In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 520: Seven Nail Head Arrows Curse Zhao Kuo

Following Cui Yu's order, the five Shouwu dolls obediently carried the flagpoles of the golden light array and settled them according to their orientation. Then Cui Yu made a hand gesture, and the golden light array stood up. In an instant, the twenty-one poles emitted continuous golden light. Into one piece.

In the dark night, Lijiacun is like a huge searchlight, shining brightly for dozens of miles around.

Cui Yu stood in the golden light array, with a cold look in his eyes. The next moment, he opened his mouth and spat out endless clouds of mist.

This is not an ordinary cloud and mist, but the mist that was born in the three-thousand-mile cloud and mist formation, which was mastered and analyzed by Cui Yu and copied.

The clouds and mist were hazy, covering the golden light formation, and also covering the retreat route of the Dayu soldiers.

The mist shrouded the area for hundreds of miles, but had no intention of dissipating.

Cui Yu stood in the golden light formation, looking at Baili Misty with a sneer in his eyes.

With the cloud and mist formation present, no one can even think about what happened inside the cloud and mist formation.

Then Cui Yu began to decorate the altar. He wanted to use the seven-arrow nail-head curse to kill Zhao Kuo.

It would be great if Zhao Kuo came. If Zhao Kuo doesn't come, he will directly curse the opponent's three souls and seven souls. Then the Jinxian Ancestor behind Zhao Kuo will definitely be unable to bear it. As long as the opponent comes to break the formation, he can deal with the opponent.

Jin Chi was already standing at the top of the world, and Cui Yu couldn't help but feel a little hairy when he thought of the mysterious and unpredictable methods the other party had.

This world is too weird, otherwise the great saints would not have fallen, and Chi You would not have been quartered again.

Cui Yu arranged the altar, took out the god and demon skin, wrote Zhao Kuo's name, then placed the scarecrow on the altar and lit the seven-star lamp.

A bow!

There was nothing unusual, and Cui Yu was not impatient. The Seven Arrows Book was not a quick-result method.

But what surprised Cui Yu was that when he worshiped Zhao Kuo, there was no increase in any strange power. Cui Yu was surprised.

Sir, I have been summoned to come here. A voice came from outside the golden light array.

Cui Yu walked off the altar and looked at Noon with his eyes. Compared with before, Noon's temperament had changed again.

The whole person is full of life and gentle like a noble son. He looks about fifteen or sixteen years old and does not look like a slave at all. Even if Cui Yu tells others that the young man in front of him is a noble son, some people will believe him.

And what surprised Cui Yu the most was that he actually felt a wisp of awe-inspiring aura from Shan's body.

I was just helping the other person to enlighten and understand the writing, but now the other person actually has the aura of awe-inspiring flowing around him. It is obvious that he has worked hard in private and has been thinking about it secretly.

And it's not just ordinary contemplation, it's the kind that truly understands and engraves it into one's bones.

Cui Yu looked at Long, his eyes full of admiration. This kind of person will stand out no matter where he goes. As long as there is an opportunity, I will seize every opportunity and never miss any opportunity.

Moreover, this kind of person is hardworking and conscientious enough. If this kind of person fails, it is simply unreasonable.

Very good, very promising. Cui Yu looked at Noon and praised.

Looking at Cui Yu for a long time, his eyes were full of excitement: I would also like to thank you, Master. Without your help, the villain would never be able to achieve what he is today. Knowing those words, the villain seems to have opened up another world. The villain simply cannot Dare to believe your eyes.”

His eyes were excited and his voice was full of emotion.

He was very grateful to Cui Yu for giving him a chance.

Give yourself a chance to open up another world.

Come forward. Cui Yu waved.

Long came to Cui Yu respectfully. Cui Yu placed his palm on Long's shoulder and thought for a moment: Your superpower is to take away the life span of all things in the world and at the same time grant life span to all things. Such a good talent is simply a way of practicing enlightenment. It would be a pity to keep this good seedling in Xiangzhuang's hands.

I will talk to Xiang Zhuang tomorrow and I will release you from slavery and give you freedom. You have such talent, but it is really a waste to live like this. Cui Yu shook his head, his voice full of emotion.

Hearing this, he felt as if he was struck by lightning. He stood there blankly, staring at Cui Yu with his eyes, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

He seemed like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

What did Cui Yu say?

Give back your slave status?

Want to turn yourself into a civilian?

This was something he never dreamed of.

Because he knew that he had such a unique ability, Xiang Zhuang would never let him go.

To get rid of slavery and become a commoner was a luxury that he could not even imagine in his life.

Is what your Excellency said true? Long's voice trembled, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Cui Yu smiled, turned around, walked to the high platform, and wrote down the document: Go and show it to Xiang Zhuang.

He took the document with trembling hands, glanced at it, turned around and ran out without saying a word.

When I came back at noon, it was already dawn.

At this time, Shan was looking crazy, her white clothes were covered with morning dew and mud, the bun on her head had unraveled at some point, and one of her shoes was missing.

Like a madman, he ran into the formation like a madman. He quickly came to Cui Yu at noon, with a hoarse voice and knelt down like he was pushing a golden mountain toppling a jade pillar: Noon, I thank you for your kindness. I am willing to follow you. I will go through fire and water for my great master, and I will not hesitate to go through fire and water.

Are you free? Cui Yu looked at Shan kneeling in the mud and asked softly.

I got it! Long's voice was excited.

It's rare for you to be free. Why do you take the initiative to follow me? Cui Yu said with a smile.

It's a blessing for me to get rid of my slave status. How can I leave before my great kindness is repaid? He said respectfully, touching his forehead to the ground to express his surrender.

Cui Yu helped him up and tidied up the mud on his body: Don't thank me. I just saw that you worked hard enough and felt that you should not be buried.

Having said this, Cui Yu patted Shan's shoulder: You have to thank yourself for your hard work.

Sir, do you agree that I will follow you? A pair of eyes stared at Cui Yu with expectation.

It's not an easy thing to follow me. With your current means, it's not possible. Cui Yu took out a secret book from his sleeve and handed it to Shan's hand: This Five Elements Iron Smelting Hand is If you can master the martial arts of gods and demons, I can give you a chance to follow me.

Cui Yu looked at Noon: Now, your task is to stand outside the golden light array for me and guide those who want to see me.

Cui Yu grabbed Shan's hand, carved a golden rune in his hand to protect him from the murderous intention of the golden light array, and then handed the Five Elements Iron Smelting Hand to him.

The Five Elements Iron Hand is not precious to Cui Yu. A thousand people practicing the Five Elements Iron Hand will have a thousand results.

It's like Shilong, who has made himself crippled by training.

Just like Yang Erlang, although he has the foundation of the martial arts of gods and demons, it is absolutely different from Cui Yu's foundation of the martial arts of gods and demons.

There are only the strongest people, and there is no strongest secret.

Cui Yu didn't care at all about the leak of the Five Elements Iron Smelting Hand.

The magical realm of the Five Elements Iron Hand is to master the Five Elements, but some people can go a step further in mastering the Five Elements and directly open up the world in their palms, while some people can evolve the Five Elements Mountain.

If he practices enlightenment in the afternoon, with his huge vitality, he will definitely be able to push his martial arts to an incredible level.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

What is the foundation of martial arts?

It is to develop vitality.

Being able to plunder the vitality of all things, this magical method is truly unparalleled.

If Ming Shan's cultivation continues to improve, can he directly plunder the world and fill the foundation of his life in the future?

Cui Yu is looking forward to Shan's superpower.

After hearing the words, he was overjoyed and took the Five Elements Iron Smelting Hand. Then he came to the gate of the golden light formation, took the Iron Smelting Hand and began to read it slowly.

Since being freed from slavery, the whole person seems to have relaxed, a layer of shackles seems to have been removed from the body, and the whole person's energy and energy have been fuller than ever before.

It seemed like a layer of haze had been swept away.

For a long time, I felt that my energy and spirit had undergone some inexplicable transformation.

Far away outside the Two Worlds Mountains

Tang Zhou and Zhang Jiao sat together and played the game leisurely.

Have you gone to see that boy? Zhang Jiao asked.

I've seen it before. Tang Zhou nodded.

Then it seems that your persuasion failed. Zhang Jiao looked into the distance with his eyes. The aura of the golden light array was like the bright moon in the dark night in their eyes, shining so brightly that they could not look directly at it.

If I can persuade him, he is not Cui Yu. Tang Zhou shook his head helplessly: How about you go talk to him? Maybe he can change his mind.

Zhang Jiao smiled bitterly: It is almost impossible to change his mind.

He wants to rely on a golden light formation to fight against all the masters in the world and force them to bow their heads and make concessions. He is looking down on the people of the world. The Demon Queen and others have already seen the flaw in the golden light formation. The golden light The formation is most afraid of the smell of blood. Once the blood taints the golden light, the power of the golden light monster will be reduced by 30%. Why should he resist the masters of the Golden Order at that time? Zhang Jiao said.

This is what I find strange. Why can he fight against the world's masters? Just rely on a golden light formation? Tang Zhou was also puzzled:

You can make even the master fearful. Isn't that really your only ability?

The two fell silent upon hearing this.

What if Cui Yu really loses? Tang Zhou asked.

You took action to save him. After all, he is also an old friend of the master. Zhang Jiao looked at Tang Zhou.

If he wanted to protect Cui Yu from Jin Chi, only Tang Zhou could do so.

As for Zhang Jiao?

Unless the power of Huang Tian is used.

But Huang Tian's power is so precious, how can it be used casually?

Tang Zhou shook his head, neither agreed nor denied, but changed the subject: It's you, you really impressed me this time. If you don't take action, it will turn the world upside down. No wonder the master passed on the Tao of Taiping to you. Instead of passing it on to me.”

Zhang Jiao's cheeks turned red for some reason when he heard Tang Zhou's praise.

He knew that his foothold in Taipingdao was unstable. He was forcibly promoted by Master Nanhua and sat in the position of great sage and mentor. I don't know how much trouble I caused when I suddenly arrived.

Since the territory of the Four Kingdoms was seized and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was established, countless people in the entire Taiping Road have turned to themselves and are completely used by themselves.

Even Tang Zhou admired himself.

Tang Zhou looked at Zhang Jue with emotion in his heart. He never expected that Zhang Jue could have such a method and directly conquered the four major vassal states in one fell swoop.

With these four major vassal states and the power of Taiping Dao, it is not difficult to hold on to the territory.

But Zhang Jiao's own family knew about his own affairs, so how could he plan it himself? It was obviously a mistake, and he just got the convenience directly. As for the real planner of this matter, it still falls on Han Xin.

But there is no need to say this kind of thing. Now that Han Xin has taken refuge in him, isn’t Han Xin’s his own?

He also needs this kind of credit to stand firm.

Junior brother, if I had known that you had such a shocking strategy, I should not have secretly competed with you in the first place. From today on, junior brother is the only one on Taiping Road, and no one dares to say a word. Tang Zhou was sincerely convinced. oral.

Thanks to Senior Brother's intervention, otherwise, even if Taiping Dao conquered the four major vassal states, it would still require a lot of hard work to secure a position. The Han Dynasty and Qin Dynasty would never sit back and watch Taiping Dao annex the four major vassal states. If it hadn't been for Senior Brother's intervention, I'm afraid that now we have already started fighting with the remnants of the four major vassal states. Zhang Jiao praised Tang Zhou.

What happened to a few compliments?

I don’t want to lose a few pieces of meat.

Tang Zhou said with a smile: In the future, I will completely let go of the affairs in Taiping Dao to my junior brother. I will abide by Master's decree and no longer interfere in the affairs of Taiping Dao.

Zhang Jiao changed his face when he heard this. Without Tang Zhou in Taiping Road, it would be like losing an arm. How could he intimidate all the masters in the world?

Senior brother, if there is anything wrong with me, I would like to ask you to point it out. I just implore you to never leave Taiping Dao. If word gets out, everyone will think that I am persecuting my senior brother and cannot tolerate the veterans of Taiping Dao. Zhang Jiao said quickly.

Junior brother, don't worry. I just don't interfere in the affairs of Taiping Dao and don't interfere with your decisions. If Taiping Dao needs it, I will let the people outside know about my Taiping Dao methods at any time. Tang Zhou smiled calmly.

Zhang Jiao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and after a long time he said: I was shocked. Senior brother didn't say everything.

What are your plans for Taiping Road in the future? Tang Zhou asked.

After all, Taipingdao was created by him, and it was his child, so he was not at ease at all.

Without him, Zhang Jiao is too young.

I want to establish twenty-four canal commanders, and then the fourteen princely states will rise up together on Tuesday. The princely states are just paper tigers. As long as we plan carefully, there is nothing to fear. Zhang Jiao said.

Han Xin seized the four major vassal states and gave Zhang Jiao confidence. Zhang Jiao's whole body began to swell at this time.

I have to admit that Zhang Jiao was confused.

What about the vassal states?

Xiang Yu doesn't punch one person at a time?

Didn't Han Xin kill four of them in a snap?

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