.

Cui Yu smiled coldly and shouted: Come and take a look, everyone. There is a certain prince and grandson here who claims to be superior and cannot afford to lose.

Jiang Xiaobai's face turned red, and his eyes instantly turned to blood. He suddenly turned around and looked at the ten elders, his eyes falling on Liu Lin.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Lin with his eyes, waiting for Liu Lin's explanation.

In front of all the heroes in the world, wouldn't Jiang Xiaobai's reputation be ruined if word spread that he made such a big fool of himself and was teased?

Jiang Xiaobai, you are also a prince of the country. In front of so many big bosses, you won't deny it, right? Cui Yu looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile.

Your Highness, there are so many words on the stone tablet. The words we deciphered are the Blood Sacrifice of the Pure Blood of the Dragon Clan. Maybe the words deciphered by that boy are different from ours. Maybe we deciphered it using another method. Gu Mosheng stood up, his voice was calm and unhurried, and he was not embarrassed at all by being forced into a corner.

The words on the stone tablet are there, and no one knows them anyway. Cui Yu is right, isn't he right?

Couldn't there be two ways to enter the Ancient Dragon Palace?

Gu Mosheng was indeed very resourceful and directly put the blame on Jiang Xiaobai.

The decipherment by the Ten Major Meridian Masters was true, and the decipherment by Cui Yu was also true. Jiang Xiaobai, whose only responsibility was to jump out and keep showing off and slap him in the face, made a bet with Cui Yu without knowing the truth.

Jiang Xiaobai obviously understood what Gu Mosheng meant, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind, but could he admit his mistake?

Can he admit his mistake?

Although the man who kowtowed three thousand times disappeared, he did not necessarily enter the Crystal Palace. Instead, he was transported to an unknown place. I haven't lost yet. I have to investigate it myself to find out whether it is true or not! Jiang Xiaobai He is not a simple person and immediately finds an excuse to escape.

If you haven't entered the Crystal Palace, how do you know where people have gone?

If you don't go in, how will you know who is right and who is wrong?

Jiang Xiaobai only needs to rush in first, and then quickly enter the next level without meeting Cui Yu again. After today, who will admit his bet with Cui Yu?

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this. He never expected Jiang Xiaobai to be so shameless and so good at taking advantage of loopholes.

Let me go and verify it. Let's meet in the Crystal Palace. If I see you in the Crystal Palace, I will naturally fulfill my bet then. Jiang Xiaobai knelt down and kowtowed without saying a word.

This matter is settled. Jiang Xiaobai's face has been completely disgraced today. Cui Yu smiled and muttered in his heart, but he didn't take it seriously on his face.

Cui Yu, you are also a member of my Haoran lineage. Do you really want to bring things to this point? Gu Mosheng said in a cold voice as he looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was kowtowing and Liu Lin who was pale.

You have to understand clearly that he is the one who insists on making trouble for me. Is he allowed to come to me and cause trouble, but not me to fight back? If you don't accept it, you can come and kill me. There is no need to stand there and moan. Crooked. Cui Yu's voice was full of disdain.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Gu Mo's body trembled with anger, but he did not continue to say anything more. Instead, he chose to kneel on the ground and kowtow with Jiang Xiaobai.

The disciples and elders of Haoran Academy were kowtowing to one side, with a hint of surprise in their hearts, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Everyone couldn't understand, how could Cui Yu see through the secrets of the writing that none of the elders could see through?

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai and others disappear into the palace palace in a flash, someone said:

Kowtow, that kid has already gone in. If he takes advantage of us, our work will be in vain!

Who would have thought that Cui Yu could actually decipher the stone tablet?

And is the method of kowtow mentioned by Cui Yu really effective?

For a moment, everyone looked at the locked door of the Crystal Palace, and without saying anything, they knelt down and kowtowed.

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