In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 309 See the Seven Nail Head Arrows Again

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this: Where did they get the rice? Are these evil landowners and nobles so arrogant?

What is nobility?

I would rather things break than give alms to the poor. Now I am doing good deeds with a kind heart. How is it possible?

Cui Yu was curious about where the food came from for millions of people.

Not only Cui Yu was curious, but Gong Nanbei was also curious.

You know, four bowls of food per person is enough food for two or three days.

Millions of people in Daliang City have to be fed every day. Even a king cannot afford such a huge consumption.

In the distance, you can see the shop opposite Cui Yu. The whole street is covered up. Countless clerks are happily handing out rice noodles and printing various words.

There is no doubt that these texts are criticizing the old Confucian scholars.

The opponent fought openly and honestly.

Are they willing to give out so much rice? Cui Yu frowned.

He sensed trouble. If the other party was really such a jerk, he was afraid that his plan to help the old Confucian scholar would be shattered.

I'm going to investigate. Gong Nanbei said.

After the palace left, Cui Yu stood in the yard, his eyes looking at the traffic on the opposite side, his expression looking particularly strange.

Cui Yu didn't let Cui Yu wait long when he saw Gong Nanbei coming back with a strange look on his face.

What's wrong? Cui Yu saw something strange in Gong Nanbei's expression.

Isn't your rice real? Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu in surprise.

He really doesn’t know Shen Mo Mi.

Apart from those big forces, who has seen the God and Demon Rice?

Why isn't it rice? Then it's rice? Cui Yu was stunned.

Your rice was transformed using magical powers, right? Gong Nanbei said.

Senior brother, do you know? Cui Yu said in surprise.

Junior brother, you are so capable. Who did you ask to make so much rice from gods and demons? Gong Nanbei never believed that Cui Yu could make rice from gods and demons.

Cui Yu frowned: Is there any problem?

He also thought that after eating the material-transformed rice, the people became uncomfortable and had any sequelae.

Eating God and Demon Rice can help ordinary people awaken their ancestral bloodline. It can help bloodline users refine the bloodline in their bodies and reach its peak state faster. What's the problem? Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu speechlessly: The people at Gongyang Academy are all old foxes. They actually took your magic rice from the hands of the people. Then they sold it to Haojing and the territories of all the princes in the world to make a lot of money. What do you think is the problem? No.

Those ordinary rice are what they exchanged for the God and Demon Rice. The God and Demon Rice is extremely valuable. A bowl of God and Demon Rice will not be exchanged even for dozens of bowls of rice. Gong Nanbei beat her chest angrily.

What's going on!

Use Cui Yu's magic rice in exchange for ordinary rice to fight against Cui Yu.

For ordinary people, how do they know the difference between magic rice and ordinary rice?

When Cui Yu heard this, he sat there dumbfounded, his eyes filled with disbelief: Damn it, who came up with this? Talented person.

Talent indeed!

If Cui Yu can't think of a solution, he can only be used by the other party.

Cui Yu felt it was difficult to handle at this time, and looked at Gong Nanbei with his eyes: What should I do?

Let's directly replace the magic rice with ordinary rice. Without the other party to make the difference, the trouble will be solved naturally. Gong Nanbei said.

Do you have a way to exchange for a large amount of rice rations? Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei.

Gong Nanbei shook his head when he heard this: There is no way.

Then the two of them stared at each other, and the pavilion suddenly fell into silence.

What to do now? Gong Nanbei asked.

Cui Yu took a breath: Wait.

Wait? Gong Nanbei was puzzled.

Our activities have stopped. Without our supply, how many days can the other party support it? The other party can't do business at a loss. It will be nice when the people realize that they have been deceived. Cui Yu said with a smile.

It had only been a few days. Even if Cui Yu was spreading the magic rice for free, how much could he spread?

He hired more than twenty waiters, each of whom could serve two hundred customers an hour.

Just a drop in the bucket!

We still need to find a way to replace the magic rice with ordinary rice. Cui Yu tapped his fingers on the table.

Cui Yu stopped the rice shop and thought about a solution.

He can transform the magic rice, but what should he do if there is no market?

Gong Nanbei was silent when he heard this: Do you have any idea?

Cui Yu was silent, and after a long time he said, There's nothing we can do.

He really had no choice, and things seemed to be at a deadlock.

Cui Yu was here thinking about ways to break the situation. In a certain restaurant, Yan Qu looked at the documents in his hand and listened leisurely to Ying Xiong's report:

Sir, Cui Yu's shop has stopped.

Really? It's as I expected. Cui Yu is not a fool, and we can't hide the news about our recycling of the God and Demon Rice from him. Yan Qu paused in his reading.

Sir, the other party's shop has stopped, what should we do next? Ying Xiong asked cautiously.

Our shop should also be closed. After all, rice and noodles are very precious these days. Yan Chuanping.

But if we close the rice noodle shop, what will happen if the other party reopens it? Ying Xiong said.

Then just reopen. Yan Channel.

What will the people think? Do they think we are teasing people in the lake? Teasing them? Ying Xiong said cautiously.

So what? People are all seeking profit. If I exchange three bowls of rice for their four bowls of rice, will they refuse? Yan Qu asked.

Of course I won't refuse. Ying Xiong replied directly without thinking.

Remember, we are not giving out free rice, but we are asking the people to take the magic rice and come to us to replace four bowls of ordinary rice. Those people can't get the magic rice, why should we replace it? Yan Qu cleverly stole After changing the concept, Ying Xiong was stunned when he heard it. He never expected that he could say something like this.

Moreover, Cui Yu is afraid that he will be in trouble. He suddenly stopped the supply of God and Demon Rice. How can those traders and lackeys who have been branded with chapters agree? I'm afraid they will gather together and cause trouble. Yan Qu pointed out something.

Making trouble? Ying Xiong was stunned when he heard this.

Do you think those traffickers and lackeys will go to the other party to pay for the branding? Yan Qu said with a smile.

Senior brother Gaoming, I will make arrangements now.

Ying Xiong was stunned for a moment, then quickly went downstairs to make arrangements.

Cui Yucai stopped for the second day and was practicing martial arts in the backyard. Suddenly he heard a series of noises in the distance, and then he saw the waiter running from the front yard: Boss, it's not good. Those carriage and horse bosses, traders and lackeys are here to cause trouble. , saying that we violated the contract and clamoring for rice.

Cui Yu frowned: Asshole. I've settled the accounts with them a long time ago? Do you still need to rely on me?

Now the bosses are all gathering outside to make trouble. The waiter was so anxious that his head was covered with sweat and his legs were trembling.

Cui Yu's eyebrows twitched: It's true that people's hearts are not enough.

We can't be too hard. After all, we will continue to advertise to old Confucian scholars in the future. Numerous thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind: Can I create a kind of rice that will turn into rice again as long as it is not eaten for seven or eight days? Stones. The Gongyang Academy has collected countless gods and demons rice, and they will all be smashed into their hands. Even if it is sold to a distant nobleman, when the nobleman realizes that he has been cheated, he will turn around and cause trouble.

Numerous thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind, and he told the waiter: Go and tell them that we have no rice for the time being, and we have to rely on the shopkeeper to restock it. It will take three to five days before the rice can be restocked. .”

After sending the waiter out, Cui Yu began to try to control the intensity, constantly trying to transform the God and Demon Rice, and turn the permanent transformation of the God and Demon Rice into a short-term effective one.

It's just that the time of material transformation needs to be controlled. Cui Yu said thoughtfully.

Time flies by

In the blink of an eye, it’s three more days

After three days of practice, Cui Yu finally found a way to control the time of material transformation and manifestation.

Junior brother, is there still a way? If you don't come up with a way, I'm afraid the writings on the carriages on the streets will be cleared away. Gong Nanbei hurriedly walked into the house.

I've thought of a way. Don't panic, senior brother. I'm sure Gongyang Academy won't be able to eat anything and walk away. Cui Yu took out the Qiankun bag and said to Gong Nanbei: Just wait and see the good show.

Cui Yu filled up the warehouse again, then walked to the front yard, looking out through the crack in the door at the deserted street and the closed shop opposite, with an intriguing look in his eyes: Is the shop opposite closed?

Reporting to the uncle, it was closed yesterday. The waiter said.

Cui Yu stroked his chin and asked the waiter: Tell the outside world that we will reopen.

The waiter was stunned when he heard this, and then he opened the door obediently without saying much.

Yanqu courtyard

Yan Qu is sitting in the small courtyard reading a book

Suddenly there was the sound of rapid footsteps outside the door, and Ying Xiong barged in from the door: Senior brother, it's bad! That Cui Yu actually opened the door again.

Is the door open again? Yan Qu was stunned and put down the book in his hand: What kind of rice are you selling?

It's still the same rice as before. Ying Xiong said.

Hearing Ying Xiong's words, Yan Qu was stunned: How could it be? It shouldn't be.

Go, bring me a bowl of rice. Yan Qu ordered.

Ying Xiong turned around and left,

Yan Qu turned his gaze and looked at Mizhu, whose eyes were a little dull. Since two days ago, Mizhu had become more and more demented. He often stood alone in the room and wandered around, looking particularly abnormal.

Brother Dao, you think there are any problems with Cui Yu's reopening this time? Yan Qu asked.

What? Mi Zhu turned his head blankly.

Cui Yu reopened this time, but what's the problem? Yan Qu asked.

What's the problem? Mi Zhu's eyes were dull.

We forced Cui Yu to close his shop before, but now he has reopened it. Could it be that we found a way to replace the magic rice with ordinary rice? Yan Qu's eyes showed a hint of worry.

After hearing Yan Qu's words, Mi Zhu categorically shook his head and objected: Impossible! Absolutely impossible! The mobilization of grain and rice in the world is all under the control of my Mi family. Cui Yu wants to replace the rice grain that feeds millions of people in Daliang City , there is absolutely no way to hide this from my Mi family.

Then how come he has the courage to open the door to sell food? Is it because he drank poison to quench his thirst? Yan Qu was puzzled.

Mi Zhu didn't answer, and the room fell into silence. After a while, Ying Xiong brought a bowl of rice. Yan Qu took the rice and brought it to Mi Zhu.

What did Taoist brother give me rice for? Mi Zhu looked at Yan Qu with dull eyes.

Brother Taoist, please identify whether it is the rice of gods and demons. Yan Chuan said.

Mi Zhu lowered his head and glanced at this:

That's right, it's Shen Mo Mi!

Is it exactly the same as the magic rice sold by Cui Yu a few days ago? Yan Qu asked.

Did Cui Yu open the door to sell magic rice again? Mi Zhu was stunned.

... Yan Qu was speechless.

Brother Dao, you have become more and more abnormal in the past half month. Yan Qu said worriedly.

Mi Zhu's eyes converged again and he looked at Yan Qu:

I also feel something is wrong, but I can't tell what is wrong.

If Brother Tao doesn't mind, I'd be willing to check it out for Brother Tao. Yan Qu looked at Mi Zhu.

Mi Zhu did not refuse.

Yan Qu used his magical power and was shocked the next moment:

Brother Dao, you have lost two of your three souls and seven of your six souls. You have been plotted against someone.

What? Mi Zhu was shocked when he heard this: It's impossible, I'm sitting here properly, who can steal my soul without me noticing?

Mi Zhu looked carefully and found that there was only one soul left in his body, and the other two souls and six souls were missing.

Who plotted against you? Stealed your soul? Yan Qu's expression changed drastically.

Cui Yu! Mi Zhu suddenly thought of the methods Cui Yu used that day and said without hesitation: It must be this person!

Damn bastard, how dare you steal my soul silently. If Brother Dao hadn't seen Duan Ning today, I would have died. Mi Zhu cursed angrily and wanted to stand up, but suddenly his feet gave way. , fell to the ground unexpectedly.

Brother Mi. Yan Qu quickly stepped forward and helped Mi Zhu up.

Brother Dao, save me! Brother Dao, save me!

Mi Zhu finally realized something was wrong at this time.

This is the beauty of the Seven Arrows. If you don't know the opponent's methods, you will die without knowing how.

Brother Dao, save me! Brother Dao, save me! It was Cui Yu who used his tricks to assassinate me! Go to Cui Yu's place quickly and help me snatch the scarecrow back. Mi Zhu was frightened.

What kind of scarecrow, please tell me clearly. Yan Channel said.

Mi Zhu didn't hide anything, and directly told the process of how Cui Yu cursed him.

Mi Zhu was really panicked now, and he was really scared.

He suddenly realized that now he only had one soul and one soul in his body, and he couldn't even use his magical powers.

The only hope now is Yan Qu.

How could he be willing to think that he, the majestic King Gou of Haojing, died inexplicably and aggrievedly in this mere Daliang City?

Yan Qu put his hands in his sleeves when he heard this, his eyes full of seriousness.

What can he do?

He has numb claws now too! Scared!

This is a rice pig!

The famous genius of Haojing died in such a wretched and cowardly manner?

Not to mention resisting, not even struggling!

Can he not be afraid?

He may not be as good as Mi Zhu.

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