In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 517: Taiping Road out of control

I won't do it! I won't do it! Chi You shook his head repeatedly. The army stretched for hundreds of miles. If you want to deploy explosives, it must be at least 1.5 times the size of the army, which is one hundred and fifty miles.

Do you know how much karma it would be to fill a hundred and fifty miles with explosives?

At least within a radius of 500 miles, all the explosives must be deployed and blown to pieces before we have a chance to kill all the millions of troops. Do you know how much karma will be caused by blowing up a mountain and river? You will be punished by heaven. Chi You quit.

He's not stupid, can he do this kind of thing?

Absolutely not!

Unless...there are enough benefits.

There will be cause and effect for practitioners to use their magical powers to destroy every plant and tree in the world.

And it’s not an ordinary cause and effect, it’s a big cause and effect.

How could Chi You do something that was not beneficial?

Chi You looked at Cui Yu, and Cui Yu looked at Chi You.

What benefits do you want? Cui Yu looked at Chi You: Do you think my tight spell doesn't hurt?

Boy, you have to have a begging attitude when asking for help. You can force me to do it, but when I am in a bad mood, I tend to be sloppy. If I accidentally break the fuse during the process, or... I accidentally buried the wrong fuse, don't blame me when the time comes. Chi You looked at Cui Yu with his eyes full of pride.

And as long as you put in a ray of innate energy every day, ancestor, I will never mind helping you run errands and do odd jobs in the future. Chi You looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu looked at Chi You and smiled. He now has the wood rooted in the meridians of his body, and his innate energy is not very precious to him.

Tongtian Jianmu produces tens of thousands of innate Qi every day, and as Jianmu grows, the power of Tongtian Jianmu will only become stronger and stronger, and more and more innate Qi will be born.

Cui Yu nodded: Deal.

Being able to use his innate energy to drive Chi You to do things for him, Cui Yu felt that a ray of innate energy every day was really worth it.

The two began to move. Cui Yu stuffed countless explosives into the space in Chi You's belly. Chi You smiled and disappeared to the ground.

For Chi You, the preciousness of innate Qi cannot be expressed in words. It was a power that could only be born at the beginning of the world and could not be possessed by the day after tomorrow.

One ray a day may seem like a small amount, but it cannot stand up to the years.

Three hundred and sixty-five rays a year, what about ten years? What about a thousand years? What about ten thousand years?

Chi You was burying gunpowder, while Cui Yu sat on the top of the mountain, leisurely comprehending the five elements and five qi between heaven and earth.

The magical power derived from the Five Elements Iron Smelting Hand is: Mastering the Five Elements.

But if he wanted to understand the magical power, Cui Yu had to explore it himself.

But Cui Yu felt that Shi Long could figure it out, so there was no reason why he couldn't.

Although he is only on the third level of martial arts now, if he wants to enter the fourth level of martial arts, it is just a matter of his own thoughts.

Time passed bit by bit, and with the passage of time, the troops of Dayan Kingdom gradually approached. Cui Yu was sitting on the top of the mountain and could see the exploring horses in the mountains through the birds.

Cui Yu lived in seclusion in the mountains and waited for a full month before he saw the mighty army approaching from the distance. It rolled up smoke and dust along the way and looked like a giant centipede of unknown length.

Seeing the opponent's troops entering the gunpowder area, Cui Yu was not in a hurry to take action. If all the millions of people in the team entered the gunpowder area, it would not be too late for him to take action.

Boy, your heart is cruel enough. That's a million lives! Aren't you afraid that karma will come to your door? Heaven is fair. Chi You squatted in Cui Yu's shadow, his dog's head looked like he was drunk. , intoxicated by the movement of innate energy.

I, Cui Yu, do what I do, why should I fear the consequences? Cui Yu saw the millions of troops walking for three days before they completely fell into his trap. The next moment, his figure suddenly grew and turned into a giant as tall as a mountain. .

The laws of heaven and earth!

Enemy attack!

Seeing Cui Yu's appearance, the Yan army was in chaos. Soon someone with supernatural powers flew out and stared at Cui Yu's huge body with a wary expression.

Where is the King of Yan? Cui Yu took a step forward, the ground shook, and he blocked one end of the gorge, his voice was like thunder.

This monk, I am General Dayan. I don't know what you are doing by stopping me. However, a strong man from the disaster realm flew out and looked at Cui Yu with a cautious expression.


Facing Cui Yu directly, he felt as if he felt the mighty power of heaven. Even with his cultivation level in the disaster realm, he could not help but feel great fear in his heart.

I want to see the King of Dayan. Cui Yu repeated.

You bastard, the King of Dayan is the one you can see if you want. If you know him, retreat quickly to avoid your death. If you don't, I will turn you into ashes. There is a general riding a tiger from the rear camp. , his voice was full of contempt: I have learned the skills of the three-legged cat, but I dare to challenge the majesty of my country, the Yan Kingdom. I simply don't know how to live or die.

Seeing this, Cui Yu shook his head. The next moment he stretched out his hand, he heard the ground shaking. Cui Yu uprooted a hilltop and blocked the exit of the canyon.

Only by blocking this end of the canyon can the soldiers of Dayan State be prevented from escaping.

Then Cui Yu shrank in size and turned into air in an instant. When he reappeared, he was already under an old tree.

The true fire of samadhi fell and the fuse was lit.

Hahaha, you fool, do you really think that moving a hill can block my way? You are really naive. Seeing that you have control over the laws, heaven and earth, it must be a remnant of the Xiang family of the Dayu Kingdom who came to cause trouble. You If he bows his head and accepts his fate... When the general saw Cui Yu moving to a twenty-meter hill, his eyes were full of sneers and he was making sarcastic remarks. The next moment, the ground suddenly exploded and fire shot into the sky.

The power of the explosive package is limited. What really causes the lethality of the explosive package are the iron beads and nails wrapped in the explosive package, as well as the rapid combustion and explosion gas of the gunpowder in the limited space.

This was a grand fireworks. As the fuse burned, explosions sounded and streaks of fire spread.

Fuses were spread across every corner of the earth. Wherever the fuses passed, the ground continued to explode. The unlucky ones stood directly on top of the explosive packs, and some soldiers were blown into the sky. Even if he was not standing in the center of the explosive package, the iron beads that exploded from the explosive package were like a dense net of bullets, beating countless soldiers into sieves.

Set up the formation! Set up the formation!

Form up! Raise your shield!

There was a corps commander shouting, and the soldiers raised their shields in panic, which indeed blocked the iron beads flying from all directions, but the next moment the ground exploded under their feet, and countless soldiers were thrown away, knocking down more teams in the distance. Accompanied by the deafening sound, the soldiers' minds went blank. Where could they hear the general's cry?

Cui Yu stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the explosion points spreading below: It's too slow! Gunpowder wants to blow up the earth a hundred miles long and clean hundreds of miles around. One explosion point is too slow. It doesn't wait until it explodes. It’s over, I’m afraid the other party has already set up a military formation.”

Following Cui Yu's thought, a sparrow hawk grabbed a torch in its talons and galloped away. Soon there were explosions in all directions, and flowers bloomed everywhere for hundreds of miles.

Moreover, some sparrowhawks simply used chains to hang braziers and poured kerosene directly on the battlefield, burning them.

The Great Yan Kingdom is over! The Great Yan Kingdom is over!

A powerful person above the magical power level of the Great Yan Kingdom escaped. At this time, he was standing on the surrounding mountains and rivers, looking at the explosions that were blooming everywhere, his eyes full of despair and confusion.

The lonely Dayan Kingdom! The lonely Great Yan Kingdom! With the help of his guards, the King of Dayan escaped and turned to look at the gunpowder blooming everywhere. The miserable sound echoed throughout the canyon.

The country of Dayan has been destroyed! The country of Dayan has been destroyed! Some of the officials of the State of Yan fell to the ground with their voices trembling.

Who is it? Who is so cruel and ruthless that all the millions of troops were destroyed? Aren't you afraid of the thunder and crackdown from the sky and the reckoning of heaven? The voice of the monk from Dayan Kingdom was full of despair.

There was nothing they could do, everyone could only see the explosion spreading, but there was nothing they could do.

Watching your own troops waiting to die, but being unable to do anything about it, is the most despairing thing.

Tell Zhao Kuo that I am waiting for him outside Lijia Village. Your Seven-Nation Alliance forces are ready. If you don't come, I will go to you personally to settle the account. Cui Yu's voice sounded at this time.

You evil thief, are you the one who killed millions of soldiers of our Dayu Kingdom? I want you to pay with your life! An ancestor from the disaster realm took action with hatred, and a sword flew out from his hand, slashing at Cui Yu.

What is a disaster?

Every move is a natural disaster, and this is a strong person in the disaster realm.

However, Cui Yu looked at the beheaded Disaster Realm cultivator and couldn't help but shake his head slightly. The Immortal Immortal Divine Light burst out, and the innate sword energy in his hand easily penetrated the forehead of the Disaster Realm Ancestor.

Cui Yu killed a disaster monk with a single move, which immediately made everyone in Dayan Kingdom tremble and their eyes were filled with horror.

That was the ancestor of the Disaster Realm, and he was killed by Cui Yu just like that?

Shuzi, don't try to show off your power. Seeing this scene, the qi practitioner from the Tribulation Realm of Dayan Kingdom opened a celestial eye between his eyebrows and shot straight towards Cui Yu.

Cui Yu used Zhen Shui Wuxiang to avoid the attack of the Tribulation Realm monk.

The next moment, Cui Yu suddenly hit his nose, and then a red light spurted out, and a mouthful of Samadhi True Fire rose into the wind, and rushed directly towards the people of the Great Yan Kingdom:

Tell Zhao Kuo that I will wait for him in Xiaoli Village. If he doesn't come, he will die on the 21st.

Cui Yu used the Samadhi True Fire to block everyone's attacks, and the next moment he turned into air and went into the ground.

Damn it, you must master the Five Elements Escape Technique as soon as possible, otherwise it would be really shameful to rely on the air to escape every day.

A handful of Samadhi True Fire would burn even Sun Wukong to the point of dizziness, let alone a group of people who are not even immortals?

Cui Yu took the opportunity to escape, but everyone in the Yan Kingdom was burned and screamed, their voices full of misery.

When everyone fled the fire, where was the trace of Cui Yu?

I... my Yan Kingdom is over! My Great Yan Kingdom is over! The voice of the leader of the Great Yan Kingdom was pitiful, and at this time, his face was blackened by the smoke and his hair was scattered.

Your Majesty, don't panic. We still have 100,000 troops stationed in the city we captured a few days ago. If we regroup, we may not be able to make a comeback. That man is a remnant of the Yu Kingdom, and he came for Zhao Kuo. We just need to spread the news. Give it to Zhao Kuo, and someone will naturally take care of him then.

The Prime Minister of Dayan Kingdom gave some advice.

Difficult! Difficult! Difficult! Even if Zhao Kuo takes care of the remnants of the Xiang family, how can we withstand the invasion of the other families with our 100,000 troops? The voice of the leader of Dayan was full of grief and anger, and his pessimistic face showed Blood and tears flowed.

We just need to hold on. Since that person is coming for the Seven Kingdoms, he will definitely not come for our family. As long as we shrink back and watch in secret, we will definitely have a chance. That person is so difficult to deal with. All the tens of thousands of troops were destroyed, and the remaining countries may not be able to get benefits in their hands.

Our masters in the realm of magical powers are still there. Those ordinary soldiers will die if they die. They can be trained again in ten or eight years. The monks in the realm of magical powers are our foundation.

Everyone stopped crying when they heard this and felt that this statement made sense. He ignored the wounded soldiers on the battlefield and rushed back directly.

Everyone must stabilize their own situation before the other major vassal states react.

half a month later

The news spread from the Kingdom of Yan

Inside the Palace of Dayu

Zhao Kuo was sitting in front of the eucalyptus tree, drinking tea, and beauties on both sides were beating their backs.

Zhao Kuo's life is not very proud, and his life has not been good recently.

When Dayu fell, he breathed a sigh of relief. But four of the seven major vassal states were taken away by Taiping Dao, and he was definitely responsible.

He falsely claimed that he would be the future leader of the military strategist, but he was picked off the peach by Taiping Dao and stabbed in the back by Taiping Dao. How could he hold back his breath?

However, Dahan and Daqin directly intervened and intervened, and he had no way to retaliate.

The final result was that the four major vassal states considered themselves unlucky, and Zhao Kuo became a laughing stock.

As long as Taipingdao exists, it will be his stain.

Even Daliang City had no intention of attacking, leaving the other major vassal states to attack.

Taipingdao captured the four major vassal states and set a precedent for the world. It gave the gentry and bandits a start and made them feel that the nobility is not invincible and the power of the nobility is not invincible. There will be more in the world in the future. The people have been suffering from the nobility for a long time, and they have stood up to challenge the majesty of the nobility. Zhao Kuo smiled coldly: If you don't destroy Taiping Dao, you will only increase the prestige of Taiping Dao. You are bringing your own destruction.

His voice was filled with sneer.

In fact, the major princes have realized that Taiping Dao is like a wild horse, out of control. Taiping Dao was originally a force under the control of the major princes, but it is just a piece of loose sand. As long as it is not needed, Taiping Dao can be made to disappear at any time.

But now Taipingdao has been established!

Taiping Road is no longer a rootless duckweed. It no longer needs to host the major vassal states and relies on the breath of the major vassal states to survive. Now Taiping Dao has got rid of its constraints and has become a climate.

It can be said that Taipingdao chose the right time to take action, so that the major princes had to hold their noses and admit it, and endured their nausea and acquiesced to Taipingdao's actions.

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