In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 533: The price of Gonggong’s true body

Miaoshan looked at Cui Yu and felt that what Cui Yu said made sense.

Those old antiques who are about to reach the end of their lifespan are afraid that they will go to the Great Han Kingdom and the Great Qin Kingdom to deal with them. If they really can't adjust, they can only kill Cui Yu who is blocking the way.

As for you old antiques threatening Da Qin and Han?

It was a country dominated by princes, and all the old antiques were also wary of it.

Of course, pick the persimmons that are soft to pinch.

Cui Yu looks powerful, but he is a loner after all.

But Da Qin and Da Han are different. There are countless masters in them, and they are not so easy to bully.

The seven vassal states killed Xiang Mangzi, what do they care about us?

You have injustice and revenge, so why bother dragging everyone down?

Cui Yu looked at Miaoshan, and Miaoshan was also looking at Cui Yu: Zhao Mu already knows your flaws, and he will never compromise.

He won't compromise, and of course I won't compromise either. Cui Yu said with a smile: Young Master, it's better to stay away, lest you get splashed with blood.

Seeing that Cui Yu could not persuade him, Miaoshan had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Miao Shan turned around and left. Cui Yu stood alone in front of the altar, quietly restoring Gonggong's demon blood and burning Zhao Kuo's soul.

But when Zhao Kuo kept screaming, he still refused to let go.

Time is in a hurry

half a day later

Along with the loud and clear call of the sparrow hawk in the sky, a picture appeared in Cui Yu's mind.

The Wuyangyang army, numbering in the millions or tens of millions, surged in like a flood.

The coalition of the six nations? The final secret of the six nations? How did Zhao Mu persuade the strong men of the six nations? Cui Yu was curious.

He was indeed very curious.

What can the Six-Nation Alliance do?

Cui Yu is not a vegetarian either.

Go and plant gunpowder for me. Cui Yu directly handed over the secrets in his sleeves to Chi You temporarily.

Chi You did not hesitate, took the gunpowder and began to quietly sneak into the underground to lay out the plan.

Cui Yu stood on the altar and watched quietly.

In his opinion, the so-called military formation is actually an application of the prehistoric formation.

At the command of the command, the troops of the six countries turned into tortoises and snakes, occupying hundreds of miles around, like a terrifying and ferocious monster, staring at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes.

Senior of Dayu! Zhao Mu's figure appeared outside the formation.

Are you here to die? Cui Yu asked quietly.

I want to make a deal with you. Zhao Mu looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Making a deal? Cui Yu looked at Zhao Mu: Are you willing to let go of the Xiang brothers and sisters?

Hand over Zhao Kuo's soul, and then move out of the way to the entrance of Dongting Lake. I will return the Xiang brothers and sisters to you. Zhao Mu looked gloomy.

Cui Yu looked at Zhao Mu with his eyes. He didn't know what the other party was playing. He refused to agree at first, but he only relented after so many golden emperors died. It was simply funny.

So at this time, Cui Yu didn't believe the deal mentioned by the other party at all.

Although he didn't believe it, it didn't stop him from rescuing the Xiang brothers and sisters.

Why do you guarantee it? Cui Yu asked.

Zhao Mu clapped his hands and saw two carts being pushed out by soldiers in the formation, with Xiang Yu and Xiang Caizhu tied on them.

The two fell into a coma at this time, with chains wrapped around their bodies and their heads looking extremely miserable.

It's Xiang Yu and Xiang Caizhu. Cui Yu has the magical power to bring the dead back to life, which looks good.

But Zhao Mu was willing to hand over the Xiang brothers and sisters, why did he not believe it so much?

How about you give me Zhao Kuo's soul, and I'll give you the Xiang brothers and sisters? Zhao Mu asked on his horse.

Cui Yu frowned: How can I trust you? If you go back on your word, wouldn't I be trying to draw water from a bamboo basket? Why don't you return the Xiang brothers and sisters to me first, and then I will return Zhao Kuo's soul to you.

It's meaningless for you to say that. You and I don't trust each other, so this deal can't go through. Zhao Mu smiled coldly.

The atmosphere became serious.

How about you give me Xiang Caizhu first, and then I'll give you Zhao Kuo's soul? Cui Yu said.

Xiang Yu has an indestructible golden body. Even if he turns against him later, the opponent will not be able to kill Xiang Yu in an instant.

And hand over Zhao Kuo's soul? Cui Yu is not stupid, adding a powerful enemy to himself.

How did you do with the things you were asked to do these days? Cui Yu asked Xin Yuan in his heart.

This group of blood people are difficult to deal with. They fight the young ones and the old ones in a steady stream. Cui Yu must find a way to solve it once and for all.

For example, controlling Zhao Kuo.

I have planted a demon seed in Zhao Kuo's body, but Zhao Kuo has human luck to protect his body. It will take another year to completely control Zhao Kuo's thoughts. Xin Yuan was a little distressed.

Human luck is indeed a good thing.

Fortunately, Zhao Kuo was still just a prince of the Great Zhao Kingdom at this time. If he were the human king of the Great Zhao Kingdom, he would not be able to invade.

One of these old guys was beaten to death and a group of them came. Cui Yu felt that he had to find a way to stop them.

If we could get rid of the subsequent troubles with the help of Zhao Kuo, it would be worth suffering a little loss.

Even if I push Zhao Kuo to the position of leader of the country in the future, I will be able to use the entire Zhao Kingdom for my use, and the masters of the Zhao Kingdom will also be used for me.

The Heart Monkey is not just an inner demon. When the inner demon becomes stronger, it can form a second personality to take its place and influence Zhao Kuo's thoughts.

Zhao Kuo had been tortured by Cui Yu for the past few days and his spirit was about to collapse. The hatred in his heart was so overwhelming that he gave Xin Yuan a chance to show off.

He originally wanted to use the Heart Ape to read Zhao Kuo's memories to find the Xiang brothers and sisters, but he didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise now, and it seemed that he could make plans again.

Cui Yu is smart, but Zhao Mu is not stupid either.

Haha, Xiang Caizhu stays and Xiang Yu is given to you. Zhao Mu looked at Cui Yu with an expression that said he had seen through everything.

Cui Yu glanced at Zhao Mu and nodded in agreement. Don't worry about it, just get one back from the lake first.

Some soldiers carefully pushed the cart and came to Cui Yu.

Cui Yu glanced at Xiang Yu and took out the scarecrow from his sleeve.

During the exchange, a strange thought suddenly flashed in Cui Yu's mind: If I regret it now and take advantage and run away...

Cui Yu shuddered and extinguished this thought. If he wanted to regret it at this time, Zhao Mu was definitely not the kind of person who could be manipulated by others. There was no way that Zhao Mu would directly kill him.

Cui Yu threw the scarecrow over, and the soldier tremblingly put down the cart, caught the scarecrow, and ran all the way to his camp to hand over the scarecrow.

Zhao Mu held the scarecrow and looked up and down with his eyes. After confirming that it was Zhao Kuo's soul, he suddenly raised his head and laughed.

What? Do you want to regret it? Cui Yu asked. As he spoke, he came to the car and broke the chains that were suppressing Xiang Yu.

That's not true. I'm not that kind of treacherous person. Zhao Mu shook his head, and the next moment a soldier pushed a cart and sent Xiang Caizhu over.

Cui Yu cut off the shackles on the two of them, and a drop of sweet rain fell. The brother and sister opened their eyes. However, before Cui Yu could say anything, Xiang Yu had already jumped up aggressively, turned around and glared at Zhao Mu: You dog thief, give me your life. Come.

The next moment, Xiang Yu rushed directly into the opponent's formation.

Xiang Caizhu just opened her eyes, and when she saw this scene, she couldn't help but shout anxiously: Brother!

Then he followed closely and chased after him.

In the blink of an eye, the brother and sister had rushed into Zhao Mu's formation.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu's claws suddenly went numb. When did the Xiang brothers and sisters become so brainless? Or did he not wake up at all?

Cui Yusheng was afraid that something might happen to the two of them, so he quickly chased after them.

As soon as he entered the formation, the next moment the formation was in motion, Cui Yu saw the Xiang family brother and sister, who were showing great power and competing with the two golden emperors.


However, the formation of tens of millions of people was not that simple. After dozens of rounds of fighting, the snake's head of the formation stretched out and spit out a mouthful of flames. The Xiang family brothers and sisters flew out and fell in front of Cui Yu.

Cui Yu's face turned cold, and he took out the crutch of Saint Gongyang. Under the force of 129,600 kilograms, all the pawns in front of him were thrown away like weeds.

Cui Yu walked swiftly in the formation, and soon he came to the Xiang brothers and sisters. He saw Xiang Yu holding Xiang Caizhu in his arms. At this time, his eyes were filled with sorrow and anger. He couldn't help but raised his head to the sky and roared: You bastard! You dare to kill my sister, I I want you to pay with blood!

Don't argue. This is the opponent's formation. Let's rush out and talk. Cui Yu stepped forward quickly and saw a big hole in Xiang Caizhu's chest, and he was dying.

Cui Yu snatched Xiang Caizhu away and carefully inspected Xiang Caizhu's injuries. Although Xiang Caizhu was seriously injured, his life was not injured. Just as he was about to put Xiang Caizhu into Qiankun in his sleeve, who knew that the next moment he felt a pain in his chest, Cui Yu suddenly lowered his head, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

what happened?

The flesh and blood of Xiang Caizhu's hands fell off, and the bones were like sharp swords. They penetrated directly along the scar that Cui Yu opened last time.

Pierce Cui Yu directly.

How could the Xiang brothers and sisters do something to him?

At this moment, a sudden sneer came, and the chests of the Xiang brothers and sisters were broken open, and two steel machine beasts came out of the chests of the Xiang brothers and sisters.

Idiot. Zhao Kuo had recovered at some point and glared at Cui Yu with unforgettable hatred in his eyes: The Xiang brothers and sisters have been dead for a long time. You actually want to find the Xiang brothers and sisters. It is simply fantastic.

Are the Xiang brothers and sisters dead? Cui Yu was stunned and didn't even pay attention to the wound on his chest. He felt as if he was struck by lightning and stared blankly at Zhao Kuo opposite him.

Of course! Zhao Kuo looked at Cui Yu with a sarcastic face: Otherwise, why do you think I would rather be burned to death by you than reveal the secrets of the Xiang family brothers and sisters? Now that you have fallen into my army, Let’s go with the Xiang brothers and sisters.”

Wait a minute, I have doubts! Why do they have the aura of the Xiang family brothers and sisters on them? Cui Yu couldn't believe that his resurrection from the dead had never gone wrong.

Forget it, I want you to understand clearly that the Xiang family brothers and sisters shed blood on the battlefield. I just collected their blood. Zhao Kuo smiled coldly.


Zhao Kuo gave an order, and the formation moved. With the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, a Tai Chi diagram formed in the void and enveloped Cui Yu.

I don't believe it! I don't believe it! How could the Xiang brothers and sisters die? How could the Xiang brothers and sisters die when their fighting power is so incredible? Cui Yu's eyes were dull, as if he was ignoring the Tai Chi diagram hanging down in the sky. .

The Tai Chi diagram fell and Cui Yu was enveloped in it. The black and white world was like a cage, trapping him tightly.

How could the Xiang brothers and sisters die?

I'm not afraid to tell you that Xiang Yu's golden body is indeed powerful, but so what? His lifespan is limited, and this guy was directly deprived of his lifespan by my magical power and was worn to death. As for Xiang Caizhu, that woman is Strong, what a pity! Zhao Kuo said in a proud voice, looking at Cui Yu who was trapped in the formation, he showed a smile: I won't hide it from you, that Xiang Caizhu was seriously injured when he was dying, and he tore the earth directly and escaped into In the Dragon Palace of Dongting Lake. I think he died in the underground Dragon Palace.

This Tai Chi diagram is the secret skill passed down from his master. Once it is covered by the Tai Chi diagram, even the Golden Emperor will fall. Therefore, he was not afraid to tell the truth to the scholar of Dayu at this time. He was sure that the scholar of Dayu would die today and would be unable to fly.

Cui Yu's eyes lit up when he heard this. Xiang Mangzi is dead, but Xiang Caizhu is alive.

Even if Xiang Caizhu died, he could still save her. What's more, Xiang Caizhu may not have died in the Dragon Palace in Dongting Lake.

The two qi of yin and yang flowed, constantly attacking the skin of gods and demons on Cui Yu's body.

Zhao Mu on the side also looked proud. He had already made arrangements in advance when he invited Sun Wu to come out.

If Sun Wu comes, that's it. If Sun Wu didn't come, he would rescue Zhao Kuo first, and then ask Zhao Kuo to mobilize the formation to trap Cui Yu.

When you are about to die, what else can you say? If you are willing to hand over the secret skills in your master's sect and ask me to plant a soul mark, I might as well spare your life. Zhao Mu looked at Cui Yu, he was still thinking about it. Holding Cui Yu's innate divine sword.

When Cui Yu was chased by him, he had no choice but to use the Innate Divine Sword, which was very likely to reveal his identity.

Haha, you have a beautiful idea. Do you really think you've got me? Cui Yu smiled inexplicably.

Looking down at the injury on his chest, what does that mean?

As long as your heart does not die, you will not die.

Kill him. After hearing Cui Yu's words, Zhao Mutong shrank with a look of seriousness in his eyes.

It's a pity it's too late.

The next moment Gonggong's true form was used, Cui Yu's body twisted and turned into a monster with a python head and body.

After resting for most of the day, his Gonggong real body had recovered eight breaths.

Eight breaths was enough for him to do a lot of things.

For example: break this formation.

Or, shoot all the Zhao family members to death.

The laws of heaven and earth!

One breath.

Cui Yu's figure skyrocketed, becoming ten thousand feet tall, and the Tai Chi figure followed him like a shadow, growing bigger and bigger. Cui Yu's Law of Heaven and Earth did not even break the formation.

With his second breath, Cui Yu raised his hand and used his divine power to penetrate the Tai Chi diagram with Fa Tian Xiang Di's palm.

third breath

The glans in the sky was bitten off, and Cui Yufa slapped it with a palm of his hand, causing the glans to shatter.

fourth breath

The snake head exuded a terrifying suction force and turned into a bottomless black hole, seeming to swallow Cui Yu inside. Cui Yu stretched out his palm and crushed the snake's head.

fifth breath

Cui Yu looked at the Zhao family's ancestors and grandson, with a ferocious look in his eyes.

At this moment, the Heart Ape activated, and Zhao Kuo's spirit was sluggish for a moment. Zhao Kuo wanted to change the formation, but it was too late.

In the face of absolute power, all means are just a joke. Cui Yu sneered, holding the sun and moon in his palm and shrinking the mountains.

Let's go! Facing the suppressing palm, Zhao Mu's eyes were filled with despair. The next moment, his big hand grabbed Zhao Kuo, and he saw that Zhao Mu's whole body turned into blood mist, and he disappeared into the ground without a trace.

Zhao Kuo was deliberately let go by Cui Yu, but Zhao Mu could not leave.

The big hand suppressed him, and Zhao Mu had no time to use his magical power. His whole body was directly shattered by the law of force, and even his soul was destroyed.

sixth breath

Cui Yu looked at the ground with his eyes. At this time, Zhao Kuo turned into a drop of blood and mixed with the blood of tens of millions of people. Unless Cui Yu killed all the tens of millions of troops and refined all the blood in the world into ashes. Otherwise, there is no chance of finding traces of Zhao Kuo.

Obviously, the remaining three breaths were not enough to support Cui Yu to continue.

At this time, there was no trace of Zhao Kuo, but through the Heart Monkey lock, he could still know Zhao Kuo's trace.

But Cui Yu did not expose it.

It is easy to kill Zhao Kuo, but it is in line with maximizing interests to use Zhao Kuo.

You have to put some pressure on this kid to make him hateful and frightened. Cui Yu thought to himself. Only in this way can the invasion of the Heart Ape be accelerated.

Cui Yu's eyes were cold, and his voice reached Zhao Kuo's ears: Can you run away? My Seven Arrows Book can kill you the first time, and I can kill you the second time.

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Kuo, who was hiding in the dark, trembled, and a feeling of despair surged into his heart. Facing Cui Yu's weird magical power, what's the point of escaping to the ends of the earth? If Cui Yu doesn't die, he will never get ahead!

Your life will never belong to you, it will always be in the hands of others!

To be honest, Zhao Kuo underestimated Cui Yu and overestimated himself. Even if he didn't need to nail the Seven Arrows book, wouldn't he have no choice but to be like Zhao Kuo?

As long as he uses his magical power to freeze the entire battlefield, Zhao Kuo will undoubtedly die.

Zhao Kuo, look where you are running!

Cui Yu scolded angrily, and was about to continue to intimidate Zhao Kuo and increase Zhao Kuo's negative mood, but the next moment Cui Yu suddenly changed his color.

In the darkness, in time and space, a majestic and majestic aura appeared.

The water in the world is boiling, and an ancient and wild atmosphere permeates the entire world.

Are you calling me?

Cui Yu's spirit and will seemed to be frozen, Gonggong's real body faded away, and he stood on the battlefield with a serious expression. His eyes seemed to see through the long river of time, and a figure with a python head descended from the depths of time and space.

Gonggong’s true spirit fragment!

Cui Yu continued to use Gonggong's true body, and finally awakened the fragments of Gonggong's true spirit that were sleeping deep in time and space.

The figure came against time and space, and the place it passed was so majestic and unstoppable that even the heaven and earth seemed to surrender to the feet of the figure.

Cui Yu's body stiffened, as if he had been hit by a immobilizing spell, and he allowed the figure to crash into his soul.

Too strong to resist!

It was like Zhao Kuo couldn't resist him.


too strong!

That opportunity runs through time and space, and facing that opportunity is like a mortal facing a god. Just like ants facing humans, it is a kind of unreasonable strength originating from the original level!

When the breath revived, Cui Yu felt that his thoughts had stopped flowing and his thoughts had stopped fluctuating.

Gonggong! Gonggong! Cui Yu turned pale in horror.

The price of displaying Gonggong's true form has finally come.

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