In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 341: I can’t stand firm if I’m not ruthless

Chen Lu was a decisive and ruthless person. Hearing this, without saying anything, he bowed respectfully.

Seeing Chen Lu surrendering, Yan Qu raised the corners of his mouth, patted the other party on the shoulder, and said to himself: It's done.

As long as it can help Saint Li defeat Saint Meng's Taoist heart, no matter how big a mistake he makes, he can tolerate it.

Before taking refuge, there are still many valuable things in Haoran's lineage. Junior brother might as well scavenge all the remaining value of Haoran's lineage. Yan Qu pointed out.

Chen Lu was stunned for a moment, then took a breath of air: What a ruthless person! The person in front of you is a ruthless person!

Since you have chosen to take refuge, you must have broken the relationship with Haoran. In this case, why not do it more ruthlessly? There is no need to think about leaving room, Meng Shengren's fall is doomed. That old Confucian scholar, under our pressure, There is no way to save the day. Why don't you completely plunder the value of Haoran's lineage now. Yan Channel.

Chen Lu had to say that what the other party said made sense.

Chen Lu turned all the way and came to her own manor. Gao Dachong was standing in front of the flower garden, looking at the flowers in front of the flower garden seriously.

Senior brother! Sensing Chen Lu's arrival, Gao Dachong quickly turned around and bowed respectfully.

Follow me. Chen Lu glanced at Gao Dachong, and the two of them came to the lotus pond. Chen Lu jumped lightly and landed on the lotus leaf.

In which year did you become a disciple of Haoran Dao? Chen Lu asked while sitting on the lotus leaf.

Returning to Senior Brother, it was fifty-four years ago. I remember that when I became a member of the Taoist lineage, Senior Brother took great care of me. At that time, Senior Brother was not yet the Senior Brother of the Haoran lineage, but the Senior Senior Brother at that time was still Zilu Senior brother. Gao Dachong sat in front of Chen Lu with a respectful expression.

Yes. In the blink of an eye, it has been more than forty years. At that time, I was just an ordinary disciple in the mountains who only knew how to practice hard and was depressed. Above me, there are twelve major disciples who control the Haoran lineage. Under Zi Lu's instigation, the twelve major disciples continued to fight among themselves, and the entire Haoran lineage was in chaos. It was you who helped me trap Zi Lu, and then gave me the opportunity to persuade the twelve major disciples to take the position. Since I took the position, although in name, I am in charge of the Haoran lineage, but all the big and small things are handled by you for me. If you hadn't helped me these years, how could I have used the resources of the Haoran lineage to practice with peace of mind and fight at the same time? Things in Neo-Confucianism. Chen Lu looked at Gao Dachong, her heart filled with emotion.

Gao Dachong lowered his head with a respectful expression: I would like to thank my senior brother for the promotion. If it hadn't been for the promotion, I'm afraid I would still be the frustrated and inconspicuous little disciple of the Haoran lineage.

Hearing what Gao Dachong said, Chen Lu smiled and said, It's better to say that it was me who promoted you, but it's better to say that it was you and me who helped each other.

Hearing Chen Lu's words, Gao Dacong was frightened: I don't dare. It's clearly my senior brother who promoted me. I can't repay my senior brother's great kindness and kindness. I will definitely follow my senior brother in the future, go through fire and water without hesitation. I am willing to work hard for my senior brother. , follow senior brother to the top.

Chen Lu's face was moved when she heard this, and she looked at Gao Dacong with a pair of eyes, a trace of water vapor shining in her eyes.

I am afraid that only he himself knows how embarrassing and difficult his current situation in Haoran's lineage is.

The mountains and rivers are exhausted, and the hearts of the people are deserted.

He is now in the Haoran lineage, and it can be said that he has reached the end of his rope.

In order to collect supplies, all the disciples of Haoran's lineage were offended by him.

In particular, the Dao meridians controlled by the twelve major disciples were completely plundered by him. The twelve major disciples may have hated him to death in their hearts for a long time. They hated him to the core and were waiting to see him make a fool of himself and make mistakes.

Until now

Gao Dachong still followed him loyally and unswervingly, how could he remain indifferent?

The human heart is made of flesh!

I may be able to hide my current situation from others, but I definitely can't hide it from you. Why do you still want to follow me? Chen Lu looked at Gao Dachong: If it were anyone else, I'm afraid it would be too late to draw a clear line with me. Woolen cloth.

Without senior brother's promotion, would An An be where he is today? My life belongs to senior brother. When Gao Dachong spoke about the depth of his love, he knelt down directly on the ground: Although senior brother is my senior brother in name, in reality Your superior is my guide and my master. If it weren’t for my senior brother’s promotion, how could I be where I am today?”

Chen Lu stepped forward and helped Gao Dacong up, her voice full of emotion: In the past, I only knew that there is no loyalty in the world, but only today do I know that the ancients are sincere and will not deceive me.

As of now, I won't hide it from you. I failed in my job, and the Haoran lineage will definitely not tolerate me. I have chosen to seek refuge with Saint Li, and have abandoned Saint Haoran. I will give you two paths now. If you follow me, Go to the lineage of the Saint, and I will take you with me. If you don’t want to leave the lineage of Haoran, you can draw a clear line with me from today on. Otherwise, if I go to the lineage of the Saint in the future, you will be hostile to the disciples in the sect. Chen Lu looked at Gao Dacong with his eyes, his voice was sincere, but there was a trace of terrifying murderous intention slowly brewing in the hands in his sleeves.

As long as the other party's answer is not what he wants, he will immediately kill him.

Is human nature inherently good?

If he really believed in this doctrine, he would not betray Haoran's lineage.

Are you joining the lineage of Saint Li? Gao Dachong couldn't help shrinking his eyes, looking at Chen Lu with disbelief in his eyes.

How dare he do it!

If Saint Haoran gets angry, can Saint Li really stop him?

Moreover, when discussing the Tao between the Li sage and the Haoran sage, there is no distinction between superiority and inferiority!

Senior brother, are you telling the truth? Gao Dachong's whole body was like thunder rolling from the sky at this time, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his eyes were completely confused.

Do I dare to joke about this kind of thing? Chen Lu said.

Why is this? The matter has not reached this point yet. Gao Dachong quickly advised: What's more, how does senior brother know that Saint Meng lost this debate? What if Saint Li failed? What would happen then? Are you in big trouble? Rebellion is a death sentence for your soul! Why are you so reckless?

Do you think I still have a chance to choose now? Even if Saint Meng wins the argument and I have not apostatized, will Saint Meng let me go? By then I am afraid I will end up in a situation worse than death. Chen Lu looked at Gao Dachong with her eyes and asked unhurriedly: Are you going to rebel with me, or will you continue to stay in the religion?

The voice was gentle, but hearing it in his ears made him shiver.

He has been with Chen Lu for decades and knows Chen Lu too well.

Although Chen Lu spoke to him with a gentle voice now, if he answered inappropriately, he might be killed.

Wherever senior brother goes, I will go. Of course, senior brother and I are in the same boat. How can there be any reason to abandon senior brother? Besides, if senior brother leaves the Haoran lineage, then how can there be a place for me in the Haoran lineage? Zilu and others will never let go. Pass me. Gao Dachong knelt on the ground again, his eyes full of sincerity:

I am willing to follow my senior brother through fire and water, no matter what. Gao Dachong did not hesitate and directly chose to kneel down, his eyes full of sincerity.

Okay! Okay! Okay! Very good! I really saw you right, you are a smart man. If you and I join forces, even if you join the lineage of the Li Saint, you will still have a bright future. The murderous intent in Chen Lu's sleeves eased. He slowly dispersed and helped Gao Dacong up.

Senior brother, there is no problem for us to join the lineage of Saint Li, but...if Saint Meng is investigated in the future, we still can't escape. Now that the two saints are discussing Taoism, there is no distinction between high and low, so we will choose directly. Isn't it a bit abrupt to place a bet? Gao Dachong asked cautiously.

Even if you put your heart back into your stomach, that Saint Haoran will definitely lose. When the Taoist heart breaks, even if it doesn't kill him, he will be trapped in the Ten Directions Forest of Merit and cannot escape. Wait until When he walks out of the Ten Directions Forest of Merits, it will be who knows how many thousands of years. By then, you and I will have either become enlightened and can be on an equal footing with Saint Meng, or we will have long since turned into withered bones under the impact of time. How can we still be afraid of Saint Meng? He will be held accountable? Chen Lu gave Gao Dachong a reassurance.

Senior brother, are you so sure? Gao Dachong asked: You are so confident that Saint Meng will definitely be defeated?

Of course. Meng Shengren will definitely lose, because Meng Shengren has a fatal weakness. Chen Lu said.

Achilles' heel?

Gao Dachong was stunned. Meng Shengren's morality had been tempered many times, so where could there be a fatal weakness?

Moreover, he is also a disciple of Haoran's lineage. If he really has a fatal weakness, how could he not discover it?

Hahaha, what do you think I would do if I personally attacked Saint Meng? Chen Lu said with a smile.

He is now on the same front as Gao Dachong, and of course he will not hide it from Gao Dachong. He wants to give Gao Dachong reassurance.

As for whether Gao Dachong would betray him after getting the news and leak it right away?

It's not important anymore!

When the news reached Meng Shengren's ears, the effect would be the same whether Chen Lu took action or not.

His most trusted disciple, the key person who was designated as the head disciple, can be called his core, but he betrayed him. What do you want him to think?

No matter what, the other party's morality will collapse.

Brother, how dare you! That's a saint! Gao Dachong was frightened. He felt that Chen Lu didn't know the heights of the world and wanted to sneak attack on the saint? It's too ignorant to know the heights of the world.

The two of them looked at me and I at you, with a look of seriousness in their eyes.

Leave the matter to me. I will never put myself to death. Since I dare to take action, I am sure to avoid the saint's counterattack before his death. Chen Lu said with a smile.

Gao Dachong was silent when he heard the words, lowered his head and didn't know what to think.

Chen Lu didn't urge her, but turned to look at the distant lake.

Since senior brother has chosen to rebel, of course he must maximize his profits. After a while, Gao Dachong's voice was heard. At this time, Gao Dachong's eyes were full of burning light, and his eyes were filled with evil spirits.

Do you have a plan? Chen Lu asked.

Why don't we poison all the twelve disciples to death? It can be regarded as our surrender. Gao Dachong's voice was full of coldness: Especially Zilu, let alone Zilu.

There are also treasures in the religion. We will loot them all and leave nothing to Saint Meng. We will also kill the old Confucian scholar. This can be regarded as our surrender to the lineage of Saint Li! Gao Dachong smiled sinisterly.

Hearing Gao Dachong's words, Chen Lu couldn't help but trembled, with a look of awe in her eyes.

Cruel person!

This is the real ruthless person!

He just wanted to apostatize, but Gao Dachong wanted to stay in the same family.

Senior brother is the number one master in the teaching. As long as we plan carefully, we may not be able to defeat the entire Haoran lineage. Now that we have done it, of course we must do it absolutely and not leave any escape route for the other party. Gao Dachong said.

Chen Lu was silent after hearing the words, and quickly simulated and deduced in her mind. Thousands of thoughts flashed through her mind. After a long time, she shook her head and rejected: It is difficult to kill the twelve disciples. Although I am the best master in the sect, but that The twelve people are not soft persimmons, they all have life-saving cards in their hands.

There are also palaces in the north and south of Daliang City, as well as the unfathomable Tang and Zhou Dynasties, and all kinds of saints gathered near Liangjie Mountain. Once there is a disturbance, the other party can come down in an instant and suppress everything in the field. Chen Lu Shake his head.

Gao Dachong looked at Chen Lu, countless rays of light flashed in his eyes, and after a long time he said: Senior brother, we have all apostatized, why not do it more simply, even the Li lineage has betrayed, let's secretly seek refuge with the imperial court .Senior brother is a great master, and the court will never reject him. When the time comes, we will secretly play chess pieces for the court in the line of rites. In this way, we have double insurance. Even if we cannot survive in the lineage of rites, we will There can also be a way out.”

Design yourself to the imperial court? Now that the Great Zhou Dynasty has gradually sunk to the west, is it still worthy of you and me to seek refuge? Chen Lu frowned.

Leaving a way out may play an unexpected role at a critical moment. Gao Dachong said.

Chen Lu was silent when she heard this, neither agreeing nor objecting.

You should lead your people to plunder all the remaining wealth in the sect now. You can't leave any of it behind! I want the Haoran lineage to not even have money to eat. Chen Lu said.

Looking at Chen Lu, Gao Dachong felt disappointed. If he could pull Chen Lu into the court's camp, he would have made a great contribution.

At the same time, he also cursed secretly in his heart: Shu Zi is not worthy of conspiracy.

He felt that Chen Lu was not ruthless and decisive enough in his actions. Now that he had betrayed him, what kind of kindness could he have left?

Of course, kill as many as you can, lest disciples from the Haoran lineage come out to clean up the family in the future.

What should we do with that Zilu? Gao Dachong looked at Chen Lu with his eyes:

He is senior brother's biggest enemy and has always coveted his position. After these sixty years of hard training, I'm afraid Zilu has already entered the imperial edict! Once senior brother leaves, doesn't it give Zilu a chance? It's better to get rid of Zilu. After all, with Regarding the grudge between senior brother and Zi Lu, Zi Lu will definitely take charge of the Haoran lineage again in the future, and when the time comes, he will lead the disciples of the Haoran lineage to fight against senior brother.

ps: Please subscribe and save the children, they are starving to death. Woohoo...Students who are in a book shortage can read the author's old books.

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