In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 363: Asking the Heart and Discussing the Tao

Gong Nanbei wanted to curse people now, especially for the magical power of the Great Sage Ant, and even more doubtful about life: How can there be such a heaven-defying magical power in the world?

Although the physical body entering the Dharma Realm is full of great dangers, at certain moments, it can be the final word.

Just like the north and south of the palace, starting from the index finger of the right hand, one enters the Dharma Realm. Then the Dharma Realm is what Gong Nanbei feels with his fingers! Whatever Gong Nanbei touches in the Dharma Realm, that's what the Dharma Realm looks like in his eyes.

Some people enter the Dharma Realm with their eyes. When they open their eyes, they can see all the scenes in the Dharma Realm and see the completeness of the Dharma Realm. But the real world is no longer visible.

It can be said that there is a barrier between the legal world and the material world. No matter which world you stand in or enter, it is as if you have lost that organ.

And the Great Sage Ant can actually physically enter the Dharma Realm. I wonder if you accept it?

You only have one hand in the Dharma Realm and can't see anything. How can you fight with the opponent?

That's why it's so incredible that Cui Yu can see everything in the Dharma Realm.

Gong Nanbei led away the Great Sage Ant and the Great Sage Jiao, then thought about how to subdue the two great sages of the demon clan, and then asked for an antidote for the people in Daliang City.

Inside Daliang City

Mi Zhu's medicine stove has been extinguished, and Yan Qu has naturally recovered. At this time, he is standing in Daliang City watching the battle outside the city, with a look of disbelief in his eyes: The imperial edict has been issued.

Yes! This thief is so lucky that he actually got into the imperial edict. Mi Zhu gritted his teeth in hatred.

After hearing Mi Zhu's words, Yan Qu said thoughtfully: It is naturally a great thing for ordinary people to join the imperial edict, but this is not the case for Gong Nanbei. When he entered the imperial edict, he fell into passivity and gave the Great Sage Ant a chance.

Mi Zhu was speechless upon hearing this.

You stay here and watch while I go to rescue the people in Daliang City. After Mi Zhu said this, he stood up and the cauldron turned into flowing light, became the size of a palm, and fell into Mi Zhu's arms.

Inside Baicaotang

Cui Yu looked at the two little ones and Wang Yi who had fainted, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

How to break this toxicity?

Although the nectar could suppress the toxicity, the toxicity gradually spread into several people's bodies and penetrated into their bones. Even if Zhu Youshu is really used to save him in the future, I'm afraid there will be sequelae.

Cui Yu actually wanted to try whether he could use his golden finger to gain immunity to poison, or directly develop poison-related powers.

It's a pity that Cui Yu didn't dare to try.

Poison is not weird!

I'm afraid I can't handle this toxicity.

Just when countless thoughts were flashing in Cui Yu's mind, he suddenly heard a huge cheer from the distance, like an overwhelming sound, reaching Cui Yu's ears from afar.

Cui Yu was startled when he heard the voice: What happened?

The sound was too far away to hear clearly.

At this time, a clear shout came from outside the alley: Daliang City government announced that someone is giving away the sacred water to dissolve toxins. Everyone, go and drink it.

Cui Yu was surprised when he heard this: Giving the divine water to dissolve toxins?

Who would be so generous?

As he walked out in surprise, he saw a huge crowd outside the alley. Countless people with dark faces and dark skin were walking on the street, like coals, heading toward the center of the crowd anxiously.

Cui Yu thought in his heart, turned into air and disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had reached the center of the city.

I saw a platform set up in the middle of the city at some point. There were sergeants standing guard around the platform. There were eight large water tanks on the platform. Eight people stood in front of the water tanks, constantly pouring the water in the tanks around.

Wherever the water droplets fell, the black skin of all the people was like washed away ink. The blackness faded away instantly, revealing its original color.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu was surprised.

This water is really effective.

The most important thing is that he saw the figure standing on the high platform: Mi Zhu.

Buckets of water were kept being brought in. Mi Zhu stood on a high platform and recited a spell, then swiped his finger in the water, and the divine water was ready.

Buckets of divine water were poured down, and the poison of countless people was resolved.

Looking at Mi Zhu with a solemn expression, Cui Yu was surprised: I didn't expect that he has such a compassionate heart.

The Mi family has always been kind-hearted. Of course, there are always a few scum in a family. The same rice can feed all kinds of people. There was a sound in the ear, and Zhihu appeared next to Cui Yu. Cui Yu answered the questions.

Cui Yu looked at the rice pig on the high platform, and he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable appreciation in his heart.

Why are you here, sir? Cui Yu didn't look at Mi Zhu, but at Zhihu.

The situation is going to change. You should leave Daliang City as soon as possible. Zhihu replied.

Looking at Zhihu's side face, Cui Yu thought thoughtfully: Is Taipingdao going to be the first?

It's not that Taiping Dao wants to be the first. It's that someone in Taiping Dao betrayed and leaked the details of Taiping Dao, forcing Taiping Dao to be the first. Zhihu glanced at Cui Yu, and then left in a hurry. .

When he came here, it seemed that he just wanted to say a few words to Cui Yu, that's all.

Thousands of thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart, and his mind was full of weirdness.

Then he stretched out his palm, and countless water flows from the void were drawn in and put into the Qiankun in the sleeves.


Mizhu saw Cui Yu's actions and glanced at Cui Yu angrily, grinning and making a fierce look.

Cui Yu was not annoyed when he saw this, but quietly wiped his neck, then turned over and disappeared into the house.

Seeing Cui Yu disappear, Mi Zhu muttered: You're getting an advantage.

After saying this, he continued to give out the divine water.

Back in the yard, Cui Yu poured water on several people. Sure enough, the toxin was washed away by the water like ink.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu was curious: That Mi Zhu really has some tricks up his sleeve. Everyone says that he has obtained the inheritance of Shennong, and now it seems to be true.

Cui Yu was helping Liang Xiaozhi and Wang Yi out of trouble, but he didn't know that a big storm was brewing in Liangjie Mountain.


highest peak

Saint Meng and Saint Li sat on two huge rocks on the mountain peak.

A man has countless manners and every move he makes is a matter of etiquette. A righteous person is rising into the sky, sitting upright.

At this time, both of them were sitting on the stone. You looked at me and I looked at you without saying a word.

On the surrounding mountain peaks, all kinds of ghosts and ghosts quietly watched to see this rare event in a thousand years.

Everyone knows that whether Saint Meng or Saint Li wins today, human history will be completely rewritten.

At this moment, the mountains were silent, no one spoke, and everyone was staring at the two saints.

This discussion will definitely be written into the annals of human history.

I don't know where you got the confidence to dare to talk to me about Taoism. Meng Shengren spoke, staring at Li Sage: Although you became a Taoist eight hundred years earlier than me, in the long ray of time, you have become a mere disciple. Eight hundred years is nothing.

This is exactly what I want to ask you. I have studied your morality for hundreds of years and have long found flaws in your morality. How dare you come to discuss morality with me? Saint Li's voice was also full of curiosity.

Since I dare to argue with you, of course I am sure of victory. Meng Shengren said: You have studied my Taoism for eight hundred years, but you don't know that five thousand years ago, before I became a Taoist, I already I have studied your Dao Fruit to a great extent. Even the memory of your Dao Fruit in my mind is clearer than my own.

I have been studying your Dao Fruit for five thousand years. Saint Meng looked at Li Saint: On normal days, I would not dare to discuss Dao with you, but now... there is a fatal flaw in your Dao Fruit. . In the past thousands of years, even if I knew your flaws, I still would not dare to argue with you because I was not sure of victory. But now the time, place, and people are just right!

After hearing what Saint Meng said, Saint Li's expression changed, but he was not panicked: Do you know a fatal flaw of mine? I have been practicing for five thousand years and perfecting the Tao and Fruit for five thousand years. I have been checking for flaws day and night, but I really didn't notice it. Find the flaw. If you can find it for me, then I would also like to thank you.

Meng Shengren's lips curled up when he heard this.

I have a question, and I would like to ask the sage to answer it. Meng Shengren was not polite when he heard this, and directly spoke out.

Oh? Saint Li raised his eyebrows and looked at Saint Meng: Do you want to take a preemptive strike?

As they spoke, the energy of chaos rolled around the two of them, and the Dharma Realm descended from the chaos, shrouding the two in a layer of golden light.

The golden light is not big, only a hundred meters. But within that hundred meters of golden light, there seems to be an infinite world, and countless sculptures are eternal in that golden light world.

The forest of merit from all directions has arrived.

Any saint whose Taoist heart is defective will never be able to get out of the Ten Directions Forest of Merits.

The sage of etiquette pays attention to governing the country with etiquette. Etiquette can stabilize a country and prosper the world. I would like to ask the sage, since etiquette is so magical, why did the seven great sages invade the Great Wall of Bones sixty years ago and annihilate the seven kingdoms? Meng Shengren asked.

Barbarians are uneducated. A bunch of beasts wearing hair and horns, how do they know what etiquette is? the etiquette saint said unhurriedly.

Then why doesn't the saint go into the wilderness to teach them and let them know the etiquette? As long as those beasts know the etiquette, won't there be no more wars and disputes with my human race? Meng Shengren hit the nail on the head.

The sage was silent upon hearing this.

Why didn't he go to the wilderness to cross over into the demon clan?

Did he not want to?

There are also countless scholars in the Confucian sect who want to go to the wilderness to start enlightenment, but unfortunately they all become food for monsters.

My teachings come to those who are destined to do so. For those who are not destined to teach me, it is difficult for them to hear it even if they are in front of them. The sage said lightly: Those evil beasts wearing hair and horns, how can they listen to me? Bible scroll?.

Look at the sage Li, he knows how to talk a lot.

Without saying anything else, he just said: You don't deserve it.

You don't deserve it!

Saint Meng looked at Saint Li, his head buzzing. He didn't expect that the other party would secretly change his concept.

He asked why the sage Li didn’t teach the monsters. The sage said directly, “They are not worthy.” What else could the sage Meng say?

Even though he had thousands of words to say, they were all rejected at this time.

The Great Zhou Dynasty made etiquette the state religion and taught the world for five thousand years. Does the saint think so? Meng Shengren looked at the etiquette saint.

Li Shengren looked at Meng Shengren and felt that this boy had something. He was well prepared and could not be careless.

Countless thoughts swirled in the mind of Saint Li, and he felt that it was not wrong. The teachings of Saint Li had indeed been spread throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty for five thousand years. However, during this period, there were also many places that did not recognize the teaching of rituals.

So Meng Shengren dug a big hole in his question.

Of course, the Li sage also noticed the big hole, so he said: My humanity is vast, a hundred flowers are blooming, and all the schools of thought are on the stage. The line of Li is indeed established as orthodox by the Great Zhou Dynasty, but it does not mean that it is accepted by the Great Zhou Dynasty. All one hundred and sixty-five vassal states accepted it.”

The doctrine of etiquette is so good, why has it not been accepted by the 165 vassal states of the Great Three Kingdoms for five thousand years? Meng Shengren asked.

In one sentence, the choking Li Sage was stunned on the spot.

He really wanted to say that those bastards, Da Da Da, who did not know my lineage of rites, were all stubborn and unworthy of listening to my rectification of the Dharma.

But he didn't dare to say it!

He did not dare to offend those princes and kings.

Saint Li finally knew how Saint Meng wanted to argue with him and fight for that glimmer of hope.

For five thousand years, the way of ritual that I have studied has no flaws and is impeccable.

There are no flaws in the doctrine, but there are flaws in people!

Saint Meng never thought of attacking him from a doctrinal point of view. Instead, he aroused heresy and devalued his own Taoism as worthless. By then, his Taoist heart would probably collapse.

What a trick! The angle chosen by the other party is also wonderful. The other party knows that my teachings have no flaws, but they find another way to prove that my lineage of rites is worthless from other angles. The sage of rites had to admit that Meng The Saint is indeed not a character to be trifled with, and the angle chosen is also shocking.

So tricky!

I know there is no flaw in your teachings, but instead of attacking your teachings, I will raise other topics to prove that your teachings are worthless.

Saint Meng looked at Saint Li, with a hint of pride on his lips. When he saw a chain gradually emerging from the golden light around Saint Li's body, binding Saint Li's ankles, his pride grew even more.

People have good and evil, and the good ones are better according to our doctrine of etiquette. The evil ones are restrained within the rules so that they do not commit good deeds. This is the achievement of enlightenment. The sage of etiquette was silent for a long time, and continued to consider every word. , just spoke out.

After hearing what Saint Li said, Saint Meng twitched his eyebrows. Saint Li's answer was different from what he had imagined.

The other party did not deny or defend at all. He just avoided the truth and answered his own questions, making him unable to hold on to it.

And there is nothing wrong with the words of the sage.

So Meng Shengren was depressed. He looked at Li Shengren with his eyes and cursed in his heart.

But he is not in a hurry. As time goes by, he still has a back-up, which is enough to beat the Saint Li to the point of being unable to stand up.

As long as the Taiping Dao rebels and the 365 vassal states rebel, the Li Shengren will undoubtedly be defeated.

If your etiquette is really so good, then why did everyone in the world attack Zhou who was taught etiquette?

The other vassal states also accepted enlightenment, so why did they become rude and rude?

This was the ultimate killing move he had prepared for Saint Li.

A thousand words can't beat a real action.

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