In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 319 The hole dug by Chi You

While Cui Yu kowtowed, he kept using Qiankun in his sleeves to collect all the rice of gods and demons on the ground.

At this time, Cui Yu looked respectful and kowtowed respectfully. His movements were meticulous and he did not dare to show any slightness. Chi You who was looking at the stone statue was stunned.

Is this still the bastard I know?

It would be nice if this bastard could really be so respectful and respectful to him. It's not like he can't let go of the torture of himself by reciting the curse.

Thinking that the mighty Chiyou Demon God had actually reduced himself to such a lowly level that as long as the other party treats me with respect, I felt an inexplicable feeling of satisfaction and honor in my heart, which would make people laugh out loud.

But there was nothing he could do. Chi You really had nothing to do. He felt that Cui Yu was really too stubborn!

He is simply not a son of a man.

I have never seen such a shameless person, and I have absolutely no awe in my heart.

Don’t worship heaven and earth, don’t fear the devil.

Chi You felt that Cui Yu was more suitable for the title of 'Great Demon God' than he was.

For some reason, Chi You felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction when he saw Cui Yu kneeling respectfully in front of him and kowtowing to him.

Very satisfied!

Don't think about it. The one he knocked was for me, not for you at all. Xin Yuan woke Chi You from his sweet dream.

I've actually been curious about what you are. Chi You turned to look at Xin Yuan: You are not an ordinary inner demon at all, nor are you an ordinary demon master. There seems to be something hidden in your soul. A well-known secret, this kind of secret is somewhat shady.”

A smile froze on Xin Yuan's face when he heard this, but the stiffness disappeared in an instant: What are you talking about? I don't understand! I have no idea what you are talking about. It is simply incomprehensible and incomprehensible.

Chi You's dog-head glanced at Xin Yuan meaningfully, and then muttered: No matter who you are, now you are bound by this damn curse, and you will never be able to escape, doesn't it feel good?

Isn't that the same for you? Do you think you can get better? Can you break away from the 'Reassuring Words'? Xin Yuan turned to look at Chi You, with an inexplicable light in his eyes.

His tightening curse is not the same thing as the Buddhist tightening curse. The bullshit 'centering motto' is completely a hoax. Do you really think I haven't seen the Buddhist calming motto? I think back then, during the battle of deer, the Buddhist monks used The calming motto has enslaved countless masters of my Jiuli tribe, but I broke them all easily, so it is not worth mentioning at all. The Buddhist calming motto is completely like a younger brother in the face of this tight curse. Chi You cursed in his mouth. .

Under the stone statue, Cui Yu meticulously collected all the rice from gods and demons, and then bowed to the stone statue. He inserted three incense sticks, then stood up and dusted off his body. After looking around, he confirmed that no one was following him. Just now he walked out of the cave like a thief, and then carefully sealed the cave entrance with a big stone, sprinkled a layer of soil, and removed all traces of the cave entrance. After carefully looking around for a long time, Cui Yucai once again transformed into a The air disappeared between heaven and earth.

Inside the cave

After Cui Yu left, the water vapor in the void condensed and turned into a human figure. It was Gao Dachong, the disciple of Saint Haoran.

This kid is really a dog. Thanks to me personally taking action, otherwise it would be difficult to detect his traces. Gao Dachong put his hands in his sleeves and stared at the sculptures of gods and demons in front of him carefully, with a hint of mockery in his eyes:

Unexpectedly, there are treasures left behind by ancient gods and demons here. Fortunately, we thought that there was an ancient god and demon behind that kid. There was a terrifying existence from the ancient times, which frightened us so much that we dared not take action easily.

It's a pity that this kid is a fool. If an ordinary person discovers such a fortune, it would be too late to hide it, but he would not hesitate to leak the rice of gods and demons for an old man. If he could steal the fortune of gods and demons here, The bloodline must be infinitely awakened and enhanced to an unbelievable strength, even infinitely close to the distant ancestors, infinitely close to the legendary gods and demons.

Gao Dachong wrote down all Cui Yu's previous worship procedures and actions, and then turned into water vapor and left again.

In the distance, Tall Cong controlled the water vapor, like an arrow leaving the string, and soon he had caught up with the air transformed by Cui Yu.

Looking at the airflow flowing in the air layer below from a distance, Gao Dacong showed a murderous intent in his eyes: If I kill him now, will I be able to steal the creation of the gods and demons? This man is facing the ancient gods. The devil actually only prays to the gods and demons for rice, so there must be countless creations in the hands of the gods and demons.

A little bit of selfishness began to breed in Gao Dachong's heart, and a little bit of murderous intent flowed in his eyes.

As for Chen Lu’s plan? The enlightenment of an old sour scholar? The plan of Haoran’s lineage?

What is he doing?

Just when countless thoughts were circulating in Gao Dachong's heart, he regained consciousness: No! No! Never! Chen Lu has the power of time and space, and the blood of time and space is flowing in his body. If I do something secretly, I can't hide it. Chen Lu. Chen Lu deserves to die, and so does the old sour scholar! They all deserve to die! If they don’t die, when will I be able to get ahead?”

Cui Yu turned all the way to the small shop and filled up the warehouse with rice from gods and demons. Xin Yuan was already lying in the backyard waiting.

Is it done? Cui Yu asked.

As long as those people go to worship, they will be planted with demon seeds by me, and inner demons will be born in their hearts, and they will be influenced by me little by little. Xin Yuan was very proud, standing under the big tree, rubbing his body lazily.

I don't know who is following me. But no matter who it is, now that they have discovered the creation in the cave, they cannot escape the control of you and me, and they will definitely become meat on the chopping board. Cui Yu said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: Also, you have to keep an eye on the Mi family and the Chen family. Don’t wait until the other party comes to the gate, we don’t know yet.”

There are millions of people in the vast sea of ​​​​Daliang City, how can I control them all? Xin Yuan shook his head: You think too highly of my ability. I can turn desires into the hearts of all living beings. But only Only when the desires of living beings expand to a certain limit can they be sensed by me.

Qi practitioners all have desires, without exception. In addition, in order to seek immortality, all Qi practitioners have great desires in their hearts. Cui Yu looked at Xin Yuan and did not agree with the other party's point of view. He felt that Xin Yuan was Want to be lazy.

But Xin Yuan bumped into Tian Qu: Boy, please don't slander me. I have just become the Great Demon of Freedom, how much power can I have? If I want to place my thoughts in the hearts of all living beings, what kind of incredible existence is that? I am now If you attack Tang Zhou and Fo Lao, you have already exhausted all your strength, so how can you still have so much energy left. Fo Lao and Tang Zhou are the big ones, and those ordinary people are just passers-by in your life, not worth mentioning.

Cui Yu smiled coldly and stared at Xin Yuan with his eyes. This dog had a very fancy heart and had one hundred and eighty tricks hidden in his belly.

The Chen family and the Mi family of Dayu Kingdom! Cui Yudi muttered, put on his airs and began to stretch his muscles.

He will never forget the main topic, stretching his muscles and practicing martial arts is the most important thing to him.

As long as he can master the strength of 129,600 kilograms, he will have a chance to understand the legendary law of force.

That's a unique law mastered by the legendary great god Pangu who created the world. Cui Yudi muttered.

Just when thoughts were flickering in Cui Yu's mind, Gao Dachong had already returned to a certain mansion in Daliang City.

in a garden

There is a small bridge and flowing water, and carps are constantly swimming in the pond.

Chen Lu was holding a book in her hand, wearing a green shirt, and was reading quietly.

Looking at his frail appearance, no one would have thought that this person turned out to be a monk.

And he is also a great monk who has broken the rules of life and death.

Senior brother. Gao Dachong walked out of the lotus pond and came to Chen Lu.

Have you found out? Where did the magic rice come from? Chen Lu continued to read and asked without raising her head.

Hearing Chen Lu's words, Gao Dachong showed a smile on his face: When I go out, I can catch him easily. That kid has some abilities. He can turn himself into air and float in the air. It's a pity that he met me.

After hearing that Gao Dachong found out the details of Cui Yu, Chen Lu finally raised her head and looked away from the book.

Not paying attention to Gao Dacong's boast, Chen Lu asked: Where does the rice of gods and demons come from?

This matter has something to do with the Kunlun Cave. That boy was lucky enough to accidentally discover a mysterious cave in Kunlun Mountain. There is a statue of an ancient god and demon in the cave, which can communicate with the legendary ancient god and demon. As long as the heaven and earth are used If you offer various rare treasures in the world, you can get responses from the gods and demons. Gao Dachong said.

Chen Lu was moved when she heard the words, and finally lost her previous calmness. The book in her hand was twisted and twisted: Relics of ancient gods and demons?

Are you sure? The air around Chen Lu was twisted and turbulent like water waves.

Confirmed. Gao Dachong nodded quickly: This is what I saw with my own eyes.

Hearing this, Chen Lu took an excited breath, closed her eyes and sat there motionless, with only her chest rising and falling.

Time passed bit by bit, and it took a while before Chen Lu said, Tell me more about it.

Even though he tried his best to calm down his emotional fluctuations, the trembling voice still betrayed his heart.

Ancient gods and demons!

It represents the vastness of supernatural power, immortality and eternity.

Heaven and earth decay but I am immortal; heaven and earth perish but I am immortal.

The eternal existence that transcends all things is close to being in harmony with the Tao, coexisting with the sun and moon, and coexisting with the stars.

Every time the relics of ancient gods and demons appear, it represents an incredible and earth-shattering creation.

The Kunlun Cave represents the Demonic Goddess Queen Mother of the West. With all the masters and saints from all over the world watching over it, it is naturally not his turn to get involved. However, Clinker's unexpected chance of survival unexpectedly gave him the opportunity to come into contact with ancient gods and demons.

If you can obtain the creation of ancient gods and demons and let your time bloodline evolve further, then you will have the means to compete against those superior old antiques.

Gao Dachong didn't hide anything and told everything that happened.

Chen Lu didn't say much, turned around and went to look for the treasure, and then came to Kunlun Mountain with Gao Dachong.

After moving the boulder, Chen Lu went directly into the cave and saw the sculptures of gods and demons standing in the darkness.

The moment Chen Lu and Gao Dachong entered the cave, the monkey in the yard suddenly opened his eyes: The fish is hooked.

The next moment, the tengu jumped directly into the shadow of the big willow tree, and the entire dog body disappeared without a trace.

Cui Yu turned to look at the place where the Tengu disappeared, with a look of surprise in his eyes: That's weird! It's really weird. When did he have this ability? Can he borrow the power of shadows?

Inside the cave

Gao Dachong and Chen Lu stood quietly in front of the ancient statues of gods and demons.

Is this the ancient god and demon you are talking about? The secret discovered by Cui Yu? Chen Lu asked.

Exactly. Gao Dachong said.

Chen Lu didn't say much, she just pulled out a package from behind and threw it to Gao Dachong: The tribute is here, how can I sacrifice it?

Gao Dachong didn't say much after hearing this, and opened the bag. Inside were eight human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum roots, which were tied up with red ropes and couldn't move.

Seeing Polygonum multiflorum, Gao Dachong praised: Senior brother, what a great work.

This is the Polygonum multiflorum that is about to transform and run all over the floor. If you eat it, you will be completely transformed.

Chen Lu was silent, these eight roots of Polygonum multiflorum were nothing to him.

Even if you look at the entire land of China, the Chen family of Dayu is still a first-class scholar.

There are many scholars in the world, but this is the only one who can control the power of time.

The Chen family of the Dayu Kingdom was not only the Chen family of the Dayu Kingdom, but also had remote branches that were invited away by other major princes.

No matter where you are, beings who can control the power of time are incredible.

Gao Dachong didn't say much. He followed Cui Yu's previous steps and began to dance awkwardly in the cave.

He didn't ask him to wait long, and ancient qi machines began to gradually fill the cave, and the auras of ancient gods filled the heaven and earth.

Mortal, are you calling me? The Tengu hid behind the stone statue, and wisps of Chi You's energy flowed out and echoed in the stone cave.

It is the ancient demon god, the real ancient demon god.

Feeling the extremely pure breath of the ancient demon god in the void without any impurities, Chen Lu's body began to tremble, her fists clenched, and her eyes were full of disbelief:

It’s really the ancient demon god!

Has your chance come?

Has your opportunity arrived?

To be able to talk to the ancient demon god and to offer sacrifices to him was truly his destiny.

If he could gain the favor of the Ancient Demon God and purify his bloodline, he would definitely be able to stand out in the Great Zhou in the future.

In the future, this picturesque landscape full of flowers will definitely have its own place.

Future generations, pay homage to the Demon God. Gao Dachong knelt down directly, his voice full of excitement and fanaticism.

Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect that I was really successful in imitating Cui Yu's movements.

You came to worship me, but what do you want? Chi You asked.

Xin Yuan looked at the excited emotions of the two, and the strong desire rushed towards him, as if condensed into substance.

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