In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 361: One line is a thousand miles away

Gong Nanbei was born with a sword bone, and his swordsmanship talent was unparalleled in the world.

He doesn't need enlightenment, he just needs to keep searching for famous swords in the world, and sealing the swords into his body will automatically increase the progress bar and unlock magical powers one after another.

Although Gong Nanbei does not need to master the sword, it does not mean that Gong Nanbei has poor understanding.

In fact, there are countless swords and famous swords sealed in Gong Nanbei's body. Gong Nanbei's talent in swordsmanship has reached an outrageous level.

Tongtian is a saint and a golden immortal of Hunyuan. Gong Nanbei is a little monk who is not as good as the Golden Immortal, and he is far from a saint. But Gong Nanbei did gain something from observing the sword stickers of Saint Tongtian.

It was as if someone had opened a window in the dark, and the darkness shone into Gong Nanbei's heart, pointing out a way for Gong Nanbei in the dark.

The aura on Gong Nanbei's body began to change, and the thousands of sword auras in his body began to transform in a mysterious law.

Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei with a hint of joy in his eyes: Great! Great! Senior brother Gong Nanbei has really changed.

Cui Yu was glad that Gong Nanbei finally didn't have to die.

Looking at the Gonggong True Blood in his body, after the previous consumption of Chen Lu, it was no longer enough to launch a second attack.

Cui Yu stood in the yard and watched Gong Nanbei enlightening.

The thousands of chaotic sword auras on Gong Nanbei's body began to converge purely at this time, and they continued to be summarized and merged into one sword aura.

I don't know what senior brother Gong Nanbei realized in Tongtian's sword post. Cui Yu said to himself.

Time passes day by day

More and more people are poisoned in Daliang City.

Faces kept changing in the clouds high in the sky, roaring at Daliang City: Gong Nanbei, you coward, get out of here quickly. If you don't come out, I will poison everyone in Daliang City to death. , I want to see if you can get out.

The voice was filled with aggressive triumph.

In Daliang City, all the people looked at the sky together, with anger in their eyes: Who is Gong Nanbei? Was it the man named Gong Nanbei who led the calamity here? All of us are implicated?

Especially the family members of the patients raised their heads one by one and looked at the faces in the sky, their eyes full of anger.


Angry to the extreme!

Who is Gong Nanbei?

Now a thought arises in everyone's mind.

Who is Gong Nanbei?

In Yan Qu's yard, there were fireworks in a cauldron in front of Mi Zhu, and a strange medicinal fragrance floated in the yard.

Did Gong Nanbei cause the trouble? Mi Zhu raised his head and looked at the huge face in the sky, and the noisy curses outside the yard could be heard in the distance.

That Great Sage Ant has such a vicious heart and vicious strategies, and he actually used the millions of people in Daliang City as bait. Yan Qu was lying on the rocking chair, his entire face turned black, and his eyes were full of helplessness.

He knew that Chen Lu was poisoned, but he never expected that retribution would come so quickly. The Ant Great Sage would use Chen Lu's poison to bring down the entire people in Daliang City.

Even he got caught without paying attention.

have no choice!

Yan Qu was helpless!

This is simply a disaster. What can he do?

There is nothing he can do!

Simply because Mi Zhu is here, Mi Zhu has inherited the legacy of Shennong. Although the poison is powerful, it is just a little effort for Mi Zhu.

This is a good opportunity to put Gong Nanbei to death. Mi Zhu's eyes were filled with hatred: Sister, I can finally avenge you.

Come here, tell the people outside to spread the word about Gong Nanbei's residence. We must use the people in Daliang City to force Gong Nanbei out to die. Mi Zhu's voice was full of murderous intent.

The death of his sister Mi Li has been a lifelong pain for him.

He can't spare Gong Nanbei!

Absolutely no mercy!

Outside Baicaotang

There was a sudden noise in the quiet alley, which made Cui Yu startled. He couldn't help but raise his head and stick his head out of the courtyard wall. He saw a large number of heads moving outside the alley.

Is this the residence of Gong Nanbei?

That's right! It's Gong Nanbei's residence!

Gong Nanbei is hidden here!

Whoever called Gong Nanbei, get out quickly.

Gong Nanbei, why did you act like this and implicate the people in Daliang City?

Gong Nanbei, come out!

The Baicao Hall inside is the residence in the north and south of the palace.

I don't know who roared, and the crowd instantly poured out in front of Baicao Hall. The small iron gate that Cui Yu had just repaired instantly became shaky.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu couldn't help but change his color, and glanced at Gong Nanbei anxiously, fearing that the people outside the alley would affect Gong Nanbei's enlightenment.

The next moment Cui Yu moved his hand, the wooden door instantly turned into steel.

The courtyard wall also turned into steel in an instant.

At this time, someone climbed over the wall and began to peek into the yard, wanting to see the scene in the yard. The shocked Cui Yu quickly pointed his finger, and the finger materialized and manifested, and he saw steel thorns appearing on the wall. Blocking everyone's climb.

The thorns blocked everyone's climbing, but they couldn't block everyone's sight, nor could they block everyone's curses.

Gong Nanbei, that big demon is looking for you. Why have you implicated countless innocent people in our Daliang City?

Gong Nanbei, since they are looking for you, why did you hide in Daliang City instead of going out to face them? Instead, you dragged all the people in our city into trouble?

Master Gong Nanbei, my wife is suffering from severe poison and is about to die. Please go out and get an antidote for us. A man in his thirties was lying on the wall with a frosty face. , kept shouting into the yard.

Master Nanbei, my mother is dying, please! Show mercy, say a nice word to the monster, and save my mother! An iron man cannot live without his mother! A four or five-year-old man, covered in filth and full of It was Patch's boy who lay in the crack of the door and begged, tears constantly falling from his eyes.

Master Gong Nanbei, please. Please come forward and deal with that monster. My son is the backbone of the family. He has been in a coma for three days and only has his last breath left. Old lady, I beg you. . A white-haired old woman was knocking on the door hard, her voice full of despair.

Those pleadings were like a knife piercing Cui Yu's heart. The soaring anger in Cui Yu's heart seemed to be poured down like a basin of cold water.

They are just a group of ordinary people!

They just want to live!

What's wrong with them?

What's wrong with them?

If there is a mistake, it is also the fault of Gong Nanbei, the Wild Demon, and those with evil intentions.

Hey, this evil beast is really good at what he does, but his heart is to be punished. Gong Nanbei, who was enlightened under the big banyan tree, was finally woken up by people outside.

At this time, Gong Nanbei opened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him quietly, his eyes full of calm and peace.

Gong Nanbei no longer had the sharp edge he had before. He looked like a mortal who had lost all his divine power. He was sitting quietly under the big banyan tree, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Senior brother. Cui Yu called out with concern.

Gong Nanbei seems to have changed, but Gong Nanbei seems to have not changed.

To say that Gong Nanbei has changed, it can only be said that Gong Nanbei has become more ordinary.

Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei with his eyes full of worry.

Thank you for your copybook, which allowed me to discard the false and preserve the true, and see the real avenue. What I have understood in the past is still in the category of magical powers. I can only call it the magical power of swordsmanship, but it cannot be called the avenue of swords. Gong Nanbei was filled with emotion.

I don't know where the great master left the blessing. If there is an opportunity in the future, junior brother will definitely take me to visit that senior master. Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu: Please tell me the master's name in the future. As a brother, it’s good to worship him morning and night.”

This person's name is: Leader of Shangqing Tongtian Cult. He is the leader of Jiejiao Cult, and he is in the incredible realm of Hunyuan. Cui Yu didn't hide it either.

Gong Nanbei was confused after hearing this. He understood every word, but when put together, he couldn't understand a word.



If there is such an incredible sect in the world, how can it not spread in the world?

What is the realm of Hunyuan?

All you need to know is to call him: Master of Shangqing Tongtian Cult. That's it! Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei who was confused and wanted to explain, but he didn't know where to explain it.

After all, this is not a prehistoric world. How can he explain Pangu Kaitian?

After all, this world was not created by Pangu.

There are such incredible people in the world, but I have never heard of them. It's really like sitting in a well and looking at the sky. I used to think that I was standing at the top of the world, but now I realize that I am just a frog at the bottom of the well. Gong Nanbei clasped his hands and bowed respectfully to Cui Yu: Also Please tell me that if you meet the master of Shangqing Tongtian Cult in the future, please tell him that he must be a disciple in the north and south of the palace and worship him morning and evening with three sticks of incense day and night.

Gong Nanbei regarded the demon god behind Cui Yu as the leader of Tongtian.

Cui Yu smiled bitterly when he heard this and looked at Gong Nanbei with a sincere expression. For a moment, he didn't know how to explain it. He could only take a breath: Senior brother, you think highly of me. I just got the copybook by chance. That leader of Shangqing Tongtian , I’m afraid I’ll never have the chance to see it again.”

All the saints have passed away, even the saint Zhunti has fallen. I am afraid that the other saints will not be much better.

But if Saint Zhunti has a chance to come back, then the other saints will definitely not be bad.

After all, saints are immortal and immortal. Cui Yu muttered in his heart. At the same time, his eyes fell on Gong Nanbei's hand, and he couldn't help but wince.

The imperial edict was issued to the north and south of the palace.

The tip of Gong Nanbei's right index finger disappeared.

The power of the world flashed across Cui Yu's eyes. Cui Yu looked towards the Dharma Realm and saw a fingertip appearing in the Dharma Realm.

Fingertips like the tip of a sword.

After reading Tongtian calligraphy, Gong Nanbei directly accepted the imperial edict, and his cultivation reached an incredible level.

But think about it, Gong Nanbei has already reached the peak of disaster, but he is troubled by inner demons and has been unable to break through.

At this time, I got the calligraphy from Saint Tongtian, so it was natural for me to be included in the imperial edict.

Senior brother, can you gain something? Cui Yu asked quickly: Is it possible to defeat the Great Sage Ant?

I don't know if I can defeat the Great Sage Ant. I have learned a wonderful method: sword energy. Gong Nanbei said.

Sword Qi? Cui Yu was stunned: Didn't you master it a long time ago? Mastered thousands of sword Qi?

That can only be regarded as the magical power of the sword, not the real sword energy. Gong Nanbei's eyes showed a hint of pride: The sword energy I understand now is the real sword energy without any impurities. Pure sword energy gas!

As he said that, he looked at the crying outside the door and couldn't help but frown: There must be someone raping me in Daliang City, who is constantly cooperating with the monster to harm me.

At this point, Gong Nanbei said to Cui Yu: I'm going to deal with that evildoer. This time, I must personally chop off his head!

While he was talking, the large iron door where Cui Yu cast his spells opened. Gong Nanbei looked at the people rushing in from outside the iron door with a trace of apology on his lips:

Everyone, I have disturbed you and caused the monster to murder innocent people in the city. I feel guilty. You don't need to say more. I will go out right away to seek justice for you and kill the monster. It’s over.”

After speaking, Gong Nanbei turned around and left, turning into a stream of light and rushing into the sky, leaving behind a group of people looking at each other, standing in a small courtyard in a daze.

Gong Nanbei has left. If you still don't leave, why don't you wait for me to invite you out? Cui Yu stood in the courtyard with a cold eyebrow, his voice full of impatience, and the bluestone beneath his feet was cracked inch by inch.

After hearing Cui Yu's words and looking at the broken bluestone slabs, everyone was shocked and immediately left the yard without saying a word.

After a while, the courtyard returned to tranquility. At this time, Zhao Cailun walked out of the house: Is the matter resolved? Why is it so noisy?

Looking at Zhao Cailun who was pretending not to know, Cui Yu secretly said in his heart: 'Everyone has selfish motives. ’

Zhao Cailun was afraid that he had heard the news in the house, but he didn't know how to deal with it. He didn't know whether to protect Gong Nanbei or drive Gong Nanbei out and die.

Now that he saw Gong Nanbei leaving, he walked out pretending not to know.

Cui Yu did not expose it. For Zhao Cailun, the old Confucian scholar was of course the first priority.

Gong Nanbei should not have brought trouble to Sanwei Bookstore, let alone influenced the old Confucian scholar.

Don't worry, Master, everything has been resolved. Cui Yu said.

Zhao Cailun looked at Cui Yu and suddenly said: Thank you.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this: Why do you want to thank me, Master?

Those articles of yours gave the old Confucian scholar a chance to prove his own way. And the arrival of Zilu enlightened the old Confucian scholar. He is now enlightened and has the hope of hitting the holy throne and becoming a true saint. Saint. Zhao Cailun looked at Cui Yu: Without the articles you printed, he would have had no chance to argue with others. Even if Zilu really came and taught the saint's experience, it would not be able to turn into his foundation. Yours What you did was the catalyst! You are the real hero. Zilu just gave him a little experience!

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