In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 316 Gong Nanbei asks the saint to give him fists

Gong Nanbei was speechless.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

Gong Nanbei looked at Saint Li and felt that Saint Li was really scheming and extraordinary.

Hit the snake seven inches, and kill the old Confucian scholar with one move.

Without Cui Yu, who will provide magical rice?

Without the supernatural rice, the old Confucian scholar's path may be broken.

This is the real master, who kills with one blow and leaves no room for loss.

Hearing that Saint Li was telling lies with his eyes open, Gong Nanbei shook his head: My junior brother said that he doesn't want to leave with Saint.

As he spoke, the scabbard in his arms vibrated, emitting a gentle chirp. The next moment, Cui Yuru, who was behind Saint Li, woke up from his dream and seemed to wake up from his sleep.

What a pity for my Enlightenment Voice. Saint Li glanced at Cui Yu.

Sage Li, you are going too far by bullying the small ones. Gong Nanbei looked at Saint Li with his eyes.

There is only strength in this world. How can there be any talk of bullying a small one by a big one? Saint Li looked at Gong Nanbei: As a great monk, you should understand the truth. The so-called bullying a small one by a big one is just that. It’s just a weak excuse.”

Cui Yu stood behind Saint Li, looking at Gong Nanbei who was arguing with Saint Li. The next moment, he punched Saint Li with tens of thousands of kilograms of force.


The Li Sage scolded him gently, and then a strange fluctuation occurred in the void. Cui Yu felt a disorder of energy and blood in his body, and then his whole body stopped and looked at the Li Sage in surprise.

Gong Nanbei shook his head and signaled Cui Yu to stop.

Then a pair of eyes looked at Saint Li: Gong Nanbei asks Saint Li for advice.

Three punches! I'll give you a chance to punch! Saint Li swayed the ruler gently in his hand: As long as you can hit me with three punches, I will lose.

Gong Nanbei smiled softly: The Li Sheng seems to look down on others.

But if you lose, you have to follow me. Li Shengren said.

No. Cui Yu shook his head.

Gong Nanbei did not answer, but expressed everything with practical actions.


As Gong Nanbei's words fell, an inexplicable energy flowed in the void and connected to the body of Saint Li.

Saint Li couldn't help but change his color: It's really a magical power like shit.

Then Cui Yuneng clearly noticed that the aura on Saint Li's body continued to drop.

I have reached the eleventh realm: the Golden Emperor. Even if I fell three realms, it is still the eighth realm of 'Emperor'. And you are just the seventh realm of 'Disaster'. You still have no chance of winning against me, and you are still overwhelming. The advantage of sex. The Li Sage was not flustered.

There are strange things in the world, especially these damn blood people, who reach their peak when they reach adulthood. He has seen more than Gong Nanbei's outrageous supernatural powers.

Have you ever seen the ability where you will die if you kill the opponent?

Have you ever seen someone with the ability to control time?

Have you ever seen a person with superpowers who can control space?

The world is weird and weird, and the broken world has given birth to countless laws that should not appear in this world.

Moreover, in the same realm, I am still an invincible existence. No one can defeat my order! My way is to understand the 'celestial sky', and my 'rituals' are the rules. My rules are the laws of heaven and earth. Rules are the laws of heaven and earth. No one can defeat me under the cover of my laws. Saint Li's voice was full of pride.

At this moment, Cui Yu, who was behind Li Sheng, coughed. He couldn't get used to seeing someone bragging in front of him:

Well, let me tell you something. When Chi You, the great demon god, was born, weren't you beaten to the point of peeing and crying for help?

A gust of wind blew by, and the ritual saint froze in place, as if he didn't hear it, but the frequency of swinging the ruler could not help but change slightly.

Gong Nanbei opposite had a strange look on his face, and his eyes were fixed on Saint Li's reaction. Saint Li felt uncomfortable being stared at by Gong Nanbei. He turned around and glanced at Cui Yu: Boy, I don't like your character of telling the truth at all. If you do this again, I will punish you. You are so If you have a bad personality, you can offend people easily. You must change it!

Li Shengren finished speaking, and then looked at Gong Nanbei with his eyes: You still can't punch? If you don't punch, I have to leave.

Gong Nanbei looked at Saint Li with serious eyes: Sage, please pay attention, I am about to punch.

The ceremonial saint took a posture and spread his legs slightly.

A higher level may not be a sure win for people like them.

Saints are still human beings after all.

As long as you are human, you will lose!

Look at the punch!

Gong Nanbei scolded, and the next moment he pulled out the scabbard of the sword in his hand, and stabbed it directly towards Saint Li's face.

Cui Yu, who was behind Saint Li, was stunned. He had seen shameless people, but never such a shameless one.

You yelled for a punch, but you ended up drawing a sword?

Can I have a face please?

Didn't see it!

Such a shameless person deserves to be included in my ethics.

Facing the scabbard of Gong Nanbei, Saint Li looked serious and had no time to complain. Instead, he stared at the scabbard of Gong Nanbei's sword.

Although the scabbard is a scabbard, it seems to be a supreme sword. At this time, it bursts out with immeasurable divine light, shining through the ages.

Cui Yu felt a blur before his eyes, as if the scabbard in Gong Nanbei's hand had really turned into a sword.

A mask of light appeared around the saint, and countless lines circulated within the mask.

The scabbard of Gong Nanbei's sword touched the barrier in front of Saint Li, and with a little force, it pierced the barrier.

Then the sword continued to rush forward, but as if it was inserted into the sand, the speed finally slowed down.

Although the speed was slow, it still stabbed towards Saint Li's head unswervingly.

Boy, you're going too far when you hit someone instead of hitting someone in the face. The sage pointed out the ruler in his hand, tapped it gently, and chanted: Discourteous!

Then Gong Nanbei retreated from the area as if struck by lightning. He was hit by an inexplicable force and fell back three feet. The green bricks under his feet continued to break and turned into powder.

There are indeed many talented and powerful people in this world who can go up against the enemy and suppress enemies who are one level, or even two levels stronger than themselves. But think about it, I can stand out from the trillions of sentient beings. I have understood the laws of heaven and earth, achieved my own path, and become one of the few people who stand at the top of this world. What is my talent? Saint Li stood where he was, with a calm voice:

Who can stand at the top of this world without being extremely lucky and talented?

I comprehended the awe-inspiring Qi at the age of eight, and entered the realm of Qi Practitioner at the age of nine. At the age of twelve, I participated in the sacrifice ceremony of the previous dynasty and was lucky enough to see the heaven of the previous dynasty, and then I made great achievements along the way as a Qi Practitioner. At the age of eighteen, I took possession of the ghosts and gods. He replaced ghosts and gods, mastered the power of ghosts and gods, and realized what the common people call immortality. Later, he read the classics and made contributions to Confucianism. Later, when the previous dynasty destroyed the country, he was lucky enough to witness the battle between Cangtian and Haotian, so he understood countless Confucian knowledge. , became my own law: a rule.”

In the past five thousand years since then, I have been observing the sky day and night, studying etiquette and rules, and my whole cultivation has been beyond control. I have even touched the taboos and understood a little bit of the way of 'heaven'. The sage of rites smiled. He looked at Gong Nanbei: I am a genius among geniuses, a genius among geniuses, why can you cross the border to suppress me?

Cui Yu, who was behind Sage Li, could not help but nod after hearing this, feeling that what Sage Li said was very reasonable.

We are all geniuses, and the people who worship saints are still the top geniuses. Now you are a big step behind, why should you surpass him?

Cui Yu stroked the tengu in his sleeve, intending to throw Chi You out to prevent himself from disaster, but Chi You withdrew the dog's head at this time and refused to come out.

Why should I surpass you? Gong Nanbei shook his head when he heard this: Look at the boxing!

Gong Nanbei's second sword thrust out.

Below the saint, you are the first person. Between you and the saint, there is a magic sword missing after all! If we can get a magic sword, you and I have a 50-50 chance. Saint Li looked at Gong Nanbei. The sword came with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

The next moment, the awe-inspiring energy circulated on the ruler in his hand, and an article circulated on the ruler.

The sword penetrated the domain of Saint Li, and the next moment Saint Li still lifted the ruler lightly.

But the next moment, Saint Li already noticed something was wrong.

He actually let go of the scabbard of Gong Nanbei's sword.

Li Sheng admitted that he was pretending.

The moment he saw Gong Nanbei discarding the scabbard, he panicked.

Gong Nanbei's scabbard looks like there is no sword, but it is actually Gong Nanbei himself who is sealed.

Gong Nanbei is a sword in his own right!

His scabbard is not for show, but to seal the sharp energy in his body.

The ceremonial saint tapped the ruler lightly in his hand and knocked off the scabbards on the north and south sides of the palace. The next moment, Gong Nanbei's whole body shook and turned into a sharp sword.

The moment he saw Gong Nanbei transforming his sword, Saint Li admitted that he panicked at that moment.

Especially behind him, Cui Yu's eyes were filled with light, and the Immortal Divine Light was activated.

As mentioned before, once the magical power is activated, it will definitely have an effect. It's just that the strength of the effect is different. Facing an opponent whose strength is much higher than his own, it is just a little bit of influence.

But just this little influence is enough for those top experts!

At least it is enough for Gong Nanbei and Saint Li!

Even a thought or a moment is enough to determine victory or defeat.

The sword transformed by Gong Nanbei pierced through the many obstacles in the field and came to the front of Saint Li.

However, he saw countless runes flowing around Saint Li's body, and the sword transformed by Gong Nanbei was forced out of its original shape. But at this time, Gong Nanbei's face was distorted, and he was struggling hard. He was like a rock, standing firmly in front of Saint Li, and pointed his right hand at an extremely slow speed towards the other person's forehead.

Saint Li is not a warrior and is not good at martial arts fighting. At this time, Gong Nanbei came closer. Although the opponent's movements were slow, Saint Li, who was not good at fighting, was still in a hurry and subconsciously tilted his head in panic.

Then the next moment, a strand of hair fell from the ear of the sage.

Peng~ Gong Nanbei flew out again, then flipped in the air and stood firm.

Very good! Very good! Saint Li stretched out his hand to catch the hair falling in the air, with a look of shock in his eyes: Your bones and muscles have actually turned into swords, integrated into the sword, and gained Blessed by the law of the sword.

Gong Nanbei stood firm and closed down his magical powers. Even the magical power of balance was taken away. He looked at the saint with his eyes, cupped his fists and saluted: What does the saint think of my sword?

You are invincible under a saint! In the realm of a saint...the only difference between your strength and that of a saint is a sword. Saint Li did not hesitate to praise him.

Gong Nanbei smiled, very proudly, and then clasped his hands in his fists: I accept it! Please ask the saint to leave.

Saint Li looked at Gong Nanbei and couldn't help but chuckle: You are as pedantic as that old Confucian scholar.

The smile on Gong Nanbei's face froze, and something bad arose in his heart: What does the saint mean?

Obviously, I don't intend to keep my promise. Li Shengren smiled, and his smile was very proud, even more proud than Gong Nanbei.

You are a saint. You become a Taoist by etiquette and follow etiquette rules the most. How dare you go against your Taoist conscience? Gong Nanbei couldn't help but smile, and the expression on his face was a bit ugly.

That's just a superficial understanding of my Dao by laymen like you. My Dao is the Dao, and my rules are the rules. Whatever I want to do, I will do it! The Ritual Saint's ruler flew out and struck towards the north and south of the palace.

The sound of chanting sutras could be heard from above. Gong Nanbei looked ugly. The next moment, he inserted the scabbard into his chest and submerged the entire scabbard into his body.

Then Gong Nanbei patted his head and pulled out a lightsaber from the Baihui point on his head.

Gong Nanbei's body gradually turned into nothingness and merged with the lightsaber.

Looking at the lightsaber transformed by Gong Nanbei, Saint Li shrank: What a trick!

Cui Yu over there had already sensed something was wrong, and held the tengu's head with both hands: Speak quickly, don't make a move.

If you want to fight against Li Sheng, it seems that you can only rely on Chi You at the moment.

You can lift that tight spell for me, and I'll take action. Chi You rolled his eyes as he was stuck.

Cui Yu's face was expressionless: If you don't take action, I will recite the tightening curse.

Even if you recite the tightening curse, I will never take action. Chi You said, What I have to do now is to find the remaining body, where it will be exposed because of your trivial matter.

Even so, he was still afraid of the power of the tightening curse, so he jumped out of Cui Yu's arms and rushed towards Saint Li.

At this time, Li Shengren was concentrating on dealing with Gong Nanbei's ultimate move. When he felt the gray dog ​​running from behind, there was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

A mere local dog wants to attack me?

When you practice to the realm of imperial edicts, compared with the realm of disaster, the difference lies in the Dharma Realm. The void in front of Saint Li was distorted, and then he saw the chaotic and disordered energy in the Dharma Realm penetrate the barrier between the two realms, turning into a disordered and strange The force blocked Gong Nanbei's sword light.

The essence of the Dharma Realm is disorder and chaos.

To be able to master the power of the Dharma Realm is to master the power of disorder.

The sage can control the disordered energy of the legal world to pass through the barrier and reduce the dimensionality of the material world.

Taking the three feet around the saint's body as the domain, he instantly communicated with the chaotic energy of the Dharma Realm, and the entire domain turned into a state of disorder.

Gong Nanbei's sword light cut through the three levels of Dharma Realm energy, but was blocked by the power of the Dharma Realm.

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