Wang Yanchun, one of the Seven Sons of Zhenwu, became enlightened eight hundred years ago and majored in Mountain Moving Technique and Mountain Moving Technique!

Just as the old Confucian scholar urged Cui Yu to leave, Wang Yanchun's voice sounded outside the door.

Cui Yu paused and looked out the door: He can't leave now even if he wants to.

The door opened automatically, and Wang Yanchun, one of the Seven Zhenwu Sons, walked in from the door with small steps and a leisurely expression.

The old Confucian scholar stopped urging Cui Yu, but looked at Wang Yanchun with his eyes.

Long time no see. The old Confucian scholar spoke first.

He didn't expect that the person who wanted to stop him from becoming enlightened would come so quickly, and it was an old acquaintance.

I heard that you defected to the imperial court of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Wang Yanchun walked up to the old Confucian scholar: The Qi practitioners in the world can have five thousand years of peace, all because their masters sit in Zhenwu Mountain and secretly suppress the Supreme Ancestor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Otherwise, The qi practitioners in the world have long since been wiped out and become the lackeys of the powerful. But you obviously have the qualifications of a saint, so you don't have to shoulder the responsibility of being a qi practitioner, and you actually took the initiative to join the imperial court.

Do you know how much effort the qigong practitioners in the world have made in order to break the covenant between ghosts and gods? In order to fight against the Zhou Dynasty, how much effort was spent running up and down the Taiping Road? How much price was paid? Wang Yanchun looked at the old Confucian scholar with his eyes.

I did not seek refuge with the Zhou Dynasty. The old Confucian scholar looked at Wang Yanchun, defended himself, and then paused: At least not before this. It is because the Qi practitioners in the world cannot tolerate me, it is not that I cannot tolerate the Qi practitioners in the world. .”

The collusion between the Haoran lineage and the Zhou court is irrefutable and cannot be refuted by you. I came here today and heard that you are about to become a saint, so I came here to ask for advice. Wang Yanchun looked at the old Confucian scholar with his eyes.

The old Confucian scholar twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a hint of ridicule: Why talk more?

Turning around, he walked to the table beside him and sat down. Wang Yanchun also sat opposite the old Confucian scholar.

Ask the mind and discuss the Tao? the old Confucian scholar asked.

Ask the heart and discuss the Tao! Wang Yanchun said.

I advise you to go back to where you came from. The old Confucian scholar said with regret: You have extraordinary talents, why bother to delay your path here.

The way you seek to prove is, 'In the beginning, human nature is false?' Wang Yanchun asked, ignoring the old Confucian scholar's good intentions.

Not bad. said the old Confucian scholar.

What your master said is that 'human beings are inherently good in nature'. You are disloyal by tampering with your master's teachings. You are unfilial by not being able to inherit your master's orthodoxy. Do you, an unfaithful and unfilial person like you, deserve to become a Taoist? Wang Yanchun's voice was calm, but every word he spoke was heartbreaking.

The old Confucian scholar remained silent because he felt that what the other party said was right.

This is indeed the biggest flaw in his life and the inner demon in his heart.

Meng Shengren really treated him well.

The old Confucian scholar had done these things before, so he was speechless and his momentum had dropped by three points.

Even the state of mind that the old Confucian scholar had just attained was rippled and began to waver.

When Cui Yu saw this scene from the side, he couldn't help but shrink back: What a powerful mouth. This won't work. If the old Confucian scholar's mood is unstable and his thoughts are confused, he will have already lost three points.

Teacher, the purpose of teaching is to teach, teach, and resolve doubts. Therefore, disciples do not have to be inferior to the teacher. At this moment, Cui Yu spoke, his voice loud and clear, resounding throughout the courtyard: Teacher exists to teach, teach, and resolve doubts. . But if everyone follows the teacher’s instructions and loses his or her own thinking, I don’t think it matters whether he doesn’t worship the teacher or the reason is unclear. Looking at the gentleman’s demeanor and demeanor, he is also extraordinary. How can he have such a foolish opinion? For the teacher For example, the disciple is better than the blue, and the ice water is colder than the water. If the disciple has the ability to think alone, and the teacher is not happy enough, how can he blame it? Although the gentleman has extraordinary bearing, he is only superficial knowledge. I don’t know the true meaning of studying, and I don’t know the true meaning of becoming a teacher. How can you be so stupid and worthy of discussing Taoism with my husband? Get out quickly, so as not to waste my husband’s time!”

Wang Yanchun was stunned by Cui Yu's words. He stared at Cui Yu blankly, unable to believe his ears.

Such mind-shaking words could only be said by a mere ant in the second level of martial arts.

Where did you hear this? Wang Yanchun looked at Cui Yu in surprise. He actually felt that what Cui Yu said was very reasonable. He even became enlightened and was baptized in his heart.

Even the psychological shadow that his teacher brought to him began to fade away at this time.

Shouldn't everyone who is studying know this kind of truth? Why listen to it from elsewhere? If you believe everything the master says, then this person's path to spiritual cultivation will be cut off, and he will not be able to achieve greatness. There is no future at all. Cui Yu said with a smile.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Wang Yanchun's face turned red with embarrassment and his body was trembling.

He who believes and listens to the master's words is just a rotten wood without any opinion. The Taoist Master is so handsome that he must not be such a stupid person, right? Cui Yu looked at Wang Yanchun with a smile.

Wang Yanchun's nose was so angry that he was almost crooked, but a sense of shame also emerged in his heart. His whole body felt like needles pricking him. He couldn't sit still for a moment and looked at the old Confucian scholar.

After seeing the old Confucian scholar, Wang Yanchun couldn't help but be stunned: How is that possible!

At this time, Cui Yu had no time to pay attention to Wang Yanchun, but instead focused on the old Confucian scholar.

Ever since he heard Cui Yu's words, the old Confucian scholar was stunned. His body was shaking as if he had been struck by lightning, and his eyes were filled with tears. There seemed to be loud bells and drums in his ears that were deafening. His whole body seemed to be struck by lightning. He sat there with his body shaking and murmuring. road:

A disciple does not have to be inferior to his master, and a master does not have to be better than his disciples. There is a priority in learning the Tao, and there is a specialization in the art, that's all.

Green comes from blue and is better than blue; ice comes from water and is colder than water!

The old Confucian scholar's whole body was as if he had been injected with chicken blood. He sat there excitedly, with opportunities constantly bursting out around him. He murmured Cui Yu's words, and his whole body's energy and spirit changed rapidly at this time. His body kept vibrating, and he fell into a certain state. A strange frequency.

Then I saw that the old Confucian scholar's left hand turned into transparent nothingness and disappeared into the air.

The fingertips of his left hand, his palm, wrist, arm, half of his body, and even his entire body completely disappeared into the yard.

Where is the master? Wang Yi shouted from the side.

Cui Yu quickly looked around, and the power of the world flowed into his eyes. His eyes fell on the Dharma Realm, and he saw a complete old Confucian scholar appearing in the Dharma Realm.

The Ninth Realm! He stepped directly into the Ninth Realm in one step! Wang Yanchun's eyes were full of disbelief: How is it possible! Stepping into the Ninth Realm in one breath, isn't he afraid of suffering great terror in the Dharma Realm?

The next moment, the void twisted, and the head of the old Confucian scholar slowly appeared from the Dharma Realm.

The old Confucian scholar's head appeared in the real world and returned from the Dharma Realm again.

If you can manifest your entire body from the Dharma Realm, you will directly become a saint.

The mark of a saint is that his body can completely enter the Dharma Realm, and at the same time, he can fully appear in the material world.

At this time, the mighty incense aura rolled up in the Dharma Realm and enveloped the old Confucian scholar, preventing the old Confucian scholar's breath from leaking into the Dharma Realm, so as to avoid being troubled by the Dharma Realm.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of seriousness, and he looked at the body of the old Confucian scholar in the courtyard. Although the old Confucian scholar's body was within the legal realm, his clothes were held up by an inexplicable force to prevent him from frightening others.

The old Confucian scholar's eyes fell on Cui Yu, showing an inexplicable meaning, and then he looked at Wang Yanchun with his eyes, and his words almost shocked Cui Yu's ears: Now it seems that there is no need for us to discuss Tao.

Wang Yanchun's face suddenly darkened: You want to do something to me?

My force value is now higher than yours. Since I can beat you, of course I don't have to argue with you anymore. There was a hint of pride in the old Confucian scholar's eyes.

I would also like to thank Cui Yu for collecting enough power of faith for him to cover his aura in the Dharma Realm. Otherwise, how could he dare to take action in the Dharma Realm?

Wang Yanchun's whole person was as gloomy as the dark clouds in the sky: You don't talk about martial ethics!

Keep one of your arms. The old Confucian scholar spoke calmly.

It's incredible. Your background is too profound. But you have to remember that if you attack me, Zhenwushan behind me will never let you go. Wang Yanchun felt a little numb.

Who would have thought that the old Confucian scholar would reach the sky in one step, directly enter the imperial edict, and even jump thousands of miles on this road.

If you want to break my Taoist heart, it's not too much for me to leave you an arm, right? The old Confucian scholar looked at Wang Yanchun with a smile.

The next moment, Wang Yanchun jumped up, turned into a shadow, and was about to rush out of the yard.

But Cui Yu could clearly see that the palms of the old Confucian scholars in the Dharma Realm were waving, interfering with the operation of the laws of the world. The next moment, the void in front of Wang Yanchun twisted, and the whole person fell directly from the void. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his eyes were filled with tears. He looked at the old Confucian scholar in shock: Where do you get so much power of faith?

That boy was distributing rice of gods and demons in Daliang City before, and he accumulated a lot of good fortune for me. The old Confucian scholar's eyes showed a hint of pride.

The next moment, there was a fluctuation in the void, and a strange force was born, heading straight towards Wang Yanchun.

This power is incredible, elusive and irresistible.

When that force passes, the laws of the world seem to change.

The power of the Dharma Realm is inherently higher than that of the world.

The Dharma Realm is the origin of all laws. The source of all the weird and extraordinary things in the world comes from the collision between the Dharma Realm and the space barrier of the real world, and the energy of the Dharma Realm leaks out.

Because the world is contaminated with the energy of the Dharma Realm, it has become a world full of strange power.

This is just the old Confucian scholar mobilizing the power of the Dharma Realm to interfere with the operation of the world. If the old Confucian scholar can understand the laws of the Dharma Realm in the Dharma Realm, and even evolve the laws into magical powers, then that will really be a big deal!

Wang Yanchun was still a long way from being entrusted with the imperial edict. Facing the power of the old Confucian scholar's law, he had no room to fight back.

Fortunately, Wang Yanchun had mastered a magical power before he came: Three Three Righteous Dharma.

He saw the void around Wang Yanchun twisting, and the hazy projections of three ancient mountains descended and turned into projections, firmly protecting him.

Then Wang Yanchun channeled the power of the sun, moon, stars and three stars in the void. The three mountains not only blocked the old Confucian scholar's power of the Dharma Realm, but even suppressed the void, cutting off the connection between the void and the Dharma Realm.

If the previous barrier between the Dharma Realm and the Great Thousand Worlds was sand, and the power of the Dharma Realm that penetrated was water, even though the sand was thick, water could still seep out.

But as soon as Wang Yanchun's three or three formations came out, the sand immediately turned into cement. It was hundreds of times more difficult for the old Confucian scholar to penetrate the power of the Dharma Realm into the world than before.

This magical power is my special skill, created specifically to restrain monsters like you. Wang Yanchun showed a hint of pride in his eyes.

Can he say that his move was created by the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain to deal with the Great Zhou Tian?

But right now, it seems to be really useful.

Some tricks, but not much. The old Confucian scholar looked at Wang Yanchun, and the next moment he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of red light.

The light actually penetrated the opponent's three or three formations, blasting one of the opponent's arms apart and turning it into a cripple.

As one of the opponent's arms exploded and the power of the three or three formations was reduced, the old Confucian scholar finally sensed the arm of the Dharma Realm again, and then the arm in the Dharma Realm made a seal and suppressed Wang Yanchun.

The seal seemed to be Mount Sumeru, with immeasurable weight. Wang Yanchun's body trembled under the pressure, and he fell to his knees directly. The three or three formations continued to operate, desperately trying to attract the three lights of the sun, moon and stars in the sky to fight. The power of the Dharma Realm.

Li Ming, congratulations! I didn't expect that you actually entered the imperial edict directly and began to return to the void. At this moment, a voice came from nine days away, and a long sword came from outside the sky, and it actually inserted into the three-three formation and the old Confucian scholar Between the seals, the connection between the two was severed.

Wang Yanchun, as if she had been granted amnesty, quickly retreated and escaped from the yard with several ups and downs.

But he saw the clouds in the sky turned into a staircase, and a figure in white clothes walked down the stairs, like a fairy.


Looking at the man in white clothes and snow, a word flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

Who are you? The old Confucian scholar looked at the other person with a pair of eyes, a look of seriousness in his eyes, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

The military strategist Zhang Liang is here to discuss the Tao.

The visitor landed directly in the courtyard and stood in front of the old Confucian scholar, stroking his sword.

Unlike the old Confucian scholar, the visitor's hands and head appeared in the world, but his lower body was nowhere to be seen.

I don’t know whether it transformed into the Dharma Realm or re-evolved from the Dharma Realm.

Zhang Liang? The old Confucian scholar shrank, obviously he had heard of this name: This is my Confucian matter, you want to get involved?

Zhang Liang did not answer the old Confucian scholar's words, but asked indifferently: Do you choose to fight or argue with me?

He was confident that he would beat the old Confucian scholar to death, but after all, Saint Meng was only imprisoned in the Ten Directions Forest of Merit, not dead.

So he didn't dare!

Don't want to do that either.

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