In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 521: Ancestor of the Zhao Family - - Zhao Wuji

In the past, Zhang Jiao felt that among the 165 princes on the Great Wednesday, each of them had thousands of years of foundation, he must not be reckless and careless.

But since Han Xin destroyed the four major vassal states at his fingertips, he suddenly discovered that the so-called vassal states seemed nothing special.

Han Xin did not use much effort to destroy the four major vassal states. The four major vassal states were simply vulnerable.

This created an illusion, an illusion in Zhang Jiao's mind, that the so-called four vassal states were nothing more than that.

But is this really the case?

Do you want all twenty-four Qushuai to start a rebellion together? Tang Zhou's heart tightened upon hearing this, and there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

What do you think, senior brother? Zhang Jiao asked.

How sure are you? Tang Zhou asked back.

If they are all like the seven vassal states, they will kill as many as they come. Zhang Jiao said.

Tang Zhou glanced at Zhang Jiao: I hope you will act cautiously. You would rather miss it than make a fatal mistake.

I know. Zhang Jiao smiled confidently: When I secretly train elite soldiers in the bases of the four major vassal states, I will send them to various places to be dispatched.

Zhang Jiao was very ambitious and confident at this time.

On the other hand, Cui Yu, you must keep an eye on it to make sure nothing goes wrong. Zhang Jiao said: I always feel that Cui Yu is not easy to deal with. If there is a problem, it will be a big problem.

I know, leave Cui Yu to me, don't worry. Tang Zhou Luozi.

The capital of Dayu Kingdom

Zhao Kuo looked at the letter in his hand and fell into deep thought: The seven vassal states are standing still. Cui Yu has laid out tricks at the entrance to the cave in Lijiacun, hoping to provoke the four Jinchi....

It's really troublesome.

The seven vassal states were obviously frightened by Cui Yu's cruelty and did not dare to move forward at all. Now that the vitality of the seven major vassal states is severely damaged, they cannot afford any mistakes. Once they suffer a heavy blow like the Yan Kingdom, their last foundation will be lost, and the country will be destroyed and the species will be destroyed.

What the seven vassal states want is to survive and rejuvenate on the land of Dayu Kingdom, and then take revenge on Taiping Road and regain their own land.

Send a message to Han and Qin that I have no right to mobilize the soldiers of the seven vassal states. I can only rely on Han and Qin to exert pressure. Zhao Kuo handed the handwritten letter to the guard.


Both the Han Kingdom and the Qin Kingdom received Zhao Kuo's handwritten letter, each of them looked ugly and their eyes were full of embarrassment.

Everyone destroyed the Dayu Kingdom for the entrance to the ancient Dongting Lake. Now Cui Yu has suppressed the entrance to the ancient Dongting Lake. What's going on?

If you want to enter Taikoo Dongting Lake, you must pass the Cui Yu level.

Soon, the Qin Kingdom and the Han Kingdom issued a handwritten message, asking the remaining soldiers and horses from the seven countries to besiege Cui Yu together.

But who knew that the seven vassal states would not obey orders at all.

Daxia, one of the seven princes

Tang Chen looked at the letter from the Great Qin Empire in his hand, with a cold look in his eyes: Do you really think that we are puppets? The Great Yu Kingdom is so cruel, and the magical monks are not willing to kill themselves. He is obviously crazy. He is so cruel They told us to go and die, and if I went, I would be crazy.

Young Master, if we don't take action, I'm afraid Da Qin will have objections. If he gets angry and launches an army to attack... There was a hint of awe in the eyes of the subordinate officer.

After hearing this, Tang Chen smiled coldly: Then you ask him to be a master of Da Qin to fight against him. If he comes to fight against us, we are not weaklings. There are big men beside us! If not, there is Taiping Road. At worst, we can go to Taiping. Let’s see what they do.”

Go and tell the envoy of Great Qin that our Great Xia Kingdom has suffered heavy losses, and the remaining defeated troops have lost all fighting spirit, so it is not appropriate to send troops. If Great Qin wants to send troops, please ask the Great Qin Empire to send troops in person. Tang Chen smiled coldly.

They are also a vassal state. Although they have lost their country, they have not lost their millions of troops and they are still able to fight.

For the seven countries that have lost their territory, the most important thing now is to recuperate and recuperate, rather than fighting with the Yu Kingdom.

Not only Tang Chen, but also the remaining forces of the Seven Kingdoms all expressed their stance in this way when faced with the will of the Han and Qin states. Even the Han and Qin states were powerless.

What can the Great Qin Empire do?

Raising troops to attack?

No kidding, it's simply not realistic.

Once the Seven Kingdoms are forced to rebel, no matter which side the Seven Kingdoms turn to, it will be a big trouble for themselves.

So the situation was at a stalemate at this time.

Zhao Kuo wanted to lead the army on an expedition, but he did not have the troops to control it.

The seven major vassal states were all scared out of their wits by Cui Yu. The Dayan Kingdom learned from the past, and no one wanted to force the eager Dayu Kingdom again, lest they be bitten by the Dayu Kingdom before it died.

As a result, the seven vassal states with their remaining armies and defeated generals, and the Yu Kingdom with its ruined country and family, were in a stalemate.

It was impossible for the Han Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty to travel thousands of miles and send large armies into the Yu Kingdom to attack the remnants of the Yu Kingdom.

It's simply not possible.

Once they come to attack, the time and place are not in their favor. What will happen even if the remnants of Dayu Kingdom are wiped out?

It is simply not worth it to lose troops and generals just to gain access to the Dragon Palace in Dongting Lake.

After conquering Lijiacun, we must also give up Lijiacun to be used by masters from all walks of life in the world.

The two vassal states are not fools, so why would they do such a thankless thing?

After much calculation, it was still necessary for the powerful Jin Chi to take action and break the golden light formation with thunderous means.

The situation is at a stalemate, but it cannot stop the passage of time.

Three days later, Zhao Kuo's body was lost. At this time, Zhao Kuo was just sleepy, but nothing abnormal.

On the sixth day, another one of Zhao Kuo's souls was lost. Zhao Kuo only became more sleepy and could not see anything abnormal.

After the seventh day

Zhao Kuo's heavenly soul was absorbed, and Zhao Kuo began to forget things. He often sat alone in the hall, dumbfounded.

14th day

Zhao Kuo's earth soul and two souls were absorbed again.

At this time, Zhao Kuo lost two souls and four souls, fell into a deep sleep, and could not be woken up again.

It was only then that a group of Zhao Kuo's servants realized the seriousness of the matter and hurriedly went to inform the Zhao family.

Zhao Wuji, the great ancestor of the Zhao family, a powerful person in the Jin Dynasty of the Zhao family, personally broke through the barrier and came to the capital of Dayu.

Looking at Zhao Kuo who fell into a coma, Zhao Wuji frowned, with a look of seriousness in his eyes.

Based on his ability, it was not difficult to see that Zhao Kuo's heavenly soul and earthly soul had all been taken away, and only one life soul accompanied the three souls, like a candle flickering in the wind.

It's such a vicious method, it's like killing someone invisible. This method is really too vicious, it's the ultimate level of bastard.

Zhao Wuji used his methods to deduce who had used what means to conspire. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he could not find any clues.

There seems to be an incredible force in the dark, interfering with the secret of heaven.

Then, in Zhao Wuji's helpless eyes, a piece of Zhao Kuo's soul flew out and was restrained by some force in the dark.

You bastard, you dare to use ghostly methods in front of the ancestor? Zhao Wuji roared, and the divine power in his body turned, trying to suppress that spirit and pull it back into Zhao Kuo's body.

But are Cui Yu's seven nail-headed arrows so easy to deal with?

Even if the Great Luo Immortal encountered him, he would have no choice but to wait for death, let alone Zhao Wuji, who was only in the Golden Immortal realm?

An inexplicable force shattered Zhao Wuji's method, and then he saw Zhao Kuo's soul twisting in the void and disappearing without a trace.

The soul disappeared.

Huh? Zhao Wuji was stunned. He had already taken action, but the other party forcefully took away the souls of his descendants in front of him. What incredible method was this?

Zhao Wuji was stunned, he couldn't see the slightest detail of this method.

Then Zhao Wuji looked at Zhao Kuo, whose breath was getting weaker and weaker, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

Zhao Kuo is his most valued descendant, and is expected to become the third Jin Chi ancestor of the Zhao family. His hard work was entrusted to him, but now he has unexpectedly fallen to the Yu Kingdom. How can he let it go?

Zhao Wuji rolled up his sleeves, carried Zhao Kuo on his back, and turned into purple light and left in the next moment.

He didn't have the means to cure it himself, so of course he had to find someone who did.

And he could sense that Zhao Kuo's life soul and the remaining two souls were beginning to move at this time. It seemed that there was a force that he could not describe in the dark, trying to pull the soul away.

He knew that there was not much time left for him.

In one day, Zhao Wuji traveled through the eighteen vassal states of the Zhou Dynasty and visited eighteen masters who were good at souls, but everyone was helpless in the face of Zhao Kuo.

No one even knew how Zhao Kuo got injured, let alone see through the secrets?

Until Zhao Wuji came to Taiping Dao and visited Zhang Jiao, who had profound knowledge and was regarded as the number one Qi practitioner.

Zhang Jiao was in the room thinking about the matter of ordering the twenty-four commanders to rebel, when he suddenly heard a yellow scarf warrior outside the door reporting:

Zhao Wuji, the ancestor of the great Zhao Kingdom, pays his respects.

Zhao Wuji? The last time he fought against Xiang Yu, didn't he consume too much incense and go into hiding? Why are you looking for me? Zhang Jiao was curious.

The last time the Four Golden Emperors fought against Xiang Yu, everyone was not as relaxed as they seemed.

You must know that when a powerful person from the Golden Order takes action, he needs to consume the energy of incense to cover up the fluctuations of his magical power, so as not to be noticed by the weirdness in the legal world, and to avoid being liquidated by the world.

The four of them fought against Xiang Yu. They originally thought that they could defeat Xiang Yu as long as they used thunderous methods. However, the four of them never expected that Xiang Yu would be so difficult to deal with. The energy of the incense was consumed extremely seriously, forcing the four of them to hide.

But who knew that Zhao Wuji would pop out now and come to look for him?

However, considering the strength of Zhao Wuji and the national power of the Great Zhao Kingdom, Zhang Jiao did not refuse.

Fellow Daoist Zhao, what kind of wind is this? How did it bring you here? Zhang Jiao walked into the lobby and saw Zhao Wuji, who was sitting uneasily. He felt very strange in his heart, what could make Zhao Wuji so anxious?

Great Master, you must save my grandson. In the future, if you have any encouragement, you will never say anything. Seeing Zhang Jue, Zhao Wuji felt as if he had received a savior, and he quickly stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Jue's hand.

Zhang Jiao was stunned when he heard this: What's the matter?

He didn't agree rashly. It was definitely not a small thing to force Zhao Wuji into this state.

Zhao Wuji pulled Zhang Jiao and came to Zhao Kuo: I have encountered a difficult matter recently. I don't know who is despicable and shameless, but he used some means to steal the three souls of my grandson. Seven souls. Now the last two souls are also crumbling, and it seems that they can be taken away at any time. I really have no choice but to pay a visit.

Zhang Jiao was stunned. Hearing that Zhao Kuo's soul had been taken away, even the dignified Jin Zhi was helpless. His heart skipped a beat, and a figure popped into his mind: Cui Yu.

He could still remember the scene where Cui Yu used the seven nail-headed arrows to curse Shilong, but his master was helpless.

The seven nail-headed arrows are so evil that not even my own master can do anything about them.

Moreover, Zhao Kuo and Cui Yu had a great feud, and Cui Yu had every reason to attack Zhao Kuo and force out the remaining masters of the Jin Dynasty realm.

Brother Dao, don't be impatient. Let me cast the spell and have a look. Zhang Jiao comforted Zhao Wuji, then walked forward and looked at Zhao Kuo's sleeping body. Touch the same.

He used his methods to summon Zhao Kuo's soul, but there was no response. It seemed that Zhao Kuo's soul disappeared out of thin air into the world.

Now that he knew it was Cui Yu's trick, Zhang Jiao did not waste his efforts, but slowly retracted his palm.

What happened? Zhao Wuji asked quickly.

Zhang Jiao pondered, thinking about how to speak.

Brother Dao! Don't try to show off. Have you ever seen the origin of this method? Zhao Wuji asked.

Zhang Jiao coughed lightly: I can certainly see the origin, but the cause and effect... I can't interfere with it. I may not be able to stop the cause and effect.


! Zhao Wuji was stunned when he heard this, his eyes full of horror.

Who is Zhang Jiao?

Great teacher!

The leader of the world's greatest qi training system, even he can't stop the cause and effect, how terrifying would that be?

Zhang Jiao looked at Zhao Wuji's pale face and said calmly: I can't do anything with this method, and I don't dare to tell you the origin, but I recommend someone to you who will definitely be able to clear up your doubts, fellow Taoist.

Who? Zhao Wuji regained his color after hearing this, and was overjoyed. He quickly raised his hand and saluted: If you can be grateful to fellow Taoist for your guidance, I will be grateful. I will definitely be richly rewarded in the future.

My senior brother Tang Zhou will definitely be able to defeat this trick. Brother Dao, go find my senior brother Tang Zhou. Zhang Jiao didn't want to offend Cui Yu, so he directly pushed the cause and effect out and onto Tang Zhou.

Huh? Zhao Wuji twitched his eyebrows.

My senior brother has broken through and has fulfilled the golden imperial edict. Zhang Jiao looked at Zhao Wuji's expression and said unhurriedly.

There was a hint of joy in Zhao Wuji's eyes, and he was overjoyed: It turns out that fellow Taoist Tang Zhou has attained enlightenment, but I didn't know it. Thank you fellow Taoist for informing me. I didn't expect that fellow Taoist Tang Zhou had such a method. Thank you very much for your advice.

After Zhao Wuji finished speaking, he rolled up Zhao Kuo and disappeared into the hall.

He couldn't afford to delay even a moment now.

Looking at Zhao Wuji's back, Zhang Jiao shook his head: I don't know what senior brother should do.

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