In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 317: The Dog-Eating Ceremony Saint

Gong Nanbei, please come with me. If you can understand my sword of etiquette and master the sword of order, all the masters in the world will not be able to take your sword.

Li Shengren fell in love with Gong Nanbei.

He had long heard of Gong Nanbei's name, but he never expected that Gong Nanbei was so capable.

How can this be repaid if the other party is involved in the Dharma Realm and begins to comprehend the power of the Dharma Realm?

I saw the Lisheng Saint take out a golden article from his sleeve. He tossed it casually and saw the golden article fluttering away. In an instant, it turned into a size of about ten feet, and it was about to cover the north and south of the palace.

It was obvious that in this state, Gong Nanbei was unable to use the magical power of balance.

Facing Saint Li, although the opponent is stronger than him, he can escape when he uses the magical power of balance.

He can escape, but what about Cui Yu?

Where is Cui Yu going?

Can Cui Yu escape?

Fight hard to get a chance for Cui Yu.

At this moment, the day dog ​​actually ignored the domain of the saint, ignored the power of chaos and rules of the saint, and instantly passed through the barrier of the saint, biting the calf of the saint.

Then the Tengu suddenly pulled, and the Rishi's footing became unstable, and he fell to the ground on all fours.

When the Tengu pulled, Saint Li felt a suction force coming from the dog's mouth. The pull caused the divine blood in his body to turmoil, and the saint's origin in his body surged endlessly. For a moment, his magical power was broken.

Gong Nanbei's sword lost its restraint and turned into a twisted light, slashing straight at Saint Li.

If the saint can be killed in Daliang City, he will definitely fight to become a god in the north and south of his palace.

Of course, killing a saint will also face Confucian counterattack, but will he care about it?

Seeing that Gong Nanbei was about to cut off the head of Saint Li, such a Saint, his body twisted at the critical moment, and symbols appeared on the surface of his body. Cui Yutong shrank when he saw the symbols: This is not the Cangtian and Huang Celestial Body The symbol of the table?”

Gong Nanbei's sword light was deflected when it was three feet away from Saint Li's body, and the powerful backlash knocked Gong Nanbei back to his original shape.

Then the Saint Li swung his leg, and the Tengu was thrown away. Then with a whimper, it turned into the size of a palm and retracted into Cui Yu's sleeve.

The runes on the body of the Lisheng disappeared in an instant, and then he got up with a embarrassed look, turned to look at Cui Yu, and said with a gray face: Good boy, what are you doing? If I didn't have a trump card, I would probably be here today. I will suffer your consequences.”

There was a hint of anger in Saint Li's voice.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard the words. He recalled the runes on the body of the ritual saint in his mind, and a chill silently rose in his heart.

There is something wrong with this ritual saint.

Something is very wrong!

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and stroked the tengu, feeling surprised and uncertain in his heart.

As Gong Nanbei revealed his figure, he was also shrouded in the golden scroll, as if he was about to be sealed by the scroll.

Just when everything in the field was about to settle, a cough came from the distance, accompanied by a long and long sigh: Sage Li, you are going too far by hiding here and bullying the small.

Saint Meng appears!

If Meng Shengren couldn't detect such strong fluctuations in the battle in the city, he wouldn't have to practice.

Seeing Saint Meng appear, Saint Li shook his head, knowing in his heart that the situation was over, and the scrolls covering the north and south of the palace also flew back into Saint Li's sleeves.

It seems that the inquiry into the heart and the Tao will start early. Saint Meng looked at Saint Li with a smile.

He didn't get angry or get into a fight.

The two have known each other for so many years. If they could tell the winner, they would already have their differences. Why would they start another dispute? Why bother asking the mind and discussing the Tao?

Seeing this, Saint Li glanced at Cui Yu with some regret: What a pity. But the matter is not over yet. Why don't you and I set up a bet?

Do saints also gamble? Cui Yu asked curiously.

A saint is a human being after all. Li Sage looked at Cui Yu: Today in front of the founder of your Haoran lineage, do you dare to make a bet with me?

How to bet? Cui Yu did not refuse, but he also did not agree rashly.

If I break your game and prevent the old Confucian scholar from attaining enlightenment, you will still have to join my sect. If I fail to stop you, the Lisheng lineage will willingly retreat behind the scenes in the future, and only the Haoran lineage will follow suit. Lisheng Saint road.

Cui Yu hesitated upon hearing this. This bet was of no benefit to him at all.

There is no benefit to winning, and even more so if you lose.

Seeing Cui Yu's hesitation, Meng Shengren smiled and said, Let's take this bet.

He is confident that he can defeat the sage of etiquette in questioning the mind and discussing the Tao!

Over the years, he has done a lot of work in private in order to replace the lineage of Li Saints.

Saint Meng has the ambition to covet the world, so how can he not do the homework of paying homage to the saint?

The current situation is that no matter whether it is Li Sage or Meng Sage, they are sure to win.

Sage Li boasted that he had caught the weakness of Sage Meng, but he did not know that Sage Meng also claimed to have found the flaw of Sage Li.

So Meng Shengren did not hesitate and responded on behalf of Cui Yu.

This is the best time to swallow up the lineage of the saint.

As for Cui Yu's opinion from outside the court?

Meng Shengren didn't care.

He is just a young disciple who has not even bred the aura of awe-inspiringness. Is it worth his care?

Is a kid at the second level of martial arts worthy of his care?

Although Saint Li seemed to care about the boy, Saint Meng took one look at him and felt that Cui Yu was ordinary and not worthy of his care.

Li Shengren smiled when he heard the words, but looked at his calf bitten by the dog, limped to Meng Shengren's side, patted Meng Shengren on the shoulder, and then turned around and left humming a tune: Let's go, Ask the Heart Theory The Tao determines the outcome of your family and mine. Whoever the future belongs to will see who wins or loses.

Meng Shengren glanced at Gong Nanbei, praised Not bad, then turned and left.

Cui Yu didn't say anything, turned around and walked up to the pavilion.

You seem unhappy? Gong Nanbei followed Cui Yu.

I'm used to being free and I don't like anyone to make decisions for me. Not even a saint! Cui Yu replied.

I think you are right. Gong Nanbei shook his head, and then looked at Cui Yu with a slightly shy look: Did I say that I am the best swordsman in the world. Among the saints, I am the first person! It’s true to your name, you’re not bragging, right?”

Of course Gong Nanbei wasn't bragging!

Cui Yu now absolutely believes in Gong Nanbei's strength.

There is an innate divine sword in Kunlun Mountain. If you can obtain that innate divine sword, you will definitely be 50-50 equal to the saint. Cui Yu replied.

That's an innate divine sword, an innate divine sword with its own laws. I can't control it. Gong Nanbei looked regretful.

Do you think he doesn't want the innate divine sword?

It's a pity that the innate divine sword has always ignored him.

Do you prefer Saint Li or Saint Meng? Cui Yu asked.

Rite the saint. Gong Nanbei said without hesitation.

Huh? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this and looked at Gong Nanbei in surprise.

Sage Meng is too hypocritical and overbearing. It's simply heresy. Human nature is good? It's just nonsense. Gong Nanbei shook his head: If human nature is inherently good, then there would be no need for enlightenment in this world. There wouldn't be so many disputes. , Killing, this is Saint Meng’s fatal flaw.”

Cui Yu was silent.

What about you? Gong Nanbei glanced at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu shook his head: My dog ​​threw Saint Li to the ground and chewed his shit, but the other party was indifferent, and instead opened his mouth to win over me. Either he is a hypocrite who hides deeply, or he is a noble person with real ambitions. But No matter how I look at it, I don’t think Saint Li is that kind of person.”

Sage Li is a real villain. I think you are a little too worried. Just when Cui Yu was slandering Saint Li, a familiar voice sounded, and Tang Zhou walked through the crowd and appeared on the pavilion: On the contrary, I I am willing to deal with a real villain like Li Sheng.

Seeing Tang Zhou, the whole body of Gong Nanbei was surrounded by sword intent.

Don't be nervous. You, the number one among saints, why would you be nervous when you see my clone? Tang Zhou said with a smile.

Facing a person who has mastered at least 365 magical powers, even a saint would never underestimate you. Gong Nanbei said angrily: What are you doing here?

The saints are fighting. I just happened to come here to check out the details and see if I can find any flaws. Tang Zhou's eyes fell on Cui Yu: Boy, you are in trouble. You have to be prepared.

Trouble? What trouble do I have? Cui Yu was confused by Tang Zhou's words.

Tang Zhou laughed meaningfully: It's not the God and Demon Rice that caused the problem. The sale of the God and Demon Rice caused a sensation in the entire Haojing. There are people from the Chen family in Daliang and the Mi family in Haojing. It's over. You destroyed two major families, but Karma came to your door. They are about to use this Karma to take you down. They want to divide you up.

Mizhu is just a pioneer. He just heard the news about Gong Nanbei and came here privately. Moreover, the relationship within the Mi family is complicated, with many close and distant factions.

After Tang Zhou finished speaking, he stood up and left, smiling at Cui Yu: Be careful, don't die.

Looking at Tang Zhou's back, Cui Yu frowned: The Chen family of Dayu Kingdom? And the Haojing Mi family?

Don't be afraid. Even if people come, what will happen? I will take action for you and send them all away. Gong Nanbei said.

Cui Yu shook his head when he heard this. He was not as optimistic as Gong Nanbei. Now that Li Sheng understood the reason, he might not let himself and others continue to act.

As for the Chen family and the Mi family, what if a master comes? Now Daliang City is no longer the Daliang City it used to be, and I am no longer the same person I used to be. Cui Yu sighed leisurely.

You think, who will win when Sage Meng and Sage Li discuss Taoism in three days? Cui Yu suddenly asked.

Fifty-fifty, Gong Nanbei said.

Cui Yu heard this but didn't take it seriously, thinking that Gong Nanbei might be looking down on the ceremonial saint.

Gong Nanbei also left, leaving Cui Yu alone, sitting on the small building, holding the tengu's neck.

Bastard, stop being stuck! It's me! It's me! Not that great demon Chi You. Xin Yuan kept rolling his eyes.

Great Demon God, I think we should have a talk. Cui Yu ignored Xin Yuan who rolled his eyes and said seriously.

Let's talk? How? Chi You stuck out his head.

When I recover in the future, I will help you find your suppressed body. And when I encounter difficulties, you have to help me. Cui Yu looked at Chi You.

You're a cunning boy, it's strange that I believe you. Chi You snorted coldly.

If he really refused to help, would he cooperate with the Saint of Heart Monkey Biting Ceremony?

He values ​​the bloodline in Cui Yu's body more than Cui Yu himself.

Outside Daliang City

Saint Li and Saint Meng walked out of Daliang City together

Teacher. Yan Qu stood at the gate of the city, waiting respectfully to pay homage to the saint.

Rescued. Saint Li asked.

You're alive, but you still need to cultivate yourself. Yan Channel.

Saint Li nodded, winked at Yan Qu, came to Yan Qu, and lowered his voice and said, I'll go discuss things with Saint Meng. I'll leave the affairs in Daliang City to you. You go contact some wild people. The big demon leads the palace north and south. As for Cui Yu, don’t worry about him. Meng Shengren will never allow him to act in Daliang City. He wants to leave the affairs in Daliang City to his cronies. I deliberately set up a trap for Meng Shengren. Having made a bet with Cui Yu in front of him and acting very affectionately, Meng Shengren must have become suspicious of Cui Yu and sent someone to replace him. The next matters in Daliang City will be left to you! Don't embarrass that Cui Yu. Teacher, I admire him very much and I must get him through this.

Yan Qu was stunned, but didn't say anything more.

In front of Saint Meng, there were also disciples from Saint Meng's lineage waiting for a long time.


The man was in his thirties, dressed in brocade clothes, and looked like he had experienced wealth and wealth. There is a big red Lama flower on her head, which makes her look as showy as she wants.

You are the most alert disciple of my Haoran lineage. As my master, you will go to Kunlun Mountain to discuss Taoism and compete with the Li Sage to decide the continuation of the two lineages. If I win, the Haoran lineage will take over in the future. The Lisheng lineage will take my place. If I lose, I will go to the Ten Directions Merit Forest to mend my state of mind. I am afraid that I will never have the chance to come out again without encountering a catastrophe of the human race. But at this time, your junior brother Li Ming is about to become a Taoist. Our Haoran lineage is still supported by saints, so that we will not fall into the dust. I have the experience of discussing the Tao with that saint of Li before. Your little junior brother takes this as a warning, studies painstakingly, and then discusses the Tao with the saint of Li. Defeat is inevitable. There was a hint of cunning in Meng Shengren's eyes: No matter how we calculate, we are sure to win. Even if we fail now, we will definitely regain our position in the future.

So the key is junior brother. We must ensure that junior brother can get through the difficulties smoothly and realize the holy way. The man suddenly understood.

Chen Lu. Meng Shengren suddenly shouted.

Disciple is here. The man quickly bowed respectfully.

How long have you been following me? Meng Shengren asked.

Six hundred years. Chen Lu said respectfully.

You are the most respected disciple under my sect, and you are also my eldest brother. If we don't distinguish between life and death with the Li Sheng in this discussion on Taoism, I'm afraid it will be difficult to end. This time on Taoism, it may be necessary to In a few months, it may take several years or more than ten years, the future of the Haoran lineage will be in your hands.

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