Chen Lu stared at Cui Yu with her eyes, her teeth chattering with hatred.

As long as Cui Yu admits that he was the first to discover the cave of gods and demons, he will have a way to drag Cui Yu into the water and put all the blame on Cui Yu.

He even accused Cui Yu of deliberately framing him and teaming up with the devil to steal all the supplies.

It's a pity that no matter whether he threatens or begs, the other party will never let go.

Looking at Cui Yu sitting under the big tree leisurely drinking tea, Chen Lu suddenly became confused: How old is he? He is so difficult to deal with. How did the Chen family provoke such enemies?

His eyes were full of sadness. At that age, he seemed to be a nerd who could only recite the Book of Songs, right?

This son cannot be kept. He will definitely become the Chen family's enemy in the future. Chen Lu said to herself.

If Cui Yu had nothing to do with the God and Demon Cave, he would be the first to not believe it.

The relationship between Cui Yu and the Gods and Demons Cave is by no means that simple.

The gods and demons must have told Cui Yu about the Three Treasures of Kaitian, but Cui Yu was indifferent. Is this reasonable?

If it were another person, he would have used the magic rice to exchange for a large amount of supplies, and he would not be as indifferent as Cui Yu.

This is also Cui Yu's only flaw.

Unfortunately, this is just Chen Lu's inference and cannot be used as evidence.

Could it be that he told others that Cui Yu, a young monk who was not in the third realm, was actually related to the ancient demon? Teaming up with the Ancient Demon God to deceive people?

is it possible?

You are very well! You are very well! Chen Lu looked at Cui Yu, took a deep look at Cui Yu for the last time, then turned and walked out of the yard.

At this time, a thought came to Chen Lu's mind: If the gods and demons were a scam, then when Gao Dachong was followed, wasn't Cui Yu deliberately luring him into the trap?

In other words, Cui Yu deliberately introduced himself and his group into the situation?

But what to do with the old and sour scholar?

The process of enlightenment by old Confucian scholars is indispensable for those gods and demons, right?

Could it be that the old Confucian scholar and the god and demon rice were just part of his game?

Chen Lu suddenly felt cold in her heart and couldn't help but shiver. If Cui Yu's calculations were so far-reaching, I'm afraid no one would be able to escape this disaster.

All those who have offended him will not be able to escape his plans in the future.

Chen Lu walked out of Baicaotang with a numb expression, a rage in his heart like an ape jumping up and down, constantly stirring his heart.


Angry to the extreme!


The fear is extreme!

When they walked out of the alley, they saw Tang Zhou and others waiting at the entrance of the alley. The previous conversation in the yard had already reached the ears of several people.

Seeing Cui Yu's denial, Yan Qu and his party gave up the idea of ​​asking.

There won't be any difference.

Cui Yu didn't tell Chen Lu when he went there, and he and his group went there, but the other party wouldn't tell them either.

Yan Qu wanted to leave, but finally took a step and walked into the courtyard.

Even though I know there will be no results, I still have to give it a try.

If there is nothing you can do, how can you give up if you don’t give it a try?

Thinking of this, Yan Qu walked into the courtyard and saw Cui Yu drinking tea leisurely.

What happened in the Cave of Gods and Demons...

Needless to say, I don't know anything. Cui Yu shook his head.

Just as Yan Qu spoke, he was interrupted by Cui Yu: I have never mentioned the Gods and Demons Cave, and I have never mentioned the origin of the Gods and Demons Rice. If I had the Gods and Demons Cave, I would definitely have to say something in silence. How could I let you know about my great wealth? Why do I hand out rice all over the street? Am I afraid that I am not eye-catching enough and that others do not know my secret?

Cui Yu's words stunned Yan Qu.

Yes, Cui Yu never mentioned Shen Mo Mi from beginning to end. Everything was just his own conjecture.

Who first discovered the God and Demon Cave to exchange God and Demon rice? Cui Yu asked.

Chen Lu. Yan Qu thought for a moment and finally pointed the finger at Chen Lu.

Yes, Chen Lu was the first to discover the Cave of Gods and Demons, and they discovered the Cave of Gods and Demons following Chen Lu.

Cui Yu has been denying everything from beginning to end, okay?

Although I don't know what happened at that time, I have a hypothesis. What if there is no so-called cave of gods and demons in this world? What if everything is man-made? Just to defraud you of your property? Even, what is the so-called cave? Are all the demon gods fake? Cui Yu said, looking at him with his eyes.

After hearing what Cui Yu said, Yan Qu was stunned.


What if all this was designed by Chen Lu?

What if all this was Chen Lu's fault?

But Chen Lu can't come up with so much God and Demon Rice at all. Yan Qu rejected Cui Yu's proposal.

If Haoran's lineage cooperates with the imperial court, what about the gods and demons rice that the imperial court takes out? Is it just to consume the foundation of the major forces? And it is not normal for so many gods and demons rice to appear in the world. I mean... if Is there something wrong with those gods and demons rice? What about the fake gods and demons rice developed by the imperial court? Cui Yu asked.

Yan Qu was suddenly startled and broke into a cold sweat.

He had already seen the olive branch of the imperial court towards Haoran's lineage. Otherwise, how could Saint Li discuss Taoism with Saint Meng?

What if the imperial court used Chen Lu to set up a trap?

Yan Qu really became more and more frightened the more he thought about it.

Now 40% of the world's supplies have been sent away from them. In addition, the Great Zhou court has gathered at least 30% of the world's supplies. Who will still be the opponent of the Great Zhou court by then?

Thinking of this possibility, Yan Qu's heart sank to the bottom, and his back was wet with sweat.

But there is still a doubt about where Cui Yu's magic rice comes from and what role Cui Yu plays in it.

Where did your magic rice come from? Yan Qu looked at Cui Yu and couldn't help but ask.

Cui Yu smiled bitterly when he heard this: I think you are also a smart person, and I won't hide it from you. To be honest, I picked up those gods and demons rice!

Picked it up? Yan Qu was stunned.

Cui Yu pointed to the sky: I picked them from the mountains. I swear in the name of heaven, these gods and demons rice are indeed picked from the mountains.

Of course I picked it up!

The stones he picked up were transformed into magic rice.

I'm not lying. Cui Yu muttered in his heart.

Yan Qu looked at Cui Yu and actually chose to believe it.

Although the reason Cui Yu gave is extremely absurd, it is precisely because of its absurdity that it can be believed.

So, instead of asking me, you might as well ask Chen Lu. Moreover, the matter of engraving books on the street was not what I thought at all. It was something I heard someone talk about when I passed by a tea shop that day. Cui Fishing Road.

Burning! This is a bureau! A bureau set against us. Yan Qu's body became cold upon hearing this.

He is a smart man, and precisely because he is a smart man, he chose to believe Cui Yu's lies.

Chen Lu! Chen Lu! If he is the first person to discover the cave of gods and demons... Countless thoughts flashed in Yan Qu's mind.

Chen Lu has always said that Cui Yu was the first person to discover the Cave of Gods and Demons, but on the contrary, he has never been able to provide evidence. There has never been evidence to prove that Cui Yu was the first person to discover the Cave of Gods and Demons.

Moreover, Cui Yu gave a reason that even he himself did not believe, so Yan Qu chose to believe Cui Yu's words.

It is precisely because it is extremely absurd that it appears extremely believable.

As long as you inquire carefully, you can know the hatred between Chen Lu and me. I wiped out the whole Chen family in Daliang, so there is no need to hide Chen Lu's murderous intention towards me. Of course, he doesn't want me to stay in Haoran Academy and wants to exclude me. Get out. Cui Yu said: Every time the God and Demon Rice is consumed, more God and Demon Rice will fall from the sky to replenish it for me.

Looking at Yan Qu's eyes, Cui Yu was secretly proud.

Do you think he just used the help of gods and demons to trick these guys?


He even wanted to take advantage of the situation and kill Chen Lu!

Outside the alley

Mi Zhu looked at Chen Lu with his eyes. Listening to Cui Yu's analysis in the yard, Mi Zhu actually felt that it made some sense.

Nonsense! Absolute nonsense! He is framing me! He is trying to frame me! He is framing me! The three corpse gods were furious and rushed into the courtyard to argue.

I've seen people talk nonsense, but I've never seen people talk so freely.

If it is really white, say it is black, and if it is black, say it is white.

It was clear that he sent people to follow Cui Yu and find the Cave of Gods and Demons. At this time, he actually reversed the situation and framed the suspicion on him.

Brother Chen, calm down! Brother Chen, calm down! It's just his family's words and cannot be taken seriously. Mi Zhu quickly held down Chen Lu.

Listen, are he speaking human words? He didn't confuse right and wrong and frame up, right? He is not a human! He is not a human at all! This is simply not something that a human can do. Chen Lu was angry. Swearing loudly.

Mi Zhu kept comforting: Don't worry, as long as we work together to investigate, there will always be clues. Even if the other party is the devil, he can't escape. Sooner or later, you will be cleared.

Brother Mi still understands the truth. Chen Lu's anger gradually subsided after hearing this, and there was a hint of relief in her eyes.

But...are you really not responsible for this matter? Do you dare to swear to the Dharma Realm? Mi Zhu looked at Chen Lu, who was gradually regaining his composure, and cautiously stepped forward to ask.

Chen Lu:…….

In an instant, Chen Lu's face turned dark.

A pair of eyes stared at Mi Zhu, and his anger continued to brew: I told you, I didn't do this.

But what Cui Yu said makes sense. If Cui Yu doesn't admit that he discovered the Cave of Gods and Demons, then you were the first to discover the Cave of Gods and Demons. You are the most suspected of colluding with the Demon God. Mi Zhu argued.

Chen Lu clenched his fists angrily.

The most terrifying situation happened, and it was also the situation that worried him the most.

As long as Cui Yu doesn't admit the incident in the God and Demon Cave, everyone will think that he is setting up a trap and colluding with the Demon God.

At this moment, Yan Qu walked out of the small courtyard and came all the way to Chen Lu.

Their eyes met, Chen Lu's eyes were full of aggrievedness, Yan Qu coughed lightly: Brother Chen, you heard Cui Yu's words, what's your explanation?

You also suspect that I did it? Chen Lu's eyes were full of grief and anger.

I think what he said makes sense. Yan Channel said.

I think what he said makes sense. Although it is unbelievable to think about it, it sounds like it is true. It is precisely because the flaws are too big, and the magic rice that descends from the sky is too fantasy, but precisely because In this way, the authenticity of the story becomes even more apparent. I am afraid that the mastermind behind the plot did not expect that he would superimpose the suspicion on Cui Yu. Mi Zhu said angrily from the side.

What do you mean? Do you suspect that I am responsible? But don't forget, I am also a victim. Chen Lu glared at Mi Zhu.

Yes, you are also a victim. Precisely because you are also a victim, you are more suspicious. If you don't suffer along with us, but you escape, wouldn't it seem very suspicious? Now you are just like us. If you become a victim, won't the suspicion be cleared instantly? Who knows in which corner you are hiding and sharing supplies with the other party. Mi Zhu said plausibly.


! I beat you to death!

! I beat you to death!

! Chen Lu suddenly became angry, her eyes were beating wildly, and she punched Mi Zhu.

Did you see that? I was so angry. It was you who did it! Mi Zhu screamed and refused to give in.

Tang Zhou frowned: That's enough!

Then, with Tang Zhou as the center, lines spread out under their feet, instantly separating the two people and turning into a screen.

Master, do you also think I did it? Chen Lu was blocked by the barrier and did not force a breakthrough. Instead, she looked at Tang Zhou with her eyes.

Tang Zhou was silent when he heard this.

Of course he knows who did it?

He has never seen a more troublesome and shameless person than Cui Yu.

Moreover, it was Cui Yu who personally pointed out the direction for him.

If Cui Yu said that he didn't know about the Cave of Gods and Demons, who would believe him?

But there was no need for him to expose Cui Yu's words and testify for Chen Lu.

To be honest, although he has a grudge against Cui Yu, for some reason now, he doesn't really want to offend Cui Yu.

Inexplicably, I always feel a sense of closeness to Cui Yu.

Who did it? I don't dare to comment until the truth comes out. Tang Zhou said in a low voice.

Chen Lu was furious when he heard this: Okay! Okay! Okay! You all suspect that I did it, don't you? So what if it was the first cave of gods and demons that I discovered? Do you have evidence? Do you have evidence to prove that I did it?

No evidence!

If there was evidence, everyone would have taken action long ago, why bother running around like a headless fly now.

You don't have to be excited. What's true can't be fake, and what's fake can't be true. Things will eventually come to light one day. Tang Zhou comforted him.

After hearing what Tang Zhou said, Chen Lu walked away angrily.

After all, now that the blame is on me and no one believes in me, what the hell is that?

Brother Chen! Brother Chen! Don't be angry, I have something to say to you. Looking at Chen Lu's back, Yan Qu quickly chased after her.

Mi Zhu looked at Tang Zhou: Master, what do you think?

Nine times out of ten, it was Chen Lu who set up the trap. Tang Zhou said.

Although he didn't know what Cui Yu wanted to do, Tang Zhou didn't mind selling well and went with the flow.

It must be him, but unfortunately there is no evidence. Mi Zhu stamped his feet, then suddenly turned around and quickly chased after him.

Seeing everyone walking away, Tang Zhou looked in the direction of Baicaotang and walked in slowly.

Brother Cui Yu, we meet again. Tang Zhou stood at the gate and grinned.

No matter what, he was sure to make a profit this time with the Demon God.

To complete the demon god's body, why waste on mere supplies?

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