In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 360: The Tongtian Copybook from Eighteen Thousand Years Ago

Different from Cui Yu's rage, Gong Nanbei stroked the scabbard and raised his head to look at the face in the sky that was changing with clouds and mist. There was only tranquility in his eyes.

Angry to the extreme quiet.

Quietly looking at the big face in the sky.

Gong Nanbei knew that the other party was prepared, but he never expected that the other party would be so frantic and wanted to massacre the entire people of Daliang City.

He wants to use the people in Daliang City to threaten himself.

But Gong Nanbei had to admit that the other party's approach was very effective and successful.

If Gong Nanbei wants to run away, no one can keep him.

The Great Sage Ant can't do it, and the Great Sage Jiao can't do it either.

But Gong Nanbei didn't run away.

If he abandoned the millions of lives in Daliang City and fled alone, he would not be the Gong Nanbei who fought alone against the seven great sages in the ruins of Qi State sixty years ago.

Brother, go and run for your life. The Great Sage Ant is here for you. As long as you escape, how dare they attack Daliang City? Cui Yu interrupted Gong Nanbei's words.

It is the Great Sage Ant! It destroyed the human kingdom sixty years ago. At that time, all the 1.8 billion people in the Qi Kingdom fell into the mouth of the Great Sage Ant and became the material of the Great Sage Ant. That's why it only lasted sixty years. Today's Great Sage Ant. If I run away, he will never have any scruples and will just swallow up the millions of people in Daliang City to use it as food. Gong Nanbei said.

If it were another Demon Saint, he might have believed it.

But it was the Seven Saints who came!

If the Seven Saints had had any scruples, they would not have slaughtered the human kingdom sixty years ago.

What will they do if I escape? Gong Nanbei looked at Wang Yi and the two little ones. Although Cui Yu used Zhu Youshu to suppress the poison, the three of them still fell into a coma.

At this point, there is no way to escape and we can only deal with it. This is a killing plan against me. The fact that the Seven Saints can pass through the heavy guards of the human race and appear here already explains everything. Someone in the human race wants me to die! Gong Nanbei's heart was like a bright mirror, and a little bit of murderous intent was constantly flowing in his eyes: I will die if I die, but there is just one thing. If I can't solve it, I will never die in peace.

Having said this, Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu: When I was young, I was born in a humble family. I was an orphan in the Great Wall of Bones. I was born from the Great Wall of Bones. When I was four years old, a demon beast attacked the city. There was a big demon. After digging a tunnel and entering the Great Wall, my parents fell into the mouth of a monster and died. From then on, I wandered on the Great Wall of Bones. This wandering lasted eight years! When I was twelve years old, I remember that the Great Wall of Bones fell There was a heavy snowfall. That year, a snow demon became enlightened outside the Great Wall of Bones. The three thousand miles inside the Great Wall of Bones were completely covered with snow, and the sky and the earth were filled with heavy snow. People’s houses were crushed, and even Qi practitioners could not resist the force. The severe cold became a corpse in the snowstorm. I remember being in a ruined temple within the Great Wall of Bones. At that time, the temple collapsed under the weight of the snow, and I was buried in the ruins.

At this point, Gong Nanbei's expression suddenly dimmed, and his eyes wandered back into the distance, as if he saw the Great Wall of Bones hundreds of years ago. The girl in the Great Wall of White Bones, who was dressed in white and outsmarted the snow, seemed to blend into the wind and snow.

I met Mi Zhu's sister, Da Mi Li! It was her sister who pulled me out of the ruins in the severe cold, Gong Nanbei said.

I made up my mind at that time that if he had great ambitions in his youth, he would definitely marry a fairy woman who was also like this. Gong Nanbei's eyes were a little blurred and he fell into silence. After a long time, he said: It's a pity.

Cui Yu didn't understand what Gong Nanbei was regretting.

Rice is dead, she died because of me. I froze her body in the Great Wall of Bones. Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Junior brother, you have mastered the ability to bring the dead back to life, right?

Cui Yu shrank when he heard this and looked at Gong Nanbei in shock.

He mastered the art of resurrecting the dead, but no one had ever known about it. How did Gong Nanbei know?

The phantoms of the Six Paths of Reincarnation appeared several times in the sky above Xiaoli Village. There were people who were changing destiny and usurping the Six Paths of Reincarnation. How could I not know about it? At that time, there were some miraculous people in Xiaoli Village, and only my junior brother was the only one. But I didn't dare. I believe that junior brother's cultivation is too low. No matter how you look at it, there is no way to reverse reincarnation. Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu with his eyes:

But then Han Xin awakened his bloodline overnight, and the Legalist saint Li Si was defeated by you. I knew that things were interesting. The method of bringing the dead back to life must be related to you! Although it sounds incredible, it is because it is incredible that it seems wonderful.

Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu with a look of pleading in his eyes: Junior brother, you have mastered the ability to bring the dead back to life, right?

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this, facing Gong Nanbei's gaze, countless thoughts flashed crazily in his mind.

The stakes in bringing back the dead are too great. If the world knows that he has the ability to bring back the dead, he will never have peace. I wonder how many old antiques that are nearing the end of their lifespan will come to visit.

Even if he had Gong Gong's attack, he still couldn't resist the madness of resurrecting him.

People are already dying of old age, so they are still afraid that your Gonggong True Blood will be shot to death?

The older you get and the closer you are to death, the more unscrupulous and crazy you become.

And who in this world doesn’t have any regrets?

Who doesn’t have an idea yet?

Who doesn’t have a few relatives who wish they could come back to life?

When the time comes, Cui Yu is afraid that he will not become everyone's guest, but will become the object of control and covetousness by others.

People know that you have the means to bring the dead back to life and come to beg you. If you refuse to agree, they will definitely be angry. Then you inexplicably form a big enemy. You don’t know when you will fall into a big trap. You don’t know where someone will stumble you.

If you promise, more people will flock to your door, and people will ask you, why should you save him and not me?

Although it is your own choice, you can't help others hating you!

When people drag the dying people over, will you save them or not?

If you don't save them, you will become enemies.


From now on, don't do anything else, just save people every day.

Regardless of whether he is saved or not, there will definitely be enemies everywhere.

Of course, the most important thing is, if someone covets your magical power to bring the dead back to life, would you hand it over or not?

Even Gong Nanbei, who had such incredible supernatural powers, was forced to a desperate end. Cui Yu felt that he could not compare to Gong Nanbei no matter what.

The people and kings of the Great Zhou Dynasty were unable to withstand everyone's calculations, and they still overturned. How could Cui Yu be so virtuous and capable?

Don't be afraid of thieves stealing, just be afraid of thieves missing you.

Once he admits it and the news leaks out, he will never have peace in the future.

Junior brother!

! There was a hint of pleading in Gong Nanbei's voice.

Yes. Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei and exhaled before finally saying.

Seeing Cui Yu nodding in agreement, Gong Nanbei suddenly felt relieved and breathed out: I know that I am begging you at this time, which makes you a little embarrassed. But this is the only regret in my life, and it almost became my My inner demons have trapped me for sixty years and I cannot accept the imperial edict.

I agreed, senior brother, there is no need to say anything more, Cui Yu said.

Thank you. Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu, with a smile on his face: Save Mi Li, and your grudges with the Mi family can be resolved. The Mi family's tentacles are all over the world, and they are not as powerful as the vassal states. Bad. Especially in recent years, the Mi family has produced Mi Pig, which has brought the power of the Mi family to a higher level. The power of the Mi family has become more and more unpredictable, and has secretly gained the support of countless people. Everyone believes that Mi Pig has I hope to inherit the legacy of Emperor Shennong and practice to an incredible level. And even become the fourth human emperor of our human race!

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this. He didn't want to cause trouble, but he would never be afraid of it.

Especially now that he has the true blood of Gonggong as his support, Cui Yu feels very confident.

Where is the body? Cui Yu asked.

Regardless of his grievances with the Mi family, if the Mi family wants to kill him, he must not sit still and wait for death.

Take this scabbard and go to the Great Wall of Bones. It will guide you to where you should go. Gong Nanbei handed the scabbard to Cui Yu.

Looking at the eight gaudy red, yellow, green, blue, and purple gems on the scabbard, Cui Yu had a weird look in his eyes, but he still caught the scabbard.

The scabbard is very heavy and the scabbard is very fancy.

Cui Yu stroked the scabbard. It was made of ordinary material without any lines.

It feels like cold steel to the touch, but there is a faint fragrance between the nose.

The fragrance is very unique. Just after I breathed it in, my whole soul seemed to be out of body, and an indescribable feeling of comfort rose in my heart.

Even the movement of thoughts seems to be much faster.

The whole person seemed to fall into a strange state of calm.

Cui Yu stroked his sword and looked at Gong Nanbei with a determined look on his face. He couldn't help but feel an indescribable sadness in his heart: Is there really nothing you can do?

Is there nothing you can do?

After hearing Cui Yu's question, Gong Nanbei's eyes subconsciously shifted and fell on Cui Yu's shoulder, thinking of the innate divine sword.

With that innate divine sword, even if the saint comes, his palace will have the confidence to deal with it.


He couldn't say anything to ask Cui Yu to hand over the Innate Divine Sword to him.

No! Gong Nanbei said resolutely: Those beasts' hearts are like steel. They will never have any mercy or compassion for human beings. Once they have murderous intentions in their hearts, they will never leave anyone alive.

Gong Nanbei's voice was full of sighs: I only regret that I can't understand the supreme swordsmanship. I can't make any breakthroughs in my swordsmanship. Otherwise, why would I be like this? I was forced to do this by the beast that I chased to the sky and into the earth in the past. situation.

Gong Nanbei was filled with indignation.

Speaking of breakthroughs in the way of swordsmanship, Cui Yu's heart suddenly moved, and he thought of a powerful figure in the way of swordsmanship: Master Tongtian.

Isn’t Master Tongtian’s swordsmanship the pinnacle of swordsmanship?

If Gong Nanbei had the chance to understand the swordsmanship of Master Tongtian, could he kill the Ant Great Sage?

Gong Nanbei arranged his clothes and was about to walk out the door with a calm expression.

Senior brother, wait a minute. Cui Yu shouted.

Gong Nanbei paused and turned to look at Cui Yu, his eyes full of doubts: Junior brother, is there anything else you can do?

I have a copybook here, which was left behind by a certain master of swordsmanship. If senior brother takes a look at it, he may be able to gain something in his heart, Cui Yu said.

Gong Nanbei smiled when he heard this: I am the peak at the top of the mountain. I am the pinnacle of swordsmanship. There is simply no way in this world that there is anyone with a higher attainment than me in swordsmanship. I'm afraid your so-called senior is deceiving you... ….”

In the middle of Gong Nanbei's words, he suddenly paused. His eyes stared blankly at the sword sticker in Cui Yu's hand. Without saying a word, he stepped forward and snatched Cui Yu's sword sticker with his hand.

The writing on the sword had already been cut and disrupted by Cui Yu, and then re-pasted on a piece of white paper.

Gong Nanbei held the sword sticker, his whole body felt like he was struck by lightning, his breathing was rapid, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his body was trembling.

With the golden light in his eyes, Cui Yu saw that Gong Nanbei's eyes really burst out with a golden light, and then the words on Cui Yu's copybook turned into illusory strokes and fell into Gong Nanbei's eyes.

The handwriting on the copybook continues to become illusory, but there seems to be an indescribable terrifying edge gestating in Gong Nanbei's eyes.

Incredible! Incredible! How can there be such incredible swordsmanship in the world! How can there be such incredible methods in the world. Gong Nanbei's voice was full of excitement and confusion: I can't understand! I can't understand! It's too profound, it's completely can't read!

This sword shouldn't be like this!

This sword should obviously generate thunder and fire, but why does it become like this?

It shouldn't be!

Gong Nanbei held the copybook, like a monkey jumping up and down: I can't understand! It's too profound! It's completely beyond my understanding.

As he spoke, he kept making gestures with his hands: This is the way of kendo! This is the real way of kendo! What I have learned is just a trivial skill and the superficial knowledge of kendo. No, what I have learned is the dregs of kendo. I can only Call it swordsmanship, not kendo.

Gong Nanbei was like a madman, constantly wandering around the yard, holding a copybook in his hand, falling into a state of madness.

A quarter of an hour later, the last stroke on the copybook flew into Gong Nanbei's eyes. Gong Nanbei fell into an indescribable state of madness, constantly walking back and forth on the ground, his voice full of anxiety.

If I hear the Tao in the morning, I will die in the evening! But the Tongtian Avenue is right in front of me, and the real swordsmanship is in front of me, but I can't catch it or understand it. Is there anything more heartbreaking than this in the world? Gong Nanbei Keep dripping.

Then Gong Nanbei sat directly under the big tree, leaning against the big tree like a sculpture, and the whole person fell into some kind of indescribable state of enlightenment.

Cui Yu looked at the blank white paper, blew gently, and the white paper turned into ashes.

I hope Senior Brother Gong Nanbei can come up with a way to break the situation. Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of worry.

Although Gong Nanbei is a mountain in his eyes, the sky is Mount Buzhou.

He was a little afraid that Gong Nanbei wouldn't be able to read Tongtian's calligraphy.

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