The backlash of displaying Gonggong's true form has finally arrived.

Cui Yu remembered the taboos of Gonggong's True Body when he first used it, or when he obtained it for the first time.

He clearly remembers the introduction of the system layout when he first obtained Gonggong's real body:

Gonggong’s real body:

[Price: Every time you cast it, it will definitely echo with the true spirit of Gonggong buried in the vast depths of time and space. There is a chance that fragments of the true spirit of Gonggong will come and be integrated into your true body of Gonggong. Note that once the true spirit of Gonggong is integrated into too much, Gonggong will be resurrected and become the guest and take over your life. 】

[The price is not exempt. 】

It's not exempt, which means the system can't do anything about it.

Cui Yu's repeated use of Gonggong's true body is equivalent to guiding the direction of Gonggong's true spirit in the depths of time and space. Even if the system is faced with [price], it cannot interfere.

Logically speaking, Gonggong Zhenling can be regarded as a weird power to the system and can be usurped.

But Gonggong True Spirit, who came through the 'price', seems to have immunity from the system.

What is gained must be lost.

Cui Yu got the true form of Gonggong and broke the rules and order of this world, so he must pay something. Otherwise, the cycle of cause and effect will accumulate, and when a more powerful calamity comes, even the system will be unable to do anything.

Cui Yu stood in the center of the battlefield with bitter eyes. If the fragments of Gonggong's true spirit came, he might not be too afraid. Although the opponent's magical power is powerful, it is not invulnerable. He may have a chance to fight against the strange price.

The point is that something is wrong now.

He was trapped in the center of the formation by tens of millions of troops, and the old Dragon King and Zhao Kuo were eyeing him. Wouldn't this cost his life?

When the fragment of Gonggong's true spirit arrived, it actually broke into the Gonggong organ born in Cui Yu's body. The true spirit quickly merged with the phantom of Mohu in Cui Yu's organ.

Cui Yu had a hunch that if he waited until the fusion of Gonggong's true spirit was successful, he would be in big trouble.

The next moment Cui Yu glanced at the battlefield, then turned around and ran away without saying a word.

He still has to deal with the fragments of the true spirit of Gonggong in his body, so how can he have time to pester everyone?

Cui Yu ran too quickly.

One second, he majestically beat Zhao Mu to death, who had the power of the Jin Dynasty. Who knew that the next second, Cui Yu was beaten back to his original form and ran away?

Cui Yu's actions stunned the old Dragon King on the side. Zhao Kuo, who was escaping, was also dumbfounded, as if he didn't know what was happening.

Hurry up! Your uncle's guess is right. This guy has reached the end of his strength. Everything he did before was just an act. I have lived for more than nine thousand years, old dragon, and I never expected that I would be frightened by this grandson. Old Dragon King He was so angry that he cursed loudly, and the next moment the Dinghai Divine Needle appeared in his hand, and in an instant it cut through the void and hit Cui Yu.

The stick extended infinitely, extending for tens of miles in an instant and was more than ten meters thick. The stick was locked in the void where it landed, and the space seemed to solidify, and it fell directly on Cui Yu's head.

If this stick falls, it may not weigh tens of millions of kilograms, and it is simply not something Cui Yu can resist.

This damn old loach really knows how to add insult to injury. Cui Yu was so angry that he cursed, but he did not dare to mobilize Gonggong's real body. If he mobilized Gonggong's real body, he would be seeking death and inflicting death on the Gonggong real body in his body. Opportunity for inspiration.

Looking at his magical powers, it seems that none of them can survive the disaster and resist the domineering blow of the old Dragon King.

Not to mention him, even if Xiang Yu faced the Dinghai Divine Needle that was smashed down, he would still be crushed.

Am I going to die from this today? Cui Yu turned to look at the club that was smashed down. He couldn't help but feel his heart go cold, and he was about to forcefully activate Gonggong's real body again.

If you activate Gonggong's real body, you may not be killed by Gonggong, but if you can't avoid this blow, you will definitely be smashed to death.

The area covered by this stick is so wide that even Zhen Shui Wuxiang cannot escape.

Seeing that Cui Yu was about to be smashed to death, a willow leaf floated out of nowhere in the void, and with a careless bump, it knocked the old Dragon King's stick away.

At this time, the soil squirmed under Cui Yu's feet, and the next moment Cui Yu fell into the soil and disappeared.

After the willow leaf missed the stick, it turned into ashes. Moreover, the willow leaf came too secretly. It traveled directly through space and was not discovered by the old Dragon King.


The stick fell and the ground shook, but where was the trace of Cui Yu at this time?

That Dayu scholar has become the weakest man in the world. You must find him for me. Set up a formation for me. I want to blockade Xiaoli Village. I want to refine every plant and tree in Xiaoli Village. I want to Avenge your uncle. Zhao Kuo finally came to his senses at this time, stood in the formation and shouted wildly, then shook the chess piece in his hand, and the turtle and snake Xuanwu took a step forward, standing with all four limbs and hooves, covering a radius of 500 miles. The boundary of Lijiacun was sealed.

He was very sure that the Great Yu scholar had never gone far.

In fact, Cui Yu really didn't go far.

On a barren mountain ten miles away from Xiaoli Village, Cui Yu struggled to climb out of the mud and turned to look at the willow tree beside him.

The branches of the willow tree have been smashed, and countless leaves are falling from it.

He is the God of the Earth whom Cui Yu originally consecrated.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, it was the God of the Earth who saved him.

Looking closely at the God of Earth, all the branches and leaves on his body were smashed down, and even the main trunk was broken. At this time, the god's body could not maintain it and could only turn into the image of a dilapidated willow tree.

The Dinghai Shenzhen Master suppresses even the water of the four seas. If the big willow tree faces that blow, the end can be imagined.

Even if there was a willow leaf from Miaoshan who came to help, the willow tree was hit by the aftermath of the stick and was still almost spiritually destroyed. If there was not a god to maintain the pitiful traces of the true spirit, it would have been destroyed. Made ashes.

One drink, one peck, everything is determined. I sealed you, but you saved my life at the critical moment. Cui Yu looked at the broken torso of the old willow tree with emotion in his eyes.

The true spirit of Gonggong was still merging with the phantom in the body. Cui Yu had no way to stop this process. All he could do was to have a fight with the true spirit of Gonggong after the merging of the shadow was completed.

Looking at the dying old willow tree, whose vitality has been cut off, Cui Yu shed a little sweet rain to maintain the remaining ray of vitality of the old willow tree.

Cui Yu glanced at Lao Liushu and turned around to leave.

As long as the rain is there, the old willow tree will not die.

Old Dragon King, our relationship has ended. Even if you are the ancestor of the Dragon Girl of the West Sea, I will cut you into pieces. Cui Yu's eyes were filled with anger.

This is the closest he has been to death since his rebirth.

Under that stick, his body will turn into ashes. If he tries to resurrect with the help of his heart, he doesn't know what year or month it will take.

The big willow tree seemed to sense Cui Yu's departure. After the willow branches swayed slightly, the whole body sank into the earth, and then fell asleep.

He had been severely injured and could not help Cui Yu.

Cui Yu was walking among the mountains with an ugly face at this time: I said Chi You, do you have to see me die here to make you happy?

Don't curse! This place is not normal! I feel the power of taboo, the will of heaven lingering in this area. Chi You hid in Cui Yu's shadow, with a rare hint of fear in his voice.

The power of heaven? Don't tease me. Isn't this just an excuse for not wanting to take action? Cui Yu stared at Chi You suspiciously.

But then I thought about it, and it was impossible. Chi You thought that he was Gonggong after all, and he would never stand idly by when he saw himself being threatened.

Then the only truth is that the power of heaven has really come here.

It's Gonggong! Cui Yu suddenly had an idea flash in his mind.

Gonggong's true spirit fragments came against time and space, reversing the order of heaven, and of course it would provoke heaven to pursue him.

Chi You is the Great Demon God of the Ancient World, and of course he is also within the scope of Heaven's liquidation.

Damn it, it's really raining all night long when the house is leaking, and the boat is late and the wind is blowing. Cui Yu couldn't help but cursed.

He also wanted to use Chi You's power to fight out, but now it seems there is no hope.

If Chi You showed up, he would only die faster.

You can't escape! You can't escape! Chi You seemed to know Cui Yu's thoughts and quickly spoke to dissuade him.

Cui Yu was puzzled.

I don't know how many people are looking for you outside now. Do you think you have a chance to escape?

Even if you escape, they will still have countless ways to target you. Chi You's voice was full of seriousness.

Cui Yu glanced at his own shadow. Of course he knew what Chi You was thinking. This bitch wanted to ask him to open the cave sky of the ancient Dongting Lake and find his body.

But if you don't escape, where can you go?

Are those people really willing to let me go?

Cui Yu took a deep breath, with a serious look in his eyes.

Cui Yu fell silent: Xiang Caizhu is also in the Underground Dragon Palace. I will eventually find Xiang Caizhu. Since they refuse to give me a way to survive, you can't blame me.

Cui Yu's face was cold and his eyes were looking in the direction of the Well of Gods and Demons.

The next moment, Cui Yu ignited the explosives that Chi You had buried long ago, but the roar was earth-shattering, temporarily attracting the attention of Zhao Kuo and the Old Dragon King, and Cui Yu had already arrived under the God and Demon Well.

The explosion outside could buy Cui Yu some time.

But there was not much time left for Cui Yu. He had to find a way to open the Dongting Lake Dragon Palace before the explosion stopped.

Moreover, the ghosts in the fusion organs of the fragments of Gonggong Zhenling are getting faster and faster, leaving Cui Yu absolutely no time left.

Dinghai Divine Pearl! Dinghai Divine Pearl is an important thing to open the ancient Dongting Lake Dragon Palace. The third prince Long is also the reincarnation of the divine object in the ancient Dongting Lake Dragon Palace. If you want to open the Dongting Lake Dragon Palace and bring the ancient Dongting Lake to the world, you must have three The blood of the prince. Chi You commanded in Cui Yu's shadow.

But I have to say that Chi You's command was really right.

Cui Yu's eyes swept across the void in front of him, and he really discovered the clue.

At the bottom of the dry river bed of the Fountain of Youth, there is a wonderful dragon-shaped pattern.

The divine dragon is lifelike, soaring into the clouds and riding in the mist, as if it were in the clouds and mist. You can see the divine dragon's mouth wide open, as if something is missing.

There was a circular gap in Shenlong's mouth, which made Cui Yu stunned.

The moment he saw the gap, Cui Yu had an inexplicable intuition that it was the place where the Dinghai Divine Pearl was stored and the switch that opened the ancient Dongting Lake.

But how did Xiang Caizhu enter Dongting Lake? Cui Yu lowered his head and looked at the mechanism, with a hint of contemplation in his eyes.

Just when Cui Yu was thinking, a faint fragrance came from the void, and the little nun appeared in the cave: I knew you would come here.

Master aunt is also coming to Taigu Dragon Palace? Cui Yu looked at the little nun.

Believer, stop it. The little nun looked at Cui Yu with serious eyes.

I have stopped. Didn't you see that I am opening Dongting Lake for those old guys? Cui Yu said with a smile.

I mean, Dongting Lake must not be opened. Believers should know what is hidden in Dongting Lake. I can tell you clearly that what is sealed in Dongting Lake is definitely beyond your expectations. What Tang Zhou knew It's just the tip of the iceberg. Miaoshan looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: If you are a believer, if you give up, I will take you away, and we will live happily in the future. Why bother with yourself?

Without me, those old antiques would still have to open the Ancient Dragon Palace in Dongting Lake. Cui Yu looked at the little nun.

Without the Dinghai Divine Pearl, no one can open the Ancient Dragon Palace. What is hidden in the Ancient Dongting Lake Dragon Palace is not chance, but disaster! Unspeakable disaster. Miaoshan looked at Cui Yu.

You shouldn't persuade me, you should persuade people outside, you should tell them to stop. Cui Yu shook his head.

Explosions roared outside, and the army formed a large formation. The explosions could not affect the opponent, but they could attract the opponent's attention and delay time for themselves.

Little nun, you can't repay kindness with hatred, right? Cui Yu stared at Miao Shan.

Miao Shan smiled bitterly upon hearing this: Do you know what price those ancient beings paid in order to seal the ancient Dongting Lake Dragon Palace?

Cui Yu hesitated upon hearing this.

Cui Yu, don't listen to this little nun's nonsense. It contains the creations of masters from all walks of life in the prehistoric world. It is one of the backhands of the prehistoric world. There are endless creations in it. For others, it may be a disaster, but for others, it is a disaster. It's a great blessing for you. Seeing Cui Yu being moved, Chi You hurriedly said:

Moreover, there may be branches of the innate sycamore tree that you are looking for. As long as you can find the branches of the innate sycamore tree, who will still be your opponent in the wild land?

Even if you don't use Gonggong's real body, whoever you want to die will have to die. Chi You said bewilderedly from the side.

Hearing Chi You's words, Cui Yu's heart skipped a beat.

He now lacks a way to kill the top masters without any sequelae.

Of course Cui Yu didn't know what the great terror Miao Shan was talking about, and he didn't need to know.

Now he just wants to open the Dragon Palace in Dongting Lake.

He wants to find Xiang Caizhu!

Are you really going to stop me? Cui Yu looked at the little nun Miaoshan.

Miao Shan smiled bitterly upon hearing this: You will regret it.

You should believe me, I have the ability to save you. Miaoshan looked at Cui Yu with clear and serious eyes: After today, no one will know the whereabouts of the Dayu warrior, and the traces of the Dayu warrior will become a A mystery. You are still Cui Yu, and you still have a bright future.

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