It is hard to imagine that Chi You, the great demon god, could be so cowardly. Cui Yu looked at Chi You with his eyes full of questions: Don't you want your head?

Chi You looked away with a guilty conscience: It's not that I don't want it anymore, but I don't want to go in now. The Golden Crow clan is the mortal enemy of my Wu clan. There must be something fishy about the corpse of the Golden Crow clan appearing here. Those bastards must have used the Golden Crow in the first place. My head is suppressed by my body, but I only have one hand now. If I cause any trouble, I'm afraid there will be no way to quell it.

It's great to have the Golden Crow! With the Golden Crow, it's possible to have innate hibiscus wood or innate sycamore wood. I have to go to this Dragon Palace. Cui Yu looked at Chi You with helpless eyes.

Do you think he wants to go? The true spirit of Gonggong in his body is attacking the seal, and he doesn't have much time left.

As for using the power of destruction to annihilate Gonggong’s true spirit fragments? It's simply not realistic. Gonggong's true spirit fragments have long been integrated into Cui Yu's three treasures of spirit, energy, and spirit. It can be said that Gonggong's true spirit fragments are actually Cui Yu's second personality.

Annihilating the fragments of Gonggong's true spirit would be equivalent to Cui Yu directly killing himself. Cui Yu looked at the Dragon Palace in front of him with a serious face: There may be some treasures in this ancient Dragon Palace that can help me survive the disaster. Chi You regarded Cui Yu as a co-worker, so he didn't know Cui Yu's difficulties, and Cui Yu had no idea. He would not tell Chi You about his difficulties.

Without saying a word, Cui Yu stepped forward towards the energy barrier of the Dragon Palace.

Hey, do you really not think about what I say anymore? I will never deceive you. Chi You shouted to Cui Yu's back.

Seeing that Cui Yu didn't respond and walked in resolutely, Chi You frowned, and then cursed: Madman! Madman! I told him that there was danger, but he still broke in regardless of it. He is simply a lunatic. Madman. At this time, the ice mask on Cui Yu's face was taken off. He was no longer a scholar of Dayu Kingdom, but an ordinary villager in Lijia Village of Dayu Kingdom: Cui Yu.

Cui Yu stepped in front of the energy shield, and then walked in gently, as if he had walked into an ordinary air shield.

However, after entering the energy shield, Cui Yugang's expression changed. The tower that used to look like a seven- or eight-story tower to the outside world is now towering into the clouds, with no edges visible.

The Golden Crow turned into a big sun, burning brightly and illuminating the entire space. What made Cui Yu most horrified was that three feet above his head in the void, there was a chaotic energy layer, burning with terrifying scorching gas.

No wonder those old guys stopped flying in the air when they came here. Cui Yu looked at the energy shield in the air, his eyes full of surprise.

Cui Yu, look! At this moment Chi You exclaimed. When Cui Yu heard this, he suddenly turned around and stared blankly at the way he came. He couldn't help but be stunned.

It was pitch black behind him, without any light, and even the energy shield was gone. Pure black!

It was so black without any color, it seemed that even time and space were silent. The way back is gone!

We are under an illusion! Chi You looked gloomy.

Is everything in front of me fake? Is this dark abyss fake too? Cui Yu asked.

No! The splendid Dragon Palace we saw outside before was fake, and the darkness in front of us is the real environment. Chi You's dog eyes were full of seriousness.

Cui Yu looked at the infinite darkness behind him, like a beast with its mouth open, as if it was swallowing people.

Huh? Cui Yu's face turned serious. He knew that it was so troublesome to make the copper gate before, so how could it be so easy now?

There was endless darkness behind him, and the void in front of him was distorted. The brilliant Crystal Dragon Palace spread out like bubbles and turned into a crystal tower towering into the clouds.

It seems that there is no choice but to move forward. Cui Yu said, and then continued to move forward.

The crystal stone under his feet shone with a dreamy luster, but with every step Cui Yu took, the darkness behind him invaded, cutting off Cui Yu's way.

The darkness follows closely, leaving no room for anything.

This doesn't look like the Dragon Clan's Crystal Palace, does it? Cui Yu turned his head and glanced at the darkness behind him, and asked Chi You.

Chi You didn't speak, his dog eyes stared at the void in front of him without saying a word. Cui Yu stopped and walked along the way, looking at the scene in front of him from time to time. The crystal tower seemed to be close in front of him, but in fact it was far away in the horizon.

The space here was distorted, and Cui Yu walked a hundred miles before arriving in front of the crystal tower. Raising his head and looking towards the Crystal Tower Hall, he could vaguely see familiar figures.

Bai Yuliang, Tang Zhou, and the masters of Da Zhou Town Guisi, Zhihu was also among them. A group of people stood in front of the door of the Crystal Palace in silence, staring at the door of the Crystal Palace in silence.

Let's say that when all the forces rushed into the Crystal Palace, they noticed something was wrong. However, there was no way out behind them, and everyone was unable to do anything for a while. They could only continue to move forward and arrived in front of the Crystal Palace.

A group of people were blocked in front of the gate of the Crystal Palace. At this time, the gate of the Crystal Palace was tightly closed. Many old antiques stood in front of the gate of the Crystal Palace with serious expressions, studying ways to open the gate.

Ji Wushuang from the Dazhou camp was completely shrouded in a robe, and his eyes were full of coldness under the black veil.

He feels bitter in his heart! His body was burned, and he was carrying someone else's body. Now he did not dare to return to the Great Zhou Palace, for fear of being discovered by the Great Zhou royal family, who would then punish him with thunder and lose his position as a prince.

The royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty was exploring a supreme secret realm. He did not dare to go back and intervene, but he overheard the news of the birth of the Ancient Dragon Palace, so he hurried back.

In the ancient times, countless treasures were born in the world, full of countless incredible things. He pinned his hope on this, hoping to find a way to reshape the physical body and completely solve the hidden dangers caused by this physical body.

Ji Wushuang is helpless! But his body was burned, what could he do?

Sir. Ji Wushuang shrank into his robe, and no one could see Ji Wushuang's face clearly.

Maybe you found a way to open the entrance to the Dragon Palace? Ji Wushuang looked at Zhihu. In the Dazhou camp, Zhihu's cultivation level is not the highest, but his mind must be the most meticulous, his strategy must be the most outstanding, and his wisdom must be number one.

At this time, everyone was blocked in front of the Dragon Palace gate. Facing the ancient legendary treasure, they could only look forward and sigh.

The most important thing is that there is darkness behind them. Even if everyone wants to find the way back, they may not be able to.

The exit is gone! Zhihu frowned when he heard this, and looked at the text on the stone slab in front of him with helpless eyes: Your Highness, this text seems to be from an unknown mysterious text one hundred and eight thousand years ago. According to my subordinates, this text This kind of writing has been buried deep in time and space, how difficult is it to decipher it? Zhihu also frowned.

The ancient Dongting Lake is right in front of us, can't we just return empty-handed? Ji Wushuang looked embarrassed and her voice was a little irritable.

Zhihu was speechless after hearing this, what could he say? He couldn't say anything. But in my heart, I scolded Ji Wushuang so much that I am not a master of deciphering ancient texts, I am just outstandingly intelligent.

I have no research on this text and no foundation. How can I tell what the stone tablet is about?

It's like taking an oracle and asking the professor in the physics department to see if the professor can read it.

In the distance, Bai Yuliang, Tang Zhou and others were also in a state of contemplation around the stone tablet. It was too difficult to crack the stone tablet. It was as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Senior brother, do you know him? Bai Yuliang looked at Tang Zhou. Tang Zhou shook his head when he heard this: If you ask me about my magical power, I might be able to tell some of its origins. But the ancient texts on the stone tablet... Bai Yuliang looked at the Sanjiang Water God again, but saw that the Sanjiang Water God was not anxious, but stood quietly. In front of the stone monument.

At this time, He Bo spoke and smiled softly: Is it possible that you can't find a way to enter the cave?

Does He Bo have a way to enter it? Bai Yuliang looked at He Bo. He Bo smiled softly, then clapped his hands, and saw a figure walking out of the crowd. It was Cui Yu's old enemy Jiang Xiaobai and the elders of the Haoran lineage who followed him.

Since we want to enter the Ancient Dragon Palace, how can we not be prepared? He Bo said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward and saluted the three water gods: I have seen the three gods. The Sanjiang Water God is definitely one of the top gods in the world.

After not seeing each other for a while, Jiang Xiaobai hooked up with the Sanjiang Water God.

A disciple of Haoran's lineage? Everyone looked at the disciples of Haoran's lineage, with curiosity in their eyes.

Do you know who this person is? He Bo pointed at Jiang Xiaobai and asked. Everyone was surprised and didn't know what He Bo was trying to do.

This man is a disciple of Saint Lu Ban, and he is the most proficient in the art of mechanism. Behind him are the ten elders of the Haoran lineage who have learned all the knowledge in the world. Especially the great elder Liu Lin is the best at the secret research of the ancient times. For The history and culture of the ancient prehistoric period are very profound. He Bo said with a smile.

I've seen the God. Liu Lin stepped forward and bowed respectfully.

As long as you can help me open the Ancient Dongting Lake Dragon Palace, I will support you in seizing the throne of Da Qi. He Bo said with a smile.

Don't worry, God, I've excavated more than a dozen ancient dragon tombs, and even dozens of dragon tombs from 18,000 to 8,000 years ago, and harvested countless dragon secrets and a large amount of information. . The villain is proficient in all the culture of the Dragon Clan. He even deciphered a secret code of the Ancient Dragon Clan and obtained the history book of the Ancient Dragon Clan. I must have deciphered the stone tablet for the sake of the god. Liu Lin spoke and walked towards the stone tablet. He was full of confidence: When it comes to the study of dragon culture, let me put it second. No one in the world dares to call it the first. Even the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas has a gap in its history. When it comes to the understanding of the Dragon Clan, it is also the first. If you're not above, you're below. Young Master Xiaobai over there also smiled and said: Yes, Elder Liu Lin has successfully excavated dozens of Dragon Clan ancient tombs from countless tribulations ago, and harvested a large amount of Dragon Clan information and secrets. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first person to study dragon culture. The reason why the third prince Long had the opportunity to be reincarnated was because Elder Liu Lin was archaeologically exploring Dongting Lake and accidentally triggered the mechanism, releasing one of the dragon souls and reincarnating. He was reincarnated as the third prince. As for me, he is a descendant of the Moh family. Later, he received the secret books given by Elder Liu Lilin. Those secret books were all excavated from the ancient tombs of the Dragon Clan and the most mysterious formations in the legend. If In terms of mechanism skills, even the giants of the Mo family can't compare to me. When Young Master Xiaobai boasted, Liu Lin strode to the stone monument, then looked at the stone monument and couldn't help but be stunned.

This text? Why haven't you seen it yourself? In the crowd, Yan Qu and others frowned and looked at Liu Lin and the other ten elders of the Haoran lineage. Their brows couldn't help but wrinkled, and the next moment their minds thought: What period of dragon writing is this?

Why haven't I seen it? . The study of dragon culture by the Haoran lineage started hundreds of years ago.

Meng Shengren was born later than Li Shengren. Meng Shengren wanted to become a Taoist, but at this time, Li Shengren's family was the dominant one in the world. Haoran Dao was suppressed by Li Shengren everywhere, and he was unable to break the shackles and achieve enlightenment.

Later, Saint Meng accidentally fell into an ancient dragon tomb, and then he was blessed with the dragon clan. He mastered Haoran's righteousness and directly became a Taoist. Since then, the dragon clan and Haoran's lineage have formed an incomprehensible relationship. The disciples of Haoran's lineage are also frantically digging for the ancient dragon clan. of ancient tombs.

Everyone, the world is in turmoil now. If you are willing to form an alliance with me, I can lead you into the Ancient Dragon Palace to gain fortune. He Bo smiled proudly.

He Bo, what do you mean? Do you want to rebel? Hearing He Bo's words, Zhihu frowned and scolded him coldly.

The Great Zhou Dynasty is still the common master of the world, and even the Sanjiang Water God dare not offend him rashly, lest he become the one who stands out.

Haha, your Excellency, you are too nervous. I just thought that although there are countless creations in the Ancient Dragon Palace, they must also be accompanied by countless dangers, and I just want to recruit some people to form an alliance to take care of each other. He Bo smiled faintly.

Zhihu said nothing with a cold face. At this time, the situation in the field changed, and they were roughly divided into three groups. The first group was the Zhou Dynasty, headed by the eldest prince Ji Wushuang.

The second group was headed by the Sanjiang Water God. The princes and kings from all walks of life did not give any face to the Great Zhou and directly stood in the camp of the Sanjiang Water God.

The third wave was the idle Qi practitioners led by Taiping Dao of Tang and Zhou Dynasties. There are also some idle people who are outside the three major forces, waiting to fish in troubled waters.

Zhihu saw that the masters from the vassal kingdoms were standing directly in the camp of the Sanjiang Water God, with a gloomy face.

Ji Wushuang clenched her fists in her sleeves, but she couldn't get angry. Have no idea! The Dongting Lake Dragon Palace is right in front of them, but everyone standing in front of the Dragon Palace cannot find the door to enter it. They can only stare at the legendary Dragon Palace.

How's it going? Young Master Xiaobai came to Liu Lin's side, looked at the ten elders of the Haoran lineage standing in front of the stone tablet, and asked in a low voice.

Liu Lin's back was wet with cold sweat at this time, his eyes were fixed on the stone tablet in front of him, and his head was a little dizzy. Hearing Young Master Xiaobai's question, he subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva: Young Master, later, these dragon texts will compare It's ancient, it will take some time to decipher it. What can Liu Lin do?

He is also desperate! He didn’t even recognize the text!

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