In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 532: The Xiang Family Brothers and Sisters

The old Dragon King was not a fool. If he made the wrong bet, he would lose his life, and the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas would be even more passive.

Was the bet right?

It seems that there is no benefit to him if he bets right.

Judging from Cui Yu's current performance, it doesn't seem difficult to drag someone on his back before he dies.

Seeing that the old Dragon King was so cowardly, Zhao Mu cursed secretly in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

The reason why the old Dragon King can live for so long is because he never wastes money, in addition to his high enough cultivation level.

Calculate how many Jinzhi-level combatants have died in the hands of Dayu warriors now?


Li Xianwen, Xia Houying (who is still alive or dead), Zhao Wuji, and the Han emperor Liu Zhen.

The old Dragon King was scared out of his wits at this time.

At this time, a faint whining wind blew in the sky, and Zhao Mu's eyes showed a hint of unwillingness.

It was clear that with just a little more effort, the Great Yu warrior could be put to death, but everyone was frightened.

He was certain that there must be a fatal flaw in the invincible state of the Great Yu warrior.

And the fatal flaw is time.

Unfortunately, he had no choice.

Now that things have come to this, we can only retreat.

But Zhao Mu knew that he could not make any achievements this time. Once he returned, the pressure on the Great Han and Great Qin would reach an unparalleled level.

Those old antiques who are about to end their lifespan will not fight Cui Yu, but will only put all the pressure on the Great Han and Great Qin.

Obviously as long as the Han and Qin countries hand over the Xiang brothers and sisters, all the turmoil can be settled. Why would those old guys fight against such ruthless people as the scholar of Dayu?

Zhao Mu's face was gloomy, and then he disappeared between heaven and earth. When he reappeared, he was already in the Palace of Dayu.

Call the seven major vassal states to discuss matters. Zhao Mu said with a gloomy expression.

He is a strong man in the Jin Dynasty's combat power. He is different from Zhao Kuo. Although Zhao Kuo has the identity of a military disciple, it is just a false name.

The seven vassal states dared to offend Zhao Kuo, but they did not dare to disobey Zhao Mu's orders.

Zhao Mu stood in the palace, arranging his scattered clothes: It's difficult to handle.

It stands to reason that this is the pressure of Da Qin and Da Han, and has nothing to do with him, a person from the Da Zhao Kingdom, but who told Zhao Kuo to be held in their hands?

Looking at Zhao Kuo's body, his last soul was like a candle swaying in the wind.

I must obtain the incredible power and that person's secret method. Zhao Mu took a breath.

Even if Da Qin and Da Han want to make peace with each other, he will never allow it. He has discovered the weakness of the Yu Kingdom. If he can capture the Yu Kingdom, then why should the Zhao Kingdom not be able to sweep the world?

As for Cui Yu's great display of power this time, it actually made Zhao Mu more convinced that the Dayu scholar had used some kind of secret method to forcefully open the secrets in his body and overdraw his life potential.

He believed that the scholars of Dayu must have also suffered extremely serious backlash.

Otherwise, how could he ask Li Xianwen to run away the first time? Is Li Xianwen so sure?

Also, when the Great Yu warrior had absorbed his magical power, extremely serious cracks appeared on his body, which all showed that the other party had overdrawn his body's strength and paid some unpredictable price.

He believed that Zhao Wuji's guess was correct, and his own guess was also correct. The only mistake was that he had miscalculated the time.

What we have to do now is to continuously consume the power of the great Yu warrior. He will definitely not last long. If I can have an innate spiritual treasure, I may be able to deal with it for a while. Countless thoughts flickered in Zhao Mu's heart.

While Zhao Mu was deep in thought, messages were sent to the Great Han Kingdom and the Great Qin Kingdom.

Great Han Kingdom

The emperor of Han Dynasty looked at the newspaper in his hand, and the man in front of him was kicked to the ground.

Trash! Trash! They are all rubbish! the emperor's voice roared.

Xia Houying's life and death were not known, and the emperor's uncle Liu Zhen died tragically on the spot. In just a few days, the Han Dynasty lost the combat power of two Jinzhi realms. Even for the Han Dynasty, which can be called the hegemon of the princes, it was a traumatic event. bone.

They're all trash! The Han Emperor's voice was full of coldness.

Your Majesty, now that Emperor Zhao Zhen is dead and Xia Houying's life and death are unknown, the battlefield of Dayu Kingdom has undergone unexpected changes. How should we deal with it? Your Majesty, please tell me. An old minister came forward and said respectfully. sentence.

After hearing what the old minister said, the Emperor of Han Dynasty was silent, and after a long time he said: Ask the third master.


Silence soon returned to the hall.

At the same time, in Da Qin.

Qin Jun looked at the letter in his hand, his eyes full of contemplation.

Li Xianwen's death was beyond his expectation.

It's passed down to Xu Fu. Li Xianwen is Xu Fu's disciple. I have to ask Xu Fu about this matter. The leader of the Qin State looked serious: In Dayu State, the combat power of the four Jinchi realms has been reduced, and it is not suitable to continue. Experts are involved. Those old antiques keep putting pressure on Da Qin, and I am afraid they can't wait for a long time. But this matter is not a matter of our Da Qin family. If they want to go in, they can just go in and fight with the Great Yu warrior.

There was a touch of mockery in the voice of the leader of the Qin Dynasty: Tell Ying Zheng to lead Bai Qi and other 100,000 troops and wait for orders.

In addition, tell the Jin imperial masters from all over the world that our country, Great Qin, agrees to open the border and allow them to enter. The leader of Great Qin said in a serious voice.

The world is turbulent, and countless masters have set their sights on the battlefield of Dayu Kingdom, but the strange thing is that no master dares to continue to challenge the majesty of the soldier of Dayu Kingdom.

In the capital of Dayu Kingdom

Zhao Mu looked gloomy and gritted his teeth angrily when he saw the replies from Da Qin and Da Han: You are treating me like a gunman.

But Zhao Kuo fell into it, and Zhao Wuji died. If he didn't find his place, wouldn't he make the world laugh at him?

Zhao Mu took a breath and sat on the stool to think about countermeasures.

Zhao Mu didn't have to wait long, and all the heads of the six major vassal states had arrived.

The Yan Kingdom has been destroyed and was divided among the six vassal states.

Everyone, I won't go into details about the seriousness of the matter. You are not blind or deaf. You should have heard the news. The Qin Kingdom and the Han Kingdom are ready to compromise with the Yu people and hand over the Xiang family brothers and sisters. Once Xiang Xiang My brothers and sisters are back, can you please eat your good fruits? When the time comes, Xiang Yu will definitely sweep across the Yu Kingdom, and you, the people who have subjugated their country and destroyed their species, may no longer have a chance to survive. Zhao Mu's words made the heads of the six princes tremble in fear. , eyes full of fear.

You should be more aware of the consequences of the Xiang brothers and sisters coming out. Zhao Mu's voice was very soft, but in the ears of the heads of the six princes and kingdoms, it was like thunder.

Sir, please save me! the six kings exclaimed.

Zhao Mu looked at the expressions of the six kingdom leaders and was obviously very satisfied. His words framed the six kingdom leaders.

I want to borrow tens of millions of soldiers from the six countries like you to set up a supreme military formation and have a fight with that bastard. What about the combat power of Jinzhi level? Is Xiang Mangzi so powerful in his rampage? Isn't it still sealed by us? ? Is Xiang Caizhu powerful? Wasn't he forced by us to escape into the Road to Heaven? Only by wiping out the last power of the Dayu Kingdom can you take root in this land and have a fight with Taiping Dao. , it may not be possible to restore the country in the future.”

The six kings were helpless at this time. From the beginning to the end, they had no choice.

At this point, we can only make a last ditch effort.

We are willing to obey Sir's instructions. The six kings said.

Hearing this, the corners of Zhao Mu's mouth cracked: Okay! I, Zhao Mu, will definitely fight a bloody path for you.

After tricking the six kings away, Zhao Mu said with a cold expression: I will kill you, the great scholar of Yu. When the time comes, I will help the six kings to settle down, take the opportunity to ally with the six kings, and support the six kings to fight against Qin and Han. , our country, Great Zhao, will have the opportunity to seize the opportunity and enter.

Also, call the people from the Mo family. If you want to trap the great warriors of Dayu to death and make them easy to capture, you still need to outwit them. Zhao Mu had a small calculation in his mind: At least my nephew must be killed. Change it back.

As he was talking, he saw Zhao Mu walking outside the yard. Two drops of blood flew out and landed on two birds. The next moment, the two birds exploded and turned into mummies, and two human figures appeared.

Then the two figures in the lake frantically sucked the blood of the surrounding residents. Hundreds of people turned into mummies in a snap, and Xiang Caizhu and Xiang Yu appeared in the yard.

However, these two bodies had no intelligence and just stood there blankly.

As long as people from the Mo family control these two bodies, I don't believe that the people of Dayu will not take the bait. Zhao Mu smiled coldly.

Come here. Zhao Mu called.

Sir. The guard came forward.

If you go and spread rumors, say that the Great Qin Kingdom and the Great Han Kingdom each sent a Jin Chi-level bloodline expert to help out, and they want to avenge the Jin Chi-level masters of the Great Qin Kingdom and the Great Han Kingdom. Be sure to pass the news to Dayu In the ears of national scholars. Zhao Mu said.

The guards heard the words and took the order and left.

In the hall, Zhao Mu stood alone in the hall: That boy was too ruthless and ruthless, killing the strongest people in the world. As long as the situation is slightly worse, I am afraid that the Han and Qin countries will have to compromise. This is This is my last chance. To be on the safe side, I should invite Sun Wu to come out of the mountain. If Sun Wu, the sage of war, comes out of the mountain, he will definitely be able to capture him.

It's not that Han and Qin are afraid, but they feel it's not worth it.

For the sake of an uncertain entrance to Dongting Lake, he kept fighting with an unknown master. So what if he defeated miserably?

When powerful people from all walks of life from outside enter the Qin and Han Dynasties, will the two countries still have the dominant advantage?

At that time, if someone takes advantage of the loophole, it will become a joke to directly destroy the country.

Everyone has a little plan. Zhao Mu narrowed his eyes.

But Zhao Kuo wants to bring him back, he must bring him back.

But the next moment, Zhao Mu's expression changed wildly, and he suddenly looked at Zhao Kuo's body, only to see that the last part of Zhao Kuo's soul had been taken in, and he died immediately.

Time passes quickly

Xiaoli Village

on the altar

Cui Yu bowed for the last time, and the scarecrow's inner mind came to life, and he saw the scarecrow suddenly opened his eyes: Who are you? Why am I here?

Zhao Kuo looked at the lights and altar in front of him, his eyes filled with uneasiness.

He wanted to stand up, but found that his body had become a scarecrow. Where could he move?

He is not a rice pig. He can control the energy of vegetation in the world and control the scarecrow to run.

Zhao Kuo. Cui Yu stood quietly in front of the altar wearing a mask and his clothes stained with blood.

Who are you? Why did you take my soul here? Zhao Kuo's voice was full of horror.

Senior of Dayu. Cui Yu replied.

Zhao Kuo's heart sank when he heard this, knowing that it would be difficult to be kind today.

The other party started to fight, and I was afraid that I would be in danger.

The Yu Kingdom has been destroyed, why do you have to go through so much trouble to resist? Zhao Kuo tried to persuade Cui Yu.

It doesn't matter if Dayu Kingdom is destroyed, it just needs to be rebuilt. Where are the Xiang brothers and sisters? Cui Yu asked.

Zhao Kuo's heart skipped a beat. Before he could speak, Cui Yu asked coldly: Let me ask you, did you kill the Xiang brothers and sisters?

Don't accuse me unjustly. The Xiang brothers and sisters are still alive. Brother, don't be impatient. The Xiang brothers and sisters are still alive. As long as you let me go, I will tell you the whereabouts of the Xiang brothers and sisters. Zhao Kuo seemed to be grabbing for help. Straw, quickly said something.

Still alive? Cui Yu felt happy.

For him, as long as the Xiang brothers and sisters are still alive, it is the best news.

Where have the Xiang brothers and sisters gone? Cui Yu stared at Zhao Kuo.

Zhao Kuo shook his head when he heard this: If I tell you that it will be useless by then, I'm afraid my soul will be scattered and I will die.

Don't tell me? Haha, you will tell me. Cui Yu looked at the scarecrow with his eyes. The next moment he picked up the oil lamp, and a little bit of the true fire of Samadhi slowly burned.



Zhao Kuo let out a scream that echoed through the empty wilderness.

Say? Cui Yu's voice was cold.

Unless you promise to let me go, I will never say anything. Zhao Kuo screamed in pain, but refused to let go.

He is a smart man, how dare he speak?

He was sure that if he let go, Cui Yu would kill him the next moment.

And...can we tell the whereabouts of the Xiang brothers and sisters?

Once you say it, I'm afraid you will die faster!

Although the soul hurts, it is still alive at least.

In the face of death, the pain is not unbearable.

Haha, let's see how long you can hold on under the burning fire of Samadhi. Cui Yu smiled coldly, then closed his eyes and restored Gonggong's demonic blood in his body.

Next, I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle.

You'd better give up. At this moment, there was a sigh, and Miao Shan actually walked back.

Cui Yu looked at Miao Shan.

The Great Han Kingdom and the Great Qin Kingdom have opened their borders. Next, the powerful bloodline men from the major vassal states will enter the Great Yu Kingdom. Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: They are all masters of the Jinzhi realm. You I can’t stop you! Your methods can’t stop an old guy who’s about to expire. Besides, how many more breaths can you hold on for?”

Cui Yu fell into silence after hearing Miaoshan's words.

The collapse of Dayu was not a matter of a few countries, but involved quite a few countries.

The atmosphere in the field was dull at this time.

I only want the Xiang brothers and sisters. Are those old guys going to risk their lives to fight with me for a Xiang brother and sister? Aren't they supposed to persecute the murderer behind them? Cui Yu asked back.

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