In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 310: Killing with a Borrowed Knife

Seeing Mi Zhu's miserable appearance, Yan Qu felt a little panicked.

It seems that compared with Mi Zhu, he is not that bad? The opponent can kill Mi Zhu silently, and he can also kill himself silently.

What kind of evil tricks did the other party use to call Mi Zhu without even a chance to detect any abnormality in his body? Yan Qu's eyes were full of horror.

Simply sensational!

Why do you think that is?

When the seven nail-headed arrows captured the opponent's first soul, they had already anesthetized the opponent, making the opponent unconscious of his abnormality.

Brother Dao, save me! As long as I snatch back the scarecrow, I will be intact as before. I will be able to defeat his tricks! Mi Zhu grabbed Yan Qu's palm tightly, his eyes full of pleading.

What can Yan Qu do?

Mi Zhu can't die here no matter what!

That was the Haojing Mi family, which controlled the world's granary, and was the 'gentry' in the family of Emperor Zhou.

If placed in the Qing Dynasty, it would be the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

He and Mizhu joined forces to deal with the enemy, but nothing happened to him, but Mizhu died.

What do you think the Mi family will think?

I'm afraid that the ritual saint will also have a headache by then.

But if he were asked to go to Cui Yu and ask for the scarecrow, he would be no match for Gong Nanbei!

Moreover, he is the face of the Lisheng lineage, can he take action openly?

He knew very well what it was like to suppress old Confucian scholars.

He is the driving force behind his lineage of ritual saints.

If he stood up, the meaning would change.

But looking at the dying Mi Zhu on the bed, Yan Qu took a deep breath: As of now, this is the only way it can be.

He could only go there in person.

At worst, his whereabouts are hidden.

Thinking in his mind, Yan Qu held the opponent's palm: Brother Dao, don't worry, no matter what, I will get the scarecrow back. If I didn't have the ability, I would also ask a saint to come and get the scarecrow back.

After Yan Qu finished speaking, he let go of Mi Zhu's hand, then walked out of the house and saw Ying Xiong waiting outside the house.

Senior brother. When Ying Xiong saw Yan Qu, he quickly stepped forward and bowed respectfully.

There's something I want to tell you. Yan Channel said.

Senior brother, please give me your instructions. Ying Xiong said quickly.

Yan Qu looked at Ying Xiong with his eyes: I have to go out to do something. If I don't come back today, give him this letter.

Ying Xiong was stunned when he heard this, glanced at Yan Qu in surprise, and then took the letter with a respectful expression.

Cui Yumipu

Cui's backyard

Cui Yu is practicing martial arts, constantly tempering the meridians in his body. After the training of the internal organs is involved, the speed will inevitably slow down. After all, the internal organs are extremely fragile, and they will break into pieces if you are not careful.

Strange opportunities flowed through Cui Yu's body. Gonggong's true blood circulated in his body. The invisible water vapor between heaven and earth gathered and turned into a wonderful force that nourished Cui Yu's body.

Tengu was lying on the side, staring at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes: Gonggong's bloodline? Is this the bloodline of my Wu Clan? He is a member of my Wu Clan? No! No! Something's wrong! Not only is Gonggong's bloodline, but he actually has true water in his body! His bloodline can actually activate the true water in the Dharma Realm! It's incredible! It's similar to Gonggong's bloodline, but it's much stronger than Gonggong's bloodline. There's so much, it's like a world of difference... This can't be... it can't be...

Chi You's eyes were full of disbelief: In the legend of the Wu clan... is it true that the true water has no form? Is it true?

At this moment, the head of the dog belonging to Xin Yuan on the side suddenly raised its head, and its eyes looked at Cui Yu who was practicing martial arts in the distance: Cui Yu, a big fish is coming.

What big fish? Cui Yu paused in his martial arts practice.

A way to solve the old Confucian scholar's problems once and for all. Xin Yuan blinked at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu's eyes moved, he put back his airs, and the energy and blood in his body calmed down: Don't show off.

As he said that, he kicked Xin Yuan.

You grandson, why are you kicking me? Chi You's head stopped drying and he bit Cui Yu's sole, but Cui Yu kicked him away.

That rice pig is about to be worshiped to death by you. Xin Yuan said.

I know this. Cui Yu nodded.

Yan Qu, a disciple of Saint Li, is coming to steal the scarecrow tonight. You said that if you catch Yan Qu and threaten him, will the matter be solved? Xin Yuan said.

Yan Qu? Never heard of it. Cui Yu shook his head: Can he blackmail Confucianism?

He is just a young man from a mountain village. He has never heard of Yan Qu.

Yan Qu is the most trusted disciple of Saint Li, and is known as Saint Li's right-hand man. Although his knowledge is average, his method of handling things is very suitable to Saint Li's appetite, so Saint Li regards him as his right-hand man. Xin Yuan said.

Cui Yu frowned: How come the disciples of Saint Li are involved again, and Saint Li's lineage is also involved?

Cui Yu felt as if a dog had beeped.

A guy from Gongyang Academy had his head as big as a bucket, let alone a Li Saint.

No matter what kind of disciple he is, since he wants to wade in troubled waters, it still depends on whether he has the ability. Cui Yu stepped into the house and came to the scarecrow.

Looking at the scarecrow suppressed by the Dragon Binding Lock, Cui Yu smiled coldly: If I use the Dragon Binding Lock to plot against the saint's disciple, the other party will be defenseless and will definitely fall into the trap.

Cui Yu stroked the dragon-binding lock and poked the scarecrow: The opponent's three souls and seven souls have been absorbed by me, and two souls and six souls have been absorbed. He can no longer use his bloodline skills and magical powers. He just used the dragon-binding lock to plot against Yan Qu.

Cui Yu carefully inserted the dragon lock into the scarecrow, then placed the scarecrow carefully, thought for a moment, then turned around and walked out of the house.

It's really difficult to deal with. I'm afraid that one of them will get out of a nest. Cui Yu shook his head and walked out.

That night

Cui Yu was standing in the yard practicing Kung Fu, when suddenly an inexplicable energy wave surged in the sky, and the Tengu on the ground raised its head warily.

Cui Yu noticed the Tengu's movements, and then glanced at the Tengu. After their eyes met, the Tengu continued to lie on the ground, while Cui Yu continued to practice.

After an hour and a quarter, Cui Yu just finished his iron-smelting skill and slowly washed up in the yard, took a shower and came to the house behind him.

After carefully closing the door, Cui Yu stood in front of the scarecrow, took out the incense and bowed carefully.


Yan Qu looked at Cui Yu's movements through the gap, and couldn't help but wince: What a weird method. When used, there is no fluctuation in divine power. No wonder the talented Mi family ended up like this.

After Cui Yu finished worshiping, he added lamp oil to the nine lights. After making sure that the lights would not go out, he carefully walked out of the house and closed the door.

Hearing the sound of the door locking, he saw a flash of white light in the house, and Yan Qu appeared in the house.

Yan Qu carefully scanned the lights, and then looked at the scarecrow.

The scarecrow was placed quietly on the table, and there seemed to be a stream of energy flowing inside it. He vaguely saw the soul of Mi Zhu in the scarecrow.

Looking at it carefully, Yan Qu became more and more unbelievable. With such a simple method, Mi Zhu was almost killed?

After looking for a long time and seeing nothing unusual, he carefully took out a pole and touched the scarecrow on the altar table.

Seeing nothing unusual, the Scarecrow was provoked by him: There must be some method I don't know about. Cui Yu is really dangerous! Although this method is powerful, insidious, and vicious, it also has big flaws. As long as he takes back Scarecrow, if the three souls and seven souls return to their positions, they can save the other party.

Yan Qu looked at the scarecrow in front of him, and within a moment he already knew some of its secrets.

I still wanted to explore carefully, but suddenly I heard Cui Yu's footsteps coming from outside the door: Everyone, please be careful not to let thieves come into the yard. Don't let any fire break out in the yard.

Hearing Cui Yu's footsteps approaching, which seemed to be coming back, Yan Qu was startled. Without thinking much, he quickly took the scarecrow from the pole and quickly stuffed it into his arms.

He was about to run away, but suddenly he felt his body tighten. He couldn't move and was tightly bound.

Even the divine blood in his body fell into silence.

It was as if his martial arts, which were all over the world, had never appeared before.

Yan Qu only felt that his body was limp and he no longer had any strength.

Oops! I was tricked by someone! I fell into the opponent's trick! It's terrible this time! Yan Qu was crying in his heart at this time: What kind of treasure is this rope? There is such a trick?

Yan Qu complained in his heart: Master, this disciple has embarrassed you. He fell into the hands of this unknown person.

At this moment, the door of the room opened, and Cui Yu walked out of the door with a smile: Your Excellency, coming uninvited is not the courtesy of a guest.

You seem to know that I'm coming? Yan Qu couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw Cui Yu walking in.

He was not a fool. When he saw Cui Yu's actions and thought of Cui Yu's methods, he didn't know that this was a trap set for him.

Cui Yu did not answer Yan Qu's words, but carefully took out the scarecrow from Yan Qu's arms and placed it again on the altar table.

You ruined my good deeds. I could have worshiped the rice pig to death in three more days, but now that the scarecrow has left the altar, he has to sense the connection between heaven and earth again, allowing him to live for ten more days.

Mizhu must have asked you to come. He is really cunning and cunning, and he actually asked you to come and die! Cui Yu rearranged the altar, lit incense to worship, and prepared to continue the ceremony.

What are you going to do with me? Yan Qu looked at Cui Yu's background with his eyes, feeling a little frightened in his heart. He tried his best to use various methods, but at this time, it seemed that everything was lost in the sea, and there was no response at all.

What do you want me to do with you? Cui Yu asked.

Yan Qu was speechless after hearing this. He was in the wrong now, and he had no right to speak at all since he was here.

To end up like this, I can only praise you for your superb methods. Now that things have come to this, I will take over my job without any complaints. Yan Qu looked at Cui Yu's back.

He doesn't have a registration number.

Why don't you tell me your name? Maybe I will be afraid of the power behind you and let you live. Cui Yu finished his worship and turned to look at Yan Qu behind him.

I am a great master who is about to be in trouble, but he fell into the hands of a mere nobody who is not even in the second level of martial arts. I am afraid of losing the face of my master if I tell him. It is better to just die like this! Yan Chuangchang said.

Cui Yu looked at Yan Qu, nodded and praised: It's fair and aboveboard.

I know your origins. As long as you are willing to do something for me, I will let you go. Cui Yu looked at Yan Qu with his eyes.

Do you know my origin? I have never seen you. Yan Qu said in surprise.

Cui Yu smiled and said nothing.

Then how do you know I will come tonight? Yan Qu asked again.

If you want to know, you will naturally find out. Cui Yu was trying to be mysterious.

I know, someone must have tipped off the news. Yan Qu gritted his teeth.

Cui Yu was stunned: Can you guess this?

Ying Xiong! Only Ying Xiong knows my plan tonight! He betrayed me. Yan Qu gritted his teeth angrily.

Cui Yu's face changed wildly, and he quickly covered it up: No! Absolutely not! It's not him!

Looking at Cui Yu's expression, Yan Qu cursed angrily: I knew it must be him. Let's see if I pull out his skin when I get back.


Chi You looked through the open door and looked at Cui Yu's controlled expression in the room, with a look of shock on his face: Has his acting skills always been this high?

Has he always been so shameless? He wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife. He deliberately misled Yan Qu and killed Ying Xiong by mistake! He even wanted to take the opportunity to stir up filth in Gongyang Academy and the Lishengren lineage. He wanted to Kill someone with a borrowed knife! Chi You's eyes widened in shock.

After hearing Chi You's words, Tengu stretched out a paw and covered Xin Yuan's head: What a shame! I accidentally exposed his despicable and shameless things.

Cui Yu stood in the room and looked at Yan Qu with his eyes: Don't make wild guesses, lest you wrong a good person. This is not the Ying Xiong you mentioned at all. Don't make wild guesses. Besides, you want revenge. It also depends on whether you are lucky enough to walk out of my house today.

Since you spared my life and quarreled with me, it means that we can talk. Yan Chuanping: And since you know my origin, you will definitely not dare to kill me at will.

Don't dare to kill you at will? That Mi Zhu thinks the same way. Cui Yu said with a smile.

Yan Qu shrank his neck when he heard this, and suddenly he didn't dare to speak any more, and his mouth became stiffer. He blinked at Cui Yu and said, What do you want me to do?

How about telling the Gongyang people not to continue targeting old scholars in Daliang City? Cui Yu looked at Yan Qu.

Yan Qu was startled when he heard this: He doesn't know that it is our lineage of saints who is behind this.

But if he wanted to prevent the old sour scholar from becoming a Taoist, how could Yan Qu dare to agree?

The birth of a saint is enough to change the structure of Confucianism. At that time, he will be the eternal sinner of Confucianism.

What's more, Saint Li is just outside Daliang City. Does he dare to accept it?

He doesn't dare!

What? You are a disciple of a saint. This matter is not difficult for you, right? Cui Yu saw the other party's hesitation, so he asked.

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