Cui Yu was stunned after hearing Zhao Cailun's words.

He was indeed stunned.

He turned around and looked at the house, not understanding what the other person said.

(Cui Yu didn’t know that Meng Shengren arranged for the old Confucian scholar to attract other people’s attention.)

Before Cui Yu could figure it out, Zhao Cailun had already turned around and walked into the house again, leaving Cui Yu standing in the yard in a daze: Isn't the master already going to attain enlightenment? How could he attain enlightenment because of me? This The cause and effect is wrong! It is obvious that the old Confucian scholar wants to become enlightened, so I try to find ways to help him spread the teachings. How come it is because I help him spread the teachings and become enlightened?

Before he could figure it out, suddenly an earth-shattering sword energy shot through the sky outside Daliang City. It actually broke through the eight-treasure cloud light handkerchief and sent the sword energy into the sky into the galaxy.

The sword energy is very thin, only as thick as a hair.

But the sword energy is very pure!

It was so pure that when everyone saw it for the first time, what came to their mind was not the magical power of swordsmanship, but the word 'sword energy'.

Completely pure sword energy.

This is a sword energy that is truly pure to the extreme, without any impurities.

The purity of the sword energy is already the same as the origin of heaven and earth. Wherever the sword energy passes, the laws of heaven and earth are distorted.

Such pure sword energy is already the law of heaven and earth. To be precise, it is a power equivalent to the laws of heaven and earth.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look into the distance: Did Gong Nanbei fight with the Great Sage Ant? Can he defeat the Great Sage Ant's methods?

Outside Daliang City

Gong Nanbei was dressed in coarse linen clothes and walked out of Daliang City with a calm and peaceful expression.

The storm was surging outside Daliang City, and the clouds and mist all over the sky turned into a face that blocked the sky and the sun, looking down at the north and south of the palace from a distance.

Hey, isn't this the best sword in the world? Why, did you really come out because of those ants? The Great Sage Ant walked out of the cloud and mist, standing in the clouds, looking down at the palace north and south on the ground.

You evil beast, I taught you to escape death sixty years ago. Today I will definitely have you buried here. Gong Nanbei looked at the Great Sage Ant, filled with indignation.

It would be strange if he wasn't angry at being threatened like this.

Hey, you're angry? It's really strange. So you know how to be angry? The Great Sage Ant's voice was full of joking: It's useless to be angry. Angry is a sign of a weak person. So what if you are angry? You still have to do it. Come out and die obediently? Give me your eyes and let you die more happily.

Gong Nanbei looked at the Great Sage Ant with a sneer on his lips: It's not certain who will kill whom. Let me ask you, what kind of poison did you inflict on the people in Daliang City?

What? Do you still want to detoxify the people of Daliang City? Great Sage Ant asked.

Gong Nanbei was silent.

It's okay to tell you. If you want to undo the poison in Daliang City, you have to kill me and take my internal organs and soak them in wine. Only then can you undo the poison in Daliang City. Monkey Ant is very confident in himself now. But he was afraid that Gong Nanbei would turn around and run away if he knew this was a poison that had no solution, so he quickly spoke to comfort him.

Okay! Okay! Okay! Then I will kill you, take your internal organs, and relieve the people of Daliang City from the disaster. Gong Nanbei's voice was full of calmness. The next moment, Gong Nanbei rose into the sky and headed straight Fly towards the Great Sage Ant.

Well done! I will send you to heaven today and settle our grudges. The Great Sage Ant roared and punched with a ferocious face. The next moment, the steel-like fist cut through the void and suddenly hit Gong Nanbei.

The fist is fierce and domineering, vibrating constantly, and the void is twisted.

Facing the punch from the Great Sage Ant, Gong Nanbei stretched out his right hand with a calm expression, and pointed his index finger at the Great Sage Ant from afar.

A pure sword energy burst out from the void of the Dharma Realm around Gong Nanbei, and struck directly at the fist of the Great Sage Ant.

Seeing the sword energy bursting out from Gong Nanbei's fingertips, the Great Sage Ant's heart suddenly trembled, and the child's hole could not help but shrink rapidly.


He had never seen anything so pure!

Pure to the extreme!

It is purer than the laws of the human world.

Wherever the light passed, the laws between heaven and earth were cut off.

The speed of the light was too fast. As I thought about it, the sword light had already reached the fist of the Great Sage Ant.

Then the vibrating void around the Great Sage Ant's fist was cut open. The vibration frequency collided with the sword energy, and was actually cut open by the sword energy.

Then the sword energy broke through the frequency around the fist and touched the skin of the Great Sage Ant in an instant.


The fists of the Great Sage Ant trembled wildly, trying to annihilate the sword energy with the high-frequency law of force. However, who would have expected that the sword energy touched the skin and contained an indestructible will, and the Great Sage Ant's skin was cut open.

Fortunately, the law of force is indeed the foundation of all laws in the world. As the sword energy comes, the law of force vibrates and changes wildly. After the sword energy enters the bone for three minutes, it is finally annihilated.

But even so, the sword energy at the wound still lingered, vibrating crazily, constantly preventing the Great Sage Ant's wound from healing.

What the hell is this? Looking at the bleeding wound, Monkey King was frightened and looked at Gong Nanbei with concern.

Gong Nanbei grinned, his calm expression rippled with ripples. In fact, he was not as calm and relaxed as the Great Sage Ant looked.

Gong Nanbei's heart had been tense, but when he saw that Monkey Ant's methods were broken by him, his tense heartstrings finally relaxed.

You ant, how dare you show off your power? You just understood the law of power, do you really think you are invincible? Today is the day you die. Gong Nanbei looked at the Great Sage Ant, his words full of pride.

Thinking that he was almost beaten to death by the Great Ant Sage, Gong Nanbei's calm heart began to ignite, and murderous intent brewed in his eyes: Ant, suffer death!

Gong Nanbei suddenly pulled out a sword from his ribs.

The next moment, the sword light converged and turned into an ordinary sword energy. The sword energy spread thousands of miles and suddenly slashed towards the Great Sage Ant.

Seeing Gong Nanbei's pure sword energy, Great Sage Ant had already tried the power of sword energy, so how could he still dare to challenge it head-on?

The next moment, the Great Sage Ant took out a pair of golden hammers from his back. The golden hammers were covered with scales, carrying the roaring wind, and struck towards the north and south of the palace.

However, Gong Nanbei's sword energy is indeed powerful. The law of power of the Great Sage Ant pales in comparison to Gong Nanbei's sword energy. All that is seen is the sword energy in the void. Not long after, the Great Sage Ant is already covered with scars, and there are many scars on his body. Blood dripped from the horrific wounds.

Seeing the defeat of the Great Saint Ant, he was about to be beheaded. Suddenly, he heard a voice shouting from the sky: To the north and south of the palace, don't show off your power.

The Great Sage Jiao jumped out with an iron rod and hit Gong Nanbei on the back of the head.

Gong Nanbei heard the evil wind behind his head and subconsciously shot out a sword energy.

Be careful with his sword energy. Seeing Gong Nanbei dealing with the Great Sage Jiao, the Great Sage Ant took the opportunity to take a breath and quickly scolded the Great Sage Jiao.

Fortunately, the Great Sage Jiao was not an ordinary person. When he saw the Great Sage Ant shouting so hoarse, he subconsciously shrank his head. The sword energy passed by his scalp, and one of the dragon's horns was cut off by the sword energy.

What??? The Great Sage Jiao looked at the fallen dragon horn with disbelief in his eyes.

You know, although dragon horns are not the hardest thing on their bodies, they are definitely better than ordinary treasures.

Gong Nanbei can split the dragon's horns with one sword, can't he split its body with one sword?

At this moment, he just knew why the Great Sage Ant was so embarrassed by Gong Nanbei. Gong Nanbei had such incredible power, how could he be better?

I’m afraid life for the Great Wilderness Monster Clan will be difficult in the future!

The Great Sage Jiao hurriedly retreated and looked at Gong Nanbei with a pair of horrified eyes. The next moment, thunder and lightning began to flash all over his body: Gong Nanbei, look at my thunder technique. In order to deal with you, I cultivated the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, and I will call you today. Taste the power of Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

The thunder light flashed and reacted with the clouds in the sky. I saw a series of terrifying and ferocious thunder and lightning in the clouds converging towards the Great Sage. Then the Great Sage suddenly waved the iron rod, and the overwhelming divine thunder accompanied the roar and struck towards the north and south of the palace. come over.

You, the wicked one, actually cultivated the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder? How is this possible? This is the power second only to the Five Thunder Zhengfa. Gong Nanbei looked at the thunder dragon that rushed towards him, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

He has no ability to avoid thunder and lightning.

He was able to kill the Great Sage Jiao with one sword, but the Nine-Night Thunder of the Great Sage fell on Gong Nanbei. Gong Nanbei also couldn't bear it and was about to be turned into charcoal.

It's like a person holding a rocket and a person holding a pistol. Although the power of the rocket is greater, if it is hit by the opponent's pistol, it will still be fatal!

Gong Nanbei's body flashed, his body transformed into sword energy, and he was a hundred miles away in an instant.

Then he looked at the Great Sage Jiao who was chasing him with the divine thunder in the distance. The sword energy in his hand condensed and shot towards the Great Sage Jiao.

The Great Sage Jiao avoided Gong Nanbei's sword energy and mobilized the divine thunder to bombard Gongnan Bei.

Man and sword unite!

At the critical moment, Gong Nanbei transformed into sword energy and actually merged with the sword energy.

The pure sword energy blocked all laws and even spread out the thunder light of the Great Sage Jiao. In an instant, it passed through the lightning and came to the front of the Great Sage Jiao, and was about to penetrate the center of the Great Sage Jiao's eyebrows.


At the critical moment, the Great Sage Ant's hammer fell, blocking the opponent's sword energy. The power of heaven and earth forced Gong Nanbei's sword energy to reveal its true form.

Impossible! Can your sword energy even cut through the Nine Nights Divine Thunder? The eyes of the Great Sage Jiao were full of horror, and his eyes were full of panic.

What kind of sword energy is this?

Can it actually break the rules?

Without responding to the Great Sage Jiao's words, Gong Nanbei's sword energy flickered down again.

The Great Sage Jiao took the iron rod in his hand and drew thunder from the sky all over his body. The endless thunder and lightning in the void was pulled over, and then he took the opportunity to fight Gong Nanbei at close range, but he did not dare to ask Gong Nanbei to distance himself.

I don't know what kind of treasure the iron rod in Jiao Dasheng's hand was. When Gong Nanbei's sword energy touched it, it made a clanging sound. Although it left traces on the stick, it could not be cut off.

Think about it, the iron rod that can be used as a weapon by the Great Sage, is it ordinary iron?

Every move the two made was cautious.

The Great Sage Jiao is afraid of the sword energy from the north and south of the palace, while the north and south of the palace are afraid of the thunder and lightning falling on the Great Sage Jiao.

For a time, both of them were cautious. After dozens of rounds of fighting, the Great Sage Jiao gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Although the Jiuxiao Divine Thunder is powerful, its power is too great when used, and it cannot last long.

Moreover, the north and south of the palace were erratic. When the lightning passed, he would avoid it. When the lightning dissipated, he would raise his sword and kill him. The great sage Jiao who was killed was miserable.

Great Sage Ant, the north and south of this palace have been edicted! The north and south of this palace have been edicted! Go to the Dharma Realm to contain him! The Great Sage Jiao hurriedly roared at the Great Sage Ant.

The expression of the Great Sage Ant changed. The Dharma Realm contains endless terror. Is it so easy to enter?

Every time he went in, although he seemed calm and relaxed, he still risked his life every time.

But seeing the battle between the north and south of the palace becoming more and more courageous, the Nine-Night Divine Thunder of the Great Sage Jiao could not hold on for long, and finally he gritted his teeth and plunged into the Dharma Realm.

The Great Sage Ant entered the Dharma Realm, and the expressions on the north and south palaces changed.

Why do the palaces north and south change color?

Because he only entered the Dharma Realm with his fingers, and his eyes have not yet seen the scene in the Dharma Realm.

In other words, his finger is equivalent to a blind man in the legal world.

Within the Dharma Realm, the energy of chaos was rolling, and the body of the Great Sage Ant was vibrating, constantly using the law of force to fight against the energy of chaos.

After all, he is a human being, and it is difficult to adapt to the legal world. He is not only attacked by the chaotic air flow every minute, but also attacked by the chaotic laws of the legal world.

Seeing Gong Nanbei's fingers quietly absorbing the energy of chaos in the chaos to strengthen himself, the Great Sage Ant showed a trace of cruelty in his eyes:

I can't fight you, so why can't I fight even one of your fingers?

The Great Sage Ant looked at Gong Nanbei's fingers in the Dharma Realm, with a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

The next moment, the Great Sage Ant took a big hammer and smashed it towards Gong Nanbei's finger.


In the Yangshi world, Gong Nanbei suddenly let out a muffled groan, veins popped up on his forehead, and he cursed angrily: Despicable!

His fingers were in the Dharma Realm, and he could only use his fingers to feel everything in the Dharma Realm. He didn't react until the sledgehammer was in front of him, but was it too late?

Fortunately, his sword energy was pure, so his fingers also changed. They were like a sword in the Dharma Realm, shooting out a stream of sword energy, blocking the hammer attack of the Great Sage Ant.

But even so, he was hit by a sledgehammer, which hurt so much that veins popped up on his forehead.

The Great Sage took the opportunity to hit him with a stick, using the power of thunder, forcing Gong Nanbei to flee.

You bastard! What a bastard! I don't believe you can stay in the legal world for the rest of your life. Gong Nanbei cursed, then turned around and ran away without saying a word.

in fact

The Great Sage Ant in the Dharma Realm was definitely not as relaxed as Gong Nanbei imagined.

Gong Nanbei's sword energy seemed to be incredibly powerful in the legal world. It actually penetrated the hammer of the Great Sage Ant and chopped off one of the tentacles on the forehead of the Great Sage Ant.

The eyes of the Great Sage Ant were full of fear: Damn it, what kind of sword energy has this kid created? Why is it so defiant?

The Sacred Heart of Ant had more time to hammer down the second time, but at this time Gong Nanbei's finger had disappeared without a trace in the Dharma Realm.

The Great Sage Ant had no choice but to get out of the Dharma Realm, looked at Gong Nanbei's retreating back, jumped to his feet and yelled: Grandson, where can you escape!

ps: Questioning the Heart and Talking about Taoism, this is the beginning of the end of this volume. Please subscribe, dear fellows... woo woo woo...

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