In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 368: Repairing Small Reincarnation

The reason why it is called weird is because it is incredible.

These weirdnesses are originally born from the imperfection of Heavenly Dao. They are part of the laws of Heavenly Dao and are very difficult to eradicate.

Otherwise, why were all the gods and demons destroyed in the immeasurable calamity a hundred and eight thousand years ago, but these weird things survived.

If you want to kill these weird things, it is very difficult to say it is difficult, but it is also very simple to say it is simple.

Like a heartless ghost in the cloud formation, how powerful is that? But the death was inexplicable.

If you want to kill the weird, you have to find loopholes in the weird rules.

But Wei Wei is not a fool, so how could he expose the loopholes in his own rules?

Why are the Five Emperors of the Five Directions so difficult to deal with? You must know that there are innate spiritual treasures in Dazhou. As long as the saint controls the innate spiritual treasures, it is not difficult to suppress these weird things. But why are these weird things causing trouble to the world?

Because weirdness has the property of immortality.

Weirdness itself is part of the rules of heaven and earth. Unless you understand the rules of heaven and earth and detect the loopholes in weirdness, you can kill all the weirdness.

Moreover, the abilities of the Five Emperors of the Five Directions are no worse than those of the Saints. They are the top experts in the weird world. It is impossible to suppress them.

If the weirdness could be suppressed easily, Ji Chang would have killed these weird gods five thousand years ago when he used tricks to deceive the ghosts and gods in the world.

And for the top experts in the world, they don't necessarily want to kill these evil gods.

But don’t forget, the ultimate goal of a Qi practitioner is to replace and seize the bodies of these deceitful gods, transform yourself into the law of heaven and earth, and then seek immortality.

If all the weird gods in the world were killed, wouldn't it mean that the Qi Practitioner's path to immortality would be cut off?

Seeing the five emperors of the five directions escaping, Taizu Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty did not chase him, but looked at the people in the field with his eyes: A new calamity is coming. Only by repairing the small reincarnation can we survive the calamity and find a glimmer of hope in the great calamity. Life. You are messing around in the Yang world, why not follow me to the small reincarnation and fight for a glimmer of life for all sentient beings in the world?


Of course not!

What is Taizu Taizu’s plan, everyone still doesn’t know?

If Taizu Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty removed all the saints, who in the world could overthrow the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty?

But no one objected, and disappeared into the void along with Taizu Taizu.

The chaotic situation in the Two Realms Mountains ended in such a strange way.

Yan Qu stood in the mountain, watching the Li Sage enter the world of reincarnation with helpless eyes. At this time, he felt a mixture of joy and sorrow in his heart.

Fortunately, the Saint of Li entered the six realms of reincarnation and repaired the underworld. The lineage of the Saint of Li fell into his own hands, and the shortcomings were temporarily covered up.

The worry is that creditors will come to your door in the future, what should I do in the future?

Without the leader to bear the thunder for him, can he withstand it?

Is Great Zhou Taizu really that scary? Yan Qu couldn't believe it. With just one sentence, Great Zhou Taizu asked everyone present to leave.

The Great Zhou Taizu is not scary. What is scary is the Pangu Banner in the hands of the Great Zhou Taizu. Besides, the Great Zhou Taizu wants to trap the saints in the small reincarnation. Why don't the saints drag the Great Zhou Taizu into the small reincarnation? After all, even if they are saints , and never want to face the incredible power of Small Reincarnation. A figure flashed at the foot of the mountain, and Tang Zhou came from the foot of the mountain.

Tang Zhou's mind suddenly thought: Pangu flag?

Are the Pangu Banner of the Demon God and the Pangu Banner of the Great Zhou Taizu the same treasure? The Great Zhou Taizu also has a Pangu Banner in his hand!

People from the Great Zhou Dynasty will come here soon to discuss carving up the Kunlun Mountains. Is Taoist Master ready? Yan Qu looked at Tang Zhou.

After hearing this, Tang Zhou looked towards a large mountain in the distance. The next moment, he stretched out his palm and a large mountain was pulled up out of thin air and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Tang Zhou left, but the Qi practitioners in the field were still standing in the mountains, looking at the mountains with greedy faces.

These mountains contain the spiritual energy of the ancient heaven and earth, and the aura of divine beauty is contained within them. If you can occupy a large mountain to practice, you must have incredible achievements.

Now we are not thinking about how to carve up the mountains, but we are thinking about how to prevent the old Confucian from becoming a Taoist. Now all the saints and ancestors have entered the reincarnation of the Small Six Paths. Once the old Confucian becomes a saint, I am afraid that we will not be able to deal with it. Isn't it true that Haoran's family was the dominant one at that time? Especially since the old Confucian scholar also defected to the Great Zhou court. The Great Zhou court has the support of the saints. How can we realize our big plan? Zhang Jiao said next to him.

After hearing this, there was silence.

At this moment, Yan Qu looked at the seven Zhenwu sons in Zhenwu Mountain, and his eyes fell on the sixth son, 'Wang Yanchun'.

See what I'm doing? Wang Yanchun felt a little uncomfortable when Yan Qu looked at her.

Among all the people, Brother Tao is the only one who is the most eloquent. Eighteen years ago on Zhenwu Mountain, Brother Tao was at war with the world, and the saint at the top was speechless. I am convinced. Why not ask Brother Tao to come forward and talk to the old Confucian scholar about Taoism? , how about breaking that old Confucian scholar's Taoist heart? Yan Qu's eyes looked at Wang Yanchun, his eyes full of sincerity: Eighteen years ago, the twelve disciples of Haoran's lineage all climbed to Zhenwu Mountain. The majesty of Zhenwu Mountain was called Zhenwu Mountain. Wushan's majesty has been wiped out, this is a cycle of cause and effect.

Wang Yanchun looked hesitant when he heard this.

If you can prevent the old Confucian from becoming a Taoist and break the old Confucian's Taoist heart, you can choose three of the best peaks in the Kunlun Mountains, Zhenwu Mountain. Yan Channel.

Cui Laohu frowned and looked at Wang Yanchun with his eyes: Senior brother, that old Confucian scholar has something, and now he has touched the holy way. He is not easy to mess with. Although Kunlun Mountain is good, it must be taken with a life.

If we can obtain the seven peaks of Kunlun Mountain, the Zhenwu Mountain line will surely grow stronger in the future, get rid of the shackles of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and reach a higher level. Wang Yanchun's heart was pounding, and he looked at Yan Qu with his eyes: You want me You can take action, but the rules have to be changed. Regardless of whether things can work out or not, I have to pick three big mountains.

Yan Qu scanned the crowd and saw that no one raised any objections.

Wang Yanchun looked at his seven senior brothers with eyes: Please give me a helping hand, senior brothers. If I can have the blessings of the three ancient mountains, I will be more confident in facing disasters in the future.

Seeing this, the Seventh Zhenwu Master stopped saying anything and nodded in agreement.

Then Wang Yanchun pointed and selected the three largest peaks in Kunlun Mountain.

Then the Seven Zhenwu Sons took action together, and the void began to twist, and the three mountains were uprooted.

The ancient sacred mountain was actually shaken.

The Big Dipper is twinkling in the sky, and endless starlight is falling. The seven Zhenwu sons are clothed in starlight, like gods coming to the world.

What a Zhenwu Mountain. The Seven Zhenwu Sons actually harnessed the power of the Big Dipper and used the power of the Big Dipper to pull the three ancient sacred mountains. With the help of the power of the Big Dipper, they collected the three ancient sacred mountains. They actually collected the three Kunlun Ancestors. Feng, you really have a huge appetite. Tang Zhou kept smacking his tongue.

To be honest, many people present have the ability to move mountains and seas. But no one can move this ancient sacred mountain.

But the Seven Zhenwu Sons actually used the power of the Big Dipper to pull up the Ancient Sacred Mountain, which is really amazing.

As the mountains rose from the ground, the void behind Wang Yanchun twisted, and then actually swallowed three mountains.

Then the Seventh Son of Zhenwu fell to the ground, breathing heavily. Their faces were as yellow as gold paper, and big beads of sweat continued to fall, soaking their robes.

Thank you all senior brothers. Wang Yanchun bowed respectfully to everyone: I can't thank you enough for your kindness, but I'll go ahead.

Wang Yanchun is gone

Inside Daliang City

Cui Yu stretched out his hand to pluck the flowers from the tree, and looked at the old Confucian scholar's house with his eyes. The rotten wood on the window frames and door panels was reborn and turned into living plants.

Zhao Cailun stood in the yard, looking at the old Confucian scholar's house with excited eyes. He stretched out his hands to cover his mouth, his body trembled slightly and kept sobbing.

too difficult!

Over the past sixty years, life has been really difficult for the couple.

I am used to seeing the cold looks from the world, and I have been subjected to all the glares. If it weren't for the constant support from her parents' family, the couple would have starved to death long ago.

But now the two finally have a new life.

The old Confucian scholar is finally becoming enlightened.

Congratulations! I didn't expect that this old sour scholar actually became a hero. Just when the yard was silent and everyone was enjoying the rare joy, Zhihu's voice sounded outside the door.

The sound came at the wrong time, breaking the tranquility in the courtyard.

The old Confucian scholar is about to become enlightened. Why is Zhihu, who has been staring at the old Confucian scholar, silent?

Why are you here? Cui Yu looked at Zhihu with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Until now, he didn't know the identity of Zhihu Town's secret agent. He just felt that this person seemed to have some connection with the Great Zhou Dynasty, and seemed to be an official person.

But no matter which party the other party is from, it seems to be the same to him, there is no difference.

Because he doesn't belong to any camp.

I'm here on behalf of the imperial court. Zhihu said.

The big man from the Iron Tower walked in from the door minding his own business, and his eyes fell on Zhao Cailun: I have met Miss Zhao. When I came here, Mr. Zhao told me to come over and see Miss Zhao to see if she is okay.

Zhao Cailun glanced at Zhihu when he heard this. She was the daughter of an official in Haojing, so of course she knew Zhihu.

Not daring to offend, he quickly returned the greeting: I have met you, sir.

In terms of status, although Zhihu's status is not as noble as his father's, in terms of important matters, his father is far behind.

Why doesn't this old sour scholar come out? Zhihu shouted angrily at the door: Li Ming, did you know that I was coming, so you deliberately avoided seeing me?

How dare you! I'm just slovenly, how dare I see you? The voice of the old Confucian scholar rang in the room.

I thought you were ungrateful and didn't remember your kindness back then, so you wanted to avoid me. If I hadn't let you go, how could you have kidnapped Zhao Cailun? And asked someone to give birth to a fat boy for you? Zhi Hu sat unceremoniously on the wicker chair with his legs crossed: I thought you had become a saint, but now you look down on me, a reckless man.

How dare I? Li Ming quickly opened the door and walked out of the house in slovenly clothes.

Although the body was so thin that it seemed as if a hurricane could blow it down, but there seemed to be a unique force that held it there as if it were nailed.

Regardless of whether the wind blows from the southeast to the northwest, I remain unmoved.

Li Ming hurriedly walked out of the room, came to Zhihu and bowed: Xiaosheng pays homage to you, sir.

This bow suddenly brought me back to sixty years ago. Zhihu's eyes were a little blurry: Sixty years ago, I blocked you in front of the city gate, and you begged me like this. To be honest, you could ask for help back then. , it’s really beyond my expectation.”

The old Confucian scholar stood up straight and smiled bitterly: The situation is stronger than the situation. I am not a fool. Of course I know the general trend.

Since you know the general trend, you should know the purpose of my coming here today. Zhihu stared at him with a pair of eyes: As long as you open your mouth, the doctrine you establish in the future will be the Great Zhou Dynasty. You will replace Li You will become the new leader of the Confucian sect in the world. Taizu Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty personally came out to trap the saints in the small six paths of reincarnation and clear the obstacles for you. Now, as long as you open your mouth and nod, everything will belong to you.

And your father-in-law, Mr. Zhao, misses you very much in Haojing. Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about Zhao Cailun, right? She has worked hard with you for sixty years and suffered sixty years of suffering. , now it’s time to enjoy glory and wealth, right? How much youth is there in a person’s life? You have become a saint and have a life span of 129,600 years, but Miss Zhao Cailun’s life span is about to run out. The emperor has prepared A pill that can increase your life span by three thousand years, as long as you go to Haojing and sit in Jixia Academy, the pill will be yours.

The voice was full of determination, and Zhihu knew where the old Confucian scholar's weakness was.

Ms. sir, don't listen to Master Zhihu's nonsense, and don't miss the path in your heart because of me. Zhao Cailun said quickly from the side.

Cailun, your father hasn't seen you for sixty years. Do you know how old your father is now? He doesn't know how to practice qi, and he is so old that he can hardly get off the ground while lying on the bed. He is walking. He often dreams about you! Zhihu said with heartfelt words: If he enters Jixia Academy, you can also go home and have a look, and tell Mr. Zhao that your choice is not wrong. Your Zhao family also It will go to the next level.”

The mist rose and filled Zhao Cailun's eyes.

The old Confucian scholar smiled bitterly: Your Majesty's mouth is more powerful than it was sixty years ago.

I'm just discussing the matter. Besides, you have just broken the barrier of the holy way now, and you have not become a saint yet. Without the blessing of the Zhou Dynasty, do you think those people will sit back and watch you step into that realm? I'm afraid you don't know that you are in seclusion. What happened outside? Zhihu looked at the old Confucian scholar, his eyes full of seriousness:

Chen Lu apostatized and killed Zilu. He also attacked Saint Meng, causing Saint Meng to fail in his discussion of the Tao. He entered the forest of merits in the ten directions. He may not be able to escape for thousands of years. Now Haoran is scattered, and countless disciples are My heart is broken, and the Haoran lineage is over. And as far as I know, those people have already surrendered to the imperial court, and they will never sit back and watch you become a saint and cross that critical threshold.

What? Chen Lu apostatized? The old Confucian scholar seemed to have been struck by a bolt from the blue and couldn't believe his ears.

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