In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 518: The Great Cause and Effect of Qi Practitioners

The current situation is too favorable for Taipingdao.

Jin Ke raised an army to rebel and marched directly into Haojing. After retreating, he could seek refuge with the Emperor of Zhou and become one of the great princes and kings.

Taipingdao is no longer the puppet it was before.

Moreover, what can everyone do with Taipingdao?

Everyone worked together to break the covenant between Zhengyi and ghosts, but the Emperor Zhou remembered this account.

Everyone is waiting for Taiping Dao to rebel. If Taiping Dao is strangled because of this incident, what will happen to the Emperor of Zhou?

How did everyone face the thunderous wrath of the Emperor of Zhou?

Who is going to go against the Emperor of Zhou?

Therefore, even if Taiping Dao did something very unethical and excessive, the princes could only hold their noses and hold back.

At least you must hold back before going to war with Da Zhou and finding out the details of Da Zhou.

However, Zhao Kuo couldn't swallow this breath. He studied Han Xin's information carefully, with a look of contemplation in his eyes: An unknown person suddenly rose up and climbed to the top without any warning to show his style. If there is no one behind this person to support him, I do not believe.

Use all your strength to dig out the details of Han Xin. Zhao Kuo said in a cold voice: It is easy to conquer the world, but it is difficult to defend the world. Governing the world is the most important thing, so Han Xin really thinks that he can conquer the four major vassal states. , the four major vassal states are his? Can he make the subjects of the four kingdoms obey and completely digest the four major vassal states, then he can test his ability.

Zhao Kuo was unwilling to do so. If he was given time to spare his manpower, he would lead a million-strong army northward and sweep away Han Xin. He thought it would not be difficult.

He has millions of men, the elite of the coalition of princes. Where is Han Xin?

They're just a bunch of rabble.

At least in Zhao Kuo's view, Han Xin's Taiping Dao army was just a mob, completely vulnerable, and they just took advantage of others' danger to pick their own peaches.

He also thought about leading an army of princes to attack Han Xin, but after the seven-nation coalition destroyed the main force of Dayu Kingdom, they no longer obeyed his command and directly took back the military power in his hands.

The various princes were busy carving up Dayu, so how could they care about what Zhao Kuo thought?

Han Xin! Han Xin! Zhao Kuo's voice was full of emotion: The seven vassal states do not listen to my words and are unwilling to work together to destroy the effective forces of Taiping Dao. Sooner or later, they will be swallowed up by Taiping Dao, and they will regret it.

The seven vassal states played a very obvious role in crossing the river and demolishing the bridge. After Xiang Yu was destroyed by the front foot, the allied forces on the back foot immediately fell apart and each divided the Yu Kingdom.

By the time Taiping Dao captured the Four Kingdoms, it was already too late for the major princes to react.

Just as countless distracting thoughts were flickering in Zhao Kuo's mind, a sound of hurried footsteps came from the distance: Young Master, the crown prince of the Yan Kingdom wants to see you.

Prince Dayan? What does he want from me? Zhao Kuo was stunned when he heard this: Invite him in.

Not long after, he saw the decadent Crown Prince Dayan walking into the tent with a disheveled look and a pair of eyes looking at Zhao Kuo who was sitting in the main seat. His legs went weak and he knelt down directly on the ground.

Sir, save me! Prince Dayan's voice was full of bitterness and pleading.

Zhao Kuo was stunned when he saw the Crown Prince Dayan kneeling on the ground. The Crown Prince Dayan was a first-class nobleman. Apart from the Emperor Zhou, how could anyone else have the qualifications to ask the Crown Prince Dayan to kneel down?

At this time, looking at the kneeling Crown Prince Dayan, Zhao Kuo quickly stood up and supported the Crown Prince Dayan: Why is the Crown Prince like this? It is impossible to be so generous.

Please sir, save my country, Dayan. If you don't agree, I will not get up. Murong Hong knelt down on the ground, his voice was hoarse, and his face was covered with dirt. How could he still have the demeanor of the prince of Dayan?

Some people believe that he is a pig butcher.

What kind of person is Zhao Kuo? He took one look at the Crown Prince of Dayan and knew something must have happened in Dayan Kingdom. He calmly said: What happened in Dayan Kingdom? Please tell me clearly.

The Great Yan Kingdom is going to perish, sir, please save our Great Yan Kingdom. Murong Hong said sadly.

What happened, please tell me carefully. Zhao Kuo was shocked when he heard this. Why was the country suddenly about to be subjugated? Doesn’t Dayan still have millions of soldiers?

Murong Hong did not hesitate and directly told the story. Then his voice was hoarse, his body was trembling, and his eyes were full of fear: With a radius of five hundred miles, the opponent turned over. All the millions of troops were destroyed, and the broken walls on the battlefield There is no complete corpse.

Looking back now, Murong Hong is still frightened.

Isn't it possible? If the opponent uses magical power to strike within a radius of five hundred miles, it will definitely take time to mobilize the divine power. Don't you, the strong man of the Yan Kingdom, notice the fluctuation of the divine power? Is it impossible? Zhao Kuo was puzzled.

If you want to use great magical powers, especially large-scale magical powers, you need to accumulate energy.

Using large-scale magical energy, the laws of heaven and earth will change, which will cause strange phenomena in heaven and earth. The opponent will turn a radius of 500 miles into thunder and fire. How could the masters of Dayan Kingdom be unprepared?

Could it be that they are all shit eaters?

Murong Hong smiled bitterly: To be honest, you have really wronged the masters of the Yan Kingdom. There is really no fluctuation at all. The mountain suddenly collapsed and exploded, and we didn't even have the slightest defense.

Murong Hong's voice was full of helplessness, what could he do?

He was also helpless.

There are such terrifying masters in Dayu Kingdom? Such weird methods? This was the first time Zhao Kuo heard about it, with a look of surprise in his eyes: If Dayu Kingdom had such a master in charge, how could it end up in such a predicament? .

It is the national warrior of Dayu Kingdom who has taken action, the most mysterious warrior of Dayu Kingdom. He also named Brother Dao and asked Brother Tao to go in person. He will wait for you in Lijiacun. If not, he will lead the three subordinates of Dayu Kingdom One hundred thousand soldiers swept across the entire Dayu Kingdom and wiped out all the remnants of the entire Dayu Kingdom. He also said that if you dare to run away, he will rush into the Great Zhao Kingdom, destroy the entire Zhao Kingdom, and bury you with you.

Zhao Kuo's body trembled when he heard this: Did he really say that?

As soon as you ask the two armies in front of the formation, you will know that I will never dare to lie about this matter. Murong Hong said.

Zhao Kuo's body trembled with anger. He picked up a bowl of wine and drank it down in one gulp. His eyes were full of indignation: Asshole! What an asshole! The asshole to the extreme.

I want to see what the so-called scholar of Dayu is capable of. He actually dares to speak arrogantly and say such shameless words. Zhao Kuo gritted his teeth angrily.

However, he did not take the initiative to come forward, but continued to lie dormant and wait.

He was waiting for Cui Yu to push the Six Nations Allied Forces into a panic. When the Six Nations Allied Forces came to beg him, he would then go out naturally.

At this time, he took the initiative to go out, and the change of identity was extremely disadvantageous to him.

What you ask for yourself is definitely different from what others ask for.

I want to go to that battlefield to see for myself. Zhao Kuo stood up.

Murong Hong heard the words and led the way, and the two of them fled all the way to the place where the battlefield was. Looking at the battlefield all the way, the five hundred miles radius has become a purgatory on earth. Even if there are people in the million-strong army who can survive, it will be difficult no matter how hard it is.

Seeing the miserable situation in the world, Zhao Kuo couldn't help himself and actually vomited it out.

It's too awful!

There are still people on the battlefield who are not fully dead, wailing and struggling on the ground.

There are intestines and bloody things everywhere, which makes people's scalp numb just by looking at it.

And he really didn't feel the strange power on the battlefield.

What kind of method is this? Zhao Kuo frowned.

He sensed trouble.

The opponent's method was without warning. Once his army is attacked, can his army resist it?

As a monk, he dares to directly use his magical powers to influence the overall situation of the battlefield. Isn't he afraid of the liquidation of heaven in the future? Zhao Kuo's eyes were filled with confusion.

Even if he is a disciple of the military strategist, he only mobilizes the military strategist's formation, and all the cause and effect are borne by the soldiers who arranged the formation.

As for Xiang Yu?

That is a rare reckless man, he is simply fearless.

Please sir, please come out again. Murong Hong looked at Zhao Kuo and prayed.

It's not yet time. Zhao Kuo shook his head: As long as the time comes, I will naturally come out.

If Cui Yu didn't threaten the seven vassal states, how could he come out of the mountain?

What happened on the battlefield of Dayu Kingdom could not be hidden from the eyes of those who were interested. At this time, all the forces had received the letter. Looking at the information in the letter, they all fell into silence.

The monk directly interfered with the mortal battlefield with his supernatural power and ruthlessly destroyed millions of troops. What a huge cause and effect is this?

The cause and effect is too huge.

No monk would do this.

Unless they are bloodline people, their life span is less than two hundred years, and they will die of old age before the reckoning of heaven.

But there are few bloodline people who are so cruel and ruthless.

When the six major vassal states heard the news, they all looked horrified.

When Da Han and Da Qin heard the news, they both fell silent, and then an overwhelming spies and intelligence network spread out.

Taiping Road Headquarters

Han Xin looked at the letter in his hand and took a breath: The Great Yan Kingdom is over.

The situation of the Yan Kingdom is over, who will give him a chance to restore the country?

Before Dayan can regain his kingdom, I am afraid it will be divided up by others.

Zhang Jiao held the letter in his hand and kept silent. Cui Yu's ruthlessness far exceeded his expectations.

That seemingly harmless boy turned out to be so heartbroken.

He finally understood why his master was so afraid of Cui Yu. That young man was simply a lunatic.

A lunatic who makes no sense.

Killing millions of people, what a huge cause and effect this is? How much power of faith is needed to cover one's own aura?

This is simply a thankless and completely uneconomical thing. Only a madman would do this.

Especially people with higher cultivation level care more about cause and effect.

What do you think? Zhang Jiao asked.

Han Xin was stunned, but he didn't expect Zhang Jiao to ask him what he thought.

This is my big brother, how can I see it?

There was a hint of subtlety in Han Xin's eyes, and he raised his head and looked at Zhang Jiao: This scholar of Dayu is not easy to mess with.

I don't know where this scholar from Dayu came from. Han Xin looked at Zhang Jiao and asked knowingly.

Of course he knew who Dayu was, but in the eyes of outsiders, he and Cui Yu had nothing to do with each other, so he had to find a reasonable entry point.

As for the past of Daliang City, those who knew it were either dead or would never speak out.

The Great Scholar of Dayu is a weirdo. Anyone who messes with him will be in trouble. You should stay away from him in the future, and don't mess with him unless necessary. That boy is very evil! Zhang Jiao ordered.

Han Xin was stunned. He didn't expect Cui Yu to be so afraid of Zhang Jiao.

This is Zhang Jiao, the great virtuous teacher, who is so afraid of his eldest brother. What ability does his eldest brother have to scare Zhang Jiao like this?

The atmosphere in the court was serious, and Zhang Jiao kept urging: If there is any friction with Cui Yu in the future on Taiping Road, you must inform me in time and do not rashly start a war with him.

I will obey your orders. Han Xin nodded.

Zhang Jiao's eyes wandered: Cui Yu has appeared. I'm afraid things will be in big trouble. He will definitely not let go of the matter of Xiang Yu and Xiang Caizhu. He needs to urge Tang Zhou to handle this matter. After all, Tang Zhou took the lead in this matter. of.

When Zhang Jiao felt that it was difficult, Tang Zhou had already received the news. He looked at the letter and newspaper in his hand. Tang Zhou pondered for a long time: Things are in trouble. Those people did not follow the rules and sent out four Jinchi. They wanted to rely on their strength. We forcibly captured Dayu Kingdom, now the retribution has come.

He knew that he would never be able to escape, after all, he was the one who initiated the bet.

However, the four major golden edicts later took action, which were the powers of the major vassal states and were definitely beyond his control.

No matter what, he had to meet Cui Yu and make things clear to Cui Yu.

To be honest, he didn't really want to break up with Cui Yu. Cui Yu was very difficult to mess with. Every time I see Cui Yu, I feel a creepy feeling.

who is he?

He is the Demon God, the real Tai Sui Demon God, but he is so angry when facing Cui Yu, how can he not make people fearful?

Let's talk about Cui Yu. After he defeated the millions of cavalrymen of Dayan Kingdom, he drove his horses in the direction of Daliang City leisurely and contentedly. But when he reached the top of a mountain, he saw an auspicious light flowing in front of him, and an immortal wind. The Bone Man blocked Cui Yu's way.

The horse at Cui Yu's feet stopped automatically, and he looked at the person with his eyes, his expression extremely cold: You still have the nerve to come see me.

Why am I too embarrassed to see you? Tang Zhou said with a smile.

Where are Xiang Caizhu and Xiang Yu? Cui Yu asked.

Tang Zhou shook his head: I don't know. I was repairing the underground palace passage under Dongting Lake. By the time I came out, everything had been settled.

Cui Yu stared at Tang Zhou for a long time. After a long time, he took a deep breath and said, I believe you for now. What do you want to do if you come to me now?

If you lose, you should retreat as agreed. Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu.

Bah, you have no shame, no shame. We were talking about the Allied Forces of the Seven Kingdoms fighting against the Yu Kingdom. Let me ask you, are the four golden emperors from the Seven Kingdoms? Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou : A bunch of shameless people.

Tang Zhou was speechless.

The matter is now over. Dayu has been destroyed. You just go with the development of the times. Why do you need to cause more trouble? Tang Zhou smiled bitterly, his eyes full of helplessness.

Bah, you are cheating, and you dare to tell me to settle the matter? You think so! Cui Yu cursed.

ps: Here comes the third update, please subscribe, friends.

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