Really? How do I feel that once the blood of Pangu Chalcedony and Gonggong meet, it will give Gonggong's blood a chance to truly come to life. The fragments of Gonggong's true spirit flowing through the endless time and space, It is very likely that it will cross the long river of time and come into my body. If I am taken away from my body at that time, does it mean that the great god Gonggong has been resurrected? Cui Yu stared at Chi You unhurriedly.

Chi You's heart trembled when he heard this, his eyes were full of horror, and a thought popped into his mind: How does he know what I am thinking?

As a witch clan, he naturally hopes that Gonggong can be resurrected in the depths of time and space. With Gonggong's ability, even if only the true spirit is left, Cui Yu will never be able to resist.

Is this happening? Why didn't I know? Chi You opened his mouth to deny it. He couldn't admit such a thing even if he was killed.

He was really frightened now. Cui Yu's knowledge was beyond his expectation. Even such a hidden matter was discovered by the other party. How should he smooth things over next?

He was afraid that he had never had a good time, and the trust he had finally established with Cui Yu would be back to the time when they first met.

Moreover, Cui Yu is not a fool. There is no need to think too much about whether Cui Yu can see through his denial?

Cui Yu must have seen through it, but he would never admit it even if Chi You killed him.

Ang, it turns out that the ancestor doesn't know. I suddenly remembered that if the ancestor taught me the method of breaking through the limit of the law of power, the Gonggong blood in my body might be a little stronger. Or maybe I have the ability to refine I wonder if my ancestor is willing to teach me the opportunity to transform this chalcedony. Cui Yu looked at Chi You with his eyes.

He now had control over Chi You and was about to force Chi You to bow his head.

When Chi You heard this, he didn't know that Cui Yu was taking the opportunity to make conditions.

As long as you teach the other party how to break through the limits of power, no matter whether you do it intentionally or unintentionally, it will be solved.

Cui Yu looked at Chi You with thoughts flashing in his mind and feeling a little helpless.

What can he do to Chi You?

The only way to restrain Chi You is the tight curse, but the tight curse can only punish Chi You. As a deterrent, it can't kill Chi You?

Instead of breaking up with Chi You, it would be better to blackmail Chi You and maximize your own interests.

Even if he encounters a life-or-death enemy in the future, he can ask Chi You for help, so this deal is not a loss at all.

Chi You was caught by Cui Yu, and he cursed in his heart as a chicken thief. Now that he was in Cui Yu's hands, he didn't want to break up with Cui Yu. If Cui Yu had nothing to do but recite the incantation for a while, it would be enough for him.

You and I are like brothers. If you want to break the limit of strength, how can I not help you? I will teach you the method of breaking the limit of strength. Chi You ran to the side and took the He took out a wooden board, then stretched out his paw to carve a mark on the board. Before long, a secret formula had been engraved on it.

After the magical powers and techniques from the ancient world came to this world, most of them have failed because of the different laws of the world. Especially those advanced magical powers and Taoist traditions. The more advanced they are, the more useless they are. Instead, they are just some simple means. It involves the operation of the most common laws. These laws are framework laws and are universal no matter in which world. Chi You handed the wooden board to Cui Yu: This magical power is called the 'Little True Body Art', and its main purpose is to borrow the power of the earth. , using the power of the earth to temper the bones, causing the body to undergo transformation at the limit. This magical power was born out of the supreme true skill of our witch clan, Nine Transformations Mysterious Skill. Although it is simple, it has incredible magical effects. It can wash marrow and cut hair. Use the power of the earth.”

Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique? Cui Yu's eyes lit up: Do you know Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique?

Of course he had heard of the name of Nine Transformations Mysterious Gong.

Don't think about it. The world is different, and the laws are different. When the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique comes to this world, it is just empty air. Chi You saw through Cui Yu's thoughts at a glance, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes, and his eyes were full of sneers.

The more profound the laws, the more useless they are. On the contrary, those formulas that only involve basic laws can shine in this world. Chi You began to get angry again.

Cui Yu glanced at Chi You, and then received the secret formula of Zhen Gong. He saw thirty-six movements engraved on the wooden board, accompanied by thirty-six formulas.

Cui Yu shook his head, ignored Chi You, and gave the order:


[Congratulations to the host, the usurpation was successful. 】

[Item: Pangu Chalcedony. This thing is the bone marrow in Pangu's body. It can be perfectly integrated into the host's body and become the host's bone marrow. 】

[Note 1: After Pangu Chalcedony is integrated into the host's body, it will gradually grow as time goes by and the host nurtures and cultivates it. Pangu Chalcedony can give birth to incredible power and feed it back to the host to temper the host's body. 】

Then under Cui Yu's eager eyes, the entire page went blank, and all traces of Pangu's true body and Pangu's ax disappeared.

It was obvious that Cui Yu had not obtained that heaven-defying thing.

What a pity for my Pangu ax and Pangu's true body. Cui Yuba clicked his lips.

But now he doesn't even understand the real body of Gonggong. Even if he is given the real body of Pangu, he will be of no use.

[Which bone in the host’s body should Pangu Chalcedony be poured into? 】

Countless options appear on the Goldfinger page:

[1: Skull. 2: crest bone. 3: Ribs. 4: Leg bones. 5:Patella. 6: Kneecap...]

No need to think about it?

Cui Yu didn't even think about it and directly chose the '1' skull.

The soul is stored in the skull, which is the most fragile organ in the human body. If it can be strengthened by Pangu Chalcedony, and combined with Cui Yu's magical power of living without a heart, it can be called a truly immortal body.

Integrate into the skull. Cui Yu gave the order directly.

Then the next moment, Cui Yu felt his head sink, a cool feeling flowed, and there seemed to be something more in his mind.

Closing his eyes, he could see a jade-colored shiny object the size of a dust mote shining in his skull.

The jade-colored lustrous liquid circulates in the bone marrow of the skull, emitting a faint light that seems to illuminate the world in all directions.

At the same time, a miraculous and indescribable opportunity was born in that grain of chalcedony, flowing inside Cui Yu's head, nourishing Cui Yu's skull imperceptibly.

At the moment when the ancient chalcedony was formed, the phantom of the water god in Cui Yu's kidneys suddenly opened his eyes.

Then the phantom suddenly raised its head, and a pair of eyes seemed to look across time and space, coming directly from the sky, passing through the kidneys and acupoints all over the body, and landed on the bone marrow behind Cui Yu's head.

The Pangu Chalcedony seemed to sense the power of Gonggong's phantom. The next moment, a wonderful opportunity fell. The opportunity seemed to weigh tens of millions of kilograms, shattering the phantom of Gonggong Demon God in an instant.

The phantom of Gonggong Demon God was actually shattered, and then the phantom turned into Gonggong Demon Blood, which flowed upstream directly into the back of Cui Yu's head and was poured into the chalcedony.

You must know that Cui Yu has eight thousand drops of Gonggong's demon blood at this time.

The chalcedony was no more than the size of a dust particle, but it absorbed all of Gonggong's demonic blood, every last bit of it.

This change happened so quickly that Cui Yu had no time to react.

Then I saw that the ancient chalcedony split in an instant, splitting into the size of two dust particles, four dust particles, and eight dust particles.

Then Gonggong's demonic blood flowed out from the bone marrow.

Cui Yu could clearly feel the Gonggong demon blood flowing from the bone marrow, and it became different.

It was as if this Gonggong demon blood had its own brand.

If the demonic blood of Gonggong before entering Pangu Chalcedony was the blood of Gonggong, the ancient demon god, then the blood flowing out of the chalcedony became Cui Yu's demonic blood of Gonggong.

Gonggong's demon blood was still Gonggong's demon blood, but it was imprinted with his Cui Yu's mark and became something unique to him.

The previous Gonggong Demonic Blood was unruly, but now the Gonggong Demonic Blood is as commanding as an arm, and is as completely controlled as Cui Yu's own blood.

Drop by drop of Gonggong's demonic blood flowed out, a total of 8,001 drops of Gonggong's demonic blood, one drop more than before entering the chalcedony.

And he didn't know if it was an illusion, but Cui Yu felt that the Gonggong demon blood flowing from Pangu Chalcedony seemed to have an inexplicable aura, and it was stronger than before entering Pangu Chalcedony.

According to a certain cycle, the demonic blood of Gonggong flows through the meridians all over Cui Yu's body, absorbs Cui Yu's non-attributed divine blood, absorbs Cui Yu's essence and spirit as nourishment, then travels through the internal organs, and finally flows into the chalcedony. .

Gonggong's demonic blood transported Cui Yu's essence and non-attributed divine blood into Pangu Chalcedony, and then another grain of Pangu Chalcedony was born. At the same time, Gonggong's demonic blood began to transform again, tainted with an inexplicable aura. , Cui Yu's command became more and more smooth.

outside world

As Cui Yu integrated Pangu Chalcedony into the bones at the back of his head, turning Pangu Chalcedony into Cui Yu's 'Pangu Chalcedony' instead of Pangu's Pangu Chalcedony, he inexplicably gained a mysterious opportunity.

As the opportunity flowed, Cui Yu became extremely majestic. Chi You, who was still making small calculations in shock, suddenly turned his head to look at Cui Yu, his eyes full of horror and disbelief: Pangu Chalcedony? He? It’s actually fused with Pangu Chalcedony?”

Looking at Cui Yu, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed and looking solemn, Chi You's eyes were full of disbelief.

He couldn't understand why Cui Yu chose to fuse Pangu Chalcedony even though he had seen through his plan?

Could it be that Cui Yu is a fool? Don’t believe Gonggong can survive? Or do you think that Gonggong is already dead and that a mere true spirit cannot take him away?

Or is it because this stupid young man has absolute confidence in himself?

Chi You's eyes widened with disbelief: You shouldn't! This guy is as cunning as a ghost. He shouldn't have done such stupid things at all. How could he do it because of Pangu Chalcedony? Okay, but let yourself get involved? Then there is a problem! Where is the problem?

Chi You stared at Cui Yu with his eyes: It's integrated, it's really integrated. Gonggong's demon blood can be condensed into Pangu's chalcedony, and then he can seize this kid's body. Then Pangu Chalcedony was fed by the power of the world before, and it can already use the power of the world as a source to summon the true spirit of Gonggong in time and space. But why hasn't the true spirit of Gonggong appeared yet?

Where is Gonggong True Spirit? Why didn't Gonggong True Spirit appear? Why? Why is this happening? What happened? What went wrong? Chi You stared at Cui Yu with his eyes wide open. Zhongman was full of surprise and uncertainty.

Inside Cui Yu's body

Cui Yu's consciousness saw that the overall situation in his body had been settled, and his body was completely harmonious. After Gonggong's demonic blood was completely assimilated, his consciousness fluctuated, and he noticed Chi You's expression outside, and he couldn't help but move in his heart: Maybe I can use this Chi You... Fan.

The next moment Cui Yu opened his eyes, and at the same time activated the Gonggong demon blood and Pangu chalcedony in his body, an indescribable opportunity blessed Cui Yu's body.

Where is this? Cui Yu's voice is ancient and vicissitudes of life. It seems to have come across time and space, conveying consciousness across the infinite world.

It was as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep, and his eyes were too sleepy to remember the world in front of him.

Feeling the breath on Cui Yu's body, listening to Cui Yu's vicissitudes of tone, and looking at the Gonggong Zhenshui flowing in Cui Yu's eyes, Chi You's body trembled, and his eyes were full of excitement.

This is the atmosphere of Gonggong!


This is the atmosphere of Gonggong.

However, Chi You was not a fool. He was afraid that Cui Yu would cause trouble and deceive him, so he tentatively said: Cui Yu, boy, what are you doing? What are you doing pretending to be a ghost?

Cui Yu? Who is Cui Yu? Cui Yu frowned and looked at Chi You with a pair of aqua eyes. His words were full of surprise and uncertainty: Tengu? Where is this? Why am I here?

Seeing that Cui Yu didn't know who he was, and feeling the power of true water and the breath of Gonggong's blood, Chi You became even more excited, his eyes full of fanaticism: Great God Gonggong? Are you the Great God Gonggong?

Hey, you know me? Who are you? Cui Yu looked at Chi You with doubts in his eyes.

This boy is Chi You! Master Gonggong, don't you remember me? I am Chi You!

! Chi You's body twisted and turned into bronze arms, twisting on the ground:

I am Chi You.

Chi You? Cui Yu was stunned: I don't remember.

Don't remember? Chi You was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said: Maybe what is resurrected now is just a fragment of your true spirit, so there is no memory of your life. But it doesn't matter, as long as you become stronger in the future, sooner or later Can retrieve memories and summon more true spirits back from the long river of time. By then, you will surely lead our Witch Clan to rise again and become the overlord of this world. Together we slaughtered those five directions for five days and embarked on the journey A new journey.”

As long as your true spirit is resurrected, that's good! The next step is just a matter of time. In less than a hundred years, you will be able to find your supreme true body, regain your powerful strength that can fight against heaven and earth, and lead our Witch Clan again. A rise. Chi You said enthusiastically.

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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