In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 315: The True-Disposed Ritual Saint

At this time, he gradually regained his composure, and slowly had a plan in his mind: I am afraid this person is not coming to trouble me because of the old Confucian scholar.

Saint Li smiled when he heard this and glanced at Cui Yu in surprise: Interesting! You are very interesting! No one has talked to me like this for many years, and it is indeed a rude thing.

You are right. People who are most polite are often the most rude in their hearts. The sage of etiquette looked at Cui Yu seriously, and the next moment he disappeared from the pavilion.

Cui Yu looked at the disappearing old man and couldn't help but be stunned: Leaving now?

The next moment, the waiter's voice came from outside the door: Shopkeeper, there is an old man outside the door asking to see you.

Tell him, just say I'm not here. Cui Yu replied directly without thinking. He was curious if the old man would leave.

However, it turned out that Cui Yu had thought too much, and the next moment the voice of the saint was heard in the room.

Boy, this is rude of you. I have already obeyed the rules, but you still tell me to disobey the rules. It was you who caused me to disobey the rules, and you will be punished. This is not my fault.

After Cui Yu finished speaking, Saint Li walked through the wall again and sat directly opposite Cui Yu, minding his own business and making a pot of tea.

Even though he is doing rude things, he still looks polite and every move seems to be in order.

The old gentleman came to see me, but what are your orders? Cui Yu asked, somewhat respectfully.

Did you come up with this idea? Saint Li asked.

Cui Yu was stunned for a moment, then nodded. It was useless to deny it now: People are forced to find a way out after all. Confucianism in Daliang City cannot tolerate old Confucian scholars. As a disciple, of course I must try my best to find a way out. Share the teacher's worries.

Saint Li looked at Cui Yu, his eyes staring at him blankly, which made Cui Yu feel a little scared.

Why are you staring at me? Cui Yu couldn't help but ask.

Where is Yan Qu? Cui Yu asked.

In the backyard. It turned out that sir was looking for Yan Qu, Cui Yu said.

The body of Saint Li disappeared, and the next moment he came to the backyard, and Cui Yu was like a puppet on strings, following him through the wall blankly, and came to the backyard, where he saw the bronze sculpture turned into kneeling on the ground. Yanqu.

This old guy is too scary. At least he is at the peak of Golden Immortal cultivation. You are far behind even Earth Immortal. Even if you have mastered the power of supernatural powers, he is definitely not something you can handle. You'd better Follow the other person obediently and honestly, and don't make any small moves to avoid damaging the harmony.

Just when the old man was looking at the sculpture, Cui Yu wanted to make a sneak attack, and Chi You's voice rang in his ears.

Golden fairy?

Cui Yu was stunned. He was familiar with this name!

So familiar!

What is the realm of Golden Immortal?

This is the realm of teaching the Twelve Golden Immortals.

In a certain aspect, it may not be worse than the ancient gods. No worse than the innate gods.

As for those ancient gods and demons that have existed since the beginning of the world, they are really incomparable.

What level of cultivation does my current cultivation level correspond to in the immortal cultivation system? Cui Yu asked subconsciously.

Refining Qi! Chi You said.

When Cui Yu heard that his forehead was covered with black lines, he immediately stopped and behaved like a primary school student.

Is there any hope? Saint Li asked.

Although your cultivation level is high, it does not mean you are omnipotent.

Although his words were calm, Cui Yu couldn't help but tremble in his heart: It can be saved.

Then without saying a word, he stepped forward to perform the restoration method. The next moment, Yan Qu saw him getting up from the ground with an aggrieved face.

Master. Yan Qu's eyes were full of shame.

Master? Cui Yu was stunned for a moment, then his eyelids twitched involuntarily, and a question came to his mind: Sage Li?

This kid bullied me too much, and asked the master to make the decision for me. Yan Qu's face was full of anger.

Cui Yu's face twitched next to him. Seeing the look that Saint Li cast at Gu Jing Wubo, he quickly defended himself: Sir, you have a clear understanding. It's not my fault. This was originally the cause and effect between me and that rice pig. If you insist on getting involved, I What if I don’t take you down?”

You insist on getting involved in the cause and effect. What can I do? I can't let you bully me. Even if you are a disciple of a saint, I can't stand in front of you and ask you to kill in vain. There is still room for reason in this world. Really? Cui Yu opened his mouth to defend.

Yan Qu was indeed wrong about this matter. He was speechless for a moment, his chest heaving with anger and his face turning red.

Have you found a way to solve that weird problem? Saint Li moved his eyes away from Cui Yu, and his eyes fell on Yan Qu.

Found it. Yan Qu looked into the house.

Saint Li looked at Cui Yu. Cui Yu ran forward obediently, opened the door obediently, took out the scarecrow, and tied the dragon back into his sleeve through his fingers without leaving any trace.

Cui Yu took the scarecrow and came to the Li Sage: Sir, this is the cause and effect between me and that rice pig. Even if you have advanced cultivation, you still have to be reasonable.

My rules are rules. A smile finally appeared on Saint Li's face.

Mi Zhu couldn't die in Daliang City, at least not at Yan Qu's place.

Yan Qu stepped forward and grabbed the scarecrow in Cui Yu's hand. Cui Yu held on tightly and didn't want to let go.

Let go! Yan Qu glared at Cui Yu, then pulled hard, and the next moment Cui Yu staggered, and Yan Qu took the scarecrow back.

Master, this kid is despicable, sinister, and cunning. How do you plan to deal with him? Yan Qu asked, and as he spoke, he put the scarecrow back into his sleeve.

Hurry up and save Mi Zhu. It's too late. I'm afraid it's really too late. Li Shengren shook his head.

Yan Qu gave Cui Yu a sharp look when he heard this: You and Gong Nanbei humiliate me like this, we are not done yet.

Cui Yu felt a pang in his heart when he heard this. It was obviously Gong Nanbei's fault, so why should he come to trouble him?

After Yan Qu left, Cui Yu looked at Li Sheng longingly: Sir, do you have anything else to do? If you have nothing to do, I won't keep you.

What a wonderful man. When it comes to shamelessness, I consider myself the best in the world, and no one dares to call me the second. But after meeting you, I know what it means to be shameless. Li Shengren looked at Cui Yu, and there were countless things in his heart. Thoughts flow: This child is like me.

It's all just kids playing around. You don't mind, right? Cui Yu looked at Saint Li eagerly.

Children playing at home? Li Shengren smiled and listened to the busy traffic in the front yard: Did you come up with this idea?

It's my senior brother Gong Nanbei. Cui Yu did not hesitate and directly put his hat on Gong Nanbei.

It's really shameless. Only by being so shameless can you come up with such a new way. The sage nodded in praise. Instead of being angry, he looked appreciative.

The idea is so original that I would not be able to come up with it unless I have an exquisite mind. Even if I rack my brains, I still can't come up with such a whimsical solution. Saint Li praised him, not stingy with the praise in his words, and then spoke. One turn:

That old sour scholar is too rotten to become a great person. How about you join me and become my disciple?

Li Shengren looked at Cui Yu and really felt a love for talents in his heart.

Cui Yu was able to come up with such a crooked idea in a different way and avoid the suppression of the entire Confucian sect. Cui Yu's methods were cherished by the Li Sage.

His Li lineage is now about to expand its territory and unify Confucianism in the world, and then depose hundreds of schools to only respect Confucianism, and then sweep the lineage of Qi practitioners across the world.

What do saints lack most now?


There is never a shortage of masters in the world, but what is lacking are talents who can shock the heavens and make people cry.

To be honest, Cui Yu's method of finding a new way to create a great path for the old Confucian scholars really amazed the Li Sage.

Saint Li looked at Cui Yu, his eyes not only not angry, but full of appreciation.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this and looked at Li Sheng blankly. He didn't expect that this was what he said.

The other party directly pried the corner, which was not what he expected.

Seeing Cui Yu stunned, Li Sheng brought him back from his wandering thoughts and said, Let me give you an accurate answer as to whether it can be done.

Once a teacher, always a father. How can a disciple dare to betray his master? Cui Yu rejected Li Sheng.

Hearing this, Saint Li's eyes became even softer: Do you know who I am?

I don't know. Cui Yu shook his head: Even if you are a Confucian sage, you can never ask me to change the sect.

He dare not admit it!

It would be really fatal if he knew the identity of Saint Li and tried to refute Saint Li.

Haha, you are so stubborn. The Li Sage chuckled, What if I really am the Li Sage?

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this, and his eyes fell on the ruler in the other person's hand, his eyes full of seriousness.

He sensed something was wrong!

Of course he knew that the person in front of him was the Li Saint.

But the ceremonial saint in front of him was different from the ceremonial saint he imagined.

Even if you are a true long as you don't kill me, I will not change my family. Cui Yu looked at the sage seriously.

Hearing this, Saint Li smiled: You are very sincere and not hypocritical. You are much cuter than those old antiques who have lived for countless years. I really appreciate you more and more.

Li Shengren looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Then what if I beat you to death?

Then I have no choice but to change my family. Cui Yu's smile faltered when he heard this, and he said with a smile: But it is very likely that you will cultivate a white-eyed wolf, a white-eyed wolf who will never do anything for you.

The Li Sage chuckled: Even if you are a white-eyed wolf, I still want to train you. You have only known each other for less than two years. What kind of kindness does he have to you? He just taught you to read a few words. I will teach you I take him with me day and night and cultivate him carefully. If ten years can't change your mind, then one hundred or five hundred years will eventually touch you. The human heart is made of flesh, how can we remain indifferent?

Li Shengren looked at Cui Yu: Furthermore, do you think your little trick can help the old Confucian achieve enlightenment? What you think is too simple. I will tell you that although your plan is good, it does not have enough strength to support it. , will only appear vulnerable. The lineage of old Confucian scholars and the lineage of Saint Meng are all paper tigers, vulnerable.

In the Haoran lineage, people's hearts are divided. Only the old Confucian scholars can be of great use, and the rest are just stupid people. It's just that they can't be the top leader, but they are holding back everywhere.

After speaking, Saint Li stood up. As Saint Li stood up, the entire small pavilion shook as if the earth was collapsing and a mountain was being destroyed. Cui Yu's energy and spirit followed the force of the earth collapsing mountain, and his whole spirit and will were unexpectedly destroyed by Li. Taken by the saint, he followed the saint involuntarily down the pavilion and walked toward the crowd of people.

As Saint Li passed by, a mysterious power burst out from the void, pushing away all the people surrounding him: Without you, that old Confucian scholar will be beaten back to his original form again.

Inside Baicao House

Gong Nanbei and Zhao Cailun watched Meng Shengren leave.

Master's wife, I heard someone said that the master turned against Meng Shengren? Gong Nanbei asked, his eyes full of doubts.

That day in the palace, the old Confucian scholar was just discussing Taoism with Meng Shengren, and then they disagreed. Meng Shengren lost his temper at that time and thought that the old Confucian scholar had gone astray. But do you think it is possible that master and disciple turned against each other? Zhao Cailun asked.

It's just that the old Confucian scholar didn't respect his teacher. Those fellow disciples dared to contradict the master when they saw the old Confucian scholar. They wanted to please the master Meng, and tried their best to suppress the old Confucian scholar and wanted to show his face in front of the master Meng. This caused Meng A saint cannot tolerate the pretense of an old Confucian scholar.

It is indeed impossible!

Who is the old Confucian scholar? Respecting teachers and respecting morality is the most corrupt thing. How could you turn against Saint Meng?

Moreover, it is not a strange thing in this world for master and disciple to have different opinions and moral principles.

The old Confucian scholar is definitely a good disciple who respects his teacher and Taoism.

If a disciple is in conflict with his teacher, the most he can do is leave his teacher. How can he turn against his teacher?

While he was speaking, Gong Nanbei's expression suddenly changed: Sage Li is so shameless that he actually attacked Cui Yu in Daliang City.

As soon as the words fell, Gong Nanbei's figure disappeared from the spot.

The crowd was rolling in. Saint Li was walking slowly in front, while Cui Yu was like a puppet, following behind blankly.

After walking three corners with the crowd, suddenly a figure, like a rock, stood in front of Saint Li.

North and south of the palace. Saint Li stopped.

Gong Nanbei's eyes fell in front of Saint Li, and finally looked at Cui Yu behind Saint Li, then withdrew his gaze and focused on Saint Li again:

Where does the saint want to take my junior brother?

Go where you need to go. What, you want to go too?

Gong Nanbei stood in front of Saint Li and said in a faint voice, The Saint is a bit bullying the small ones.

Hearing Gong Nanbei's words, Li Shengren chuckled: It's your junior brother who admires my knowledge and insists on following me as a disciple. He wants to travel around the world with me to increase his knowledge. I see that he does have some talent, and I can't bear to waste his talent. So I took it with me all the way.”

Then Li Sheng turned to look at Cui Yu: Boy, if you don't agree with what I said, just say something.

Cui Yu didn't move.

Then the Li Sage looked at Gong Nanbei: Look, facts speak louder than words.

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