In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 340: Chen Lu and Yan Qu’s chance of comeback

Tang Zhou felt that although he had lost a large amount of supplies, he would never lose money.

That’s a flat peach!

Even if you have a billion buckets of supplies, you have no place to exchange them.

By cultivating the body of a god and demon, his soul can rebel against his innate nature, transform into the soul of the innate demon god, and become the true Tai Sui demon god. No amount of material can buy this.

on the contrary

Tang Zhou felt that he had made a lot of money.

I have the body of a god and a demon, but I can’t get it in exchange for how many supplies I want?

Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou with his eyes: Are you here?

Of course I have to come. Tang Zhou sat opposite Cui Yu.

Gong Nanbei turned around and walked into the house at this time.

Are you also here for the supplies of gods and demons? Cui Yu asked.

Tang Zhou stretched out his palm, and a barrier formed in the void, covering the two of them.

You can't eat such a large batch of supplies. Tang Zhou looked at him: How about you share half of it with me?

I really have nothing to do with the gods and demons in the Gods and Demons Cave. I have made deals with the gods and demons in the Gods and Demons Cave, but do you think I, a mere second-level little person, will be taken seriously by the gods and demons? Even if I have an encounter with gods and demons, I am just a pawn of gods and demons. Besides, I reminded you that there is something wrong with that god and demon. Cui Yu said eloquently:

It was because I noticed something was wrong with the gods and demons that I stopped dealing with them.

You asked me in every possible way at that time. I didn't want to tell you originally, for fear that you would be tricked by the demon god and then come to me to settle the score. Look, now you really want to come to me to argue. What is going on in the cave of the gods and demons? What happened? That made Chen Lu look like this? Cui Yu was puzzled.

The gods and demons took away hundreds of millions of wealth and ran away. Tang Zhou said.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this. He really didn't know about this.

Seeing the inadvertent blankness on Cui Yu's face, Tang Zhou chose to believe it and looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Does Chen Lu's discovery of the Cave of Gods and Demons have anything to do with you?

What do you think? Do you think I am a master who is willing to suffer losses? Cui Yu asked Tang Zhou: When Shilong offended me, I still gave him to Kacha.

Tang Zhou was silent after hearing this. He appreciated Cui Yu's frankness, which was something no one else had.

Chen Lu is now driven to a dead end by you. Tang Zhou sighed leisurely: First, you ruined the old Confucian scholar's affairs, and then you lost all the assets of Haoran's lineage, and even more so with Haoran. In the name of the saint, crazy loans were made to the major vassal states. Even if the saint Haoran fails in his argument, he may have to live with famine, and the future life will be difficult.

What does it have to do with me? Cui Yu said calmly.

You did this, but you tricked the old Confucian scholar. Tang Zhou said: Those who are tricked by you are very likely to fail in enlightenment.

That's not necessarily the case. Cui Yu shook his head: The matter of old Confucian scholars has been fermented. There is always a group of people who will quietly and privately read the works of old Confucian scholars, and either agree with or criticize the articles of old Confucian scholars.

He felt that Tang Zhou did not understand the meaning of hype.

We have lost hundreds of millions of tons of supplies on the Taiping Road. The next uprising may be brought forward. If we start a hasty uprising, we may not have a chance of winning. Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu with calm eyes.

He has the body of a god and a devil, and he thinks that no matter how bad the situation is, he can still keep the fire of Taiping Dao alive.

I dare not say that I will make a comeback, but it is not difficult to save the fire.

I can provide you Taiping Dao with a batch of supplies, but I need Taiping Dao to do something for me, Cui Yu said.

What's the matter? Tang Zhou's heart suddenly moved when he heard this: Cui Yu might have really separated that batch of supplies from the Demon God.

All followers of Taiping Dao are imprinted with the articles of the old Confucian scholar. When you at Taiping Dao preach morality, help the old Confucian scholar to promote it. Cui Yu said. How much supplies can you give me? Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu with a hint of curiosity in his eyes: If the supplies are short, I won't do it.

How many supplies were taken away from you? Cui Yu asked.

Four hundred million fights! Tang Zhou gritted his teeth in hatred: At least four hundred million fights!

I'll give you five million buckets, Cui Yu said.

Only five million buckets? Too little! Tang Zhou was a little dissatisfied.

Is it less? Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou: At least it is enough for you to train an army of 500,000. And it is the kind of soldier who has been trained for hundreds of battles. Do you want to say a word?

Cui Yu didn't have the problem of being spoiled by others.

Five million is just a drop in the ocean compared to 400 million. Tang Zhou really wanted to muster up the courage to say no, but thinking of the current embarrassment within Taiping Road, he could only choose to nod in agreement.

The Taiping Dao uprising was not only the Taiping Dao plan, but also involved the layout of the imperial court. How could Tang and Zhou dare to delay?

The two of them looked at me and I at you, with a look of seriousness in their eyes.

What role did you play in this? Tang Zhou was really curious.

Cui Yu's handiwork this time is not small, it is simply a huge handiwork.

Cui Yu smiled and said nothing. Tang Zhou looked bored, then turned and left.

Looking at Tang Zhou's retreating figure, Cui Yu narrowed his eyes and drank tea leisurely.

Not long after, the shadow under Cui Yu's feet swayed, and he saw Xin Yuan coming out like a dog.

At this time, Xin Yuan was bubbling with beauty, and the whole dog's head was covered with a smile that could not be concealed.

Is the matter in the Cave of Gods and Demons over? Cui Yu asked with squinted eyes, hiding the expression of Xin Yuan in his eyes.

That's it. Then Chen Lu didn't come to cause trouble, right? Xin Yuan looked at Cui Yu calmly.

I just sent him away, Cui Yu said.

We've made a lot of money this time. We defrauded the opponent of 100 million buckets of supplies. We won't have to worry about supplies for cultivation in the future. Xin Yuan came to Cui Yu and spit out a scallop in his mouth: All the supplies are here Here, please keep it carefully.

One hundred million fights? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, his eyes filled with confusion.

What about the remaining 300 million buckets?

Opening his eyes, Cui Yu looked at Xin Yuan's dog head, his eyes full of disbelief.

Three hundred million buckets of resources were swallowed up like this?

Why do you look at me like that? Xin Yuan asked without changing his expression, facing Cui Yu's eyes without any guilt.

Cui Yu picked up the scallops, looked at them, and said calmly: Where are the other 300 million buckets of supplies?

What three hundred million buckets of supplies? Xin Yuan denied.

Huh? Cui Yu's nasal voice elongated.

How did you know? Xin Yuan looked at Cui Yu in surprise.

Seeing that he couldn't deny it, Xin Yuan's head was filled with disbelief.

Is the tight curse bad? Cui Yu said slowly.

Those are my supplies. They were obtained by my hard work. Why do you want to take them all? Xin Yuan's eyes widened, full of dissatisfaction.

Then I have to recite scriptures. What should I recite? Let's just recite a set of tightening mantras. Cui Yu said calmly.

Cui Yu! I can only give you another 100 million dou. Can we share the head office equally? Xin Yuan's big eyes were filled with grievances.

Tightening curse! Cui Yu whispered to the side with a smile.

I'll give you 300 million dou! I've worked so hard, so you have to leave some for me, right? I'm also a child, and I need materials to grow up. Xin Yuan looked at Cui Yu aggrievedly, almost crying.

Cui Yu had no choice but to nod: I'll leave you 100 million buckets. You can bury the rest of the supplies in the small world for me as supplies for promotion in the small world.

Xin Yuan glanced at Cui Yu, then entered the Dharma Realm with aggrieved expression and reluctance.

Xin Yuan disappeared, and Cui Yu sat in the yard, looking in the direction of the old Confucian scholar's retreat: I always feel that the old Confucian scholar is doomed to fail in his enlightenment. 'At the beginning of man's nature, nature is false' is simply untenable. .”

If it is said that people are originally evil by nature, it is quite possible. Cui Yu's heart was agitated, but he did not say it out loud.

It's annoying to say it.

How could he overthrow the hard pursuit of the old Confucian scholar for sixty years with just a few words?

That is the belief and spiritual strength that the old Confucian scholar has gradually strengthened over the past sixty years. How can Cui Yu shake it?

Saying that others are wrong for no reason will only make others unhappy.

Only by waiting until the other party is frustrated and then bringing it up at that time can the purpose of showing kindness to others be achieved.

Thinking of this, Cui Yu continued to squeeze the corpse ancestors and convert them into gods and demons.

The streets where people come and go

Chen Lu walked in front and Yan Qu chased behind. Not long after, the two of them had left Daliang City and arrived outside Daliang City.

Brother Chen, stay here. Yan Qu shouted loudly.

Chen Lu paused, her eyes full of coldness: Why, when you catch up, do you want to ask me if I and the gods and demons teamed up to defraud your supplies?

Yan Qu smiled: Brother Chen, slow down and don't be so sensitive. I believe you are innocent and you are also a victim. Mi Zhu's previous words were just a little more intense, but they involved the loss of hundreds of millions of buckets of supplies. It’s actually understandable that he feels like this.”

Chen Lu's eyes softened slightly after hearing this: Do you believe me?

Of course I believe you! Yan Qu replied without hesitation.

This is the art of speaking!

Some people's words sound good no matter what they say. This is actually the truth.

Then you believe me? Cui Yu deliberately set up a trap to frame me? Chen Lu seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw.

Whether it is Cui Yu's fault or not, we have no evidence, and we can't talk nonsense. Yan Qu said with a smile: The matter has come to this, and the hundreds of millions of buckets of supplies cannot be recovered no matter what. Brother Dao has thought about how to escape. Sage Meng’s interrogation?”

I can't help it. If I could, why would I be like this, running around like a headless fly. Chen Lu smiled bitterly.

I have a way to help you and I escape. Yan Chuan.

What method? There is no way those creditors will give up collecting debts! ​​Chen Lu shook his head: Unless we kill them all.

It's naturally unrealistic to kill them all, and we don't have that much ability. But I have a way to get you out of Shengren Meng's cross-examination. Yan Qu said bewilderedly.

Chen Lu looked at Yan Qu: Brother Taoist, please tell me as soon as possible if you have any other ideas. Don't continue to hold back. I lost the supplies of Haoran's lineage, incurred countless foreign debts, and gave away Meng Shengren's treasure scallops. I lost it, and now I am really at the end of my rope. If Brother Dao can give me some advice, I will be very grateful.

There is a way, but I'm just afraid that Brother Tao will be in trouble. Yan Qu started to whet his appetite at this time and started to sell things off.

Brother Dao, just tell me quickly. What else is difficult? What else is more difficult than now? Chen Lu said angrily.

After hearing Chen Lu's words, Yan Qu just nodded: Why don't you, Taoist brother, join my lineage of Li Saints?

Chen Lu was stunned when he heard the words, his face was dull, it seemed that he had not heard the other party's words clearly, and he was in a daze.

After a long time, he said: But the mistake I made is too big. Heaven and earth, Saint Meng will never let me go. Even if I join the lineage of Saint Li, Saint Li can't protect me, and I can't face the angry Haoran. saint.

What if Saint Haoran's Taoist heart collapses and he can no longer appear in this world? Yan Qu asked.

Chen Lu was stunned: How is that possible!

Why is it impossible? As long as Saint Haoran fails to discuss the Tao and his Tao heart collapses, he will naturally be imprisoned in the forest of merit in the ten directions and never come to the world again. Yan Channel.

Is the Li Sage sure of victory? Chen Lu was puzzled.

Yan Qu shook his head: No. But if you are willing to come over, you will be 100% sure.

Chen's face looked troubled, and he understood the meaning of Chen Lu's words.

What Haoran's lineage seeks is that people are inherently good. If he betrays Meng Shengren and secretly attacks Meng Shengren, Meng Shengren's Taoist heart will definitely collapse.

Your most valued disciples have betrayed you, which proves that your teachings are just empty talk.

His heart can be killed!

Facts speak louder than words.

That's my master. Once a master, he is always a father. Chen Lian looked hesitant.

What he was worried about was whether his Taoist heart would collapse if he made a sneak attack.

This is a classic from my lineage of rites. From now on, if you start to study the classics from my lineage of rites and saints, you will naturally not be afraid of the collapse of your Taoist heart. Yan Qu took out the books he had prepared from his sleeve and handed them to Got Chen Lu.

Chen Lian looked hesitant.

You regard him as your master, but now your master wants to kill you and hold you accountable. You will die as a fellow Taoist or as a poor Taoist. It is your choice! Yan Qu handed over the book.

If he could win over Chen Lu and ask Chen Lu to sneak attack Meng Shengren, causing Meng Shengren's Taoist heart to collapse, and help Li Sage succeed in discussing Taoism, his fault would not be unforgivable.

By then, the lineage of Li Saints will be the only one in power, and supplies will no longer be a matter of waving hands?

Countless people came forward on their own initiative.

As long as you make a choice, you and I will both have a bright and broad future. Our guilt will be washed away. Yan Qu patted Chen Lu on the shoulder: You are already eighty now. After many years, once your cultivation is abolished, your bloodline will inevitably age quickly. Not only will your strength be greatly reduced, but you will also face the threat of lifespan. Make your own choice!

No need to say it, I agreed. Chen Lu put the book in his sleeve: We will start after I finish converting the technique.

That's right, we will be a family from now on. Yan Qu said with a smile.

Chen Lu has met the head master brother! Chen Lu bowed respectfully.

ps: Please subscribe and save the children, they are starving to death. Woohoo...Students who are in a book shortage can read the author's old books.

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