In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 519: Deploying the golden light array again

After hearing what Tang Zhou said, Cui Yu pointed at Tang Zhou's nose and cursed.

When Cui Yu was fighting with the major forces, he did not say that he could not ask for help, but you just asked the four golden edicts. Isn't it too much?

You have the four major golden imperial orders, why don't you send more powerful golden emperors to directly destroy the Yu Kingdom.

What a rogue!

It's just the ultimate rogue.

Tang Zhou also lost his face and became angry in his heart. His anger was not directed at Cui Yu, but secretly scolded the seven vassal states as trash, and scolded Zhao Kuo for his empty reputation. The seven vassal states were transferred to Zhao Kuo, and Zhao Kuo actually If you lose, wouldn’t you be a loser?

Who would have thought that Xiang Yu was so strong? Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu and explained weakly.

He was also helpless. Originally, in his plan, the Dayu Kingdom had Cui Yu's support behind them, and they would defeat the Seven Kingdoms with the power of the battle array, and that would be the end of it.

There is no such thing as Xiang Yu overthrowing the seven kingdoms.

But who knew that Xiang Yu could be such a bitch, hiding such a powerful strength, which was simply earth-shattering, and he went directly to someone else's lair to carry out a beheading plan.

The Seven Kingdoms are like chickens and dogs, unable to resist Xiang Yu. The Great Han and Great Qin were frightened by Xiang Yu and had to intervene, which caused the direction of the battlefield to shift.

However, Taipingdao was able to seize the opportunity to seize the four major vassal states, which was indeed outside of Tang Zhou's plan, and it also shocked Tang Zhou.

Unexpectedly, Taipingdao would seize the opportunity and truly become a phenomenon.

No matter how strong Xiang Yu is, he is still from the Dayu Kingdom. Doesn't it mean he has violated his original oath? Cui Yu said in a cold voice.

Don't be so angry. If anything happens, we can discuss it! Tang Zhou stepped forward, pulled Cui Yu to sit down, and poured Cui Yu a cup of tea.

Cui Yu's face turned pale and he looked at Tang Zhou with his eyes: Where is Xiang Yu? Where is Xiang Caizhu?

I don't know. Tang Zhou's expression was very solemn: I was not there at the time. If you want to know their whereabouts, you have to ask Zhao Kuo and the four golden emperors.

Where did the masters of the Four Golden Emperors come from? Cui Yu asked again.

There is a man from Zhao who is the distant ancestor of Zhao Kuo and the ancestor of the Zhao family. Although he is of blood, he entered Taoism as a qigong practitioner and attained the Golden Order 1,800 years ago. This man loves Zhao Kuo very much. , thinking that Zhao Kuo was like him. So the distant ancestor of the Zhao family personally came forward and persuaded the military sage Sun Wu to ask Zhao Kuo to worship Sun Wu. As for the second person, he was from the royal family of Qin. The third person was from the Han Dynasty. Finally, I don’t know the origin of one person. That’s all I can know.” Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu with both eyes.

What about the four golden edicts? What a great trick. I never thought that Zhao Kuo could invite four golden edicts. Cui Yu took a sip of tea, his eyes filled with anger.

How can I not be angry?

No one else would be angry.

When did the masters of the Jin Dynasty become so worthless? Cui Yu asked.

If there are no accidents, a master of the Golden Order can live for 129,600 years. Every ten thousand years, there will always be a few of them in the world. Coupled with the birth of the innate elves of mountains, rivers and rivers, a master of the Golden Order may be able to live for 129,600 years. Not a lot, but definitely not a few. Xiang Yu wants to monopolize the Ancient Dragon Palace in Dongting Lake, blocking the way of countless people, and countless people want him to die immediately. So you should know the current situation of Dayu Kingdom . We can't enter the Taigu Dragon Palace, and the masters of the Jin Dynasty will jump out one after another. Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu.

If you are willing to get out of the way, maybe I can deal with it on your behalf... No matter whether the Xiang brothers and sisters are dead or alive, I can always give you an explanation. Tang Zhou sighed slightly:

Now the world has changed greatly, and all the old guys are about to end their lifespan, and they have reached the point of using any means. If you block it for one day, it will waste one day of their life, and they will never give up.

Are Zhao Kuo and the four Jin Chi the only ones who know the whereabouts of the Xiang brothers and sisters? Cui Yu asked.

Tang Zhou nodded and looked at Cui Yu without saying a word.

Aren't you willing to give up? I want to see their methods. What can the powerful Jin Chi do? Who has better methods? I want to try it myself. Cui Yu's eyes showed a cold look:

You don't need to deal with it, I just need to force them out, and the whereabouts of the Xiang brothers and sisters will naturally come to light. If the Xiang brothers and sisters die, whoever killed the Xiang brothers and sisters will be buried with them. If the Xiang brothers and sisters are alive, haha... then of course Hello, hello, hello to everyone. Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of coldness, and he ignored Tang Zhou for the next moment and rode away directly on the white horse.

Looking at the direction Cui Yu was leaving, Tang Zhou suddenly sighed: The wind is blowing.

Do you want to compete with the powerful Jin Chi? Your golden light formation is not enough. Well, I want to see what means you have to make the teacher so afraid. Tang Zhou watched Cui Yuyuan go. The figure behind him murmured to himself.

The news that millions of cavalrymen of the Yan Kingdom were burned to the ground was like a hurricane blowing across the land of the Yu Kingdom.

The other major vassal states that were originally chasing the remnants of the Yu Kingdom reined in their horses after hearing the news.

All the fighting stopped strangely and fell into a state of silence. The entire battlefield of Dayu Kingdom fell into a strange dead silence.

After all, it was unprecedented for a great monk to take action and massacre an army of millions.

Once a monk massacres people, his body will be stained with karma. Karma is negative energy that can counteract the incense that disaster monks have worked so hard to collect. For monks, incense is the basis for their survival in the Dharma Realm. No monk can squander his own incense like this.

That's just the realm of supernatural powers and disasters. For those masters of the 'Edict' realm who are involved in the Dharma Realm, their bodies entering the Dharma Realm need to be wrapped and covered with the breath of incense in order to avoid the terrifying eyes of those in the Dharma Realm. Once the incense is burned, If the aura of incense weakens or the aura of incense disappears, those great terrors in the Dharma Realm will never mind giving them a big meal.

This shows the importance of the power of incense.

For those who are in a disaster situation, they all rely on the breath of incense to cover their body aura.

When a strong person in a disaster situation takes action, he will definitely mobilize the laws of heaven and earth, and his actions will be like a natural disaster. For them, they are always faced with the threat of natural disasters, and the scent of incense wraps them up, forming a shield to avoid the capture of natural disasters.

It can be said that once the incense is exhausted, wait for death under natural disasters.

Therefore, when a monk reaches the realm of supernatural power, he will never take action easily.

Regardless of whether it is a strong person in the disaster realm or an imperial realm, taking action requires a lot of incense to cover oneself, which is completely uneconomical for everyone.

Of course, this does not include blood people.

Cui Yu rode on a white horse, and the sparrow eagle patrolled the sky leisurely, slowly heading towards Lijiacun.

Cui Yu walked slowly and soon met Xiang Zhuang who was waiting for him.

Why are you here? Cui Yu looked at Xiang Zhuang who was waiting halfway and said with a surprised expression.

Is there any news about the king? Xiang Zhuang asked with a gloomy look.

Cui Yu shook his head.

Xiang Zhuang's face became more serious: What are your plans next, sir?

What are your plans? Cui Yu asked Xiang Zhuang.

Xiang Zhuang said: I plan to capture Daliang City and use Daliang City as a foundation to resist the encirclement and suppression by the armies of the seven countries.

It's useless. Daliang City can't imprison the strong men of the Jin Dynasty. Those are the four strong men of the Jin Dynasty. Once they take action, Daliang City will be a living target. Moreover, millions of troops from the other side are besieging the city. Daliang City does not have the power of magical power to support it. How can it be done? Resist? Cui Yu asked.

What Cui Yu asked was what Xiang Zhuang was most worried about. After hearing Cui Yu's words, Xiang Zhuang said worriedly: Please teach me, sir.

The armies of the Seven Kingdoms are useless. I have countless ways to destroy them. I can easily kill millions of cavalrymen of the Yan Kingdom. They don't even have time to set up their formations. I'm confident enough to kill them. The rest of the people from the Seven Kingdoms. Our opponents are not the lost dogs of the Seven Kingdoms, but the powerful men of the Jin Dynasty who are above us. Cui Yu said.

Xiang Zhuang's face turned pale: The powerful man of the Jin Dynasty is close to the power of heaven, how can he resist it?

You lead an army to take shelter in the sea of ​​clouds three thousand miles away, leaving an army of 10,000 to show off for me. What can the powerful Jin Chi do? Those old guys are even more afraid of death. Of course I have a way to catch them. Cui Yu said calmly.

Xiang Zhuang looked at Cui Yu, and then bowed respectfully and solemnly: All the hopes of the future Dayu Kingdom are in the hands of Sir.

By the way, I think it's good. You can stay with me and be a helper. Cui Yu suddenly said.

Cui Yu was very optimistic about Hao Shan's ability.

Xiang Zhuang nodded: I'll make arrangements right away.

Looking at Xiang Zhuang's retreating back, Cui Yu hesitated for a moment, and the water vapor in the void condensed into an ice jade mask, which fit tightly on his face.

He didn't want anyone to know his identity.

He always remembers that no matter what time, he must not waste money.

There are countless weird ways in this world. What if the other party knows where you are and secretly uses tricks to harm you?

Didn’t you see that Chen Sheng has gone back to the past?

Xiang Zhuang went to make arrangements, but Cui Yu was still walking leisurely. Half a day later, he saw 10,000 troops in front of him, sitting on the roadside to rest.

The leader is none other than Yu Chuan.

Yu Chuan looked at Cui Yu. Although Cui Yu was wearing a mask, Yu Chuan still recognized Cui Yu at a glance.

Yu Chuan quickly stood up and came to Cui Yu respectfully: Admiral Yu Chuan, I have been ordered to be at your disposal.

Cui Yu glanced at Yu Chuan and looked at the soldiers still sitting on the ground in the distance.

When Yu Chuan saw him, he quickly explained: Sir, my brothers have been fighting and have been on the run for the past month. Thanks to your help, I escaped from birth the day before yesterday. I haven't slept a wink in three days.

The sound of snoring in the distance was like thunder, like the strange quacking of countless toads next to the pond in summer.

Cui Yu didn't get angry, but smiled, got off the donkey and waited aside.

This wait is when the lanterns come on and the bright moon rises, and countless soldiers begin to light the fire and cook.

Cui Yu is not in a hurry. The situation is now under his control, and he is also considering his next move.

If you want to reverse the situation, you must first kill a Jin Chi Liwei. Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of coldness, and his eyes swept across the page and fell on Gonggong Moxue.

For the Great Demon God Gonggong, killing a golden immortal with one blow is not too much, right? Cui Yu thought thoughtfully.

He currently only has the power of three strikes.

Considering the weird abilities of this world and the methods that are completely beyond the realm, Cui Yu frowned: It shouldn't be difficult to beat the two of them to death.

As long as the two Jin Chi are killed, Cui Yu doesn't believe it. Those old guys are really stubborn and insist on running into them.

After dinner, Cui Yu did not continue on his way, but allowed the soldiers to rest.

It wasn't until the next day that Cui Yu continued his journey.

While walking and stopping along the way, Cui Yu grabbed a handful of straw and knitted a scarecrow in his hands.

Why haven't the Seven Kingdoms caught up yet? Cui Yu suddenly asked.

Yu Chuan said: The millions of cavalry in the Yan Kingdom are considered to be the most powerful among the remnants of the seven major vassal states. Now they are dead in an unknown way, and the other countries are frightened out of their courage. They have not found out what we are. They don't dare to take action rashly before knowing the truth. If they make the same mistake again and follow in the footsteps of the Great Yan Kingdom, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Cui Yu was thoughtful after hearing this, and then the army continued on its way.

Returning to Lijia Village again, it is a pity that Lijia Village is no longer the Lijia Village in my memory. The entire Lijia Village has completely fallen into ruins.

Cui Yu stood in front of Lijia Village, with a trace of reminiscence in his eyes.

The entrance to Dongting Lake is in Lijia Village? Cui Yu asked.

The gods and demons in Lijia Village are under the well. Chi You said: This is the information that Xin Yuan read from Tang Zhou before he went into retreat. There is absolutely no error.

Cui Yu said to the 10,000 troops: Set up camp where you are, and don't allow the wild birds in the mountains to approach. Drive away all the birds, and my sparrows and hawks will cooperate with you.

Cui Yusheng was afraid that there would be unruly birds and would be attracted by the golden light array at night. Then a large number of birds would die in the golden light array, leaking the evil spirit of the golden light array.

Yes. Although Yu Chuan was surprised by Cui Yu's order, he still chose to comply. The next moment, sparrow hawks swooped into the mountains, and countless soldiers rushed into the dense forest.

Cui Yu came all the way to the Well of Gods and Demons and jumped in. A memory flashed through his mind: I don't know what happened to Yu.

I have to say that Cui Yu missed her.

Cui Yu was worried.

Cui Yu came to the Well of Gods and Demons. Now his strength was different from before. As soon as he entered the Well of Gods and Demons, he noticed some clues.

Then looking at the scene in front of him, Cui Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly: Fountain of Youth!

Who would have thought that the entrance to the Taikoo Dongting Lake Dragon Palace is actually connected to the Fountain of Youth.

Thinking of this, Cui Yu suddenly understood why the ancient Dongting Lake was most likely connected to the wilderness.


Cui Yu smiled and stood underground for a long time. Cui Yu returned to the land. The next moment he opened his palms and a golden light slowly emerged from Cui Yu's palms, turning into a golden sphere and floating in Cui Yu's palms.

Set up the formation!

Cui Yu gave an order, and five Shouwu dolls appeared, directly carrying Cui Yu's flagpole and planting it in Lijia Village.

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