Murder and heart-wrenching!

There is no doubt that Zhihu can kill people and kill people.

The old Confucian scholar looked at Zhihu in disbelief, his body trembling.

If Zhihu told him that Meng Shengren failed in questioning his heart and discussing Taoism, he would accept it. After all, the person he discussed with Meng Shengren was Li Shengren, the first Confucian saint in China.

As for the literary saint, he is the ancestor of humanities.

But if you told him that Meng Shengren was completely sure about the truth, but it failed because of Chen Lu's betrayal, he couldn't accept it and couldn't believe it.

Chen Lu betrayed Meng Shengren and took refuge with Li Shengren. No matter what she thought, it made no sense.

Why? What benefits did Saint Li give him, so that he would not hesitate to abandon Saint Meng and switch to Saint Li? The eyes of the old Confucian scholar were filled with disbelief.

He couldn't figure it out.

Not only could he not figure it out, but even Cui Yu couldn't figure out how Chen Lu could do such a thankless thing.

He is already a senior disciple in the Haoran lineage, why should he seek refuge in the Lisheng lineage again?

Saint Li could never give him more than Saint Meng.

This is what everyone is curious about, why he chose to betray Meng Shengren.

Because of the God and Demon Rice! Zhihu said this and glanced at Cui Yu meaningfully: He resold the God and Demon Rice and owed too much debt. He has depleted Meng Shengren's family fortune, so Meng Shengren must not I won’t spare him. Instead of waiting until Saint Meng comes out of confinement to be cleared, it’s better to send Saint Meng in early.”

Speaking of this, Zhihu looked at the old Confucian scholar meaningfully: Sage Meng was imprisoned in the Forest of Merits of the Ten Directions. All the disciples of the Twelve True Traditions have their hearts broken and their realms have fallen. There will be no way forward in the future. The hope of Haoran's lineage is It's over. From now on, all the disciples of Haoran's lineage will inevitably choose to join the lineage of Saint Li. And you are the last hope and the last pillar of Haoran's lineage.

You said that you have now shown your qualifications as a saint. Will those people spare you? Will they still watch helplessly as a saint appears again to share the profits in this troubled world like a red tide? I have received news that someone has already Came from Liangjie Mountain to discuss Taoism with you, destroying your Taoist heart and completely ruining the spirit of your Haoran lineage. If you are willing to surrender to the imperial court, the imperial court will naturally take action to protect you. Not only will the imperial court If you are saved, I will help you achieve enlightenment at all costs. Zhihu's eloquent tongue made the old Confucian scholar shaken and Zhao Cailun lost his mind.

Impossible! Impossible! How could Chen Lu betray the teacher? How dare he? How dare he!

! The old Confucian scholar stood in the courtyard and murmured, his voice full of disbelief.

After hearing what the old Confucian scholar said, Zhihu stroked his chin: Nothing is impossible in this world. After all, it's all just interests.

Zhihu looked at the old Confucian scholar with his eyes: You don't have much time left. When those old guys come over, it will be too late for you to surrender to the imperial court.

The old Confucian scholar was silent when he heard this.

How to choose?

He didn't know what to choose.

So the old Confucian scholar looked at Zhihu, who hummed a tune leisurely: If you are gone, the Haoran lineage will be completely finished. The imperial court will protect you when you are at your weakest, and you are here After attaining enlightenment, it is a very fair deal to suppress the Qi practitioners in the world for the imperial court!

The old Confucian scholar fell silent.

Zhihu looked at Zhao Cailun: You are also from the court, please advise him more. For the sake of the court, for your father, and for your future!

After Zhihu finished speaking, he turned around and left: As long as I don't leave Daliang City, you can find me at any time.

Zhihu turned around and was about to leave. Zhao Cailun looked at the old Confucian scholar anxiously: Old sour Confucian! I have been waiting for you for sixty years, suffered sixty years of hardship with you, and suffered sixty years of cynicism. You are now You are only a hair away from becoming prosperous, are you going to stay in abjection forever? Those people are blocking your path to enlightenment, aren't your years of suffering in vain? What do you want me to do? What do you want to do to Haoran's lineage?

The old Confucian scholar looked troubled, but actually he didn't mind very much about joining the imperial court. After all, Zhao Cailun was originally from the imperial court. If he really cared so much, he would not have married Zhao Cailun back then.

Wait! The old Confucian scholar saw Zhao Cailun's eyes were red and he was so excited that he was really worried about him. He gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and called out to Zhihu.

Zhihu paused and turned to look at the old Confucian scholar: Have you figured it out?

I have figured it out, but there is one thing I don't know how to say. The old Confucian scholar looked troubled.

It doesn't matter if you just ask. Zhihu said, What the imperial court can do, it will never say no.

Actually... my holy way is flawed. Although I have become a saint, I can only be regarded as a sub-sage and have no chance of becoming a true saint. The proposition that 'human nature is inherently false' is wrong in the end. It can't be confirmed with the Dao at all. The old Confucian scholar's face was full of bitterness.

He is just a sub-sage!

His ways are wrong ways!

His way forward has been blocked, and he will never have the chance to enter the realm of a true saint in this life.

Zhihu was stunned when he heard this.

Real saints and sub-sages are two different species!

It's not the same thing at all.

Didn't you have a vision before? Zhihu looked at the old Confucian scholar with his eyes.

There is a vision, but isn't Yasheng also a saint? the old Confucian scholar said helplessly.

Cui Yu next to him was a little stunned when he heard this.

Is this okay?

Then the old Confucian scholar looked at Zhihu with his eyes: I have promised to surrender to the imperial court. Does the imperial court still want me?

Looking at the somewhat humble old Confucian scholar, Cui Yu suddenly remembered a conversation on the Internet in later generations:

Boy: [Are you there? 】

Girl: [Here. 】

Boy: [Virgin? 】

Girl: [No! 】

Boy: [Am I the one asking for sex? 】

Girl: [...Are you still in love? 】

The old Confucian scholar looked at Zhihu, who scratched his head. What the Zhou court wanted was a saint, and there was no shortage of monks below saints.

Now that the old Confucian scholar has become a sub-sage and his future is cut off, is it still necessary for the imperial court to contribute to him anymore?

No need!

It's simply a thankless job.

So Zhihu smiled dryly: I can't decide this matter, I still need to report it to the king.

After speaking, Zhihu left in a hurry, leaving a group of people standing in the yard, staring at Zhihu's retreating back in a daze.

Is your holy path really broken? Zhao Cailun asked.

Break it! The old Confucian scholar showed a hint of loneliness in his eyes: I was wrong! The teacher is right!

The sub-sage is not bad either. Zhao Cailun comforted him.

The sub-sage is indeed very good and has already stood at the pinnacle of heaven and earth.

But this is not what I want. What I want is the true avenue. The eyes of the old Confucian scholar were full of regret.

Sir, these two are your new disciples. At this time, Wang Yi came over with the two little ones and pulled the two little ones: Kneel down quickly and pay homage to the master.

Wait a minute. The old scholar waved his sleeves, and a surge of energy emerged, stopping the two little ones from bowing.

Wang Yi looked at the old Confucian scholar in confusion.

My way has reached a dead end. It is not worthy of learning by the world, nor should I mislead other people's disciples. Take him to join the lineage of the sage! There was a hint of loneliness in the eyes of the old Confucian scholar.

His way is the way of failure. If you follow him and learn the way, you will also follow the same path in the future.

Master, as the saying goes, once a teacher is a lifelong father. Now that they have become your disciples, how can they join others? This is not conducive to future enlightenment in terms of mind. If they retreat after a slight setback, wouldn't it be harmonious? What does Chen Lu look like? The master's teachings are incomplete. If the disciple has the ability and the talent in the future, he can make up for it. Cui Yu spoke next to him.

The two little ones stood there aggrievedly, their eyes filled with tears.

The old Confucian scholar couldn't help but be startled when he heard Cui Yu's saying, Once a teacher, always a father. He looked sideways at Cui Yu, as if he realized for the first time that his disciple was unusual.

My Taoism is imperfect, and you worship me as your teacher. Don't you regret it? The old Confucian scholar looked at the two little ones: You might even be implicated by me, your Taoist heart will be broken, and your cultivation will never improve in the future. Are you willing to accept it?

The two little ones did not answer the old Confucian scholar's words, but kowtowed respectfully on the ground: Greetings to Master.

Okay! Okay! Okay! Get up! The old Confucian scholar nodded with a smile and helped the two little ones up: Although you have become my disciple, as long as you feel that my way cannot satisfy you in the future, you can go there on your own. Learn from others.”

The old Confucian scholar finally accepted his disciple, and then looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Then what happened to Chen Lu? How could this happen?

Cui Yu felt guilty, but didn't show it. He just clasped his hands and said, Disciple doesn't know.

How could he have thought that one of his actions would actually become a trigger?

This caused the entire Haoran lineage to fall apart.

Master, or let's go. Cui Yu looked at the old Confucian scholar with his eyes. Since the other party wanted to come to the old Confucian scholar to discuss Taoism, how could he wait here to die?

Let's go? This Wednesday, there are mountains, rivers and gods everywhere. Where can we go? The voice of the old Confucian scholar was full of helplessness: I said that I only realized the fruit of the sub-sage, but they would never believe it. of.

The old Confucian scholar is also very helpless!

What can he do?

Who would have thought that he would attain the fruit of sub-sagehood?

Besides, I was born and raised in Daliang City. If I leave, those people will definitely be angry at Daliang City. I want to fight for a chance of life for the people in this land. If I fail here, I hope my way can be consistent with heaven and earth. Bless all living beings here. There was a touch of compassion in the eyes of the old Confucian scholar.

Cui Yu didn't know why, but he saw a glimmer of will to die in the old Confucian scholar's eyes.

Sacrificing me alone to live the whole Haoran Dao is a worthy death. The voice of the old Confucian scholar was full of tragedy.

What are you going to do? Zhao Cailun was stunned, staring blankly at the old Confucian scholar, with tears streaming down his face.

I want to build a Haoran world and build the last pure land world for the only remaining disciples of the Haoran lineage. The eyes of the old Confucian scholar were full of determination:

If I don't die, they will never let go of Haoran's lineage. If I can use my death to preserve the entire Daliang City, and use the countless smart people in Daliang City as the seeds of my Haoran lineage, I will be a Haoran lineage in the future. The pulse will surely rise again.”

Haoran's lineage does not lack a sub-sage, but it lacks a stable environment that can protect them for five hundred years. The eyes of the old Confucian scholar were full of calm.

I have the word 'willingness' and the word 'hypocrisy' that I have understood, which is enough to turn this world into a land of the end of the law. The voice of the old Confucian scholar was full of emotion.

Cui Yutong shrank. Tang Zhou was indeed right. He had already figured out the character of the old Confucian scholar.

No! Absolutely not! If you die, I will never live alone. I will definitely follow you. Zhao Cailun's voice was excited.

The old Confucian scholar glanced at Zhao Cailun, and the next moment Zhao Cailun fainted.

A gentleman has something to do and something not to do. The old Confucian scholar picked up Zhao Cailun, his voice full of guilt: I am sorry for you in this life. If we have a next life, I will definitely compensate you twice as much.

Cui Yu. The old Confucian scholar looked at Cui Yu.

Master. Cui Yu bowed quickly.

The old Confucian scholar hugged Zhao Cailun with a trace of reluctance in his eyes: Take her to Haojing.

Is it necessary? Cui Yu looked at the old Confucian scholar, his eyes full of seriousness.

The corner of the old Confucian scholar's mouth twitched, he didn't want to die either!

But he said to the group of people outside: What I have achieved is only the sub-holy status. Can they believe it?

Those people cannot be trusted at all.

The old Confucian scholar felt bitter in his heart, and he also wanted to live to perfect his own way.

Although he is only a sub-sage, as long as he continues to improve in the future, he may not have the chance to surpass the sub-sage and become a true saint.

As long as they can live, no one wants to die! He also wants to live!

However, it was impossible for those people to allow him to live.

Sooner or later, I am going to die. If I die alone, leaving hope for the entire Haoran lineage, it is considered a worthy death. But there is still one regret in my heart, that is, I cannot kill the traitor Chen Lu! The old Confucian scholar gritted his teeth with hatred. , the voice was full of coldness.

If it weren't for Chen Lu, why would Haoran's lineage be like this? Actually fell into such an embarrassing situation?

The old Confucian scholar looked at Cui Yu: Leave now! Go as far as possible! Never come back.

As he spoke, he handed Zhao Cailun over: Can I believe you?

The old Confucian scholar looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu smiled but said nothing.

Seeing the old Confucian scholar let go of his hand, Cui Yu waved his sleeves and took Zhao Cailun into the Qiankun in his sleeves.

When the old Confucian scholar saw this scene, he couldn't help but be stunned. His eyes looking at Cui Yu were full of strange brilliance.

Cui Yu wanted to leave, but those people came too quickly.

Before Cui Yu could turn his head, he suddenly heard a unique rhythm of footsteps outside the alley.

The sound was very soft, but it was like stepping on some kind of node between heaven and earth, and seeing the other party falling step by step, like a big drum, beating continuously between heaven and earth.

The King of Zhenwu Mountain, Yanchun, has come to discuss Taoism with fellow Taoists.

The footsteps stopped in front of the door, and then the door opened automatically, and a figure wearing a gray robe appeared outside the door.

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