In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 535: Invasion of the True Spirit of Gonggong

After hearing Miao Shan's words, Cui Yu felt a little hesitant.

There are many ways to enter Dongting Lake, and there is no direct way to the Dongting Lake Underground Palace.

Xiang Caizhu could enter the underground palace of Dongting Lake, so Cui Yu certainly had a way to enter the underground palace without opening the entrance to Dongting Lake.

Seeing Cui Yu hesitate, at this moment the fragments of Gonggong's true spirit in Cui Yu's body had completed the seizure, completely occupying the phantom in Cui Yu's body, and then suddenly raised his head, with a pair of eyes filled with vastness. The divine power came down, seeming to crush Cui Yu's soul.

Descendant, did you wake me up?

Cui Yu only felt that the spiritual world in front of him had reversed, and he had arrived in a world of vast oceans.

The water is black.

Between heaven and earth, there stood a monster with a python head and body. At this moment, a pair of blue shadows looked down at him, as if he could swallow Cui Yu at any time.

The monster was so tall that it almost occupied the entire world. When Cui Yu faced the monster, he seemed like an insignificant particle of dust.

When a person faces a tiger beast, his body will tremble with fear, let alone Cui Yu facing that tall monster?

You are Gonggong. Cui Yu felt that he had difficulty breathing when facing the true spirit of Gonggong, and his thinking seemed to be stagnant.

His realm is very different from Gonggong's.

Hand over your body, and I will give you the power of immortality. Gonggong's voice was like an order that could not be disobeyed.

Impossible! This is my body, get out of here!

When Cui Yu heard Gonggong's words, he trembled in fear, and quickly turned his divine light to focus on Gonggong's true spirit.

Immortal-fixing divine light ignores the realm of cultivation. The only disadvantage is that it will fix the opponent for different lengths of time based on the opponent's cultivation level.

Facing the immortal true spirit of Gonggong, Cui Yu's immortal light can only play a role for a moment.

Cui Yu's Dingxian Divine Light has not been cultivated to its strongest level, but the Gonggong True Spirit is not a complete True Spirit either. It’s just an insignificant one billionth of the true spirit of Gonggong.

Only such a weak fragment of the true spirit can reverse time and space to evade the pursuit of Heavenly Dao, and make Heavenly Dao realize later.

But even such a small true spirit is definitely not something Cui Yu can resist.

No matter how awesome an ant is, it will never be a match for a cow.

Even if it's just a newborn calf, it's impossible.

Fortunately, Cui Yu had the divine light of immortality, which gave him a chance to escape from the illusion.

Then the next moment, the divine power in Cui Yu's body boiled and boiled. Cui Yu woke up from the illusion and felt the power of Gonggong's true spirit invading his body, but Cui Yu's claws became numb.

what to do?

He was completely helpless.

The true spirit of Gonggong is in his body, how can he still kill himself?

After being transformed by his Pangu Chalcedony, Gonggong's blood has been completely transformed into his own Gonggong Demonic Blood, not the Gonggong Demonic Blood of the Great Demon God Gonggong.

Cui Yu could feel that the true spiritual power of Gonggong was fighting for the control of Gonggong's demonic blood, constantly attacking every drop of Gonggong's demonic blood, trying to remove his spiritual imprint from Gonggong's demonic blood.

Transform your own Gonggong Demonic Blood into the Gonggong Demonic Blood of the Great Demon God Gonggong.

what to do?

Among the countless magical powers Cui Yu had mastered, none of them worked at this time.

Seeing Gonggong's true spirit stealing Gonggong's demonic blood, Cui Yu could only bite the bullet and charge into the battle, directly mobilizing his energy, spirit and will to charge towards the fragments of Gonggong's true spirit.

Then Cui Yu only felt that the spiritual world had changed, and he was pulled into the illusion by the true spirit of Gonggong.

It was still the boundless sea. At this time, Gonggong stared at Cui Yu with his eyes full of coldness: You, the younger generation, stole my power and awakened me from the depths of time and space. This body should be given to me. Me. As long as you give me this body, I will protect your immortality and immortality.

As long as God gives up his authority and does not compete with me, I am willing

Recreate a physical body to honor God. Cui Yu looked at Gonggong with his eyes.

It's useless. Only your blood and your essence can revive me. Only by swallowing your blood and essence can I survive. Only by occupying the magpie's nest can I replace Your identity has been hidden from the tracking of heaven. Gonggong shook his head and looked down at Cui Yu with his eyes, like an ancient god looking down at the tiny ants:

Whether you agree or not, your energy, spirit and soul will belong to me!

Then why did *** ask me whether I agree or not? Cui Yu was speechless.

Gonggong Zhenling was startled, and his face turned red at Cui Yu's words, and his huge body trembled.

Then Cui Yu felt the black sea water rolling under his feet, and a little bit of dark blue began to emerge.

With the appearance of the dark blue, Cui Yuneng realized that his control over Gonggong's bloodline was gradually losing his authority.

At that moment, Cui Yu suddenly realized that this dark ocean was his Gonggong bloodline.

Yes, it belongs to my own Gonggong bloodline.

The dark blue represents the power of Gonggong. When all the black ocean is invaded by dark blue, it means that he has completely lost control of his bloodline. At that time, the Great Demon God Gonggong can use Gonggong's bloodline to transform and devour Cui Yu's energy and spirit, and completely control Cui Yu's physical body.

Damn, damn Gonggong Demon God, you are repaying kindness with vengeance! If it weren't for me, would you be able to resurrect from the depths of time and space? Cui Yu cursed loudly, and quickly mobilized his spirit, energy, and will to fight for the authority of the ocean, trying to take the blue The ocean of color is nipped in the bud.

But the true spirit of Gonggong is really too powerful.

A true spirit at the quasi-sage level was simply not something that a little ant like him, who had not yet achieved immortality, could defeat.

Gonggong's true spirit is like a copper wall, towering and straight. Cui Yu's spirit is like a small wave. Not only did it not shake Gonggong's spirit, but his own spirit was knocked away by the copper wall. Then the Great Demon God Gonggong took the opportunity to attack and swallowed up most of Cui Yu's black ocean.

Damn it! How can I fight this? Even if I have an innate spiritual treasure, the crisis in the spiritual world will not allow the innate spiritual treasure to penetrate into my spiritual world?

Cui Yu looked at the ocean being swallowed by whales, with a look of despair in his eyes: Damn it! These old guys really can't be messed with.

outside world

Miao Shan was persuading Cui Yu, and saw Cui Yu's expression loosening, but who knew the next moment he saw Cui Yu sitting cross-legged on the ground, like a clay sculpture, silent and silent.

What's wrong with you? Miaoshan noticed something was wrong with Cui Yu: Are you okay?

However, Cui Yu did not answer Miao Shan's words, but traces of ancient and wild aura began to gather in his body, and streaks of black water vapor rose in the cave.

Seeing this scene, Miao Shan was shocked: The power of Gonggong! The true spirit of Gonggong! The true spirit of Gonggong has been resurrected? I knew how he could not have any side effects after cultivating Gonggong True Body.

Since practicing Mahayana Buddhism, Miaoshan felt that she had gained a lot of memories and realized a lot of knowledge, including the real body of Gonggong in front of her.

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We must not resurrect Gonggong. He is no longer Gonggong, but has been affected by the strange changes in this world! Miaoshan's eyes were full of horror.

After hearing Miao Shan's words, Chi You was stunned.

what's going on?

Hasn't Cui Yu become the Demon God of Gonggong? Why did another Gonggong Demon God emerge at this time?

The next moment, Miao Shan clasped his hands together, closed his eyes tightly, and began to recite scriptures silently.

Then I heard chanting sounds resounding in the cave.

Inside Cui Yu’s spiritual world

in the infinite sea

As Cui Yu's energy, spirit and will were shattered by Gonggong's power, before Cui Yu could react, his entire spiritual world turned into dark blue.

Looking at the deep blue water, Cui Yu's heart felt cold.

He could sense that he had lost contact with Gonggong's demonic blood.

And with the spread of the blue water, Cui Yu was surrounded in an instant, and he was at Cui Yu's feet in the blink of an eye.

Gonggong moved very quickly, obviously not wanting to give Cui Yu time to talk, and not giving Cui Yu the slightest chance.

My life is at stake!

Cui Yu let out a cry of despair. He was really at the end of his rope now. There was no way at all. Even the golden finger that he relied on as his last resort was powerless. What else could he do?

This is a price, not a strange power, and is not within Goldfinger's control.

Even when faced with Jin Chi's siege and Chi You's methods, he had never been so desperate before.

too strong!

Too strong!

There is no level of existence at all.

There is only a fragment of Gonggong's true spirit, but it stands in the atmosphere. Although Cui Yu's true spirit was intact, it was still standing on the ground.

Seeing that Cui Yu was about to be swallowed by the blue sea water and completely disappear into the spiritual world, when the endless sea water invaded Cui Yu's feet, a jade-colored light suddenly burst out from Cui Yu's feet, and the light formed a barrier. Cui Yu was protected inside.

outside world

Sensing Cui Yu's change, Miaoshan's heart sank to the bottom: Cui Yu is finished! 「

Especially when he felt the aura of the Great Demon Gonggong completely occupying Cui Yu's body, Miaoshan had already had murderous intentions: Should we take the opportunity to destroy the body of the Great Demon Gonggong? While the Great Demon Gonggong was not resurrected, I Kill the other party quickly?

With Miao Shan's murderous intention, the female demon behind Cui Yu opened her eyes. A powerful intimidation shocked Miao Shan's heart: The Ancient Demon God! And it's a complete Ancient Demon God! How can there be an Ancient Demon God next to Cui Yu? Guard? Although this ancient demon god is far inferior to Gonggong, it is definitely not something that ordinary monks can compete with.

At least Miao Shan felt that even if he had mastered the power of Jin Chi, it would be difficult to compete with the other party's methods.

It’s difficult!

Kill Cui Yu? There is an ancient demon god protecting him, how can I kill him?

If Cui Yu is not killed, when Gonggong is resurrected, everyone will live under Gonggong's oppression.

Your Excellency, Cui Yu has been taken away by the true spirit of Gonggong. At this time, killing Cui Yu and preventing the true spirit of Gonggong from being completely resurrected is the most correct decision. You are an ancient demon god, so you should know this truth. Miaoshan looked at Cui Yu with her eyes, she wanted to reason with the female tyrant.

However, there was only silence in response to Miao Shan, and the aura of the female demon was like a copper wall, protecting Cui Yu within it.

Regarding Miaoshan's words, the female tycoon sneered in her heart: Cui Yu was taken away by Gonggong? Good people don't live long, but disasters last for thousands of years. Want to kill Cui Yu? It's still a bit difficult.

But Cui Yu was indeed in trouble at this time.

The female demon was branded on Cui Yu's back, and she could sense the situation inside Cui Yu's body very clearly.

within the spiritual world

Cui Yu looked at the divine light under his feet with a surprised look on his face, and his eyes showed a hint of joy after a disaster: Pangu Chalcedony!

At the critical moment, Pangu Chalcedony protected him, shielded him from wind and rain, and blocked Gonggong's spiritual imprint.

Pangu Chalcedony is at Cui Yu's feet. It is Cui Yu's foothold, but Cui Yu actually ignored it.

At this time, Cui Yu's eyes were filled with ecstasy.

A fragment of Gonggong's true spirit is an insurmountable Mount Buzhou for Cui Yu. Isn't it true that Pangu Chalcedony is not like this for Gonggong Zhenling?

There was only a little bit of Pangu Chalcedony, but to Gonggong's broken True Spirit, it was harder than the Buzhou Mountain he had hit.

Pangu Chalcedony! Damn it, how could you have Pangu Chalcedony? You are not Pangu, how could you have Pangu Chalcedony? How can you, a mortal with a mortal body, grow Pangu Chalcedony? Gonggong Zhenling looked like he had seen a ghost.

A cow cannot give birth to a leopard, and a tiger cannot give birth to a donkey.

After corn matures, it is impossible to grow sorghum.

But now Cui Yu actually grew Pangu Chalcedony.

How the hell is this possible? Gonggong was in a state of ice and fire at this moment. Extreme joy gave rise to sadness, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Cui Yu looked at the Pangu chalcedony at his feet, and he felt that he had survived a desperate situation.

You are too happy! Even if you have Pangu Chalcedony, so what? Gonggong Zhenling's voice sounded: Do you think you can make a comeback? Pangu Chalcedony just protected a ray of your spirit. , but it doesn’t give you the power to fight back. Even if you are protected by Pangu Chalcedony, you can only be trapped here forever. Your body will eventually belong to me. When my true spirit becomes stronger, I will bring more true spirits to you. Summoned back from the depths of time and space, I will seize your Pangu Chalcedony. When the time comes, all of this will be my creation, and my cultivation will reach a height that is unprecedented and unparalleled. At that time, the entire world will be destroyed. I stepped on it.

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