In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 367: A Bolt from the Blue: Taizu Taizu of Zhou Dynasty

Seeing Chen Lu's triumphant look, Meng Shengren's body was trembling with anger.

It's me who's blind! It's me who's blind! It's really hateful that I accept a despicable villain like you as my disciple! It's so hateful! Meng Shengren's heart was full of hatred, and his eyes were full of anger.

But what can he do?

There is nothing he can do!

The taboo power from the Ten Directions Forest of Merits has turned into chains stretching out from the void and bound around Saint Meng's body. After Meng Saint's mouth spurted out a mouthful of blood, his whole body was dragged directly. He was dragged into nothingness and disappeared into the Two Realms Mountain.

Calm returned to Liangjie Mountain, but everyone's eyes fell on Chen Lu, with inexplicable colors in their eyes.

At this time, thousands of things are surging in Daliang City. Autumn turns to spring in the two boundary mountains, and flowers and wild grasses bloom in the mountains.

There was a hint of seriousness in the eyes of the Li Saint: I never thought that Haoran's lineage would have such energy.

He was also glad that he took action early.

If he waited for the two disciples of Haoran's lineage to rise up and become saints, he would be the one who was dumbfounded.

Everyone, I won this debate, do you think so? The Li Sage glanced in all directions.

Everyone was silent.

The Li Sage said with a smile: In the past, when Kunlun fell, many good fortunes were spread in the world, fell into Daliang City, and were owned by the people in Daliang City. Whoever can recruit those who have obtained Kunlun's treasures will definitely be able to share a part of the ancient times. The blessing left by Kunlun. Let’s take advantage of today to carve up the Kunlun Mountains together, and how about carving up the population of Daliang City as well?”

Being able to be accepted into the religion by us is also the fate of ordinary people like them. Buddha said with a smile.

Of course he has no objection. Buddhism is originally outside the Central Plains and has no right to benefit from the interests of the Kunlun Cave in the Central Plains. But now the Great Zhou Dynasty has fallen out with various qi practitioners. The qi practitioners are about to ask the Buddha to help. Of course, they cannot use the Buddha to help them. Exclusion.

Daliang City is the center of luck in the Kunlun Mountains. If all the Qi practitioners do not collect them, they will probably be collected by the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Saint Li looked at Daliang City with his eyes, and there was a hint of meaning in his eyes: I'm afraid that old Confucian scholar is unwilling to teach us how to carve up Daliang City.

Why is this so difficult? He doesn't agree, but we have plenty of ways to get him to agree. There was a hint of coldness in Peacock's eyes.

He was about to swallow up the people in Daliang City to increase his background.

Disciple Chen Lu, I would like to pay my respects to the saint. This disciple is willing to join the saint's command and fight for the saint. I also ask the saint to take him under his wing. Chen Lu raised her robe at this time, interrupted everyone's conversation, and knelt down directly on the ground.

Chen Lu spoke and attracted everyone's attention. At this moment, all eyes fell on Saint Li and Chen Lu.

You want to take refuge in me? Saint Li frowned.

Disciple sincerely surrenders without any second thoughts. Chen Lu kowtowed.

You should go back to where you came from. You are such a treacherous person who can even betray your mentor, but I dare not take you in. I am afraid that the people in the world will point their fingers at me and scold you. Saint Li thought. He didn't want to and directly rejected the other party's words.

Accept Chen Lu?

What a joke!

Are you waiting to be backstabbed by the opponent later?

And if he accepted a treacherous villain like Chen Lu, wouldn't he be waiting for the world to stab him in the spine?


! When Chen Lu heard this, she raised her head in shock and looked at Saint Li with eyes full of disbelief.

Then he turned to look at Yan Qu, and saw that Yan Qu had his hands folded in his sleeves and raised his head to look at the sky.

Chen Lu's heart sank to the bottom. What he was most worried about happened.

Without the blessing of the sage, how could he face all kinds of creditors?

Seeing that Saint Li and Yan Qu had turned against each other, Chen Lu didn't care about revealing his past. He was not afraid of being ugly. At this time, he asked directly: Sage, this is what my disciple said to Yan Qu...

Halfway through his words, a wave of coercion came over him, blocking Chen Lu's thousands of words.

Go back to where you came from. Li Shengren looked at Chen Lu with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes: You must remember, don't blackmail me. Otherwise, I will strip you of your skin and banish you to the Nine Netherworld. , teach you that you will never be able to stand up again.

The voice was dull, and Chen Lu's eyes were filled with fear. He saw warning and murderous intent in the other person's eyes.

Chen Lu's heart sank to the bottom.

The pressure on his body disappeared without a trace, but Chen Lu did not dare to say a word. She just raised her head and looked at Saint Li with her eyes, then looked at Yan Qu, lowered her head silently, and turned to leave.

He is not willing to give in!

Obviously, he was tricked by Li Sheng and Yan Qu.

But facing the powerful and domineering Li Shenghe and Yan Qu, he felt helpless.

But he has no regrets!

If Meng Shengren is not sent in, when Meng Shengren is free, he will be able to skin him.

I will definitely make you pay the price! Definitely! Chen Lu walked among the mountains, murderous intent in her heart reaching its peak.

Only halfway through, a figure suddenly walked out of the dense forest in the mountains and called out to Chen Lu: Fellow Taoist Chen Lu.

Master Tang. Chen Lu couldn't help but be stunned when she saw Tang Zhou. She didn't expect to see Tang Zhou's clone here.

I've been waiting for you here for a long time. Tang Zhou said with a smile.

Wait for me? Chen Lu was stunned.

Of course, who else can I wait for you? Tang Zhou said with a smile: There is something I want to discuss with you.

Nowadays, it is difficult for Taoist friends to find a place in the world. How about considering the Taoist Taoist Way? Tang Zhou said with a smile.

Aren't you afraid that I will betray you again? Chen Lu was stunned.

I don't care if you betray or not, as long as you can disrupt the world. Tang Zhou said with a smile: Besides, you have been in power for sixty years in the Haoran lineage, so you must be somewhat hardcore, right? How about you take the opportunity to get yourself involved in Taiping Dao? ?.

Chen Lu was stunned when he heard this: It turns out that you are interested in the reading seeds of Haoran's lineage.

Yes, most of our Taiping Dao people are vulgar people. Even the literate people are very few, let alone those who study knowledge. I think you have the qualifications of a saint. If Taiping Dao can conquer the world in the future, you will be of the Confucian lineage. The only orthodox leader. Tang Zhou said.

He was not afraid of Chen Lu's betrayal, but he was afraid that Chen Lu wouldn't have the guts.

It would be really lively if Chen Lu was pushed next to Zhang Jiao.

How about it? Do you agree or not? Tang Zhou asked.

Do I still have a choice? Chen Lu asked.

Chen Lu agreed to enter Taiping Road, which was expected by Tang Zhou. Now Chen Lu has indeed reached the end of her rope.

What should we do about the supplies? Chen Lu asked.

Tang Zhou shook his head: As long as you hide incognito, who will know it's you?

Chen Lu was thoughtful. He felt that what Tang Zhou said made sense.

Let's go. Tang Zhou glanced at Chen Lu, turned around and walked away.

What should we do in Daliang City? Chen Lu asked as she followed Tang Zhou.

The ancestor of the Great Zhou Dynasty has left the tomb of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Tang Zhou said.

After hearing Tang Zhou's words, Chen Lu's eyes showed a look of horror, as if she had thought of something terrible: The old monster actually took action?

Tang Zhou didn't speak, but there was a hint of solemnity on his face.

Anyone who has seen that old monster will know the terror of that old monster.

No one knows how deep the old monster's background is. They only know that the opponent has never been defeated since he took action.

Not even a tie.

Five thousand years ago, Buddha wanted to lead the army from the Western Regions to the land of China. Taking advantage of the turmoil in the land of China, he took over the right to spread Buddhism in the land of China and wanted to establish a Buddhist kingdom on earth in the middle-land. But who knew what would happen? The Great Zhou Taizu took action, came to the Great Leiyin Temple in the Western Regions, and chatted with the old monk for a quarter of an hour, and then the Western Regions army retreated. After that, they had no trouble with Shenzhou Qiu for the next five thousand years.

Four thousand eight hundred years ago, the Lord of the Peacock Kingdom and the Golden-winged Dapeng took action together and led hundreds of millions of troops to attack the Great Wall of Bones.

With the five-color divine light, the peacock blasted open a gap in the Great Wall of Bones. He saw that the demon tribe was about to cross the Great Wall of Bones and wreak havoc on the Central Plains. But who knew that at this moment, the Great Zhou Taizu came and discussed with the peacock a stick of incense? .

After burning the incense, the peacock left the battlefield and the golden-winged roc fled.

Without the support of the two men and the two top fighting figures, the demon clan was retreating steadily, and the army of hundreds of millions collapsed.

These are the only two times that the ancestor of the Great Zhou took action, but each time he took action, he turned the tide and saved the Great Zhou from the fire and water.

It is said that this ancestor of the Zhou Dynasty once followed King Wen Jichang in the past. After King Wen died, he followed King Wu to suppress the world.

After the death of King Wu, the Great Zhou Ancestor never appeared in the world again.

After five thousand years of vicissitudes of life, nothing happened in Dazhou that was worthy of the ancestor coming to earth.

Even King You of Zhou would rather use the power of heaven for the sake of Kunlun Mountain and did not disturb the ancestor.

By the way, what's your relationship with Li Ming? Can you also bring him into Taiping Road? Tang Zhou looked at Chen Lu.

Chen Lu heard this and shook his head: That old Confucian scholar is too upright. Since I have betrayed Haoran's lineage, he will definitely clean up his family if he leaves seclusion, and he will never spare me.

Chen Lu paused at this point: It would be better for me to take advantage of his lack of enlightenment and kill him first.

You don't have to worry. The old Confucian scholar will not survive, and the saints will never let him go. Especially the Li saint, who is about to devour Haoran's lineage and completely establish his position as the number one Confucian sect. How can he continue to allow the old scholar? Confucianism leads to Taoism?

The voices of the two disappeared among the mountains, and only their words floated among the mountains.

Top of Kunlun Mountain

Ghosts, gods, and saints from all walks of life gathered together, and were about to discuss how to carve up Daliang City and carve up the entire world. Suddenly, golden lotuses surged from the sky, and a figure walked out of the Dharma Realm.

The figure was not tall and looked like a young man of fourteen or fifteen years old. At this moment, he walked out in a state of splendor.


When Buddha saw the person coming, he couldn't help but shrink back: He's here!

Everyone is well. Taizu Taizu of Zhou walked up to everyone, his voice was quiet and peaceful.

I've met Taoist friend. Mr. Fo quickly returned the greeting.

The peacock also shrank, and the hair on his body exploded. He raised his hand and saluted: I have seen the ancestor.

Seeing the Buddha and the peacock like this, everyone in the venue was not a fool, and they all bowed one after another.

How can you carve up the Kunlun Mountains without me, the Great Zhou Royal Family? I heard that you bullied my younger members of the Great Zhou Royal Family before, causing me, the younger members of the Great Zhou Royal Family, to complain and nag me. said the voice of Taizu Taizu of Great Zhou. He was very calm, but the words he spoke were chilling.

Taizu looked at the old monk with his eyes: Bald Donkey, didn't you say back then that you wouldn't be asked to pass Yanmen Pass? Why did you break your oath again?

The old Buddha smiled sarcastically: The Great Zhou Qi has been exhausted, so naturally I can set foot in the Middle-earth world.

Has the Great Zhou Qi been exhausted? Taizu was stunned, then turned to look in the direction of Great Zhou Haojing: Humanity has indeed begun to repeat itself.

If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. How can there be an eternal dynasty in this world? Taizu Taizu of Zhou sighed softly after a long time: If the country is destroyed, the country will be destroyed. Why do you insult the younger generation? King You only succeeded to the throne for three hundred years. , He is still a child, how can he withstand the beatings from you old guys?

The old Buddha remained silent, just holding the Seven Treasures Tree in his hand and secretly calculating his winning rate.

Pangu Banner! It's simply unreasonable! He actually entered the realm of Pseudo Taiyi with the help of Pangu Banner. It's really hateful! Fo Lao gritted his teeth in hatred.

Kunlun Mountain can be divided among our families. As for Daliang City, it is still our territory of Dazhou. However, we do not allow you to be arrogant. Please don't disturb the people in Daliang City. If you want to recruit disciples, Dazhou You can just choose based on your own vision. Those people are the seeds of my future as a human being. Great changes in the world are about to begin in the future, and new calamities are about to revive. The people who can solve the calamities may be among them. Please stop killing. Abuse can be regarded as leaving a spark of fire for our human race. Taishang Ancestor said with a smile:

I am about to repair the six paths of reincarnation, reopen the underworld, and gain the authority of heaven and earth to fight against the upcoming catastrophe. Why don't all fellow Taoists go to the six paths of reincarnation with me and repair the imperfections of heaven and earth together?

That's all, the old monk's old arms and legs can't stand the torture anymore. The old monk shook his head.

Huh? Taishang Zhou twitched his eyebrows:

The monk wants to ask the ancestor for advice.

The old monk frowned and clasped his hands together: Amitabha, monk dare not.

Where are you? The old monk looked at everyone.

The next moment, the peacock turned into colorful lights and disappeared directly.

Seeing the peacock escape, Grand Ancestor Zhou did not pursue it because he could not catch up with the opponent's Five Elements and Five Qi.

The peacock fled, and the ghosts and gods also fluctuated and disappeared into the material world.

These weird ones can't be killed without special rules. After I repair the Six Paths of Reincarnation, I have to kill them all. But now I can't let them just leave. I'm about to use the ancient power of Kunlun Mountain to Use your strength to seal them!

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