In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 544 The Thirty-Third Heaven

Now is the critical moment for Young Master Xiaobai to win over the Sanjiang Water God. If he dares to pull his crotch at this time, Young Master Xiaobai dares to kill him.

There's no rush, you guys take your time. Young Master Xiaobai smiled when he heard this, turned around and went back to the Sanjiang Water God.

Seeing Young Master Xiaobai walking away, the ten elders gathered together and looked at each other with ugly expressions.

What should I do? an elder whispered.

How about confessing directly? Just say that we have never seen the Dragon Palace characters before? an elder whispered.

We pull our hips in front of all the heroes at the critical moment. Once we confess, I'm afraid Young Master Xiaobai won't be able to spare us. Liu Lin rejected the elder's suggestion.

We have opened dozens of Dragon Clan ancient tombs, and the methods of opening the ancient tombs are very similar. Since it is the Dragon Palace now, I expect that the methods of opening the ancient tombs should be similar. Gu Mosheng, a pulse master of the Haoran lineage, spoke. .

The ten masters of the Haoran lineage are also called the ten elders.

Even if there is some problem and we can't open it, we can just find an excuse to evade it. Gu Mosheng smiled coldly.

This is a good idea.

Haha, we can pass the blame to the big shots. I remember that the one with the purest blood of the Dragon Clan is the Third Prince Long. Now that the Third Prince Long is gone, we can use the Third Prince Long to make a fuss. Liu Lin had an idea.

After the discussion was completed, there were no more flaws, and the ten elders relaxed.

Young Master, we have cracked it. After several elders discussed it, Liu Lin came to Young Master Xiaobai and bowed respectfully to him.

Oh? Has it been cracked? Young Master Xiaobai was overjoyed when he heard this. He glanced at the heroes who came over, then pulled Liu Lin to the Sanjiang Water God: Tell me quickly.

This is indeed the legendary Ancient Dragon Palace. The inscription records that all the treasures and secret techniques of the entire Ancient Dragon Clan are buried in this Dragon Palace. It contains the supreme inheritance of the Ancient Dragon Clan, as well as the legendary elixir of immortality. Liu Lin was talking eloquently at this time, bragging without any scruples, and his voice was full of excitement.

What can he do? He didn't recognize any of the fonts on the inscription. How could he know what was written on it?

However, there are too many legends about the ancient Dongting Lake circulating in the world. If you just take a few of these legends and modify them at will, you can easily get a few people across the lake with a little change.

If they don't know each other, can others know them?

Is there really a magic elixir of immortality? He Bo looked excited when he heard this, and his eyes were full of ecstasy. The masters of the princes and royal families who had taken refuge in the three water gods also looked excited at this time.

This is what is recorded on the stone tablet. Facing the fiery gazes of everyone, Liu Lin seemed to be ignited and melted, and his whole body felt numb.

If this bastard lets people know that he is messing with people in the lake, he will die badly. These old guys will never let him go.

Is there any record on how to open the Dragon Palace? The Yangtze River Water God's eyes were burning.

Yes! Liu Lin nodded in agreement without hesitation. Since he dared to repay, of course he had thought of a perfect plan.

It is recorded above: As long as the descendants of the Dragon Clan's bloodline come here, offer sacrifices with the power of their bloodline, and supplement it with the spells of the Zuo Taigu Dragon Clan, they can awaken the power of the entire Dragon Palace, and then open the door to the Dragon Palace. Liu Lin said.

Dragon bloodline? Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then all their eyes turned to look at the old Dragon King.

The Old Dragon King is of course in the same camp as the Sanjiang Water God.

I'll do it! The old Dragon King stood up without hesitation and said to himself: As long as I master the opening and closing of the Dragon Palace portal, I can keep those people out.

What's the spell? The old Dragon King looked at Liu Lin. Liu Lin heard the words and said a spell. The old Dragon King didn't hesitate, and stepped forward directly to the closed door of the Crystal Palace. He looked at the Crystal Palace in front of him with his eyes. The next moment, he cut his arm directly, and the dragon bloodline fell in front of the door of the Crystal Palace.

Looking at the actions of the old Dragon King, a sneer appeared at the corner of Liu Lin's mouth: If the Crystal Palace is opened according to the traditional dragon method, then of course there is no need to say more. If the Crystal Palace is not opened... Liu Lin smiled coldly.

I saw the old Dragon King reciting the Dragon Clan's motto, and his blood fell on the door of the Crystal Palace. As the dragon's power circulated, I saw that the tightly-fitted Crystal Palace door actually rippled.

It's about to open! There were exclamations from the crowd. Sanjiang Water God, Prince Dazhou, Tang Zhou and others all looked over in unison, staring at the rising star with their eyes. Ripple's gate.

Is this okay? Is it really useful? Liu Lin and others were stunned. He just made up a method casually, but who knew that he succeeded unexpectedly.

However, before everyone could finish their exclamations, the ripples on the door suddenly disappeared, and the entire door turned into flat crystal, returning to the way it had never been opened before.

Failed? The old Dragon King couldn't help but frown.

What's going on? He Bo looked at Liu Lin. When Liu Lin heard this, he already had an idea in his mind, but he pretended to be thoughtful. After a moment of pondering, he said: This is the Ancient Dragon Palace. You should have seen the previous vision. The door has been aroused. The reason why it has not been opened may be that the old Dragon King's bloodline is not enough. Pure, cannot meet the requirements to open the Dragon Palace gate. If you want to enter the Dragon Palace, take charge of the Dragon Palace gate, and open the Dragon Palace gate, you must have the direct blood of the Dragon Clan. The ten elders have already had countermeasures. At this time, you look at me. You, your eyes are full of seriousness.

A perfect excuse that leaves people speechless.

The bloodline is not pure enough? Sanjiang Water God frowned. If the old Dragon King's bloodline is not pure enough, then who else in the dragon clan can have bloodline that is purer than the old Dragon King's bloodline?

Unless it is the legendary Third Prince Long.

The Third Prince Long is missing! The old Dragon King said with a sullen face: Don't say the Third Prince Long is not missing. Even if the Third Prince Long is still there, how can we have the chance to leave here and look for the Third Prince?

Can we only open the legendary Dragon Palace by bringing back the Third Prince? Tang Zhou frowned.

He really had some guesses about the whereabouts of Prince Long San. At this time, He Bo and others frowned, each one lost in thought, without any clue.

If you can't open the Crystal Palace, you can't get out, and you can't leave this place, why can't you just wait for death? Just when everyone was in trouble, Cui Yu came from the darkness.

As soon as he arrived at the foot of the tower, Cui Yu saw the people gathered together like ants, but they were clearly distinguishable.

The eldest prince Ji Wushuang stood in front of the gate, and behind him was the master of suppressing the guild. In the Dazhou camp, Cui Yu only recognized Zhihu and Mr. Yu, but did not recognize the rest.

Not far away, the Sanjiang Water God gathered together, leading the masters of the Sanjiang series, staring at the stone tablet in front of the palace with solemn eyes.

Then further away are the people of the major families and princes. Cui Yu saw ‘zheng’. I saw the good man Song Fuyun.

I saw Zhang Guanxi, the pig butcher carrying a sword. Liu Bang of the Han Dynasty. As well as all kinds of people, people Cui Yu knew and people he didn't know, hundreds of people gathered together at this time.

Cui Yu's arrival immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the venue, and all eyes were turned towards him.

However, some were happy and some were furious. Seeing Cui Yu's figure, Song Fuyun couldn't help but tremble: Damn, why is this evil star here? When Ying Zheng saw Cui Yu, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, but he didn't say much.

When Zhihu saw Cui Yu, his eyes were full of joy. When Liu Bang and others saw Cui Yu, they all showed murderous looks on their faces.

Cui Yu also saw Wang Yanchun, Cui Cancan, the masters of Zhenwu Mountain, and a large group of people whom Cui Yu didn't know.

Cui Yu's arrival immediately aroused the excitement of everyone present. Wang Yanchun's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he subconsciously stroked his empty sleeves.

Cui Cancan's palm fell on the sword at his waist, with a murderous expression on his face. Liu Bang narrowed his eyes, obviously remembering Cui Yu's origin.

Cui Yu also saw Yan Qu and other masters from the lineage of ritual saints. Mi Zhu and others also cast their eyes on Cui Yu, their eyes full of murderous intent.

Especially the eldest prince Ji Wushuang, the moment he saw Cui Yu, the anger in his heart went straight to Tianling Gai. Cui Yu even saw the masters of the Twelve Meridians of Haoran, who were surrounding Jiang Xiaobai like stars holding the moon.

Basically all of Cui Yu's mortal enemies are here. Come to think of it, how could anyone miss such a gluttonous feast?

At this time, everyone looked at Cui Yu with all their eyes, causing Cui Yu to stop in his tracks.

Kill him! Ji Wushuang gave the death order without saying a word. After hearing this, Mr. Yu said nothing, took out the sword in his hand, and went straight towards Cui Yu to kill him.

In Ji Wushuang's heart, Cui Yu was just the ant in Lijiacun. If he hadn't relied on the power of time, he would have killed him long ago.

Seeing the light of Mr. Yu's sword, Cui Yu shook his head. Now that he has become a Taoist with strength, he will never be afraid of anyone in a competition of force.

Looking at Mr. Yu who was coming to kill, Cui Yu was about to cast the Dingxian Divine Light, but who knew that a Dingxian Divine Light had already fallen from the eyes of Mr. Yu's head.

With Cui Yu's current cultivation level, his soul has not been condensed, and he will definitely die if he is struck by the immortal light. But who is Cui Yu?

Now Cui Yu has long since ceased to be under Wu Xiameng. The Dinghai Divine Pearl directly protected Cui Yu's soul, and the next moment Cui Yu had a staff in his hand and smashed it directly at Mr. Yu.

Show no mercy! Cui Yu's eyes were full of coldness. Mr. Yu's divine light of immortality had expired. It was too late to use his magical power. Cui Yu's crutches were approaching.

Peng~ The crutch collided with the sword, knocking the sword away. Mr. Yu took the opportunity to roll on a donkey to avoid Cui Yu's fatal blow, and then looked at Cui Yu with horror in his eyes: Impossible!

How could he be so strong? You must know that he has inherited the ancient creation, and his physical strength has been continuously transformed. He already has a strength of 90,000 kilograms, but he can't even survive a round?

Without waiting for Mr. Yu to react, Cui Yu whizzed with a stick in his hand and smashed it down on the head again. Mr. Yu wanted to take off his clothes and use his magical power, but unfortunately it was too late. Before he could take off his clothes, he was probably going to be beaten to death by Cui Yu.

Seeing Mr. Yu retreating from dangerous situations, Ji Wushuang shrank: Impossible! How long has he been practicing? How can he be so strong?

General Liu. Ji Wushuang shouted again. Behind him, a big man like an iron tower suddenly took a step forward, and was about to take action, but Zhihu took a step forward: Your Highness, this person is a friend, not an enemy, but a friend of this person. Please take care of me. For the sake of face, spare his life and please stop, Your Highness. The strong man paused, but to his surprise, Ji Wushuang did not give Zhihu face at all: Kill him! General Liu stepped forward and his body turned into a bolt of thunder. , and went straight towards Cui Yu.

Your Highness! Zhihu shouted anxiously, but there were too many powerful people in the field at this time, and he did not dare to explain Cui Yu's identity to Ji Wushuang.

He was not afraid that Cui Yu would be injured. He was afraid that Ji Wushuang would commit suicide. After General Liu turned into thunder and lightning, he appeared purple. Cui Yu was shocked and turned around quickly, his steps dodged to avoid the thunder and lightning attack.

Cui Yu is not a man of steel, and he may not be able to withstand the huge thunder and lightning.

Escape? Can you escape? General Liu smiled coldly. The next moment, his body flashed and turned into ten thunder and lightning. The ten thunder and lightning weaved into a large net and enveloped Cui Yu.

Seeing the thunder and lightning coming towards him, Cui Yu's thoughts raced in his mind: This person is a bloodline person, and he has mastered the power of thunder and lightning. I am afraid that he has reached the level of the imperial edict and can be compared with the strong ones at the imperial level. This is not an ordinary thunder and lightning. The laws of heaven and earth are contained in thunder and lightning. If the innate spiritual treasure does not come out and the ancient canopy is not used, I'm afraid I can't stop it. Is Cui Yu's cultivation weak?

Cui Yu's cultivation is definitely not weak! But this person's methods are really weird. The whole person directly turned into thunder and lightning. Without the restraint of the physical body, there are no many flaws.

Judging from Cui Yu's abilities, most of them are auxiliary functions. The only ones that can be used in battle are the Canopy Law Body, Samadhi True Fire, Dingxian Divine Light, and two innate spiritual treasures.

With so many people in the field at this time, it is impossible for Cui Yu to use the Seven Star Sword. If he had used the Seven Star Sword, others would have taken him as an opportunity and harvested him before he could open the Ancient Dragon Palace.

General Liu is a bloodline person. He inherited the bloodline of the ancient thunder beast Kui Niu and was born with the power of thunder and lightning.

At present, General Liu's bloodline can be compared with that of Chi. Unless Cui Yu uses the innate spiritual treasure, he will be unable to fight back against General Liu's thunder and lightning.

Even if you have the universe in your sleeves and want to collect pure thunder and lightning, you can't. Without him, thunder and lightning are too fast, and Cui Yu's sleeves cannot match the speed of thunder and lightning.

Thunder method is one of the supreme righteous methods of Taoism, and it is a sharp weapon for Taoism to subdue demons and eliminate demons. This shows the power of thunder method.

Except for unique powers such as time and space, few powers can match the power of thunder and lightning. The Innate Divine Sword cannot be used, but there is still no problem with the Dinghai Divine Pearl. Seeing Cui Yu about to use the Dinghai Divine Pearl, Tang Zhou suddenly took action, and saw a yellow talisman flashing in his hand, and the thunder and lightning in the sky was caught by him. , clutched in the palm of the hand like a spiritual snake.

Tang Zhou, do you dare to be my enemy, Great Zhou? Ji Wushuang's voice was gloomy, and his words were so cold that they seemed to be able to freeze time and space.

Haha. Tang Zhou smiled softly when he heard this: Hasn't Taiping Dao been the enemy of Da Zhou for a long time? As he spoke, Tang Zhou gently rubbed his palms, and the thunder and lightning turned into ashes, and General Liu was beaten Returning to his original form, he landed in front of Ji Wushuang.

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