In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 501: Space-time Collision of the Power of Destruction

Cui Yu was still surprised. Even if Chen Sheng had blood in his body, it shouldn't have grown so fast. Instead, his strength had grown faster than his own. This was abnormal.

Who knew that Chen Lu was not completely dead, and her soul was stored in Chen Sheng's body in some unknown way, and even all her strength was poured into Chen Sheng's body.

If Chen Sheng is given another period of time to develop, I'm afraid Chen Lu will be resurrected.


Chen Lu was really unlucky and bumped into Cui Yu again.

Damn bastard, are you my nemesis? Chen Lu gritted her teeth in hatred, her eyes filled with coldness.

Even if I try my best to burn my source, I will still severely injure you and kill you. You want to extinguish my hope. You are so delusional! Chen Lu turned her head with difficulty in the frost and shouted to Chen Sheng's soul in the scarecrow. : I'm here to ignite the origin, help you break time and space, and fight for a chance. You quickly reverse time and space, reborn in the past and change everything!

After shouting, Chen Mian looked determined, and colorful light burst out from his soul, trying to resist Cui Yu's power of frost and drive away Cui Yu's power of frost.

Cui Yu flicked his finger, and the power of destruction flowed. He pointed out a finger, and lightly crossed the void and landed on Chen Lu's soul.

Impossible! What kind of method is this? Can even time and space be annihilated? Chen Lu's eyes were full of disbelief, and finally, under Chen Lu's horrified gaze, he completely disappeared from the world.

Half of the power of destruction has been consumed, and the remaining should be enough to annihilate Chen Sheng. Cui Yu looked at the scarecrow on the altar with his eyes. Chen Sheng had been completely frozen.

Brother! Chen Sheng, frozen in the ice, burst into tears, glaring at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, wishing he could cut Cui Yu into pieces with a thousand knives.

Haha, how do you feel? Cui Yu asked with a smile.

You don't have to die well! You don't have to die well! Chen Sheng glared at Cui Yu: Do you think you can kill me?

Oh? Do you think you can survive? Cui Yu was not in a hurry to take action.

Do you know my magical powers? As long as I leave an anchor point in the past time and space, I can be reborn from the present time and space and change everything now. You can't kill me! And now I know your secret, Wait for death! I will never give you another chance to plot against me. Chen Sheng stared at Cui Yu with his eyes. The next moment, the power of time and space around him was turning with difficulty in the cold air: Rebirth in the past.

Cui Yu could see Chen Sheng's magical powers being used, and he could see Chen Sheng's origin igniting, but in the cold air the speed was like slow motion, and in Cui Yu's eyes it was ridiculously slow.

The next moment, the power of destruction was pointed out, and the gray power of destruction crossed the void, penetrated the ice, eroded the fluctuations of the power of time, and fell directly on Chen Sheng's scarecrow.

If your soul was still in your body, maybe you would be overturned. But unfortunately, all the strength of a bloodline person is in the bloodline, and there is only some origin in the soul. Cui Yu looked at Chen Sheng who was shouting, with a look in his eyes. Showing a hint of contempt.

If Chen Sheng were to attack directly, with the power of time at his disposal, even a hundred Cui Yu would not be able to defeat him. But when Cui Yu captured Chen Sheng's soul, Chen Sheng's soul left his body, and Chen Sheng was wasted.

Cui Yu has too many tricks.

Just like Zhao Gongming, if Daluo Jinxian's cultivation fell into the hands of Jiang Ziya, wouldn't it be wasted directly? There wasn't even a chance to flutter.

It's such a twisted and chaotic world. It's just Ruchi's cultivation that actually controls the power of time. How can you tell those visitors from the ancient world to live?

The scarecrow disappeared under the power of destruction, and the entire altar fell silent.

It's time to retreat. Cui Yu sighed leisurely, swept his sleeves, and collected all the objects on the altar.

He turned his head and looked at Runan sitting on the top of the mountain in the distance, looking into the distance.

Cui Yu strolled to Runan and said, I'm going into seclusion.

Runan turned to look at Cui Yu, whose face was extremely beautiful under the moonlight, but Cui Yu was not tempted.

I have a martial arts practice book here. If you want to learn it, I can ask you to learn it so that you don't get bored. Cui Yu took out the Wu Zang Jin and handed it to the girl.

Wu Zang Jin was a skill left by Shi Long, and was later obtained by the weird Song Fuyun. Then Cui Yu knocked Song Fuyun unconscious when the innate building wood seed was born in Liangjie Mountain.

What Song Fuyun had, how could Cui Yu not have it?

However, the strength of the five internal organs seems not to be complete, and can only be cultivated to the second level of the five realms, which is really useless for Cui Yu.

He also saw that Runan was really impatient, so he had to use it to entertain the other party.

When I meet a famous teacher in the future, it won’t be too late to take Runan to become a teacher.

Martial arts secrets? Runan's eyes lit up and he quickly reached out and took it.

Do you understand? Cui Yu looked at Runan.

Runan let go of the secret book, looked at it for a few times, and then said with a smile: I understand.

As expected of a young lady from a wealthy family, she has profound cultural knowledge. Cui Yu was not worried that Runan would not understand. Zilu was also a great monk after all. Runan followed Zilu, even if he did not embark on the path of cultivation, but under the influence of his ears and eyes, It's not a problem to be able to understand the secret manual.

I'm going to retreat to practice. I left dry food for you in the mountains for a year. I will leave the retreat on time after one year. If anyone asks me during this period, just say that I am in retreat. The golden light I set here is Covered by the great formation, you must not leave the golden light formation. As long as you are here, even if the saint comes, you will be safe. Cui Yu gave a few words.

Is there anything else you want to say? Cui Yu looked at the girl, and Runan was holding the secret book with her heart pounding in her heart, shaking her head vigorously.

Cui Yu smiled when he saw this, then turned into air and disappeared.

Breaking through the law of power this time is a major hurdle for him, and he will never let anyone know where the retreat is.

Even the golden light array was just something to hide from others. Cui Yu turned into air and went directly out of the golden light array. In the form of air, he followed the airflow and walked for three hundred miles before landing in a mountain forest. Then the air followed the rocks in the mountain. Through the cracks, he quietly sneaked into the depths of the earth, and then discovered an underground cave thousands of meters underground in the heart of the mountain.

After casually lighting up the underground cave with a dozen kerosene lamps and making some arrangements, Cui Yu began to retreat.

As for external matters?

Xiang Yu has already broken through, and Xiang Caizhu is about to wake up. Could it be that he is still no match for the Seven Kingdoms Allied Forces coming from afar?

Furthermore, he had arranged a great help for the Xiang brothers and sisters. Han Xin would definitely be able to help Xiang Yu and Xiang Caizhu by sneak attacking the lairs of the seven vassal states at the critical moment.

It can be said that the situation in Dayu Kingdom is stable.

Even if a saint comes, he will never be a match for Xiang Yu who is at the peak of his bloodline.

Cui Yu sat in the underground cave, constantly comprehending the ingredients of the powder. Time passed little by little, and the underground cave did not keep track of years.

I don't know how long it took, Cui Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and said with a depressed expression: Sure enough, the power involving the level of Pangu is not something I can covet. Unfortunately, my magical power of material transformation is still too low-level. If I can break through to ' Mediating creation', there may be a chance to decipher the information in this material.

Can ancestors mediate good fortune? Cui Yu asked Chi You.

Mediating with nature is the unique method of Nuwa. Even the six great saints of the prehistoric times don't have it. How can I mediate with nature? Chi You said angrily.

Cui Yu stroked the hosta on his head. The aura of creation in the hosta of the Queen Mother of the West continued to fall, adding experience to Cui Yu's material transformation. However, compared to comprehending the great magical power of mediating creation, the experience gained every day was still far from enough.

You might as well follow my advice and use Pangu Chalcedony to cultivate the bloodline of the Gonggong clan. You may get unexpected gains. You think, although you have Gonggong's blood, Gonggong's blood is a rootless source. And if you can transform Pangu Chalcedony into your body and make Pangu Chalcedony become a part of your body, even if it is just such an insignificant trace, it can still exert incredible effects. Chi You said with a eloquent tongue at this time:

Think about it, bone marrow is responsible for blood production. If you integrate chalcedony into the body, then the chalcedony can create Gonggong blood, and then Gonggong blood circulates throughout the body, and can promote the growth of bone marrow. In this way, a virtuous cycle, You will definitely be able to transform into the true form of the Ancestral Witch in the future, and you may even replace the Water God Gonggong in the future.

Integrating chalcedony into the blood and waiting for it to grow is too slow. What I want now is to break through the limit of power. Cui Yu rejected Chi You's words.

If Pangu Chalcedony grows in your body, do you think your shackles will be broken? Chi You suddenly said.

When Cui Yu heard this, he was stunned as if he was struck by lightning. Why didn't he think of this key point?

Cui Yu looked at the few tiny dust-like particles on his skin and asked Chi You: How can this thing be transplanted into my body?

Pangu is dead, and Pangu Chalcedony is naturally dead too. And if you want to transplant Pangu Chalcedony, you must first revive Pangu Chalcedony. In your words, it means reviving its dead cells. Be active. Chi You stepped out of Cui Yu's shadow.

Reviving the bone marrow of the Great God Pangu? Who has that ability? Cui Yu was stunned.

If he had that ability, would he still need to practice in seclusion?

That’s the Great God Pangu!

If this chalcedony fell into the hands of others, it might just be an ordinary cultivation object, but if it fell into your hands, it would possess incredible power. Chi You looked at Cui Yu: You are a miracle person in this world. I I believe you can find a way.

Do you believe me? I don't even fucking believe in myself. Cui Yu glared at Chi You angrily. He spent a long time just reasoning, but there was no way. He just told himself to find a way.

What can I do? Cui Yu was speechless.

With the power of the small world, you may have a chance to reactivate this chalcedony by using the power of the small world. Chi You looked at Cui Yu with fanaticism in his eyes.

For all the Wu clan, Pangu is the only true god and the only belief for everyone.

Cui Yu looked at Chi You, and Chi You looked at Cui Yu, their eyes facing each other. Cui Yu always felt that this bastard Chi You had other thoughts, but he couldn't be sure.

Even Xin Yuan couldn't grasp what Chi You was thinking at this time.

Tell me, what should I do now? Cui Yu asked.

Directly mobilize the power of the small world to nourish this Pangu Chalcedony. Chi You replied. Seeing that Cui Yu seemed uneasy, he quickly said: Don't worry, I will never harm you.

Cui Yu glanced at Chi You, and after a slight hesitation, he finally summoned a little bit of the power of the world and poured it into the dust-like Pangu Chalcedony in his hand.

Cui Yu's eyes were fixed on the Pangu chalcedony in front of him, and Chi You also stretched his dog's head over, his eyes fixed on the chalcedony in Cui Yu's hand, his eyes full of expectation.


No miracle happens.

The two waited for a long time, but saw nothing unusual about the chalcedony.

The chalcedony is still the same chalcedony, nothing out of the ordinary.

Cui Yu looked away from Chalcedony and looked at Chi You: Is your method reliable?

The power of the world is not enough, so you need to use more. Chi You said after thinking for a while.

Cui Yu took a breath when he heard this: Do you know what the power of the world is? It is the origin of a world. If too much power of the world is drawn, it will affect the development of the small world. If it hurts the foundation of the small world, , but the gain outweighs the loss.”

This is Pangu's chalcedony. If you can activate Pangu's chalcedony and install it on your body, then all the bones in your body will transform into Pangu's bones, and all your flesh and blood will transform into the flesh and blood of Pangu. Then you will be a new person. Pangu can obtain the power of the Great God Pangu. All of this is possible, and I will never fool you. You can make your own choice. Chi You looked at Cui Yu.

Get Pangu's true body? Cui Yu was moved.

After another moment of contemplation, Cui Yu summoned a ray of world power and poured it into Pangu Chalcedony.

The infusion of the power of the world is like a mud cow entering the sea without any waves.

Can you do it? Cui Yu looked at Chi You.

Why don't you draw a few more strands? If you want to have high returns, how can you do it without a big investment? Compared with the Great God Pangu, what is your small world? The Great God Pangu can open up countless small worlds with just a thought. . Chi You looked at Cui Yu, his voice full of confusion.

Cui Yu was a little hesitant, but he felt that what Chi You said made sense.

It's just a grain of Pangu Chalcedony. How much power of the world can it use? You have already poured into it two rays of world power. If you pour in another ray, there may be a qualitative change immediately. This chalcedony It's just that ray of power of the world that's missing. You have to think about it, you might just miss the last ray of power of the world, and you'll just miss the true god Pangu. Chi You stared at Cui Yu with his eyes. It's full of confusion.

Cui Yu was a little out of his mind. He felt that Chi You was right. Just a grain of Pangu Chalcedony, how much world power could it consume?

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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