In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 502: Are you the boss of the system or are you the boss of the system?

The third ray of world power

The fourth ray of world power

After the eighth ray of world power was poured into the chalcedony, Cui Yu finally stopped moving and looked at the chalcedony with a surprised expression.

Didn't you say that one ray of world power is enough? I have consumed eight rays of world power. Cui Yu's eyes showed a trace of anger, staring at Chi You's dog head, and stretched out his hand to give Chi You's dog head. Gathered over.

Hey you! Hey you! Stop it, boy! Stop it, boy! Ancestor, I am just estimating. I have never practiced Pangu Chalcedony. How do I know the mystery of Pangu Chalcedony? You are such an adult and you already have your own. Judgment, how can you blame me? Chi You was unhappy and glared at Cui Yu with his teeth bared:

You kid, let go quickly. If you don't let go, I will fight back, ancestor. If you get rabies by then, don't blame me for not warning you.

Chi You glared at Cui Yu with his dog eyes.

Damn it, when will you be reliable? Cui Yu cursed and said angrily, then looked at the chalcedony in his hand: It's difficult to handle.

The consumption of eight rays of world power is also a big consumption for Cui Yu's small world. The world doesn't know how much innate vitality it has to absorb to make up for it.

Thanks to the innate architecture of his own small world, he can continuously absorb the breath of chaos to fill Cui Yu's world power.

The eight strands of world power were mobilized, but there was no reaction from the chalcedony. Cui Yu had already thought in his mind that he could not continue. The world power was too precious, and this was what saved his life at the critical moment.

But how could he be willing to just let this chalcedony swallow up eight strands of his world power?

Seeing Cui Yu's tangled expression of wanting to give up but being reluctant to give up, Chi You came over and said, Why don't you continue to pour in more? At worst, you will destroy that small world. Then you can create a new world, right?

Chi You was still instigating Cui Yu.

Go away. Cui Yu slapped Chi You's dog's head away. As he and Chi You became more and more familiar, Chi You regarded him as the new hope of the Wu clan, thinking that Cui Yu was the future of the Wu clan, and Cui Yu also He gradually began to regard Chi You as a friend.

However, Chi You's words also reminded Cui Yu and gave him inspiration.

He cannot analyze the material information of Pangu Chalcedony, nor can he activate the mysterious power in Pangu Chalcedony, but he can try to use unprecedented methods to see if he can awaken the mysterious power in Pangu Chalcedony.

Don't forget, Cui Yu masters the most mysterious sound in the world, the hum ha sound, which is the origin of all things.

Cui Yu realized in his heart that this might be his last chance.

However, he was not in a hurry. Instead, he looked at Chi You and deliberately said in a gloomy manner: I have consumed eight rays of the power of the world, but I can't even activate the power of chalcedony. How can I use the mystery in this chalcedony? The power to break through the law of force?

Those people who use Pangu Chalcedony to break through the law of force, how do they use Pangu Chalcedony? A soul torture emerged in Cui Yu's heart.

Pangu Chalcedony is so stubborn that even the power of the world cannot shake it. So how do ordinary people use Pangu Chalcedony?

Don't those ordinary people have the power of the world?

Cui Yu looked at Chi You with his eyes. He was not a fool. At this moment, he suddenly realized that there was something wrong with Chi You.

Big question!

He was deceived by Chi You.

Cui Yu stared at Chi You with some horror: Why are you staring at me like this?

I want to eat dog meat. Cui Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed Chi You's neck: I think this dog head is enough for me to eat.

Boy, are you going to rebel? Let me go quickly. Chi You was unhappy and felt that he had been offended by Cui Yu. He opened his mouth to bite, but his ear was bitten by Xin Yuan on the side, causing pain. Wow.

You bitch, you want to harm me. Cui Yu pinched Chi You's head, his eyes full of creepy calm.

Chi You felt guilty: How could I harm you? I just wanted to do an experiment.

How did those warriors with the ultimate strength smelt Pangu Chalcedony? Cui Yu asked his doubts and at the same time looked at Xin Yuan.

Xin Yuan received the message from Cui Yu, and the next moment he slipped directly into Cui Yu's shadow and went to inquire about the information.

Without letting Cui Yu wait long, Xin Yuan had already returned, bringing the news that Cui Yu was looking forward to: When a monk reaches full strength with a strength of 129,600 kilograms, he can resonate throughout his body and induce the energy in the chalcedony. Strength, gradually absorb the power from the chalcedony.

Boy, this is Pangu Chalcedony. If you absorb it directly, you will just waste a good thing. Use Pangu Chalcedony to graft Pangu Chalcedony into your body, so that Pangu Chalcedony can be derived from your body, and then you can get more The Pangu Chalcedony is the right way. You use the power of your body to resonate, but it induces the fluctuations in the chalcedony, and what you absorb is only a little bit of Pangu Chalcedony, and the real essence disappears between heaven and earth. , you kid, you should think twice. What I said is the right way, and those people don’t understand, they are all old haters, and they don’t know the true use of Pangu Chalcedony.

Chiyou Goutou kept trying to dissuade you: As long as your bone marrow is replaced by Pangu chalcedony, it will be a matter of course for you to cultivate Pangu's true body and transcend. The great road is right in front of you, so don't make any mistakes.

Cui Yu ignored Chi You, but felt the Pangu chalcedony on the skin of his fingertips, with a hint of thought in his eyes.

At worst, I'll teach you the secret to breaking the limit of strength. How about you give me the Pangu Chalcedony and let's make a fair deal? Chi You saw Cui Yu sinking deeper and deeper into contemplation and spoke quickly.

Hearing this, Cui Yu raised his head and looked at Chi You: The secret to breaking the limit of strength?

This piece of shit is indeed hiding something secret!

There is actually a way to break the limit of power and he refuses to tell himself.

Of course. This formula was created by the twelve ancestral witches. Our witch clan is based on the law of force and follows the inheritance of the Great God Pangu. The law of force is the greatest foundation of our witch clan. You don't think that everyone Will every witch clan practice smoothly? Can every witch clan master the law of force smoothly? Chi You looked at Cui Yu: As long as you give me the chalcedony, I will teach you the method of breaking the limit of force. .”

Since you damn well know how to break the limit of strength, you didn't even tell me, and instead told me to run around and risk my life. Cui Yu gave Chi You a hard slap on the head:

I'm telling you, chalcedony doesn't belong to you, so don't covet it. You also have to tell me how to break through the limit of power.

Cui Yu ignored Chi You, but looked at the chalcedony in his hand, and finally at his own golden finger page.

There is too little chalcedony, and breaking through the limits of the law of power is probably just a drop in the bucket, and it is simply not enough to cause a qualitative change.

But if you can inspire the power of Pangu Chalcedony and absorb it into your own system...

This is the right path.

Cui Yu carefully stuffed the chalcedony into his mouth. Chi You immediately became anxious when he saw this scene: How could you do this? Do you know that you are wasting natural resources?

Isn't there still chalcedony in the Deep Palace? When Dayu is pacified, all the chalcedony in the Deep Palace will be ours. We can do more research by then, so why rush it? Cui Yu He held down the dog's head that Chi You had bitten and comforted him: I'm going to do an experiment now, so don't disturb me.

Hearing Cui Yu's words, Chi You was stunned: Yes. Such a large piece of chalcedony will be ours as long as you can quell the disasters of Dayu Kingdom, so why bother?

Cui Yu was running his martial arts skills. At this time, the energy and spirit in his body were circulating, and his muscles and bones were tense. In an instant, his whole body was like a taut big bow.

Along with the sound of breathing, subtle frequencies burst out from Cui Yu's body, resonating with the Pangu Chalcedony in Cui Yu's mouth. The frequency instantly became consistent, and at the same time, a mysterious wave burst out from the chalcedony.

The next moment, a page popped up in front of Cui Yu. Cui Yu was not disappointed. Cui Yu's system captured the fluctuation in time:

[I discovered that a strange power has invaded. Do you want to usurp it? 】

[After usurping it, you will get ‘one grain’ of Pangu’s original chalcedony. And, there is a chance to get the Pangu Ax! Pangu’s true body! Pangu Dharma Appearance! 】

[Note 1: This chalcedony can be integrated into the host's bone marrow and completely integrated with the host. As long as it is carefully nurtured, the whole body's bone marrow can transform accordingly. 】

[Note 2: After the chalcedony is integrated, you will gain the power of Pangu (a tiny trace, completely useless). 】

[Note 3: In the vast chaos, there is a creature. It is shaped like an egg and contains a giant. A giant was born on a certain day. Seeing chaos and nothingness, he felt irritable and took an object that came from nowhere. Later generations named it: an axe. Then the heaven and earth were created, and a perfect world was created. The ax was born at the same time as Pangu, and is the condensation of creation in chaos. Gathering the cause and effect of the past and future, it can cut off all things in the world and open up the world. 】

[Note 4: There is a chance to obtain the Grand Avenue Guan. 】

[Note 5: The fusion of chalcedony and Gonggong’s bloodline in the body has the opportunity to awaken the true spirit of Gonggong, summon the true spirit of Gonggong out of the chaos, and seize the host. The host is asked to act with caution. 】

Damn it, I knew this bitch Chi You had no good intentions. He was really plotting against me and wanted to use that chalcedony to resurrect the legendary Gonggong Demon God. Cui Yu couldn't help but curse after seeing the fifth comment. , my heart was half cold.

This piece of shit Chi You is really trying to harm himself.

Cui Yu's eyes fell on the fifth annotation and he couldn't help but frown.

Pangu Chalcedony actually reacted with Gonggong's bloodline, which was beyond his expectation.

Summon the true spirit of Gonggong?

An idea flashed in Cui Yu's mind. The true spirit of Gonggong came across time and space. He was suppressed by the power of Gonggong without any reaction. Then Gonggong swallowed his true spirit and lived on his behalf. world.

Every time he uses Gonggong's true form, he has a high probability of summoning Gonggong's fragments in time and space. Now that he has Pangu Chalcedony, he is afraid that his Gonggong's true form will explode with thunder.

What should I do if Gonggong’s true spirit is resurrected from Gonggong’s true body?

Very dangerous.

Do you still want Pangu’s bone marrow?

Take a look at the introduction of their golden finger: Pangu’s true body, Pangu’s axe, and Pangu’s dharma, none of which Cui Yu can resist.

Do you want?

After taking it, I was afraid that I would lose my life and be taken away by Gonggong.

But if you don't, you will miss out on this earth-shattering creation, and you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Cui Yu looked at the options in front of him, and kept moving his eyes back and forth between the five annotations, and finally landed on the Gonggong bloodline: How about just abolishing the Gonggong bloodline?

Don’t you want the Gonggong bloodline?

But for my Gonggong bloodline, I have worked hard to raise such a big one. This Gonggong bloodline is his trump card for making a comeback, and it is also the biggest trump card. Without the blood of Gonggong, I will feel less safe when I go out and walk in the future.

[Excuse me, is it usurpation? 】

Goldfinger’s reminder came again.

I actually have a question. If Gonggong's true spirit comes to invade me, can the system usurp Gonggong's true spirit? Cui Yu issued a soul torture.


If Gonggong’s true spirit is resurrected from the depths of time and space to seize him, can his golden fingers usurp Gonggong’s true spirit?

Unfortunately, Goldfinger didn't answer him.

Information on the plane kept popping up: [Are you usurping? 】

Cui Yu thought about the Corpse Ancestor. What would happen if the Corpse Ancestor and the true spirit of Gonggong were allowed to fight in his body?

Even Gold Finger did not stand by and watch the Corpse Ancestor seize his body. It was unreasonable for Gonggong to invade him. Gold Finger just watched with cold eyes, right?

The most important thing is how to resist the true spirit of Gonggong and not be killed by Gonggong's true spirit before Goldfinger reacts.

As long as he can buy Golden Finger time to react, Gonggong Zhenling seems to be just a younger brother, right?

So the question is, how can Cui Yu resist the true spirit of Gonggong?

No clue!

Boy, what are you thinking about? Chi You's anxious voice sounded in Cui Yu's ears.

You tell me, what if I abolish Gonggong's blood? I always feel that this Gonggong's blood is incompatible with Pangu Chalcedony. Cui Yu glanced at Chi You: Anyway, I have the power of destruction now, as long as I use a little Heart, it shouldn’t be difficult to erase the power of Gonggong’s bloodline, right?”

When Chi You heard this, the hair on his head exploded. His eyes were fixed on Cui Yu, and his voice was out of tune: What did you say? Do you want to abolish the Gonggong bloodline?

What? No way? Why are you reacting so violently? Cui Yu looked at Chi You, his eyes as sharp as knives, which made Chi You's heart tremble.

Facing Cui Yu's gaze, he always felt that the other party seemed to know something. For some reason, Chi You felt guilty at this time.

Who reacted too much? I just feel it's a pity. Gonggong's real body is your biggest trump card. And Gonggong comes from Pangu, how can there be a blood conflict? Chi You explained dryly.

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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