By the way, at the grain store, you personally take charge of the overall situation. Meng Shengren seemed to have remembered something and warned him again.

Disciple heard that this matter was caused by a disciple named Cui Yu who belongs to Junior Brother Li Ming...

What can a mere child accomplish? Even if he has some wits, he can't take the overall situation into account. Once the Li Saint lineage makes an attack, he still can't resist it.

After Meng Shengren finished speaking, he patted Chen Lu on the shoulder and turned to leave.

Looking at Meng Shengren's back, Chen Lu sighed softly: Do you want to ask your heart to discuss Tao? The last time you asked your heart to discuss Tao, it was Li Si and Han Fei, right?

However, I still have to investigate the situation in Daliang City first before deciding whether to take action. Chen Lu was not reckless. Instead, a carrier pigeon flew out from his hand, and the person disappeared in place.

Saint Meng and Saint Li walked side by side, and the atmosphere between the two was harmonious, without any viciousness or viciousness that wanted to kill others.

Tell me, who will win this time when we have a heart-to-heart discussion? Li Shengren suddenly asked.

Meng Shengren subconsciously looked sideways at Li Shengren, and then said humbly: Brother Taoist attained enlightenment three thousand seven hundred years earlier than me, and the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is infinitely deeper than my understanding. I expected Brother Taoist to have a greater chance of winning.

Well, yes, I think you are right. After hearing this, Saint Li nodded in agreement and walked forward without looking back.

Saint Meng looked at Saint Li's back and couldn't help but be startled, his eyes full of confusion, but he quickly followed him.

The two saints walked away, and Yan Qu stood there, looking at the retreating figures of the two saints with a look of contemplation.

Then Yan Qu and Chen Lu looked at each other, and Chen Lu smiled softly: Hey, isn't this the future helmsman of the Li lineage? I heard that you were made into human flesh and stabbed?

Yan Qu's face turned purple with anger, and he stared at Chen Lu with his eyes: Don't show off your power with your words, you will cry sometimes in the future.

You can't even fight a humble disciple of my Haoran lineage, and you still want to fight me? It's simply a wishful thinking. After Chen Lu finished speaking, he made a human body posture, and Nayan Qu suddenly shook his clothes in anger. sleeves, and then left quickly.

Looking at Yan Qu's back, Chen Lu shook his head: It's me who thinks highly of him. I used to hear his name ringing loudly, but he was made into a human body by a disciple of the second level of martial arts. If word spread, it must be the Middle-earth China. The laughing stock. The whole lineage of Lisheng is this kind of thing, why should they argue with us?

Half a day later

Outside Daliang City

Chen Lu put her hands behind her back, holding a ruler in her hands, and kept tapping her back gently.

Not long after, several figures came from a distance and stood in front of Chen Lu.

Big Brother!

Several figures said respectfully.

Have you found out the news in Daliang City? Have you found out Cui Yu's methods? Chen Lu asked.

Reporting to senior brother, we have all investigated clearly. Cui Yu's methods are just a bit novel, but they are not worth mentioning. One person said.

If you take over that rice shop, can you copy Cui Yu's methods without making mistakes? Chen Lu asked.

It's not difficult. As long as you are not a fool, you can learn the tricks at a glance. One of them took over the conversation, and then looked at Chen Lu hesitantly, hesitating as to whether he should speak or not.

What do you have to say? Chen Lu looked at the disciple.

Cui Yu used magic rice to help the people, the junior brother said.

What? God and Demon Rice? Chen Lu suddenly changed his expression and objected categorically: Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Daliang City is so big, where did he get the God and Demon Rice?

Facing Chen Lu's disbelief, the junior brother took out a porcelain bowl from his pocket. The porcelain bowl contained nothing but God and Demon Rice.

Chen Lu took the porcelain bowl, her eyes widened, and she looked at the yellow rice grains in the bowl. The next moment she suddenly sucked hard at the porcelain bowl.

Then he saw that the yellow rice in the porcelain bowl turned into a puff of smoke, which was completely absorbed by the dew, and the yellow rice in the bowl also turned into gravel again.

God and Demon Rice! It is indeed God and Demon Rice!

Are you sure that the rice Cui Yu gives away is all this kind of rice from gods and demons? Chen Lu asked.

Senior brother, we are sure that it is this kind of rice. The disciple said.

Chen Lu was silent after hearing this. After a long time, she said, Send someone to find out more about Cui Yu's location of the God and Demon Rice.

Let's talk about Cui Yu, standing in front of the pavilion, holding Xiang Caizhu's letter, staring at it blankly.

After a long time, he got into position and continued to exercise his internal organs.

As long as I can develop the strength of one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred kilograms, I will be able to successfully become the best in this world. Once I understand the law of strength, I will be able to master the laws of heaven and earth, carry mountains and catch the moon. Great supernatural power.”

Cui Yu practiced martial arts day and night, and all the extra divine blood was used by him to transform his skin, transforming his skin into the divine and demonic skin of a female demon.

It's just that the speed of transformation is too slow, a bit outrageous.

With the end of the Seven Arrows book, Cui Yu's practice has slowed down again.

Now I can only temporarily transform the key parts of my body.

Fortunately, when I transform, countless divine blood will always flow out at critical moments, constantly providing myself with enough divine blood to undergo transformation.

Along with the transformation of the god and demon's skin, Cui Yu felt that something had happened to him.

Some kind of unique twist.

The skin of gods and demons feeds back the body and blood. The skin of gods and demons actually produces strands of divine blood, which nourishes Cui Yu's flesh and blood and makes up for Cui Yu's consumption of divine blood.

Although the birth of divine blood was only one drop less than the breath of the Corpse Ancestor Mark, Cui Yu was very excited after seeing it. He felt a different world.

Even if I lose the mark of the Corpse Ancestor and the golden finger in the future, I can still give birth to divine blood. Cui Yu showed a hint of joy.

Moreover, the blood in his body flowed through the skin of gods and demons, and an inexplicable change occurred, giving birth to traces of the characteristics of gods and demons.

The true blood of Gonggong also began to flow restlessly in Cui Yu's body, and even a trace of it settled on the skin of the gods and demons, changing the skin of the gods and demons in advance.

Time passes bit by bit, and the days pass day by day.

Chi You's head has been staring at Cui Yu recently, always feeling that something is wrong with him. As for what exactly is wrong, he can't tell.

It's as if Cui Yu is the reincarnation of a great figure from ancient times, but he just doesn't remember that there was such a great figure in the ancient times.

Inside Daliang City

Chen Lu stood on the pavilion, looking at the traffic on the street from a distance, and the bowls of rice that were being sent out, and she couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

That's magic rice! Don't bring such a waste of good things.

Send someone to collect the magic rice, and then we send it to Haojing. We will definitely sell it at a good price, Chen Lu said.

The Haoran disciple nodded: My little brother has sent people to do it a long time ago. Unfortunately, we have to spend money to collect it. If we can know where Cui Yu got the magic rice from, and we can replace it, it will be a business without capital.

It's been seven or eight days, haven't you found out yet? Chen Lu frowned.

If Cui Yu doesn't come out in the backyard, there's nothing we can do. The disciple's chubby face was filled with helplessness.

Gao Dachong, did you fall asleep quietly again when you were staring at people? Chen Lu looked at the Haoran disciple.

Gao Dachong bumped into Tianqu: Senior brother, you have wronged me. This is countless gods and demons. How dare I mess around? That grandson really stays in the backyard all the time. He only practices martial arts all day long. He doesn't do it at all. It’s just that if you don’t go out the door, you don’t take two steps forward.”

Gao Dachong's face was full of helplessness: If he doesn't go out, how can I know where he went?

Just as he was talking, Gao Dacong suddenly stretched out his ears and turned into a pair of wind-catching ears the size of cattail leaf fans. He shook his head in the distance and said, Senior brother, that Cui Yu has moved.

Quick, follow him.

Cuijia Rice Shop

Cui Yu was practicing martial arts in the backyard, and the waiter took careful steps all the way to Cui Yu's gate.

Master, the rice is going to be gone. The waiter said while standing outside the door.

The consumption of God and Demon Rice has been a bit high recently. Cui Yu said, I understand.

Cui Yu, someone is watching you! At this moment, Xin Yuan's voice sounded in Cui Yu's ears.

Cui Yu frowned: Have you arranged all the things I asked you to arrange a few days ago? Have you made all the traps?

Don't worry, we already knew we would be targeted, and we have already taken action. Xin Yuan said.

When Cui Yu heard this, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then turned into air in the next moment, quietly reaching the sky, looking at Daliang City under his feet, and a path drifted straight to the outside of Daliang City.

Ever since he opened a rice shop opposite him, Cui Yu had started to act cautiously on weekdays, making all his plans more flawless.

Especially when the ritual saint came to visit that day, Cui Yu was frightened.

You must think of a good reason for the origin of Shen Mo Mi. Otherwise, if you meet someone who is irresistible and you are arrested, wouldn't you be a bad loser?

Therefore, Cui Yu must come up with a good explanation for the origin of the God and Demon Rice without any flaws.

Cui Yu turned into the air to escape, and quietly came to the boundary between the two mountains and the earth. He looked at the scattered peaks between the sky and the earth, which were either collapsed or tilted, or even turned upside down.

The only way Cui Yu could think of to break the situation was the legendary and mysterious Kunlun Mountains that had never been clearly explored.

Standing on the border of Kunlun, Cui Yu looked far away at the sky. There seemed to be countless figures standing between the sky and the earth, and morality was constantly flowing around him.

The discussion between Saint Meng and Saint Li has begun. Cui Yu only glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

Whether it is Saint Meng or Saint Li, they are all too far away from me!

It's really too far away from me.

Cui Yu thought of the origin of the God and Demon Rice, and simply placed the God and Demon Rice in the Kunlun Mountains.

It's just difficult to design a place to hide the God and Demon Rice in Kunlun Mountains reasonably without being suspected or easily discovered.

Cui Yu floated in the wind, shuttled between the mountains, sometimes diving into the creek, sometimes falling into the clouds, causing the group of people who were quietly following him from a distance to curse inwardly.

Finally, Cui Yu came to a place of three thousand miles of clouds and mist. Beyond the three thousand miles of clouds and mist, there was actually a mountain shrouded in clouds and mist.

This mountain was originally just an ordinary mountain, but when Cui Yu swallowed countless clouds and mist from the three-thousand-mile cloud formation and placed it here, it became a mountain full of mysterious power.

In the mountain, there is a cave. This is a mountain peak that fell from the Kunlun Cave that day. There is a cave on the mountain peak.

in the cave

There are statues of gods placed there. The statues are terrifying and ferocious. They look like ancient demon gods.

In the center of the cave, there is a stone statue, which is three feet high. There is a cauldron in front of it, with incense inserted in the cauldron.

The torches were brightly lit in the cave, and Cui Yu showed his traces in the cave. He didn't notice at all that the air in the cave became a little humid, as if a puff of water vapor rushed over.

But Cui Yu came to the stone statue, put incense in front of the cauldron, knelt down in front of the cauldron and kowtowed: Cui Yu, a qigong practitioner from later generations, kowtows to the great ancient demon god.

Inside the stone statue

Xin Yuan controlled the dog's body, looked at Cui Yu below with his eyes, and bowed devoutly, as if he was really worshiping the great devil in the world.

Has he always been so shameless and shameless? Chi You's head was filled with suspicion.

Xin Yuan smiled bitterly: Compared with him, sometimes I feel that I am a good person, but he is a devil.

Aren't you afraid that people will come to settle accounts with him in the future if you are so deceptive? Chi You took a breath.

He felt that he was evil enough, but compared with Cui Yu, it was really incomparable.

They were dogs, but now they felt that Cui Yu was a real dog!

A real dog.

Cui Yu was seen dancing continuously below, making various strange and weird postures, as if he were a giant monkey jumping on the ground.

It's your turn! Xin Yuan looked at Cui Yulan's sacrificial dance and kept urging Chi You.

Chi You's head moved, and an aura belonging to the ancient demon god from before immeasurable tribulations began to revive and circulate in the cave: For future generations, have you prepared any sacrifices?

The villain has prepared the sacrifices. He is here to honor the Lord God and Demon. Cui Yu stopped and took out objects wrapped in red silk from his arms: Master Demon God, the various treasures you want, little Everyone is ready. The villain now wants another batch of God and Demon Rice, and I hope you will grant it.

Behind the stone statue, Xin Yuan opened his mouth and saw a pulling force coming from the stone statue, sucking away Cui Yu's tribute.

The next moment, Xin Yuan took the Qiankun bag and looked at the great demon Chi You.

Chi You had no choice but to use his magical power, and then he saw overwhelming rice of gods and demons flying out of the Qiankun Bag.

Then he saw the legal world above Cui Yu's head twisting, and countless gods and demons rice floating down, filling the entire cave in an instant.

Then Cui Yu quickly used the Qiankun in his sleeves to collect it.

Thank you, Great Demon God! Thank you, Great Demon God! I kowtow to you! Cui Yu kept kowtowing while collecting the God and Demon Rice.

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